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Chatty Member
Can someone send her the link to this tattle thread, maybe it will give her a wake up call.

If that was my baby she would be next to my bed.

Get her, her surgery already!!!!
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As much as she protests Erin loves being in hospital. Look at all the attention and fuss she’s getting. All the comments on her posts.

Her poor child is sick but all Erin wants to do is pick and pull apart everything and all of the medical care she’s getting. Paediatric nursing is such a difficult job and I always felt the kids were “easy” it was managing the parents that was difficult! Hoping Luella gets better soon. Must be distressing for her picking up on her mums negative energy.
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I don’t know how Erin “knows best” when she clearly doesn’t have a medical background… I understand the frustration because staff won’t sit and explain to you with diagrams for hours about why and how they’re doing what they’re doing. It’s not feasible or realistic. The people on her thread blowing smoke up her ass, saying Erin/ all mamas know best need to get a clue. They’re reading someone’s clearly one sided account who doesn’t seem to take any personal accountability for anything (Erin won’t make a call on surgery, Erin discharged her early) Epilepsy is not Luella’s fault or Erin’s fault… it just is. It’s not the health system’s fault either. The health system is trying to work with her to find solutions or management. It cannot promise cures. Erin would be the worst type of family for patients in hospitals because she is just so angry, she apportions blame to everyone else, but for someone who knows best- decided to discharge her daughter early and try and get antis for a viral illness… then schleps back because Luella is unwell.
When the surgery doesn’t solve all the problems and give Erin the perfect life she is entitled to, she’ll do what she always does. Whinge online for validation from an echo chamber.
NB: I am very sorry to the hardworking healthcare workers in here providing much needed context… as well as acknowledging how difficult work can be with these types of situations. ❤
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I know shaken baby syndrome can cause epilepsy and throwing Bub in the air can cause this affect. I am glad they don’t seem to be doing this w Tom. I always felt so uneasy the way they would throw her up in the air and she had no neck control etc. I always wonder if unintentionally of course that the epilepsy may have been cause by this. My brother has epilepsy and it was caused by one bad head knock. We were told everyone has the capacity to get epilepsy. Just one trauma to the head can cause it.

Aaaaahhh no. Let’s not start alluding to the parents being to blame for her condition. Let’s just not. We can not like Erin but she certainly didn’t cause her child’s condition, they believe it was to do with her brain for within in utero. She started showing symptoms at 4 months old when I would guarantee they weren’t throwing her in the air.
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I’ve had to unfollow and stop reading her captions. As a disabled person I am just heartbroken and disgusted at the ableism. Lu might not be old enough to comprehend it but without a doubt the feelings of coldness, being a burden, a disappointment will be felt in her body now.

Young children are so much more intuitive than some realize. What a lonely world. I can only hope one day she is able to find our community and access therapy and support. Fk me. My heart is just so heavy for her. To have a mother make a post about how your existence is a prison sentence.
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she doesn’t realise how good she’s got it. plenty of us exist doing 2-4 appointments a week for our disabled kids, given up our jobs and can’t even send our kids to childcare or be babysat. she wouldn’t cope at all! she has more help than the majority of us and she’s still behaving like this 🤮
Even putting disabilities aside, most people with multiple kids are running between activities! Even if it’s just trying to manage school pick ups on a regular day. Between specialist appointments and sports, we’ve got something on four afternoons a week and I’ve usually had to drag at least one sibling along with me.

If Lulu was the perfect, “normal” child Erin wants, she’d likely be in swimming lessons or dance classes or preschool and what would Erin be doing then? Throwing the baby in the carrier and getting on with it, like the rest of us 🤪
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Erin is a liability to any Doctor. She doesn’t get her way and then she accuses them of being negligent on social media. She’s ignored doctor’s recommendations in the past, refused surgery, played around with medication dosages at her will. She’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
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The nerve of this woman. Honestly. Her most recent post with the “run down” of events from the past few days.
The most shocking comments are of course that whenever she writes aboutLuella she immediately backs it up with how hard it is as a parent. And how parents should be treated better. 😡 it makes me so angry. No matter how long or frustrating a hosptial visit might be. The experience of the healthy, able bodied parent in no way should be compared to that of the patient child. I also felt like I had the opposite response to every twist and turn. (Eg. Girlfriend 1.5 hours is not long to wait for a urine catch at all- or am I just really bad at it)

Has she previously worked in PR or politics? Her ability to spin every decision she has made and make it the doctors fault is impressive whilst also being completely frustrating.

A big thank you to nurses or any other medical professionals, allied health etc that read here. I’m forever grateful for your expertise, care and kindness towards my child during his hosptial stays. And this insight into some of the parents you might have to come across is so shocking. I respect you all immensely and wish I could tell these peanut parents off for you.
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Chatty Member
Go Lu! We're cheering for her even if her mum isn't. She's making progress and asserting her preferences. Poor girl can't do anything right in her mums eyes
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Right so it’s a UTI. One of the reasons you shouldn’t give baths or share baths w younger siblings as easy to get from that warm environment and a non toilet trained sibling along w the bubbles… but Erin always knows it all. She does this all the time baits w what she thinks it can be and almost hoping it’s worst case scenario. I know Lu is unwell but so many traits of a mother with munchausen by proxy.. seems very attention seeking the baiting for the big reveal. It definitely boned me the ick.

Also blaming the steroids when in the past she has demanded steroids. The staff can never win with her. Now removing her consent for steroids…

And complaining about a shared room again….
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She honestly makes me fuuuuuume with rage and burning hot anger at the way she treats medical staff on line. Pediatric nurses have a high rate of sui$#÷e because of parents like Erin who watch and nitpick every tiny little thing they do. Nurses take carry the weight of their scrutiny and judgement and it effects them in such deep ways they start to believe they aren't good enough
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Chatty Member
Just when I was really empathising with Erin and thinking I had unfairly judged her...she goes and reminds me of why I took issue in the first place 😅.

As said above, if anyone is declining badly enough, you go to hospital and get the treatment. If you stay home, you're well enough to wait. Quite simple really.

I just don't get it...she wants the medication and MRI SO badly but won't do anything to actually get it?
She wants everyone to drop everything and put Lu on the list now.. now that she’s made the decision that she thinks is best, everyone needs to drop everything and do it. They aren’t so this is where we run into problems..

I know she doesn’t want to potentially spend Tom’s first Christmas with Lu in hospital, it’s shit. But so so many other families will be spending Christmas in hospital, facing the same agony.

whtat they’re asking you to do Erin isn’t unreasonable
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I do feel for Erin and can understand her frustration. She sees her daughter, she knows the signs acutely, no medical team will ever be that attuned to someone in that way. However to burn bridges and make it so much harder for herself and Luella seems like a surefire way to burnout. It’s not productive. I was surprised she went behind a neuro’s back and torched him on social media. It’s not like buying a product and you can go somewhere else and do customer complaints. It is a public system categorised by need. No one gets “better” care private or public, especially with such a rare condition.

Erin would do well to think about where her energy is focused. Even providing the constant updates by social media and arguing with people in comments is such a waste of energy. It’s not getting her an MRI quicker or a surgery date. She says she understands the clinical need for decisions. She seems to grasp some things and then not others. I just feel very sorry for her and her family.
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Complains about everything but can afford an interior designer. Erin does not know her privilege and that is the number one reason people find it hard to feel sorry for her.

I listened to that latest podcast today out of morbid curiosity and it’s all about her journey and her suffering and how people can’t relate to HER. Poor Lulu. Poor Dave. Poor everyone in her life
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With all of this what I struggle with is that this isn’t new with Luella. What exactly did she think was going to happen when they made a conscious decision to try for a second child. And now talking about a third. I don’t pretend to underestimate how difficult it must be, but they made a choice and choices have consequences. I just don’t get it.
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I just cannot imagine, as a mother, taking a photo of SOMEONE ELSE comforting my child after having a seizure. I mean thank god for Krystal, but wouldn’t you want to be the one cuddling, comforting and making sure your daughter is okay after that? As a mum I just can’t comprehend it
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Is the go fund me money going toward the new build?
I would assume so. I take so much issue with that go fund me. It was marketed to donors as financial support for surgery and that hasn’t happened and they’re still taking donations so it’s fraud.
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So bloody sad that she’s at home sick, while her entire family is out having a nice day without her. I could never leave my kids if they were sick, and my husband would never agree to do it. I just feel so sad for Lulu.. I thought her dad seemed like a really nice guy who puts her first, but now I wonder if he is worried to tip Erin over the edge so just goes along with what she wants. I just cannot imagine not having the surgery the medical professionals are recommending. I always see comments from people who went through with the surgery on her posts, and they all seem positive. I just don’t get it.
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