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Of course she’s happy with Chrystal today while you swan out for lunch with the favourite. She probably thinks Chrystal is her mum. Poor kid will be heartbroken when the funds dry up
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I just can’t with her anymore. It’s not like with other influencers where you can kind of lament how rubbish they are and have a laugh at how clueless or ridiculous they come across. This just feels sick, like she’s becoming so much more open about this divide in her life, where Luella is on one side and everything else is on the other - the good and the bad in her life. And it feels like we’re all enabling her or something. I don’t know how to articulate how I feel but I want to scream at her, at her husband, at her friends Rachel and Jade and Keira, that none of this is okay and they need to do something because those babies should not grow up in an environment where their mother is very happy to publicly announce they she hasn’t smiled since before they were born, or to go for lunch with one of them left home sick and suffering but post up about how ‘this’ is how it’s supposed to be. Like actually WTFFFFF
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One of her closest friends held her daughter as she died from a painful disease and then carried her to the morgue herself. That is grieving. Having a disabled kid isn't fucking grieving Erin. All she's grieving is the life and child she thinks she deserved. Luella is still here and her life is important and worthy
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Yep, and it looks like that is Chrystal holding Lu and Erin replying fk. So where is Erin again?
Most likely upstairs holding the baby like every other time Lu has a seizure 😥 What's wrong with putting the baby down to interact with Lu? I was very attached to my fourth baby and hated putting her down because she was my last and I wanted to saviour every moment with her but reality was I had 3 other kids (with ASD mind you) that needed their mum too. Since when is it even remotely ok to abandon your other children when a baby comes along? ESPECIALLY with a special needs child? She acts like Tom can't possibly live without her for 5 minutes or that he's glued to her and she can't possibly put him down and walk away from him for even a few seconds. Why couldn't she push Lu on the swing with Tom in the carrier? Why did she need to walk Tom around while the carer had Lu at the park? Since when can mums only look after one child at once? So many questions and so much disgust in this so called mother I can't even grasp any of it.
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Why does she keep showing the seizure videos? I think it’s for attention and sympathy. We know Luella has them and she keeps on show them. Give her some privacy. I agree take it offline.
“I can never get there on time not matter what I do”
Okay so don’t put her upstairs alone in the dark?

to me it sounds like she’s starting to justify sending her to a group home.
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If it was me, and particularly if I was formula feeding so knew the baby could be fed, I would hand that baby over to my husband to get him to sleep and comfort my seizing child. I do get what it’s like to have babies who are very clingy to mum, and mine have been mostly breastfed to sleep, but my older child would take precedence, if they were having a medical episode, over a baby who could be placed in a safe place. I will probably be crucified for saying this, but I can’t help but feel it eas a bit selfish of Erin not to attempt breastfeeding because she needed to be there for Luella, when it seems like she still has Tom in her arms most of the time. No issue whatsoever with formula feeding, it’s a great choice, but I thought Erin’s reasoning was she wouldn’t have time.
Yep… I get it… I did “contact parenting”… I was holding one or both all of the time (still am) but when one is having a medical emergency, the other gets put somewhere safe so you can attend to the poorly child… and yes re breastfeeding. She said she couldn’t manage it and manage Luella at the same time. Ok but you still aren’t managing Luella? Golden boy won’t starve or be traumatised for life if you have to put him down for a few minutes while she’s seizing. At this point she’s insufferable. I’m close to not even being able to hate follow anymore but I’m so invested in that little girl

Erin is waiting for LuLu to die, so she can get the sympathy of losing a child but will no longer have the burden of dealing with a disabled child who may grow into a disabled adult.

This is the reason she chooses not to get Lu her surgery.

She doesn’t want the burden of Lu into adulthood.
I’ve started to fear this too
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All of us Mums have spent numerous nights in hospital with our children…
I have never expected to sleep at all and never when admitted via emergency have I been in a private room. It’s all about your child getting the medical treatment they need. But once again Erin makes it all about her and once again has a victim mentality.
She is the definitely of a Karen.
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Chatty Member
Something she never got with Lu? What, unconditional love and joy in your baby? Because that's what the post and caption were about. How did Lu's seizures prevent her from having the beautiful baby bubble of love and joy with her newborn baby? It's fairly normal for first time mums to feel out of their depth and terrified with their new baby sometimes, that has nothing to do with Lu and her seizures.

This is what I mean about her account actually being really harmful. I was the epileptic child who had seizures from birth and I hate to think that my mum felt like Erin and didn't love me with that fierce intensity. When she has all these comments agreeing with her and validating her resentment of Luella it makes sick/disabled people question if our parents felt the same way when we were born. Is that the kind of "awareness" you're trying to raise Erin?
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I wonder, does Erin realise that most parents have been in hospital overnight with sick children, regardless of any special needs. Jesus, I wonder how she’ll go when she needs to take Tom to emergency and he is admitted, which come to think of it, has happened. Every single parent has wound up in the hospital, stop making it a thing about poor Lulu! I have spent the night in hospital with a 1 week old with suspected brochiolitis, it was fucking horrendous, I was recovering from a c section, wearing compression tights and completely unprepared to be admitted. I dealt with it. My husband stayed home with our almost 2 year old, I shared a room with a stranger and I had to set a three hourly alarm to be woken to go feed her. It happens regardless of any extra need your child has. All I felt was thankful that my baby got the best care free of charge. Be thankful you are in Australia, Erin. Be thankful your daughter is alive.
I wonder if it’s occurred to Erin that many children (without complex needs) also end up
In hospital for viruses
Snap! Didn’t see your comment before I posted mine.
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Wow is she actually getting the surgery? I actually found the entire post terribly sad and I really do feel for Erin, which more so than usual.
I feel for her as well, I don’t agree with everything she does.. but man.. it’s heartbreaking.
There are no winners in this situation, and honestly no right choice. It’s the unknown.
and fuck, if it doesn’t work.. what now?
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It’s really annoyed me how she’s made it out that the whole hospital is like this. It’s one ward and there would have been other options such as going to another ward but she was infectious. Yes it’s not ideal but unfortunately hospitals aren’t always design with every single situation and individual in mind. Also it’s about money Erin! If you had a problem with the lack of renovations. Donate some money to the hospital.
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& now that Tom is here, off Lu goes to daycare!
To be honest though, it may be the best thing for her. She deserves to have normal childhood experiences (like making craft, playdough etc) that Erin will never create for her bc disabled 🤦‍♀️
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No offense Erin.. but the daycare waiting lists are massive everywhere.

it’s not just you

Right?? I’m so overwhelmed with everything…

let me write a question box for validation
Right 🙄🙄
Erin, you aren't being discriminated against. Join the wait list with hundreds of other parents. I had my daughter on 8 wait lists for an entire year before we got a place.
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I totally get that the lack of sleep would compound all the other difficulties that family are experiencing - but she seems to have a very off idea of what little kid sleep is really like. We’re all having nights like that, every day for some of us. And yeah, it’s not as hard to get through a day on no sleep if your child is well, but it’s not amazing. And she seems to want to blame everything that goes wrong on the Epilepsy, when really the sleep and eating difficulties especially are just pretty standard challenges across the board for the ages her kids are. It drives me absolutely bonkers when she complains about these things as if she’s the only parent in the world dealing with them and no one else could possibly understand how difficult parenting can be and it’s all the fault of epilepsy and if Luella didn’t have it then everything would be fine and easy and perfect and her kids would sleep through the night and eat and she’d just be able to have the happy perfect life she deserves.
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe she’s on there saying yet again they haven’t listened to her and made very, very, very poor choices in regards to Lou.

Now please don’t think I’m a monster, but for the love of god Erin. Go to another ducking hospital if you are so dissatisfied with their treatment.

You took her on Monday because you wanted antibiotics, you then discharged Lu and went to the gp. Why didn’t your gp pick up on her symptoms and test her for Covid?

You then Re admitted her because she wasn’t in taking fluids, at this point it’s still not an emergency. It’s not good but you could have driven to westmead. Or any other public hospital, they would’ve then transported her if she needed it.

Why on earth would you go to a hospital you hate so much?

It’s taking everything I’ve got to not send that, and honestly. Erin, you are half the cause of why Lou isn’t getting treatment I’m shre
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Also, I’m not saying that mothers need to be martyrs, and yes I know Lu has two parents, but it better bloody be Dave at the hospital with Lu, and not Crystal. Not because there’s anything wrong with Crystal, but fucking hell, as a mother? If my child is the hospital (‘very, very, very unwell’) I do not leave. At all. Ever. Until my child is better. Like, what the hell?
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And now even more swing content and an explanation - trying to make it sound totally benign and like she was just curious and trying to better understand ‘public sentiment’ about these swings (wtaf) and then drops in at the end that there was a typically developing child, the mother didn’t see her blah blah blah. Her stories today ooze mean girl ‘I was just asking a question’ acting innocent but knowing exactly what she’s doing. Gross.
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I've only just joined up to tattle but I've been following Erin for a while and have been getting really frustrated with all the negativity. I can't imagine how hard it would be but at some stage she needs to find acceptance of her situation.

I think I remember Rachael trying to arrange meals or something for after the surgery to lessen the burden on Erin and her family. This was around the time of the GFM I think.
So I think Rachael arranged the GFM with good intentions of helping her friend and tried to be transparent about what the money was for.
It's not Rachael's fault Erin cancelled the surgery, and she had no control over the $$ once the money is transferred 🤷‍♀️

I've been praying for this little girl so much, I really hope Erin's inaction and indecisiveness around the surgery hasn't caused more harm to this little angel.
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Does Erin think neurotypical children are perfect and without any challenges? Honestly I find it the most frustrating when she bangs on about sleep and how Lu has bad nights with awake time. Many children are bad sleepers, also many neurotypical children go though periods of bad sleep. She blames EVERYTHING on epilepsy and honestly it shits me because 1) Lulu is a child who still goes through typical childhood things and 2) Erin is just a whinge arse and finds any reason and opportunity to have a good old complain about how crap her life is and how much SHE is suffering. I’m suffering just listening to her.
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She is just so vicious and aggressive and can’t wait to put the hospital on blast every time. Never acknowledges that she did the wrong thing by discharging Lu rather than waiting for a bed. Unless it’s changed I thought you had to declare if you or your child had covid symptoms before going to hospital and doctors. Erin doesn’t seem to care that Lu could have infected other children who could be severely immune compromised. She also isn’t wearing a mask and I am sure that is still mandatory in hospitals.
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