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Agreed. i feel terrible when i have had to film my son for his neurologist or therapists, and certainly would never dream of putting them online to my small private accounts or even sending them to a friend. have some damn respect for your own child!!
She keeps illustrating how none of this is about Lu. This is about Erin. This is about Erin and the horrible misfortune she’s been plagued with when all she wanted was an idyllic baby so she could show her followers what a perfect life she has. Her children are simply a prop for her. As stated above, she steals Lu’s dignity and privacy constantly and she uses this precious child as currency for her own need for attention.

Unfortunately that’s not even the worst of it. She is refusing this baby the medical treatment that is required for her to have any relief from the constant torture she endures. It’s abusive. It makes me wonder if Erin has a form of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.
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View attachment 1493060
So Chrystal was bathing her? Why was she face down? Are you implying you would not have got her out lightning fast yourself?
And there it is! She’s as predictable as the sunrise. “But I can’t say I didn’t wish the circumstances were different.” Yeah, we know. We all know how much you wish things were different because you never miss a single chance to tell us. She never lets the opportunity pass to center the narrative on herself and be the martyr. This woman needs to get off of social media and get into intensive psychotherapy.
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It actually makes perfect sense Erin. According to you, Lulu’s condition has drastically declined. So maybe they need check that she can handle it? Maybe they need to monitor her as she has it? Maybe they’re worried about side effects? The drug is apparently in short supply, so they’re not giving it out like candy and need to assess her eligibility. You want the MRI so you need to be at the hospital anyway?! Stop seeing everything as a fight and I promise you you’ll be a slightly less miserable person and may actually be able to think more clearly and make rational decisions for your precious daughter.
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Meanwhile they have gofundme money but also have the money to build a new house?! In this economy!? And she’s got nothing in life to smile about….but she’s getting a brand new house?! There are people right now who are homeless due to the housing crisis, can’t put food on the table, can’t pay their bills…she has a beautiful family, a home, a brand new home in the works. And yet nothing to smile about. Grow up, Erin, and get some perspective
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I wonder where Erin’s end game is here… keep up this resisting the system, not trusting doctors or Western Medicine and then conceding when Luella deteriorates to a point of no return and then attempting surgery?

I feel so much for Luella and just want to wrap
Her up in love. It’s so hard to watch now, the huge disparity between the way she speaks about Tom and Lulu. I’m unfollowing and I hope other people do too. Blind Freddy can see what’s going down
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Her post is unbelievable. Poor Lulu. I don’t understand the people reading it and posting supportive comments still, like how can they possibly think that’s ok to say?!
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after a long winded rant about geelong cats we end up here - the yummy mummy and golden boy show


Yes yes you should



Me me me me me


We just do. If Luella didn’t have epilepsy, and she was like… hmm let’s say climbing on the back of sofa and fell breaking her wrist, are you gonna leave her there crying while the baby refuses to nap? No. You’re gonna put the fucking baby down and let him cry for a few minutes while you tend to the child who is seriously hurt. You stupid cow.


the alternative that we have and you don’t hun is perspective and attitude. You treat Luella like the bottom of the totem pole and it shows. Your ableism shows. Your victim complex shows. Your ego shows.


Join the fucking club. Some of us actually have it objectively worse than you. We get up carry on with it and don’t cry on Instagram stories for attention and money. Good thing you’ve got Luella’s epilepsy to pay for your Pilates classes with golden boy tommy and your new house. I can only hope tom grows up and adores his big sister, because lord knows she isn’t getting the unconditional love she deserves from you or Dave


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fuck sake Erin, why don’t you do it next time then?
How rude is she ?! Asking for someone skilled ? She would be there telling them what to do and how to do their job… they all must dread having to deal with her. She is a nasty piece of work..
If Erin did the right steps and didn’t retract consent for this and that Lu wouldn’t be in hospital still
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Chatty Member
Just makes my blood boil that she had a gofundme for surgery that turned into being used for who knows what?!? They get NDIS funding for Chrystal etc. what have they used the gofundme money on? The privilege is ridiculous. To boast about using an interior designer to build their house? I assume Sydney? Millions it would cost.
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Another NAPA session with no sign of Erin. I notice Chrystal is filming for Erin to have content for her stories now though. Continuing to have engagement with her followers without actually needing to engage with her child 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I see so many people with disabled children, terminally ill children and children with cancer. These parents all take it in their stride and just get on with it.

Erin has been nothing but selfish, aggressive and anti establishment. She blames vaccines for Luella’s condition and hates anything to do with doctors/hospitals.

In the end the only person who is suffering is Luella.

I feel so incredibly sad for that little girl.
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What an honest, vulnerable post and honestly it explains so much about the behaviour she has been exhibiting and so criticised for. I can't even imagine any of it. The decision, watching your child go through that, I have no idea what would go through my head faced with that. It's easy to have opinions and criticise from a purely rational place when you have no skin in the game. it's the right decision, she just had to get there herself. I really hope it makes a significant difference.
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I've really noticed Erin has pulled back and changed her tune HEAPS in the last few weeks. I wonder if the online speculation has hit too close to home for her. Most of the stuff about Lu has now been positive and there seems more of a balance in including content with Tom and Lu. Wondering when she will hurry up and fill us in on all the vague drama she alluded to a week ago.

(I love that its not been overwhelmingly negative posting about Lu, but I'm sceptical that her mindset has actually changed vs tailoring her content for the court of public opinion)
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I feel bad for anything I said about Erin. Yes she’s said some problematic stuff but I really cannot imagine being in her position at the moment. I think the majority of the frustrating things she has posted about Luella and her epilepsy has just been out of pure desperation and anxiety. I hope Lu’s surgery goes as well as it possibly can and has a successful outcome 🤍
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About the swing - not all disabilities are visible, as Erin would/should know. My son needs the ‘disability swing’ because though he can sit and walk independently, and looks ‘normal’ (cringe using that word) he does not have purposeful use of his hands, and has extremely poor safety awareness (intellectual disability). So she would see him in the swing and probably give me the evil daggers, not knowing he is disabled also and has just as much right to it as Lu.
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It’s actually so upsetting to see Erin describe this fantasy world of what she thinks “normal” or “typical” children should do. Even Tom is not going to live up to the complete perfection she expects, and wants from her children. I was beyond sad reading the Father’s Day post last night. Children don’t OWE parents a perfect morning because it’s Father’s Day or a perfect first sibling meeting. They don’t owe you perfect - they don’t owe you anything . You chose to bring them it to this world and the pressure on little Tom is going to be huge. He got RSV at two weeks old and she just couldn’t believe she had “two sick children”.
It’s quite unsettling watching this unfold and I hope there’s some intervention soon and Erin gets the support she needs. She’s going to create massive trauma for her children otherwise. It’s never too late to make a change.
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Yes nurses are adults but that doesn’t mean we’re not affected when we cop abuse about things that are out of our control. I see it all the time, people having a go at nurses because they’re frustrated at their doctors. It’s not ok, whether we can ‘handle’ it or not.
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