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So book the surgery in you fucking idiot!!
“Our quality of life atm is pretty dim”
Whaaat?! No, your daughter’s* quality of life!
Every time I see one of Erin’s posts it makes me that much more grateful to have grown up with unconditional love and support from my mum. I can’t imagine how different life would’ve been if I didn’t have that, and it breaks my heart to see that lack of unconditional love here. Erin should be her biggest cheerleader and advocate. Who’s looking out for Lu in all of this?

I think there’s a lot to be said for having a positive influence around you and wonder what impact Erin’s absenteeism (physically and emotionally) has had on Lu. Thank god for Chrystal.

I just cannot fathom a parent feeling so hard done by when their child is suffering like that. She’s so narcissistic it’s not funny.
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Have legit just joined to put my two cents in after seeing her most recent post on her stories of Luella’s seizure.
Firstly I am so sorry for what this precious girl endures. The clip is so jarring and bought tears to my eyes. I cannot bear to imagine what she goes through every day which is why I cannot fathom why the truck her mother and father don’t pull their fingers out and try the hemispherectomy. It makes ZERO sense to me. She has a very poor quality of life which will
only become worse over time. You are out of alternate options. The hemispherectomy may give her seizure freedom so you have to try. Erin has her perfect baby now so she doesn’t care? Where is Dave? Man up for Pete’s sake and do something. I initially followed and read and watched on with great empathy but now… Erin you’re a mess mate. Take it offline. Help your daughter.
Why does she keep showing the seizure videos? I think it’s for attention and sympathy. We know Luella has them and she keeps on show them. Give her some privacy. I agree take it offline.
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Little Miss Influenza

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I first called Erin out here when she blasted on her stories what I thought was a supportive comment from a follower. I was told on here that she can grieve how she wants to which apparently meant she could say and do what she wanted. Since then I haven't followed her because I don't think just because you're grieving you get to be mean. I know hurt people hurt people etc but it just didnt sit well with me.

Anyway, since then, and more so since Tom's arrival, I think she is more unhappy with Lu than ever. She used to write with love and pain but now I just see everything about Lu being a burden.

I probably can't articulate this well but it's almost like she hasn't accepted Lu's diagnosis. The absolute constant mention of '...but epilepsy ruined that', 'seizures ruined today', epilepsy is really all consuming for her. And maybe it is for other parents too, I'm grateful to not know but the other people I follow with children with illnesses and disabilities it's just a part of their life, doesn't take away every bit of joy. I think she needs a lot of therapy to grieve the life the wanted and accept the life she has.
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This is the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen a mother write. I don’t even know what to say. I’m heartbroken for that little girl. How can any mother write those words? Even if she really felt like that, why would she ever feel the need to tell the world? I am so shocked.
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Came here to say exactly the same thing!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Look at your daughter struggling
.... surely that's your clear sign Erin .... doesn't get much clearer than that. Fucks me off she's swanning off for "me time" when poor sweet Luella is struggling and deteriorating waiting for her mother to sign on the dotted line. Erin wake the fuck up. All mum's obviously need me time but when you come online to moan epilepsy has ruined it... expect some backlash. Luella's days are all spoiled by her condition. Give her the best chance at a better life. What the fuck are you waiting for!!!!
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Erin’s latest post. Like seriously. She’s carrying on she was never told if they didn’t get surgery asap it could be too late? Even I know that information and I’m not Luella’s mum. Like what? 🤯 Yet again trying to put the blame on medical professionals.
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Erin has truly abandoned Lu. She’s written her off imo and Tom is her family now. She’ll have another child because she wanted 2 kids and Lu doesn’t ‘count’. I feel so awful for Luella. Despite her condition she knows her parents and I can’t imagine how it feels for her to have so little affection from her mother.

I’m so glad they found crystal so Lu can feel loved and cared for but disgusted that this is what it took for Lu to find someone who delights in her. You can tell Erin’s parents love Luella too, how do they all stand by and let her give up on her daughter? It’s revolting.

from her posts she clearly had pretty bad ppd after Luella but it feels like she blames Luella and her disability for that instead of recognising it and getting help.
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Does she expect them to call an anaesthetist to their bedside every time Lu needs bloods? 🤨

I'm sure her breathing down their neck while they are trying to do it isn't going to increase the chances of them getting it. She does Lu such a disservice.

The way she bangs on you would think she is the only difficult child in the hospital to get blood from. Forget about all the transplant/cardiac/metabolic kids who get poked and prodded every week. Lu is the most difficult of them all and therefore should have an anaesthetist on call.

Imagine being that poor nurse who accidentally woke Luella up whilst just trying to do her job. Earth to Erin, if Lu didn't have an NG tube she would be getting woken up to take the medicine like ALL the other children.
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It’s so hard because we’re all just trying to do the right thing by our children but surely Erin doesn’t think the dr is actually sitting there going “how can I make lu suffer more?”
In my experience its actually the children with difficult parents who get 'all the things'. Sure, nobody wants to go near them at risk of being abused or getting locked in a cyclical argument, but the children themselves don't get blacklisted. They usually get whatever the parent wants because, despite being told otherwise, they won't accept the opinion. For example when the doctors recommended a hemispherectomy in NSW and Erin went down to RCH in Victoria for another opinion. Another example when she had genetic testing and it showed nothing and the doctors told Erin there was no point in doing comprehensive genetic testing. So she strongly argued for this and voila got extremely time consuming and expensive genetic testing that got sent to America. Showed nothing. Other kids out there with this condition aren't getting this...

I want to add that in no way am I saying you shouldn't strongly advocate for your child. But there has to be a balance of fighting when you think there has been a disservice vs accepting the medical opinion of specialists who have been in the field for multiple decades.
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Yes sorry I should’ve clarified

I think because it’s not an isolated incident it made me cranky but because it’s not I didn’t word it right 🤦🏼‍♀️
That’s okay, I knew what you meant.

I hope this comes across in the right way, because I absolutely do not say this with judgement towards anyone’s feeding choices, but is it usual for formula fed bubs to be super Velcro to mum? I was under the impression one of the reasons that Erin chose not to breastfeed was so that she could have more freedom to be there for Luella, but it seems like she has Tommy on her all the time, anyway.
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Can we please just stop with making out like everyone with HG is lying. Have you had it? After reading all the comments here, I certainly won’t be sharing that I get HG if I ever have another baby. You have no idea the damage you are doing to sufferers who are continually told they are just weak, should try ginger, are faking it because they dared to have an okay hour or two while heavily medicated. I so sick of it.
Idk I personally can't comment on the above circumstance because I didn't see the story, but you have to admit filming and posting yourself being sick is a bit eyebrow raising and cringey.

This is coming from someone triple medicated my entire HG pregnancy. I personally feel more victimised by the mass amounts of people now claiming to have HG and trivialising just how horrific it is for those who actually have it.
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I don't think it's OK, I just don't think it's sooooooo terrible, in the scheme of things -- and I'm sure the nurse didn't go home and cry about it, like you seem to be.
How do you know she didn't go home and cry about it or complain to a loved one about someone yelling at her at her place of work when she was just doing her job?? Many health professionals are burnt out and suffering poor mental health.
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Her latest post, gosh, I have seriously been a doubter of Erin, her love for Lu, her motives, her attitude, but this latest post truly reads like a broken woman, having tried everything she could, now the surgery. I honestly wish them well, I hope it’s a way forward for Lulu, because it sounds like things have been very bad for her.
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Way to belittle others. Who are these people she speaks of with perfect lives? The life she describes of "other" parents sounds like a very small bubble of rich inner-city Western mothers with very conventional families and dynamics- but that's probably all she knows because she's clearly spoiled and out of touch, which is why she was shocked beyond words when her yummy mummy dreams were crushed.

Erin, my mother had a child with severe grand mal epilepsy. She also lived in a council estate and worked 2 jobs and certainly didn't have parents, husband and a nanny or a gofundme to help her out. There are parents in tiny villages of developing countries who don't know what is happening to their child, let alone access to information and medical care. To them your life seems perfect and desirable. Not to say Erin doesn't have problems and trauma, but the constant competing for first place in the hardship olympics just proves how selfish she is.
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So Erin wanted to isolate from Lu, but was more than happy to go out yesterday and look at house plans with tom and Dave, then having lunch at a pub???
Am I just being petty??
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Is she serious? Without surgery, Luella WILL end up in a wheelchair. She WILL be fully dependent on someone to provide her with 24/7 care. For the rest of her life. Surgery is the only hope of stopping the seizures, and Erin refuses to consent to it. And yet she's saying things like 'IF Lu needs a wheelchair.' I can't with this woman. I know there's no point, but I feel like someone in her life needs to make a FACS report for neglect.
The if in her sentence isn’t “if she ever walks” it’s “if she dies”

I’m blunt as an axe and that’s what I feel she’s saying.
It strongly comes across that she’s just waiting for and wanting her to die so she can go on with her “perfect” new life.
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Yes, let's all go out and check out the new house plans leaving our sick daughter at home. We may as well go out for lunch and wine whilst we are at it! We can even discuss this is how our life should have been in her absence 👌
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This is so awful that I don’t even have words.

I’ve always had huge empathy and compassion towards Erin and for a long time I really felt that I couldn’t judge her for the way she expresses her grief for Lulu. But reading that, it really brings home how much the grief she is expressing is not for Lulu herself but for Erin and what she feels has been denied to her as a mother because of epilepsy.

It is not okay to put it out there publicly that you’ve never known the love of motherhood before when you already have a child - a beautiful, deserving child who is disabled through no fault of her own. It is one thing to feel grateful that you’ve had a better postpartum experience than your first. It sounds like Erin had PND with Lulu even prior to her epilepsy diagnosis. Many, many mums have a difficult time with the reality of a newborn, especially in our society that does not adequately support new parents or uphold realistic expectations around infant behaviour. So many women have birth trauma, and it’s real. Erin isn’t at fault if she struggled in her first postpartum. But she IS at fault if she refuses to get help for it because it is obviously still affecting her. She also needs to recognise that as awful as Lulu’s epilepsy is, even with a typically developing child, she may have not had a great postpartum. She seems to think parents of typical children have only good experiences. I don’t pretend to know what it’s like to be in her shoes, but all of us, if we are to be good parents, have to accept the children we have and their struggles. We don’t have to like the struggles, but we have to be able to see our children as worthy regardless. It feels like Erin can’t see the daughter she has, only the daughter she “should” have.

I had quite bad postnatal anxiety with my first, who had feeding difficulties and question marks over his health, and who was born while I was living isolated overseas while my father fought terminal cancer. I am not proud of the way I felt at certain points in his first 12 months or so. My anxiety made me feel like a bad mother and I questioned whether I should have become one. It was awful. And I am grateful that my second postpartum experience has been easier, even with some of the same struggles, because I was much more relaxed and confident with more realistic expectations. But I cannot even fathom saying what Erin has. My first made me a mother and taught me that I can endure even when it feels impossible — he is the one who showed me the scale of love a mother can feel. Erin really, really needs better therapy so that she can connect with Lu.

Erin has truly abandoned Lu. She’s written her off imo and Tom is her family now. She’ll have another child because she wanted 2 kids and Lu doesn’t ‘count’. I feel so awful for Luella. Despite her condition she knows her parents and I can’t imagine how it feels for her to have so little affection from her mother.

I’m so glad they found crystal so Lu can feel loved and cared for but disgusted that this is what it took for Lu to find someone who delights in her. You can tell Erin’s parents love Luella too, how do they all stand by and let her give up on her daughter? It’s revolting.

from her posts she clearly had pretty bad ppd after Luella but it feels like she blames Luella and her disability for that instead of recognising it and getting help.
Agree with this. I actually think she probably still has PPD and it’s manifesting in her not being able to bond with Luella. She can’t seem to see that the way she feels about Luella is not normal, even with her having epilepsy.

And what if Lu needs you

what if she wants to sleep on you.

no way you’d do that. FFSSSSS IM SO ANGRY
I wouldn’t have had an issue with this part of her post if she’d followed it up by saying “if only I had done the same with Lu”. Isn’t that the more normal way to think? Lots of mums are more relaxed with their second babies and end up contact napping etc after being strict with their first babies because they think they are supposed to follow all the sleep training rules, but usually those mums end up feeling sad that they didn’t do the same with their first babies. I did contact nap and cosleep with my first but I know I regret that I got stressed out that I was doing the “wrong thing”. Erin seems to be more saying that she missed out on all that with Lulu because of Lulu.
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It's been mentioned before but I really don't understand how some of the friends Erin has made through insta (my life of love, heart of harper etc) manage to stay friends with her. These ladies have lost their babies and whilst it would be sooo incredibly challenging to have a child like Lu, surely it must feel like rubbing salt in the wound when all Erin does is complain about the burden Lu is on her life.
Also with her anti-vax stance and disdain for medical personnel/medication.
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