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I don’t understand, after so long dealing with Lus seizures. Why is it they scream and such when she has one? I’ve seen other families with children who have seizures who stay so calm in the situation, keep a level head and make sure their child is tended to.

It sounds like they had a lovely day but Erin let one seizure ruin it. She needs mental health help.
And blow on her face every time. I don't know why she keeps doing that.
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Far out, that story about the neuros email re her going behind his back to get a prescription. To make an appointment with the GP would have taken much less time than going behind his back and antagonising him. If the peadiatric neurologist community is so tight knit, why push them and alienate them so you have trouble finding doctors who will go above and beyond for you if you need it?

She’s driven by anger and gosh it’s so unhelpful in many respects. Almost makes things worse for Luella.
Posting the neurologists email just makes her look bad? Not him. So weird
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Chatty Member
It’s @empathic_mamahood. I don’t think her daughter was brain damaged from the home birth, it was more that she didn’t get any scans during pregnancy which would have picked up that her daughters brain wasn’t forming properly. When she was around 12 weeks or so they discovered most of her brain was missing :-( The mother does seem to somewhat listen to medical advice now as the little girl has had multiple surgeries, but currently seems to be promoting some MLM ‘healing’ hmm! I think the lack of scans was ill advised, but she does seem to really love her daughter and willing to do whatever they can for her (unlike Erin). Her quality of life must be pretty awful though.
I went for a stalk this morning and came to similar conclusions. Nowhere near as disgusting as Erin! obviously i don’t follow the other account, so happy to be corrected or brought up to speed, but reading through her posts and what she writes and the photos she shares of her little girl, i agree with what you have said. I think Erin takes the cake for being neglectful and hate filled towards poor Lu 😢
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My heart breaks for Erin and Dave i had no idea lu had declined so much 😢 i guess she had to come to the terms with the fact she tried first and nothing will help, she just didn't want feel like she failed her but and surgery will be her only hope. 😞
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You tragically have a direct experience of 2 tragic situations to compare, and I’m so sorry for that. Your child is lucky to have you.

I grew up with a severely ******** brother, and for anyone to say my parents or anyone in my family not to have feelings of grief about what could have been is out of order. Everyone is entitled to their feelings. You might not like how she communicates her feelings on social
Media, but she can grieve- and she is grieving so that’s her reality and you can’t invalidate anyone’s feelings because you don’t think it’s appropriate.

ANYHOO bowing out of this thread now as clearly it’s a bit triggering.
Thank you and sorry about your brother.

I think the triggering thing for me is her post about the grief being about death when Lulu is very much alive.
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Thank you for being receptive to hearing about my experiences. It’s hard to explain but it’s incredible what you can get almost “used to” after a while. With each pregnancy, I’ve been shocked after my baby has been born to realise just how sick I still was in the third trimester. You nearly get used to feeling horrendous all the time and compared to what HG sufferers call the “death zone” (usually the first trimester far into the second), it can seem “normal”, until you no longer feel sick. Lots of HG mums refer to being medicated to the point of somewhat functioning as being “fluffy”, so it’s not uncommon to reach that point at some time in the pregnancy. For me it tends to get worse again in the late third trimester. I’d have days where I could push myself a bit and others where I couldn’t move.

I found judgement was worst from other mums. They’d compare to their own pregnancies and assume I was just weak or lazy or making it up for attention. So I’d vacillate between sharing as I desperately wanted support and just trying to appear like I was coping. Pregnancies after the first are worse because a lot of people think you’ve brought it on yourself because you knew you’d probably have HG. And while I guess that’s an element, it feels really unfair when everyone else you know can choose to have a baby without having to go through absolute hell with sickness (I know lots of people deal with other fertility and pregnancy issues).

Keira’s first baby had the exact same due date as my girl and I chatted to her a few times so I guess because of that I feel confident that she is not making her HG up. I just wish the default wasn’t to doubt people. I’m sure there are some influencers jumping on a bandwagon but for me personally having it spoken about has made me feel less alone. And if it helps some mothers to realise that their sickness is not normal, great.
Fellow multiple HG survivor here too! There’s an amazing Australian charity you should follow (if you don’t already). Thank you for sharing your experiences so openly - I find it so comforting reading about other HG stories because I feel less alone in mine.
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I agree.. and I wonder how many people commenting why hasn't she just had it done yet have had to consider the same choice for their kids. I haven't and I think if put in the same situation I would also be like Erin and trying other options given the chance of success is what 50/60%.
Yeah I agree. People also only see a portion of the whole story, granted through the eyes of a mother who is in a world of pain. Aren't we lucky we arent in the same situation faced with such an awful choice.
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I was incapacitated even on meds for the first 20 weeks during my HG pregnancies. I couldn’t eat and would lose a good 8-10 kg just in the first couple of weeks and more I’m the weeks after. It was horrendous. But I was fortunate that the vomiting would ease for me by around 20 weeks (to once or twice per day) as long as I remained medicated and even though I still felt horribly nauseated every single second of the day, I could push myself to participate in life a little bit. I can’t tell you how many times I vomited behind bushes in parks or in shopping centre bins etc, but by my second pregnancy I had a toddler who needed me and had already missed so much during the early weeks. I still had HG. I know some poor mums for whom the sickness remains at a constant level the whole pregnancy, but I don’t know why women’s suffering has to be at the absolute extreme to get empathy. It’s still horrific to be so sick for so long. I certainly had people who only saw my face full of make up and the fact I was this tiny pregnant woman (due to weight loss) in the later weeks and would comment on how great I looked. But my body was shattered and emotionally I was a mess. So I am inclined to have an open mind. I agree videos of being sick are a little on the nose, and I wouldn’t do it, but then I’m not an influencer.
Thanks for sharing. I lean towards believing them for the most part and this is some interesting insight, shows that some can suffer immensely and still appear to be managing, I guess we see a small snapshot plus these women live in a different world where events and appearances are work. Just because they aren’t as sick as Martha (or someone else’s personal experience) doesn’t mean they don’t still suffer a lot.

I hadn’t heard of HG until Kate Middleton experienced it (a long time ago now obviously) and some people around me had odd reactions to it, usually based on their own experiences of morning sickness being mild so therefore anything else was overly dramatic. So anything that raises some awareness and understanding is good I feel, we shall see if it reduces the perception of suffering, as obviously this would be bad.
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Chatty Member
Aaaaahhh no. Let’s not start alluding to the parents being to blame for her condition. Let’s just not. We can not like Erin but she certainly didn’t cause her child’s condition, they believe it was to do with her brain for within in utero. She started showing symptoms at 4 months old when I would guarantee they weren’t throwing her in the air.
I’ll snark on Erin but I do not believe she caused Lu’s condition and as a parent of a child that has a condition.. I blame myself everyday, even if I know it’s not my fault and I’m sure she does too..

She’s hinted it happened prior to her birth but we know she’s hinted it was caused by her vaccines and didn’t get Tom done because of it
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Part of me thinks that if she did read here she’d mention it in a story. She’s put people in her DMs on blast before and she strikes me as the kind of person who would be so self righteous and indignant about the existence of this forum, and so sure that she’s a victim and in the right that she’d have a go about it. She also doesn’t seem well-adjusted enough to let it not get to her - so the fact that we haven’t seen that makes me think she maybe doesn’t know about it.
I don’t think so only because she wouldn’t want people reading this stuff especially the stuff about GFM money
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Chatty Member
Does Lu have bacterial meningitis? She must be so sick, why is Erin wasting her time updating her followers? Just terrible all round.
So far she’s tested positive for RSV and Covid, but they’re waiting on the results for meningitis but in saying that Erin also said they may have been told the reason earlier today and were waiting on confirmation so it may not be meningitis
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Well-known member
Here it is:

This page seems more specific that the donations are to go towards hiring a nurse to look after Luella after surgery.

What isn't noted is that Erin was pregnant when the surgery was meant to happen so the nurse was needed as it would have been physically hard for Erin to look after Luella (obviously not the case now).

The GFM hasn't been updated since February to note that the surgery isn't happening, and the money is being spent on a support worker instead.
No, that wasn’t noted in the update you’ve posted, but I think it was made pretty clear in the original blurb in the GoFundMe that the money was for a nurse for the times when Erin and Dave felt they needed it, not just for the surgery. I am as critical as others here of Erin for delaying the surgery, but I don’t think it was ever said that the money would only be used for a support worker IF the surgery happened. I don’t think Rachel had any idea the surgery would be delayed when she posted that update. I do agree that it would be appropriate to post a further update saying the surgery has been postponed indefinitely and the money is being used for a support worker regardless, and that they are grateful, but I’d guess most donors know that since they follow either Rachel or Erin. Personally I don’t have a huge issue with the money being used on Chrystal because Luella obviously is getting so much from her. Look at the video of her and Chrystal with the carrot and the horse.
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