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She will never be satisfied. She’s so angry and so bitter and just sees everything as a personal fight against her. The Neurologist has said “come to the hospital and we will assess her for the medication and try our best for an MRI.” Anyone else would start packing their bags and heading in, but all Erin wants to do is fight about it. While I can appreciate how stressful and upsetting seeing your child like this must be, it would do her a world of good to stop seeing everything as a fight. The reason the Drs told her to have the surgery in the first place was because they knew she would only decline, but Erin thought she knew better and tried to cure her with CBD oil. She just seems to be in this constant rage of wanting to fight with every medical professional, and it helps absolutely no one. Lulu is the sweetest little darling and I wish her mother would actually properly advocate for her well-being, by following and respecting medical advice, instead of just being in a constant angry, bitter rage at the world. What does she even mean by “or don’t come, and get no help.”? Would she like a home visit from the Neurologist? Would she like a team of Drs and nurses to come to her house and run all the necessary tests? Perhaps they could bring the MRI machine into their backyard? What does she mean? Of course you have to bring her in to the hospital to get help wtf.View attachment 1810814
Sounds like she really respects the Neuro… would hate to see what she’s like when she doesn’t respect someone.
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I was wondering if they would get put in a 4 bedder room 😆 you can bet shes already had words. But also would put money on her not disclosing that Lu has covid symptoms. So hopefully its not covid...just spread it around in your 4 bed bay.
I thought this too… if she is has flu / covid symptoms she really shouldn’t be having the EEG.

Really over her posts wanting special treatment all the time….
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Just look at this beautiful family. They had no say in the hand they’ve been dealt. But this family has been so incredibly gracious. Their baby boy is riddled with cancer. I’ve never once seen them whinge or whine.

Erin needs to wake up to the fact that she’s incredibly lucky to be where she’s at.
Oh gosh it really breaks your heart 💔
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You know what I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out if it was forward facing because I was convinced he was 🙃🫠

She’d tell us “trolls” to mind our own business.

Erin. Rear facing saves lives
Yep me too, I thought maybe it was just the angle of the photo but that window behind his head is a small rear window 😓
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Apparently she was in labor for three days and didn’t seek hospital help, and baby was starved of oxygen. But yes she also didn’t get one scan. She did the same with second child which is crazy. I used to think she was quite loving etc but went on a deep dive 😂
And a lot of forums bring attention to some disturbing things. Really sad for little girl regardless.
Oof I just went down a rabbit hole on this one. You’re right it is pretty disturbing! I hadn’t read a lot of that detail before. She may be loving but sounds incredibly misguided (to put it politely) all to the detriment of her kids ☹
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I don't think it's meningitis, but her CRP 240 and white cells 27 makes me think that shes still has something bacterial going on. Either way she should really have an idea by now because it's been more than 48 hours for the results to come back
1000% being a medically complex child they would’ve also rushed the results incase it was something sinister like that!
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The poor nurse. If she is admitting she lost it at the nurse I bet it was full on. She does have quite the temper. I doubt if there was the medication available that the doctors wouldn’t be giving Lu access to it.

I know shaken baby syndrome can cause epilepsy and throwing Bub in the air can cause this affect. I am glad they don’t seem to be doing this w Tom. I always felt so uneasy the way they would throw her up in the air and she had no neck control etc. I always wonder if unintentionally of course that the epilepsy may have been cause by this. My brother has epilepsy and it was caused by one bad head knock. We were told everyone has the capacity to get epilepsy. Just one trauma to the head can cause it.
I'm sure the nurse wasn't that phased, it was over the phone, too -- so save your pity, she's an adult.
Also the inference in your comments is appalling and so naive. The top layer of Luella's brain didn't develop properly in utero. Cortical dysplasia. No head knock can cause this condition. Obviously, a brain trauma can cause myriad conditions (and death), but this is not the case here. You should edit your comment in case Erin reads it -- it is so horrible.
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Hmmm. Non responsive, no smiles, severe deterioration, but smiles come for the Neptune blanket ad.
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Poor Lu. Erin sounds so scared, my husband has epilepsy and it’s terrible to watch a seizure. I can’t imagine it being my child, it’s horrific.
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Jessi and Millie would so have opinions as well since Millie is such an amazing advocate for all minorities including those with disabilities, and have approached their child’s delays so tactfully and respectfully. She has said they need to hear more from the individuals and not their families, but that there is still a place for the latter. Basically the opposite to Erin in every way. I’m sure she is happy being friends with her and sympathises but no way is she totally fine with the stuff Erin posts. But she’s so nice and open minded that maybe she respects Erin’s choice.
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I feel like surely Erin is up to the last paediatric neurosurg doctor in Sydney. I dont think this is a bridge she can burn 😬
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Nope. I have a child with a disability and I lost my husband 8 months ago. The only grief I have for my child with the disability is that he is only 5 and will grow up without his Dad. The grief for what he misses out from not having his Dad and what my hubby misses out on not seeing any of his kids grow up. There is zero grief for my child have a disability. But the grief from losing my husband is unbearable most of the time. It’s so unbelievable that Erin continually goes on about her grief. She is so blessed w a husband and her kids and 2 sets of parents/grandparents and is fortunate to not know what true grief / loss is.
You tragically have a direct experience of 2 tragic situations to compare, and I’m so sorry for that. Your child is lucky to have you.

I grew up with a severely ******** brother, and for anyone to say my parents or anyone in my family not to have feelings of grief about what could have been is out of order. Everyone is entitled to their feelings. You might not like how she communicates her feelings on social
Media, but she can grieve- and she is grieving so that’s her reality and you can’t invalidate anyone’s feelings because you don’t think it’s appropriate.

ANYHOO bowing out of this thread now as clearly it’s a bit triggering.
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Yeah…but if I had a “typical” two year old, what then? They’d “need” it just as much as Lulu. I love that almost everyone has said it’s just a swing.

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