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I can’t even put into words how sad her latest post makes me. She clearly says in the first few lines she now understands how unconditional love as a mother feels.. and has never felt that with Lulu! That poor poor baby girl!! Never been breathed in, smothered in love, even in the first few weeks before epilepsy! Cannot believe she has actually put those words out into the public domain!
How can her husband read that and be ok with it? Lulu’s grandparents??
And her friends?? Three of which have experienced public losses and trials to get their babies!
Yes that is exactly the issue. Having these feelings is valid after struggling with PPD HOWEVER it is not okay in the slightest to a. Continue to feel this way and not be bonded to your child and b. Air these feelings publicly for said child (and sibling) to potentially read all of this in the future.

She needs to be working through all this with a psychologist, not on social media.
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Welp looks like someone said it that hasn't been deleted. I'm glad they did because they obviously have the past experience to comment on it which puts a lot more weight behind it.
Credit to Erin to responding in a calm way and not just immediately deleting the comments. I don’t think she’s a bad person at all, I just wish she’d get the mental health support that she appears to desperately need (as I’m sure we all would if we were in that situation). Maybe connecting with some parents with different perspectives will help her.
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How happy does Luella look eating dinner with crystal 🥰 so happy. Because crystal cherishes Luella for who she is right now, she isn't longing for who she could have been.
Erin is way to selfish to sign for the surgery now, that would pop her little love bubble she's got going with tom.
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Now she's moaning about lulu finally being able to pick up food and feed herself because it's a chip and not a carrot. There is literally no pleasing this woman. Be happy. She is feeding herself. Fucking cheer her on and celebrate this for lulu.
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It's how she words things, that actually show her true intent that really gets to me. I'm not bothered she's not taken lulu to the cafe...I am bothered at how Erin makes out how difficult lulu makes everything...Erin, those woman have lost babies, had little ones pass away...and you hide yours away as she depresses you too much. How fucking sick can you get. Disgusting. But it's all good cause your little crutch tommy is here to make you happy and feel like a mother. 🤬
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What irritates me is obviously they have money, they just don’t see Lu worthy enough of spending their own money ON.
So true!!

Absolutely agree with them using NDIS funding - raising a disabled child is more expensive than if they were not disabled, and access to respite is so needed. But to fundraise and take money from others when they have plenty themselves is just so wrong. Profiting off your kid's disability is so wrong.

She acted like without this GFM they couldn't afford a support worker. I find that so hard to believe. I asked a few of my banker mates and they said it is likely that someone in Dave's position is earning $500k/year. But it is what you said - they don't want to spend any of their own money, or heaven forbid have to sell some shares or sell an investment property to help Luella.
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Chatty Member
Just look at this beautiful family. They had no say in the hand they’ve been dealt. But this family has been so incredibly gracious. Their baby boy is riddled with cancer. I’ve never once seen them whinge or whine.

Erin needs to wake up to the fact that she’s incredibly lucky to be where she’s at.


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Swamp Life

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And now even more swing content and an explanation - trying to make it sound totally benign and like she was just curious and trying to better understand ‘public sentiment’ about these swings (wtaf) and then drops in at the end that there was a typically developing child, the mother didn’t see her blah blah blah. Her stories today ooze mean girl ‘I was just asking a question’ acting innocent but knowing exactly what she’s doing. Gross.
I still don’t really understand how she knew the other child was typically developing.
She makes such a big deal out of Lu can’t do anything else. But she took Tom to the park and he had a great time playing with leaves. Is this not something Lulu might do also?
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So they’re all obsessing over tommy, but poor Lu is left at home :(
I mean, I think it’s pretty common when you have a newborn / tiny baby for the baby to go with mum on certain outings while the big kid stays behind, because the outing may not be fun for the older kid whereas baby usually wants to be with mum. My babies have been breastfed and I’d had to have them with me all the time. In isolation, this lunch isn’t an issue. It’s Erin’s overall attitude towards Luella and the pattern of having Chrystal take over as primary carer, not being willing to take Lu to the playground, etc.
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He’s treating her like a child because she doesn’t seem to understand 🤷🏻‍♀️. Come to the hospital for medical treatment, if you stay home, there’s nothing. That’s not an ultimatum, that’s just facts??
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I am just devastated seeing that beautiful little girl struggle like that. I just feel so incredibly sad for them all. The footage of her just standing there playing and then smashing her face in a spasm really broke my heart. That poor, poor little girl. I never knew how severe epilepsy could be, and there have been times I’ve struggled to understand Erin’s negativity, but I just can’t imagine living like that. Watching your child go through that.. I just don’t know if I could do it. I hope they all get a positive outcome. She is such a gorgeous girl, I hope surgery gives her a better quality life.
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I appreciate this thread always discussing Luella and concerned for her best interests as well as asking some really insightful questions. In regard to the group Erin has been placed in, the other women choose to make meaning from whatever loss they have. There’s a sense of growth from the trauma they’ve experienced. It doesn’t appear Erin has gotten to that stage. And as someone who knows someone with epilepsy who had seizures occurring in all areas of the brain, if you can have surgery, do it. Stop holding Luella up to other kids and this fantasy of a life owed. Nothing is owed to us.
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Chatty Member
Thank you so much 🫶🏽❤ you summed it up perfectly no final bad news or meeting w funeral directors and doing a eulogy etc for Erin. It’s a different pain she has but I feel it’s more about what she missing out on, not what Lulu is.
Exactly, it's Erin feeling she's missing out. Being abled is not the standard for a good childhood. There might be things Lu can't do, but the things she can do matter. Believe it or not, we can have perfectly happy lives and we don't sit around wishing we were "normal" 😉

The world isn't made for disabled people and we often have to find our own communities and work harder to do the things we want to do, and Erin has every right to be frustrated with that. We all are! I hope she puts that energy into advocating for Lu and trying to make the world a better place for her instead of dwelling on the fact that Lu can't change herself to fit into the rest of the world.
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She really has no idea what she’s talking about. Saying that Lu is hungry and needs to have food orally to get “weight in her belly” because the only food that’s going through the NGT is liquid. And that she needs to have food so she can have her medication with food. Ummmm. That’s the idea of NGT feeds Erin, it’s liquid nutrition. It’s liquid “food”. People who are solely tube fed receive all their nutrition via their tube and they have medications with the feed too. That’s literally how it works. It’s food.
The misinformation she’s spreading just with this tiny part of Lu’s care is really indicative of how poor her understanding of the complexities of healthcare is. And that’s fine; as a healthcare professional, I do not expect my patients and their families to understand and remember everything I talk to them about, they meet so many people and receive such a mass of information when their person is receiving multidisciplinary care, but I’d also not expect them to take that garbled understanding and broadcast it to 22k people… 🫠
Erin’s platform is dangerous because she a) shits on medical professionals and hospitals yet b) runs to them constantly and posits misinformation or really simplistic thinking - Luella’s epilepsy could be “vax injury” … or as she’s potentially missing parts of her brain which “can be cured”… instead of optimising what can be done. I find it uncomfortable to see her rant about something she doesn’t understand in the hospital, rant to her audience and then bask in the comments all supporting her stance. The fact a neurologist emailed her being explicit about what she did felt like a betrayal - what a piece of work Erin is.
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Chatty Member
Before you unfollow, make sure to say something to her. Make her aware how incredibly offensive stuff like this is for disabled people and for Luella.
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Another outing without Lu. Smiling pics, out with Tom, and another remark about their sad life with Lu.
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VIP Member
She needs psychological support. She is unwell. Not coping. And should not be sharing any of this. She needs to lean on the people she has and sort through her issues with professionals, who might help her sort through the block she has re the surgery. Social media is not helping.
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Gosh she makes it hard for anyone to sympathize with her when she posts things like this
I agree… she always has to say how much harder she has it than everyone else…
Most babies don’t sleep through the night. I laugh when she complains at 8pm that one of them is awake again… my 3 kids were rarely asleep by that time, let alone awake again. I am a solo parent after being widowed and my youngest autistic and GDD. I don’t complain amd I know others have it worse than me. I wish she could see how privileged she is. I know it’s hard having a child with additional needs. But she doesn’t need to work, has a loving husband on a huge income, a carer for Lulu and both kids are adorable !
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Chrystal obviously adores Lu. I reckon it’s only a matter of time before Erin gets jealous. I feel like Chrystal will stay for as long as she can handle it, for Luella’s sake, but it’s got to be difficult working for Erin. I wonder if Chrystal can see how fucked in the head Erin is.
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