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To the other people on this thread that personally know Erim, only you guys will understand WHY we can't speak from our personal accounts and have freedom of speech. I'm sure we probably know each other but I respect you want to stay anonymous, as I do and I just wanted to say, I apologise that you also had to deal with her rollercoaster of emotions and narcissistic behaviour. She honestly needs to hold a mirror up to herself and TRULY see the monster she's become. Genuinely feel sorry for people like her.
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Idk why she is saying she don’t know how she feels about tier 4 when all she’s been doing is meeting her friends, having photo shoots and not social distancing. Some places are in tier 4 because of people like her! Also why does she think it’s ok to be showing off her gifted or expensive stuff which us normal people couldn’t afford and even more so now with the current times. It’s a slap in the face for those who have tougher jobs compared to her who just sits in her room and complains about how busy she is. Ngl, I was jealous of some of the things she got apart from the Chanel bag which is proper ugly lmao
I think erim buys such ugly designer pieces, when she was in Dubai and was snapping what she got all I could think was what a fkn freshie.... even her outfit choices abit meh indian girl who can’t dress and just wants to show off her figure lol. I think she has an inflated ego and a warped sense of self importance, she probably thinks she works harder than majority of the U.K. and she’s more than entitled to moan and post her PR. Like read the fkn room erim !
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She also claimed that her hair improved because of the byerim oil back in 2016 (I doubt she even thought to have a hair oil brand then) but if you look at the other posts, it’s clear that what helped her hair was the olaplex she used, not her hair oil- I can’t keep up with these lies 🤣
i didn't even notice that about the olaplex! also in a lot of her videos and pictures, the "hair loss" at her hairline still seems apparent. she just hides it well when she does a middle part. so i wouldn't be surprised to find out that her before and after for byerim were exaggerated and/or photoshopped

i also don't think her hair is that healthy. she says its really thick but it doesnt look thick at all. both when she staightens it and it is natural, it is always so flat and there is no body. i have long hair down to my butt and it is really thick and even when i straighten it, it doesnt look flat bc its thick. her hair actually looks naturally thin, or like she doesn't have much of it. it's only long. theres so many other influencers that have stunning hair whose hair looks so healthy and i would rather listen to their hair advice (for example cameliakatoozian or sherrymaldonado)
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At this point it’s just hella attention-seeking... and who is she covering her chest for? Thirsty Asian men 🤣 there’s no way you can tell me some of these posts are just for her “sisters”. This pic in particular - she’s practically naked? I mean if this meant to be the right message to send out - show your vag to everyone guys then good luck to her lol. She acts so classy but truly, class comes from within and this girl has none.
I know this has been said a few times before, but if she didn’t lie about being modest, no one would bat an eyelid at that outfit, but constantly claiming to be modest and then having pictures that prove otherwise just shows how deceitful she is.

If those are the outfits you like to wear, fair enough. Just don’t lie about it.
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Something I find super interesting is that her Dad and her both follow John Kuckian (if you look at her Dad's Instagram, it's a super reserved one with not many followers). John Kuckian used to be a YouTuber that posted about Gossip, and is also a known con artist. Held an event and sold hundreds of tickets, the event never went through and he never refunded the money.
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Erim clearly changes to fit into whichever group of people she’s around! For example, on social media she’s trying to appeal to sikhs to promote her business so she’s trying to come off as a true Sikh who doesn’t cut their hair and dresses modestly (LOL) but if you guys ever catch her in a club you should see this girl dancing drinking smoking flirting with bald men lol
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I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally decided to post.

You can see in the attached pic that she claims to be using coconut oil... there are also comments later on where she is telling organicoilsbyhema that her oil is finished and hema replied saying that can be sorted. What happened to byerim being in her fam for generations like she claims? When only a few years ago she wrote she used coconut oil or oilsbyhema.....interesting...

When she started using mixed oils you used to share how to create it on IG too and then after when she realised she can make money from it she stopped sharing the mixture.

When she got the pandora collab she used to post in a sisterhood group on fb lives (which she never saved) that shes going to post a pic soon and to go like, comment and tag pandora coz she was doing all this for her sisters/brown girls and it's a big deal... if she was doing this for her sis like she said then why not do giveaway with the pandora stuff instead of selling it? She gets so much makeup yet she hands harneet an empty nars box 🙄 and she made a big deal about it by posting it to her stories that shes so generous.... like really? At least put some makeup in there.

Harneet stated a cookies biz and erim only just shared it to her stories once. She could have easily promoted it more esp as she claimed harneet is a sister to her... she wasn't gaining anything from that so she never bothered. She's so selfish and will only share/promote things that benefit her but never share to help others even if they are friends. She never tagged her friends in her stories but tags other influences. She's clever.

Another thing that pisses me of is she keeps going on about hating her birthday and doesn't like celebrating it but why do you keep talking about that? Like just stfu about it. For years she keeps saying that and then she posts on her birthday and tells people her birthday when they ask when it is. If you really hated your birthday you wouldnt openly advertise it like that so people wish you and send you gifts. She is such an attention seeker.

I actually liked her when I first started following her years ago but she's a different person now and I hate this persona of this "perfect" person she tries to portray

It's obvious she can't keep friends. I do wonder what happened with hamesha. One day she was at erims house and then the next they unfollowed eachother and she was removed as the moderator and then eventually hamesha disappeared from social media completely. She also used to be close to that black girl nefy london, but now she unfollowed her. She always used to take erims photos.

She also broke up with her bf around Jan/Feb 2019. He also helped her set byerim up. She takes all the credit but it was her bf and the girls doing all the hard work behind the scenes. Interesting how she was always bae this, bae that 🧿 and then never posted about the breakup or anything. It's like he never existed in her life!

It was after the breakup that she started posting about needed an assistant to take her pics over the weekends.

Also regarding her massi, she seems a lot older to be her mums sister. I believe it's actually her dadi's sister who would be her dads massi and she prob just calls her massi too. So her great aunt I believe then.

I know a group of girls in her sisterhood group who created their own group on messenger and they were all saying the same stuff you guys have been here and someone from that group fed that info back to erim, so she removed them from her fb group, removed them as her followers and his her stories from them. Funny thing is the people that kept quiet and didn't say anything about erim in the group she didn't remove them. This was last year. Surely if she was genuine and all this was just rumours or assumptions she wouldnt get this defensive and try hiding from people who have clocked on about her by removing from everywhere. Like why hide your stories from them? 😂

I'm surprised her bf put up with her for that long tbh.
Also another thing when she had a bf, she would never reply back to men in her comments and used to claim that her page is for girls only but now she sends them all these hearts and kisses 😂 and all of sudden targeting men now by saying it's a beard oil too!

Who the fuck is this kunal sood? He is so up erims arse with his bs byerim promotions. It's so fake!! I think he was originally mates with harneet as I've seen her comment on his posts from years ago. So he was prob on the byerim team too.

She definitely has been promoting unhealthy body image/food relationships. She used to go on about how light she weighs and how shes lost so much weight and how she eats less than 1000 cals a day!! This is bad as all the girls in her group and following and younger than her. They're going to think that it's normal to starve to look like her.

P.S I feel like slapping her when she does that annoying laugh that she think is cute!! Grow up erim!!


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Obv my account is tiny and nothing like erims but im kinda wondering if its even a good idea to make a public ig if people could make fun of me or end up talking about my family...I was excited about it at first but is it really worth it?
there's nothing to discuss about you or your family if you are being transparent with your audience? like are you expecting to go get laser done but claim to the kaurs who follow you that you were born hairless? are you going to go get wasted offline but claim online that you don't smoke you don't drink because you're a sikh for the clout? are you going to sell the things you get gifted and sponsored on depop to make money off of your following? you created an account on a gossip forum and logged onto here many times to comment, you should be well aware that people will gossip no matter what, especially on a gossip forum. you're upset about people uncovering the truth about how much erim manipulates her following but not upset that she is doing the manipulation to young and impressionable kaurs? what is not clicking here?

sounding like we got erim herself in here guys 👋
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i know i've mentioned this before but it baffles me how she NEVER tagged harneet for doing her makeup when harneet has a makeup page of her own, wouldn't you want your friend to get booked and busy? harneet should have been tagged in every single pic, story, reel, tik tok, everything that she did her hair and/or makeup! that's just common sense, everyone, even people who aren't influencers do this!
harneet is just the tip of the iceberg unfortunately, and believe me i agree but there are more girls theres a reason why we never hear about any of Erims friends. just remember this is a sisterhood but she has zero friends she holidays with or dines with etc etc
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Her excuse for not doing that is that my friends and family are too precious to be shared online. I want to respect their privacy.... hmmm but if you're friends have businesses or are influencers/bloggers surely they would appreciate you sharing about them. She just never wants to help others. It's all about erim
do you guys remember - this makes me laugh to this day bc how fake it was - she made some stories about how apparently someone told her that the asian community isn't supportive of each other. and that she wanted to prove them wrong so she asked all of her instagram followers to go tweet about byerim on twitter to show this person that everyone is supportive. hahahahahaha like girl what. why not do your part and shout out businesses and bloggers and inform your following by supporting???
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sorry not trying to call only you out, but why are people who are close to her/in her life on this thread? wouldn't you guys be able to directly speak to her? (i'm not trying to be rude at all so please don't take it that way!! i am just confused honestly)

i am from london and work in the wedding industry but i have never worked directly with her nor met her. but there is talk amongst photographers and asian brands that she is difficult to work with and acts just as spoiled in person. there's rumours that she cannot take any criticism, and that it is especially why her twitter is not a huge account. she gets dragged by the sikhs on twitter a lot because they see how performative she is. a few years ago she tried to sell some gurbani necklaces in collaboration with a muslim jeweller and there was talk in the industry that she was crying to photographers about the backlash she was getting from sikh twitter for trying to capitalise gurbani like that. there are many stories like this in the industry about her

if i ever met her i really would just straight up ask her why she does not have any shame lying to her audience like she does and trying to profit off of them so much.

i also don't doubt that she was catty towards kavita and harneet in real life. she mostly made tik toks with kavita when kavita was in no makeup, hair up, sweats - clearly there to do her job and get work done. but erim in full makeup hair done and skimpy outfits makes kavita stand in the background of her tik toks (most of the time you could tell kavita very quickly learned the dance moves and hasn't been practicing night and day like erim) and it's clear she does it to make herself look better in the videos. with harneet, anytime anyone ever commented saying harneet looks pretty in erim's tik toks, or asking for harneet's tik tok @ to follow, erim would ignore the comment and like/comment on the rest of the comments that were only praising her. she has a very immature, bitter heart and it seeps through.

i follow harneet on ig bc i think she deserves a lot of support considering anytime erim looked good, it was thanks to harneet! we all know erim's only hairstyle is flat and straight, but harneet was coming through with all of the fun braids and curls for her. it is nice to see harneet's page grow and i wish her so much success!!
YOU ARE SPOT ON. She is EXTREMELY difficult to work with and believes that she does not come across that way, but she is. ANYONE that criticises her or dares to tell her she's wrong, best believe she will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

sorry not trying to call only you out, but why are people who are close to her/in her life on this thread? wouldn't you guys be able to directly speak to her? (i'm not trying to be rude at all so please don't take it that way!! i am just confused honestly)

i am from london and work in the wedding industry but i have never worked directly with her nor met her. but there is talk amongst photographers and asian brands that she is difficult to work with and acts just as spoiled in person. there's rumours that she cannot take any criticism, and that it is especially why her twitter is not a huge account. she gets dragged by the sikhs on twitter a lot because they see how performative she is. a few years ago she tried to sell some gurbani necklaces in collaboration with a muslim jeweller and there was talk in the industry that she was crying to photographers about the backlash she was getting from sikh twitter for trying to capitalise gurbani like that. there are many stories like this in the industry about her

if i ever met her i really would just straight up ask her why she does not have any shame lying to her audience like she does and trying to profit off of them so much.

i also don't doubt that she was catty towards kavita and harneet in real life. she mostly made tik toks with kavita when kavita was in no makeup, hair up, sweats - clearly there to do her job and get work done. but erim in full makeup hair done and skimpy outfits makes kavita stand in the background of her tik toks (most of the time you could tell kavita very quickly learned the dance moves and hasn't been practicing night and day like erim) and it's clear she does it to make herself look better in the videos. with harneet, anytime anyone ever commented saying harneet looks pretty in erim's tik toks, or asking for harneet's tik tok @ to follow, erim would ignore the comment and like/comment on the rest of the comments that were only praising her. she has a very immature, bitter heart and it seeps through.

i follow harneet on ig bc i think she deserves a lot of support considering anytime erim looked good, it was thanks to harneet! we all know erim's only hairstyle is flat and straight, but harneet was coming through with all of the fun braids and curls for her. it is nice to see harneet's page grow and i wish her so much success!!
She talks about "sis this" and "sis that" but she's faaaaar from a supportive girl. The things she says about others are honestly unfathomable. You can see that she would leave Harneet and Kavita in the background of her tiktoks on purpose because it's all about her, nothing genuine about her. Harneet does deserve A LOT more credit because at the end of the day it's clearly her employees that build her and her business up and NOT her. Believe me i know.
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Dolly x

That latest tweet lmao she knows her covers been blown . karma for having an opinion on the hair oil ? & all the negative reviews . Sorry Erim you are not built to be a buisness woman if you can’t handle constructive criticism.

She says we should maybe choose to keep
Our mouth shut? Who are ya love? To tell us that Take your own advice cheeky b****
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These are the images of Erim when she’s not popping her hips out to create an hourglass figure. As you can see, she’s actually very straight up and down. Without her exaggerated posing, her figure looks insanely different.

Here’s another example. What her body looks like in a TikTok video compared to what she makes her body look like on Instagram.

Here’s another example. What her body looks like in a TikTok video compared to what she makes her body look like on Instagram.


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lmao another way of saying "my daddy got me this job!!!" like everything else in her life

even if she has cute pieces she styles them soooooo terribly!!! she's a walking primark girl can't even look good in expensive clothes bc she styles them so ugly

the main oil which makes peoples hair grow and get thicker is castor oil. you are supposed to dilute it with a carrier oil like almond or olive to thin it out and make it easier to apply and easier for the scalp to soak up. so thats why so many oils are mixed but you can literally get this info from a google search. anyone can make this it has nothing AT ALL to do with her nani. bruv if my nani was making a hair oil she would put mustard oil in it like every other punjabi nani??? not these googled hair oils. she says it's dermatologist recommended, that derm is their friend, barely a professional and has her own scandals and distrusts from the internet! there are entire reddit threads of that shady ass vanita rattan's practice and products and her family's money. i would like to see erim get it recommended from an actual board-certified doctor! and she said they have conducted studies, so why is she not able to take the criticism? surely the studies should have shown it does not work for 100% of people so she should be able to take the criticism of who it does not work for. also notice how she is now formulating a shampoo& conditioner, taking months to decide how much of that overbearing lavender essential oil to put in the products but where is the lab study being conducted for this new product??? she will create the project and then all of a sudden 2 weeks later she will say she's done a study. she spends more time on the aesthetics of the product than the effectiveness of it and making sure its safe
you literally know more about haircare than our hairless treasure. time to create a hair oil brand too! how about BYCLASSYTIKKAMASALA, but remember to create a sob story so that people feel obligated to support a fellow sikh x
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