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@jsecret2937 on the ancestry DNA site (that someone posted earlier) it’s says they’re spouses and then shows a link to the civil registration marriage index, think it’s pretty easy to search up
oh yea I believe they’re married but I also think something within her family must’ve happened for dad to need to get custody for her
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Also, as someone with a similar body type to Erim I say that she does have a little curves, but if her waist wasn't "23 inches" then she'd have a rectangle shaped body, which is how I'd also be if my waist wasn't significantly narrower than my hips. A lot of girls just naturally have that body type and it's not uncommon. But as they get older it becomes increasingly hard to maintain it, and I think the only way erim maintains this is by how she eats which is so little. If she has been training and eating properly for so many years wouldn't her butt be significantly huger? It doesn't make sense, and even her PT is kind of dodge bc who would allow someone to do heavy lifting yet eat so little food ? She's setting her up for fainting spells. It's not like being a vegetarian makes it insanely hard to get enough protein, but Erim would've been so gassed to tell us about her vegetarian or vegan protein if she was sponsored or she could share recipes and be educational about vegetarian sources of protein. She could use her platform for so much more but all she does is post the same fashion content and whiny Instagram stories.
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Really wrong what she does, I was once on her zoom call and a Sikh brother passionately shared about his concerns and anger for what’s happening in Punjab. And she brushed him off and changed topics. She only talks about Sikhism when it’s to her benefit.
That’s because she doesn’t understand anything about Sikhism, the issues in Punjab or the farmers protests. She genuinely doesn’t have a clue. She only posts all that to stay relevant. She can’t have a discussion with someone who is passionate about those topics-of course she will change the subject as quickly as she can.
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I cringe looking back at my Uni days .
Something is not quite right if that’s the best time of your life ha . I would think it keeps getting better for someone like her
I’m early 30s and barely think about Uni- you get over it about a year after you leave I’d say ha
THIS PART!!!!!!!! Just graduated post grad last year and couldn’t be bothered to give a fuck!
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Sex sells I guess?

Listen, flaunt yourself online for likes whatever you do you. But do not claim to be holier than thou and oh so modest when you're posting shit like this!!! If you wanna be provocative, OWN IT!

Edit: I did paste a link to her recent TikTok but it hasn't been added so just added the actual video if this works 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
lord have mercy
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I think her parents were never married and that's why she says she was given to her dad for custody after her mum's passing. If her parents were married or even divorced, her going to her dad would not be a "custody" issue. But it seems that her parents never got married and thus she was under her mum's custody until she passed. After the passing, instead of being placed with her mum's parents (Erim's maternal grandparents), she was placed in the custody of her dad. She seems to not have any contact with her mum's side of the family, so things seem to obviously have been sour between her parent's history. I remember reading somewhere that her mum was from a Muslim family and her dad coming from a Sikh family so both families did not approve of the relationship. I have always wondered if her mum was Bengali as Erim has Bengali features.
I think this is the case too, my parents are divorced and my dad got the custody over my mum was the parent who was settled in this country and had money etc because of other circumstances where the court didn’t seem it safe for me to be living with my mother. I don’t see this being the case for Erim and her dad seeing she seems to have a Close relationship with her dad and spends a lot of the time with him so I’m assuming it’s another issue that led to her dad going to court to get custody for both Erim and her brother and this led to her mums family not being involved in her life
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Omg she looks way prettier here!!

What is sis on about now? She has 250k followers and can barely get 10k likes View attachment 1209210
Init wtf she on now?! She buys followers!! Jealous little crab queen trying to air other influencers again. And maybe not everyone is a desperate little clout chaser like Erim. I have some followers but I never like to show my “like” count or comments because I don’t want to be an influencer!!!! Hello you little beg not everyone is out desperate for insta fame
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Happy belated Nowruz to you also 💜 I too have some Zoroastrian relatives :) the culture is the best.
thank you so much and yes it really is (however I am extremely biased lol) - it's so rare but heartwarming to find others/those connected to Zoroastrians (we're so tiny as a community these days)
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She's massively unprofessional, always shows herself up, looks like a dog's dinner, has no work ethic and her 'work struggles' aren't really struggles - everyone goes through them and they're basic parts of work life. I've never heard a CEO or businessman/woman complain like she does because they are purpose-led in their work and doing work they genuinely enjoy - I bet your 'why' is the reason you wake up and run your business every day.
For a while now, I have felt that she doesn't like her business/work - but is too proud and arrogant to admit it because she stupidly built the brand around her as a person and is in too deep now. I bet she's not even aware of it yet because she's so busy lying and manipulating people - because if she did like it, she wouldn't be whinging and complaining every 2 seconds

LMAO! It was only a matter of time! I *love* her correct use of English spelling and grammar here - sis is so smart...such an intellectual... 😂 😂 😂
Yes exactly you’re so right @wafflesnwings my why is the reason I get up everyday & trust me some days are not easy at all but we keep going because it’s my passion & I enjoy it. All the things Erim complains about are nothing to a real motivated leader - she literally complains about having meetings like you said yesterday & we only hear that every couple of weeks because that’s the only time she actually has to get involved in the running of her oil - I was gonna say business but you can’t call what she does business because a business defo doesn’t run the way she runs it. And the days that she’s complaining is because the freelancers that she hires for £2 per hour leave every few weeks so she has to get another 1 in. The other days that she goes to the fulfilment centre she pretends she’s running the only carbon neutral warehouse in the whole of the UK that carries only her stock & videos it With captions of how she did it all herself from the ground up & what’s meant for you will always be yours blah blah - she copies all that from Yasmin Karimi btw - but yeah that’s how she works yet she goes on about being a CEO. I feel embarrassed for her at this point.

Erim without a filter vs one. She literally filters everything! From her skintone to proportions! View attachment 1224898

Erim and team working hard to create fake accounts to boost figure up. One scroll through the followers and so many bot accounts.
I don’t think she has an actual team lol just a bunch of freelancers that come & go depending on how many orders she gets for the oil. So it’s most likely just her buying all these fake followers/bots. What a desperate girl
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No crabs, you’re leaving clothes behind because you’ve wore them once for instagram content but you don’t actually like the items, but will still post them, so disingenuous, and know people will catch you selling them on depop. 🤦‍♀️
Once again she didn’t tag any of the brands because she knows she’s not supposed to do that - if she even did!
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Oh goodness I'm so sorry you feel fatigued, it's a very common thing lots of people do when they train a lot - they forget that they have to eat more because their bodies are at a point where the right nutrition and balanced diet makes a huge difference. Your body's metabolism has been raised, so it needs more fuel to keep going. I hope you get on well with it all - you're doing a very good workout combo!

LOL Jay Shetty...the guy is a putz and a twit. I met him several times and he's so disingenuous - nothing like how he portrays himself online. Once a very dear friend of mine asked him if he would give an inspiring speech for teens who were refugees, and he said (word for word): "What's in it for me?" and refused to do the speech because it wasn't a paid opportunity or on a big enough platform for him!
His wife is very sweet, genuine, kind and was lovely whenever I was around her - their characters are very different to each other. I prefer her over him any day!
Hey @wafflesnwings thank you so much for letting me know that I need to up the food. I upped the training because it’s my sister in 2 weeks & I actually thought I’d drop my calories lol so I could get more lean & this week me doing that has actually been disastrous. Cos I had no energy left today to do a training session & my trainer was like what’s going on. I was so fatigued & bloated - so this plan that I thought was really good has just backfired LOL - so I’m gonna go back to eating properly 🤦‍♀️
OMG I can totally believe that about Jay Shetty. I knew he wasn’t right just from his energy & wasn’t liking him at all & now you’re saying this It makes complete sense what you just said it matches his energy vibration. How are these people out here acting like gurus and not understanding that people like even me and I’m no one special but we can read vibes we can feel the energy even on the content they post. Yet they think they’re that big in the field of work which is all about putting out the right energy and they simply cannot manage it themselves at all. Oh I didn’t realise his wife was really nice and sweet I thought she was just like him because I saw a couple of videos of her and him and I thought they just the same. Okay maybe she is nice-hopefully she is. They have really got into the Hollywood scene right . The Kardashians, Huda beauty, all of these famous people are his clients so it makes complete sense that he wouldn’t want to do something like you what your friend asked him to do an event like that. It’s really disingenuous though TBH. And of course Erim is going to post his stuff because she’s going to be drawn to the same vibration of him – pure narcissist! LOL. Gosh, they really think people can’t see through them SMH
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Right I’m new to this but I had to speak up on behalf of other people. The case about the troll that got arrested and in prison is true but has over 100 victims involved not just “her”. I’m involved in this case too and I had to message her after she posted that because we had to keep it on the down low, and the fact that she posted it was so annoying considering previously the “incident” had been leaked all around social media and made the victims feel very vulnerable and upset. The incident still isn’t final which is why is has not been published by the Met Police but will be when it is sorted. Just thought I should let you know, thanks :)
soz also forgot to mention the restraining order is correct too, we are all having one/been offered 1
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