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Chatty Member
Loving the buck off banter podcast today, talking about influencers so it's extra relevant to this thread.
Muddy Mayhem's Karla talks about going to rockingham with a bunch of influencers and said that all but one of them were lovely... Who are we placing bets on being the one that isn't? Mine is Charlotte or Tina (if Tina was even there,I don't remember) lol!

Ray has shared a post saying that people say she makes riding Pepper look easier than it is. I mean...
She makes it look like it's really hard work and the horse is awful and uncomfortable to ride.
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This really wouldn't surprise me, that or they have selected certain influencers to do it. Would be entertaining if RTG was in.
Started seeing it already with the influencers who were at rockingham promoting it on their page. Its a given they will be in. Its Not what you know it’s who you know unfortunately 🙄

It was said earlier that we think it’s all for YT content…… I used to like watching Emily, she was probably one of my recent favs but since she has been over doing it with Addie, I have lost interest in watching as I can see how terrible she is going ATM. I’m not a fan of Meg Elphick now, but at least she knows how to train a young horse and know when to give them a break.
i feel like Holly will continually push Dahli, she will have him jumping 1.10 very soon I reckon. She’s already planning 1.40 with Kahl. I don’t get what the rush is all about.

Oh goodness! Has she done any eventing practice with him yet? 🫣
Agree you have to have respect for Megan on how she fetches on her youngsters. She really does understand and always does the best for them. It shows when you end up 3rd at badminton grassroots you know what your doing
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So if you’re a big influencer getting a lot of gifted stuff does the value of the gift count as income for tax purposes? I assume it should as you’re being gifted it in exchange for exposure on your platforms? Anyone know ?
Tax accountant here ✨glamorous✨.

It’s actually quite a grey area, mainly cause it’s such a new form of earning money. If the influencer receives a freebie and posts in return then it could be deemed as a “barter transaction”. So they would be taxed on the deemed value of the freebie. So could technically have a tax bill when they haven’t actually received any cash. I have a feeling this very rarely happens though (I’ve never had an influencer as a client so not got any real life experience of this).

I imagine most will only declare their actual received cash.
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Well according to people on this thread Erin is a lifestyle influencer 🤣 it’s literally a channel run by a narcissist who wants men to leave her sleazy comments

It’s not popular, it’s just everywhere, like midges in Scotland
Erin is also a person that moans when she gets male attention. Good for her making her name but she is definitely not an inspirational equestrian account !
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I really hope rtg gets in. Don’t think the coaches will be supporting her delusions…. Hopefully she will hear some truths!!!

Can’t see what you’re answering…. Is it about Rhi? Is she jellie??!
I think she is yes, she seems like she thinks she’s some youtube sensation and her and woody are superstars. She had zero reason to be at SUKO from what shes put on instagram she isn’t a good presenter, she tries to hard and it’s cringy.
Good news about the ASA height changing. It wasn’t fair when in the past we’ve seen people definitely not doing 90cm, and I think I’ll have a crack at applying now. However Pammy Hutton would tear Ray to pieces and I don’t think she should apply as it would upset her. I know people would like her to hear some truths but to me, she would just be upset and keep on in her ways and slate Pammy who is a fantastic horsewoman but wouldn’t be at all pleased with Pepper’s weight. Ray should know in herself she would struggle with that harsher method of teaching and not apply- let alone the fact Pepper is not BE80 fit and I don’t know why Ray asked if you need to jump 80 because her ‘horse is capable but coming back after ulcers’ as she can barely jump 60cm with it anyway
She was complaining about her laboured breathing this week. Blamed her asthma as stood in the stable and talked about turning her out. Has she ever considered it’s to the fact the horse is fat and it’s hot. And if it’s that bad why the hell is she stabling the horse? That horse needs 24/7 turnout on poor grass not stabled overnight with an all you can eat buffet of haylage.
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Or it's on the 1-5 scale which I feel is more accurate ;)
Interesting she's gone for subjective scoring and not for actually having the horse weighed. I've seen lean horses be scored perfect and obese horses be scored perfect and perfect horses be scored either lean or obese. It all depends on what feed they want to try and sell to the owner. The best way is getting them on a weight bridge or even just weight taping weekly just to keep track of whether their tummy is getting smaller or not even if it's not as accurate as a weight bridge.
I’m sure she was weighed. But being a 6 does not make sense at all. And as for not needing to do anything she is fucking delusional or lying to the baileys person about what shes actually feeding. Yes the crest may be the last thing to go but it looks to me like it’s grown since she’s had her.
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Chatty Member
Im so glad a brand contacted her. I wonder will they continue to work with her ? She is not a good role
Model especially when she jags that poor horse constantly in the mouth.
I'd like to know which brand. Good for the brand for stepping up and making it clear the pony isn't a healthy weight.
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Chatty Member
Just rewatching the all star series and I do really hope they keep it like previous series, with very much normal everyday people. Though, I have to say I would love a lesson with Geoff Billington he seems great fun!
I have a VHS (yeah, I'm old) of Geoff Billington/John Whitaker from the late 90s. Geoff seems like he would be loads of fun, and fab to learn from. Seems to be a thoroughly decent chap
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Chatty Member
I'm also really excited to see Miri Hackett break Didi, feels like it's been a long time coming
I'm excited for this. I am hoping and praying it all goes smoothly because Miri does her absolute best to do everything right and what is best for the horses and all she has had is tragedy after tragedy. Obie, Zora, Inde, and even with Kenco retiring because she didn't seem to be right in ridden work despite Miri doing her best by her. And Mo, who was getting on but not massively so again ended up not being right. It pisses me off because so many are careless in their actions with their horses (RTG, even LOTB at this point in time, and others) and they seem to always get away with it in the end and have a horse to ride at the end of it. Poor Miri does literally everything within her power and the world just chucks another thing at her like it's spiteful that she did everything the last time.
I really really feel for her because it's not her management or the way she rides. Pure bad luck.
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Equestrianism is by and large a white woman sport. You can’t create diversity where there isn’t diversity. H&c did have a series which featured Lydia Heywood.
If not ethnicity, What about just diverse backgrounds i.e. someone who scrimps and saves and is DIY at a livery yard? How about someone who is in the LGBTQ community, or god forbid someone who doesn't have a super sports horse, what about a turbo cob or a super shire?
A little imagination aside from four rich white women with identikit lifestyles.
I'd love to see someone who could really genuinely benefit from SUKO maybe like Canterring who is doing her best to improve on her loan horse at a friend's yard and has a got a a big following?

You find the diversity and send them onto horse and country. Then send them your ideas. If they don’t know it’s somthing people want to watch they aren’t going to put it on. They will only be putting on what they think people want to watch. On anther note is Lucy sponsored by champion? The other 3 are which would explain why the 4 of them are doing it as it looks like champion is one of the main sponsors.
Very good point - I will do!
Also, I've just seen someone say it's an extension of their Virtual Eventing so maybe understand a bit better why it's them now.....
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I think the issue is when your account is smaller your audience is obviously smaller and therefor more positive and I can imagine it would very enjoyable to make content and people enjoy it as it's a smaller community and I think that's where jess loved it. As soon as you get a bigger following it opens a can of worms and I feel poor Jess is one of these people who have loved making content and are good at it but can't withstand the heat that larger audiences give. I like her content as do a lot of people as she is very likeable and relatable and her audience has grown because of those things and it does seem unfair that she can't enjoy it anymore because of negative comments. I myself would not be able to not read things about me if it was posted somewhere so for people to say "just don't read it then" I think are being quite silly. I think she's got balls of steel for putting her journey out there with a new horse and pretty big condifence issues. Most people, myself included, wouldn't be able to post these things without fear of judgement and I think she needs to stop being so hard of herself and give herself more credit. She's showing real life juggling parenting/working/horses which is what the majority of people here do day in day out not like the "influencers" who have everything thrown at them.
She is very good at content but is all of this worth her mental health. Seems she’s risking a lot for what? Freebies and some recognition from the other horsey “influencers”. Now I’m not saying she’s a Tina (fake adds and promoting her freebies) but I’m pretty sure those boxes from country and stable come in handy and the free saddles.

I get she is trying to inspire people by showing her struggles with confidence but as the saying goes if you can’t take the heat then get out of the kitchen. I just think she needs to take a proper break and see does she really need this in her life at the moment when she has so much else going on.
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anyone seen @canterrings new reel of her showjumping rounds from earlier in the week? not at all stylish:LOL: and why the baselayer? im guessing it was a very low level local event but she could probably still have made the effort to wear a shirt and a jacket? a baselayer seems too casual and too cross country to me🤷‍♀️
I was always told doesn’t matter what you look like as long as you leave the fences up 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
At least she is having a go you comment is exactly what gives me anxiety about going to SJ comps. Far too judgemental on looks and what you wear
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She probably sold her because she needed the money to buy something else.
Sprite should be retired, again I can’t watch the vlogs when she still competes Sprite and gallops her across the beaches. I think she is rushing Addie like someone said previously to get her to BE 90 and stay there for years.
Not sure why Sprite needs retiring if she is fit and healthy. It’s not like she’s blasting round BE novice on rock solid ground.
Same with Tina! Her riding and banks way of going have changed a lot since focusing on Cameron’s way of training. And Cameron’s not making them cry!
I don’t think that fun ride did Addie and Em any favours tbh. I can’t really blame them if they are having confidence issues. Em will be feeding her nerves down to Addie. And it seems cross country is where they are having most issues. I think she needs to just chill out and do a bit of hacking with her and start cross country again when Cameron can give her a lesson. Does anyone know where swipe up kick on is being filmed this year? I know field farm have some nice little cross country jumps ideal for building their confidence back up.
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Chatty Member
I guess it’s that I can’t afford a Ferrari but I can a land rover
To another persons I can’t afford a Land Rover so here is my Renault cleo 😅 I don’t follow the page so don’t know how much she claims poverty, but they have horses and go hunting so sorry your not poor, if you’ve enough money spare to own I think 4 now please don’t patronise me with your money issues keep that to yourself, quickest way to lose respect
We all have to watch spending at times but for some it’s whether to turn on the heating compared to another’s do I really need this new horse
Yeah they claim to live frugally but they have 5 (the 2 shetlands, the small coloured retired mare, bug & mums horse) all at home in beautiful countryside. Kids seem to be homeschooled so mum doesn’t appear to have to work a normal job. I follow their page as it’s nice to seeing the kiddies enjoying their ponies but I try to not read too much into the posts and the comments from their followers or I get myself too wound up 😅
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