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I see Jess has yet another energy drink. The lifestyle change is clearly going well if she has to keep shoving monster drinks down her gob to keep her going.
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mumma mia

I feel a lot of these ‘influencers’ are pushing their young horses far too much!!
It was said earlier that we think it’s all for YT content…… I used to like watching Emily, she was probably one of my recent favs but since she has been over doing it with Addie, I have lost interest in watching as I can see how terrible she is going ATM. I’m not a fan of Meg Elphick now, but at least she knows how to train a young horse and know when to give them a break.
i feel like Holly will continually push Dahli, she will have him jumping 1.10 very soon I reckon. She’s already planning 1.40 with Kahl. I don’t get what the rush is all about.

Her Mums horse kicked him as they turned them out together. Bet the arguments between her and her mum were wild after. 😂
Oh goodness! Has she done any eventing practice with him yet? 🫣
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LOTB doing her usual posts about how negatively is getting her down how she struggles with confidence & she has anxiety.
next thing she will be posting a reel of her swinging her hair in slow motion to some uplifting music & saying how she won’t let haters get her down & shes proud of how she is always not staying in her comfort zone. Yawn. But should get her to 15,000 followers.
wjen Jess just posts without trying to get sympathy s shes brilliant her riding is improving everytime she puts something up & I love she’sdoing So well with Jim.
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Can anyone recommend any dressage, or just non jumping/eventing vloggers? I've found them on social media but no-one who does YouTube and I'm fed up of the same sort of videos
I like watching Jesse drent, not so much his partner, Jesse relationship with his horses and life in general is brilliant, he was out filming the sound of frogs recently which just makes me happy, I love the little things in life and when I find someone else that appreciates those things too it just makes me happy 😊 his Shetland is a hilarious character, it’s just a nice channel imo
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Prognosis Negative

Well-known member
Agree with the above - and also if she concedes re Peppers weight and makes changes then it will emphasise her own weight as Pepper gets smaller.

I assume as a plus size influencer RTG is happy with her own weight and isn’t trying to lose (I don’t follow her). No judgment in that respect but she’s too heavy now and she’ll be too heavy even if Pepper gets fitter/lighter.
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Chatty Member
Yep I think she has but very inconsistent and so wondered why you would then go BE? She has basically paid 120 for a dressage test 😞. I wish people wouldn’t see the big draw to BE when they are not ready. There are some cracking UA comps that are probably more suited.
i just think he looks super uncomfortable at times and then doesn’t want to do it.
sometimes you also have to come to the conclusions that just because you want to event doesn’t always mean your horse does 🤷🏼‍♀️

Goat the event horse with same issues. Sometimes you have to see that your horse probably
Doesn’t want to event. Try something else. Enjoy your horses without pushing them to do something they don’t want to.
Yes I noticed Goat The Event Horse having the same issues with Tiny. It's not for lack of trying but I would be asking myself why is the horse this way when both horse and rider are totally capable. I feel for them, it must be hard to want to keep going when history repeats itself
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Chatty Member
Does she seriously believe the drivel she has written. The bit about working them is correct but she doesn’t seem to practice what she preaches.
The pony doesn't work from behind, nor does she have proper muscle.
Also whoever told her that balancer turns muscle into fat is bullshitting her. At 14% NSC it's also not suitable for laminitics, not by much but they should be at 10% absolute max. The balancer literally is a marketing ploy. It even has molasses in it which is a complete no for metabolics and horses needing to lose weight. All it does is provide the vitamins and minerals, and some amino acids that would typically be missing when you are soaking hay and restricting the diet.
How do I know that? By googling it and looking at the website. It's dangerous to be recommending stuff when she doesn't know what's in it.

Does anyone know how old RTG is??
She comes across as very immature and is really clueless. Does she honestly think that you can turn fat into muscle?? How odd.
She looks like she's in her 30's. In that podcast she talked about starting her youtube channel in 2006 when she was in high school so it depends what year she was in.
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Whilst I get why people are curious I find it so odd how nosy people can be about equestrian people’s jobs. I see it asked all over people’s YouTube’s and IGs and I think it’s so rude 😂 especially when people then speculate, I think let them have some privacy about their personal life
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Holy crap that farrier butchered poor Popcorn's feet! They're so short!

I have my doubts about that fancy yard he's on. All the horses are grazing on small paddocks with grass so short you can barely see it. No wonder he had ulcers
so many yards around that have all the fancy facilities but no grazing for the poor horses which is basic horse care🥺
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Jade is definitely not sound behind! And why are Claire’s hands always so high? If her and Joanna are such good friends why isn’t Joanna telling her. And spurs? And why the need for nasal strips at an 80. I understand Joanna’s reasoning with the COPD/respiratory issue.
I’m not watching the vlogs anymore, it’s so fake so are their Instagram pages. There is always a reason why neither of their horses do fantastic dressage scores. Oh it’s too windy, it’s too wet, it’s too sunny. Maybe if you both were pro- active in improving it then you might succeed.
Sorry ranting!
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Clare and Joanna are at hopetoun this weekend.... I do hope Joanna has a great round on taking the step up to 90. I think blondie will love it, just need to watch the speed! Clare though.... I can't help but feel like there will be some kind of "she's just a baby" justification when she doesn't perform like the established 5* event horse she thinks she is.... If she does well, I will eat my words but just feel its another "too soon" moment for them.
Not to mention the fact that Clare's horse is most certainly not sound? She's very stiff behind and has been for months. I don't understand how judged etc don't pull people out on this
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VIP Member
Anybody else noticed that Kate Davies aka Country Grandeur aka An Artist Stories has been MIA for over a month now? 👀
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Wouldn't surprise me if they had the whole VE squad involved or judging a section of ASA. Maybe H&C should name it the all star acaemy- influencer wannabe edition?:LOL:
LOTB will be in, as will Ally Approved, Charlotte if she goes for it, who will be the token male "inclusivity" rider this year?
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Chatty Member
How does Olivia have no money? She’s earning more per hour than a lot of people working in the equine industry will earn per day. She’s either really careless with it or doesn’t do a lot of teaching. I get she’s paying for her house but if she’s struggling that much then she surely would think I’ve got to take more clients on and ride less if it doesn’t earn her money like she states.
Anyone who pays the same amount for a virtual lesson as shes charging for face to face is mental.
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Chatty Member
Don’t know why Jess bothered with the video when she probably knows she is already in 😂 following the “process” I see.
Agree Hugh will be the token male and its apparently not necessary to jump now anyways.
So staged it’s untrue!
Does this explain the LOTB glow up ? Camera ready ?
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Active member
supplements not beneficial??? You’re joking right?
Show me the science 😁👍

supplements not beneficial??? You’re joking right?
supplements not beneficial??? You’re joking right?
Unpopular opinion… calming supplements are used in favour of learning to ride or handle horses.
Now don’t get me wrong if your horse is deficient in vitamins or minerals then yes supplemental is advised. However I am telling you now most people don’t even know what their horses are deficient in.
The amount of people I see feeding supplements with the same product in all of them is unbelievable 🙈
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New member
Totally agree about the content holiday. I was following Katie Lewis but this post gave me the biggest cringe ever and so unfollowed. The amount of stuff they took with them that they showed on stories, talk about rubbing it in people's faces
I dont think I'm following any eq influencers now, have found some more smaller down to earth accounts to follow. Still have to have a nosey on some tho and keep up with the gossip!
They definitely didn’t read the room. They would of been better keeping their traps shut, enjoying the holidays with their horses and sending the content to the brands to use. You could tell that they were desperate to brag.
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Chatty Member
Yawn bloody yawn, another pity party from Jess!

The minute you put yourself out there, right or wrong, you open yourself up to criticism. For someone who appears to have the mental toughness of a mouse I do wonder why she bother’s putting herself out there? Life is hard enough without stressing yourself silly about what strangers on the internet might/have said about you.

Literally took the words out of my mouth! She has a lovely horse, just go and enjoy him.

I think she needs to be kind to herself and keep it in a close circle of trusted friends for a bit. If you go public, you need to expect criticism. The horsey world is full of unwanted opinions.
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VIP Member
My comment has been removed too. Someone said about how gorgeous and muscly it was and I responded saying that's not muscle, that's fat. It's gone now.
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