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Chatty Member
Pisses me off that so many people are tagging Riders Minds on posts about Georgie. I reached out to them in a dark time… still waiting on someone coming back to me!
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Fair enough, but I think it's a little grating for her to call her horse a jackass for misbehaving the very first time she takes him schooling in four weeks, when he was very fit before the break. And to school just a couple of days before an event (easy or not) without doing any work to keep him fit just seems unfair on the horse. His adrenalin will take him round and I hope they have a great day, but don't expect him to behave well when you don't put the work in, and keep him fit and focussed.
I could take my horse round a 90 tomorrow and he'd be fine if we didnt push for time xc, despite only hacking for months. Banksy is nicely fit and he's a professional, he knows what's what.
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So better than to take duty of care out of the parent’s hands?

I’m not sure how everyone thinks vloggers are going to support themselves or make any money? They can’t be sponsored by non-horsey brands (wine, Yfood, Hello Fresh) and now they can’t be sponsered/gifted by horse brands either. Sounds like a no win.

Let’s be clear I in no way support featuring naked children in any manner. Hard stop.

That is not the case with Ivy and many others.
It’s not necessarily that they can’t it just seems a bit disingenuous when they start raving about a brand they have never used previously. Influencers used to be more relatable to us normal folk who have to juggle a job around horses but more and more are able to use it as their sole income. They get gifted hauls that most of us could never afford and could only ever dream of buying all at once. I don’t begrudge anyone like Meg, Tina, Jess, Lucy and Em getting sponsored by brands as they aren’t exactly abusing their horses or exploiting kids. It’s when they gift or sponsor the likes of RTG I have a problem. Having Pepper as fat as she is, is just as abusive as leaving her with no food and her being emaciated.
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Chatty Member
Anyone else see RWC's catty replies to comments on her latest video?

Totally understand that her coach didn't want his voice to be included but a voice over from her would have sufficed. Who wants to sit through 20 minutes of music? I feel like she is the type to brew over the fact that she is not as popular on YouTube as others, but is it any surprise when her videos are half-assed and not interesting in terms of content.

That reel she did with the Macarena overlaid about becoming a top dressage rider is one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen!

That stupid reel she did with the Macarena overlaid about being a top dressage rider still haunts my dreams! It’s so cringe because she’s so cringe and need a reality check.
Her overall personality is just not meant for the YT/influencer sphere. She entitled, thinks she’s always right etc. It’s not that her videos are half-assed. It’s that she thinks she’s better than she is (with both her riding & content) and then constantly bitches & moans about everything. There’s plenty of influencers who rub me the wrong way, but I don’t just flat out dislike anyone other than her.
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Why is Tina taking Banksy eventing this weekend after just admitting she hasn't asked anything of him for 4 weeks? Hardly fair on the horse to do 'moochy hacks' for 4 weeks and then expect them to run.
I'm getting a slightly "I'm superior" tone from her since badminton. She said a few things in Emily's vlog that came across as condescending and her story about feeling weird going to a "less important" event was odd. Don't go then if it's beneath you!
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Is it just me, or is our least favourite vet still being totally insensitive and inappropriate in her latest post? Surly nobody in their right mind should be talking about falls in XC at the moment?
It’s coming across like she can’t possibly have the attention taken away from her. I could be completely off the mark but it seems very ME ME ME .
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When I saw the Ardeo vlogs and her trying them, I honestly thought with her buying a well-grounded, mature horse who had hunted, been to training shows and jumped confidently in Ireland, that she would take a few months and then bring her out at 90 with a possibilty of an easier 100/1*at the end of the season. Where is she taking Wilma this weekend? I see that Winnie is entered in the 70 at Barbury.
That’s exactly what everyone thought, except Meg 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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unicorn fairy

VIP Member
I was so impressed by her, at times it was hard going compared to action type videos, but she was so informative and is clearly 100% invested in her horses and their well being as well as their performance. She’s a very driven and capable girl, lots to like there and as you say so very informative, others *cough Whizzy Welsh/Hannah cough* take note of someone really caring about the horse and listening to them.

That last vlog was a hard watch, I don’t know at what point Lucy will just stop trying to make him into something he clearly isn’t. I have utmost respect for her and Justine and everything theyve done and what they’ve achieved with him, but his stress levels seem to be through the roof so much of the time and that can’t be good for him. Hard to tell if he’s lame because he’s so tense and not moving forward at any point, until he does go forward and then it’s legs everywhere. He reminds me so much of our old pony, even the same colour and looks and way of going, so many little choppy strides. I’d love to have my time again with him with the knowledge I have now and the help that’s available, so much more we could have done!

Lucy is such a quiet and sympathetic rider, I just think at his age he is who he is 🤷‍♀️
I have to agree regarding Ember. He’s finding the competition world so stressful and I’d be inclined to be scoping him to keep check on ulcers with his highly stressful ways. His jumping he’s just going and doesn’t seem focused on them, I’d be concerned XC with his jump style by the way he jumps. His dressage was probably one of the worst I’ve seen of him, but massive credit to Lucy for her work with him, she’s a nice quiet rider and nothing seems to worry her, even the tough days she’s still smiling. I think Lucy should invest in a horse that will take her to the levels, as that’s what she very well deserves.
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niamhs post has disappeared from FB now

i though she was headed up (s-i-l) but couldnt remember her name!!
Feel sorry for Niamh, you'd be ecstatic with 2nd, but to think you'd won, post and to have to take it down would be a bit gutting.
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Chatty Member
Talking about not being able to stand people.. Natalie McGoldrick, I understand sometimes horses can be backwards to the leg and have no physical issues but at this point she’s almost encouraging others that having a horse that “kicks out at the leg and goes backards” doesn’t warrant medical investigation 🤦🏼‍♀️
The very same woman who just a couple of days ago admitted to riding her horses in ill fitting saddles because she is too busy pouring more money into a horse who should have been put down already… by her very own words. The last surgery was his last chance and it failed.
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VIP Member
I think I’ve said this before but I’m in a similar situation with my horse. She has been diagnosed with kissing spine, PSD and SI pain. All have been treated within the last 6 months - won’t know for certain if they’re actually any better until I’m back on. But I have outright said that if anything else breaks or if the treatment hasn’t worked, then I’m pts. Not because I’m heartless or a pony patter (as I have been called when saying that) but because a) I don’t have a bottomless pit of money b) I am not very mentally or emotionally strong and c) it’s not fair on my horse. I obviously love her dearly and I’ve probably spent less on her than Han’s spent on Affie but I also know when to say enough is enough. I am fully anticipating that the likelihood of her being here this time next year is slim, but I can’t keep her going if she isn’t happy. It’s a hard decision to make and I completely understand the thought process behind “just try this one thing” or the elation you get when they go well for one, two, however many days. But horses with bodies that are riddled with so much, especially at such a young age, really do deserve that kindness.
I did this with my old pony who had bilateral PSD and navicular. I rehabbed him once, we had a couple of years together before he did it again. I was broken as I loved that pony more than anything but I didn’t have an endless supply of money or time and he struggled with his weight being a native pony, I had to keep him in work to keep him slim. The kindest thing to do for both of us was for him to be PTS.
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I know this isn't a rave thread but I am really enjoying Evie's content. It's so much more relatable and authentic, I don't think I can stomach another 'gifted trip abroad' or forced advert at this point, so it's nice to be able to 'be there' at badminton without all that BS
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Chatty Member
A meet and greet by an 8 year old is horrifying! Anything for a cash grab I guess. I also didn't see the original story but I saw today's and she's spot on.
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Why do they have to put this on SM? And then not mention anything for weeks? Why?
To lure you in and keep you watching and waiting for an update!
At this point I've unfollowed any equine influencer accounts, just occasionally have a little nosey what they're up to. In fact I'm less into social media at all atm
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Chatty Member
Um. I guess if you ride in the UK you probably think getting in the top ten at BGR is pretty special. And I'd imagine 'getting lucky' on social media is a slog, hard work and unforgiving.
Also, their fans are mainly kids. Young girls who ride. And in that respect they are role models.
Also influencers are celebrities now for a lot of young people. You could just as equally say a lot of "traditional" celebs have never done anything special, but that doesn't stop people wanting to meet them. Fortunately it isn't mandatory so you don't need to if you don't see the appeal
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Seeing that PonyJet are starting to take a pasting on some of the Facebook groups. They’ve still not delivered those showers that they stole the idea from Hippo horse showers. People are leaving reviews on trust pilot.
i had no respect for any of the influencers who promoted them. The original product was just a cheap hose attachment from Amazon marked up and marketed fleecing horse owners .
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unicorn fairy

VIP Member
It’s Han’s horse so she can do what she wants. It’s broken bones or worse waiting to happen. If she wants to take her life in her own hands that’s her choice.

But as I’ve said before. Speaks volumes that hobbit has told Meg not to get on Affie and Meg has listened. And I don’t think Meg has listened to her mum as such, I think they’ve both seen what she’s like and gone ‘no’. And she has ridden her before.

I think Han knows the mare isn’t right, she has to right? But she’s now featured her so publicly and anyone with half a brain can see the mare isn’t right.

She can’t sell her, that’s for sure. It’s a money pit with that horse and it’s one she’s dug herself.
I’d say Hobbit doesn’t want Meg riding her incase Meg gets injured, at the end of the day why should Meg ride a mad horse that’s not her and risk herself! Such a shame Han has been sold a horse that’s not what they said it was. Sounds like she needs to cut her loses and move on.
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Funnily enough there's a comment close to the beginning of the HHO thread saying that as a newly qualified vet, she went to someone's yard. Owner following the visit refused to use her again and I think complained to the practice.
I wonder if the reason she runs a solo practice is because she is universally disliked by other vets ? If she treated mine and I saw her posts being rude about happy hackers etc, she wouldn't be my vet for long.
Agree, I use a large practice but prefer one vet over any of the others, most of them are fine and I’d use them in an emergency situation of course but my particular vet treats my aged retired as she does the racehorses and 5* eventers next door, I have the same treatment options offered and explained and my choice is always respected. I spent a lot of money on surgery and rehab where lots wouldn’t have and not once did she make me feel like I was ‘just a pony patter’
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I’m so over all the Badminton slo mo’s now, the same few clips over and over, please, that’s enough now.
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