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Its with Equi treck in the list ;)
Ohhh I wouldn’t have one of them if you gave it me for free. They aren’t called equiwreck for nothing. Also the post comes across she disturbed their lunch and probably came with too much attitude. Maybe leave them to eat their lunch in peace. I also noticed Alana Clarke commented and she’s sponsored by equiwreck so may want to watch what she comments on social media. I CBA with saying anything but if they see her getting involved with fakebook drama they may think twice about the whole sponsorship.

unicorn fairy

VIP Member
Love Winnie. She's a baby in terms of experience, she's not been drilled, she's not had Addie's schedule that's for sure! Plus this spring has been so wet hardly anyone has been able to get on grass so it is pretty amazing that she isn't having really daft green moments. She did everything Meg asked her too out on the XC and you can't train that attitude, they have to want to do it and Winnie does.
Winnie has had a fair bit of experience, she’s been to SUKO and Pammys, plenty of training in all other aspects over time, she was just started later. Yes Winnie is still green, but for god sale she’s not a baby, the jumps are still small which is good, Meg herself has had ample training over time. But as someone mentioned above the excuses she made in the dressage faze was ridiculous, blaming everything else but the riding.


Active member
Meg also said in her previous eventing vlog with Winnie that she has had to be quite flappy & not neat with the reins to get Winnie to go into water so that probably doesn't help with the overall picture.


Active member
With BE events, do they not need to use certain listed judges for dressage? Whilst I’m so pleased for Lucy with her recent eventing result on Ember, I don’t understand how she brought him back to a trot to correct his canter that was disunited and still got a 7! That should have been a max of a 4 or a 5 surely?!
No. Not until Novice or at championship level where listed judges must be used.

Funny because I think you could theoretically judge (BE80-100) if you rode at Medium or something the last time I looked in the rule book.

It's all in the rule book folks!


Natalie McGoldrick throwing her toys out of the pram on Facebook again. I assume she hasn’t seen what’s been written on here or HHO about her or it would be even worse!
She really laid in to another vet for asking if the RVC would be impressed with her unprofessional behaviour


Active member
She must know about HHO. I think there are a lot of HHOs who would love it over here 😂
I’ve commented on the the thread saying she is being discussed here too so they might come over…
Someone is asking me for an invite code to here from there… do you know how I do that?!
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VIP Member
Jam would be ace for a young rider, but I’m sure Meg has said previously that she would not sell her or Dee. Maybe a lease type agreement would work?


Active member
Just watched a bit of Meg's Badminton video but had to turn off because of Han. This is probably harsh but I've come to the conclusion that I can't stand her. She's so immature and childish. The way she speaks and acts like a 10-year-old in an adult's body is actually borderline creepy. I'm sure I didn't know anyone like this when I was her age. WTF is wrong with her?
I can’t stand her either 🤷🏻‍♀️ luckily she saved me a job and blocked me first! 🤣


Active member
So I decided to try ELS eventing from comments on here and there is such a big difference. She is so mature and takes it as it comes. No drama just get on with refreshing!

Thanks for the suggestion!
I quite like her and Donut is nice but the idea of her going semi pro is stretching it. She also uses youtube to advertise her business, which irritates me a bit.