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Chatty Member
omg is this Harlow's mum!?

I didn't realise pimping Harlow isn't her first trip on the "influencer" merry-go-round. Imagine your child being known as "the worlds most famous Instagram baby" knowing the creeps out there that perv on family and baby content.

Harlan is younger than Harlow isn't he? She has been doing the same with Harlow all of her life. If you go back on her instagram you can see it all.
Also the fact they've got almost the same name grates me.
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Yeah I think she looks a bit tall on her. She has done great with her but she needs to move her on as she would make someone a cracking little pony. Never really sure why Meg just stays to ponies 🤷🏼‍♀️ She is a talented rider a bit of a spoilt brat and immature at times but she can ride.
I thought that was the plan but I could be wrong.
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God I can’t stand Ashley. But I know a few people that have known her well personally and have met her myself. She’s incredibly rude and arrogant, has a habit of just talking talking talking at you and cutting you off. She also doesn’t sound like a good person to work for from what I’ve heard

That ‘4*’ event horse of Ashley’s Zeb is absolutely atrocious to watch and quite frankly concerning. For the longest time it looked like it didn’t have the scope or stamina for the heights she was eventing at, and then she said she was going to 4* I couldn’t believe it. Wasn’t surprised when they had a fall out XC. Not the first time it’s happened either. It’s barely scraping over those fences it’s evident she’s pushing him far beyond his limits, even after the fall. You’d think the horse’s welfare would come before your desire to compete higher levels…
not sure how much I buy how much you are saying about Ashley with the way she’s act on her vlogs, does not seem arrogant at all. I also have a mutual friend who knows her and I know she wouldn’t have anything to do with her if she was actually like what you are saying. What have you heard about what she is like to work with? Again I ride in the same area as Ashley and have never heard a bad word.
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VIP Member
Blobthecob is great. The old school youtubers like Jazzcicerocasper, Issy King and Grace Lidster are really missed. Some of the riding these days is absolutely shocking. Too much money, not enough horsey knowledge.
I know jas in real life, she is lovely. I've never actually watched her YT though. Might have a look
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Ray the Goth astounds me, I've two kids and my weight gain had nothing to do with it, I'd never blame my kids for it! I'd only ever comment on a person's weight if it was harming the horse which I think it will in the end. Girl needs to get strict with herself, it's hard but she can do it.
I follow Jess and never once thought her heavy, nasty comments for the sake of being nasty....
Riding with Charlotte is a true case of all the gear no idea.

Accounts I love are emdeventing, Emily is so nice but I miss Lola, I'm hoping the youngster isn't too much for her I'd hate to see emily lose her confidence, muddy mayhem is downright hilarious, freyatheconnemara is really nice, I'm sad she's sick but she copes well, Ashley Harrison's vlogs are great and elphickeventponies, I just like her ponies and vlogs are a good watch!
Is she blaming the kid for her weight gain?
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I get they are possibly a good idea but literally looks like you’re walking round in a sleeping bag. not the most aesthetically pleasing 😂
True but i’d rather be warm than stylish when i’m spending all day every day on the yard lol
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Completely agree! Emily also rides him beautifully. I think Tina loves the drama footage. I think their old instructor Fred once called out Tina for caring more about the footage than the ride.
Do they still have lessons with Fred at all? I don’t tend to watch their youtube so don’t really see their vlogs.
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VIP Member
I’d say it’s legit alright but is it a genuine post? I don’t know what the fat shaming is about, we all make mistakes but fat shaming? Not really a mistake is it? It’s fatphobia.
She snapped after being stalked and trolled by the individual she fat shamed. Of course, not an excuse for what she said but she did snap and she has apologised for it.
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Riding with Rhi... the livery yard she is on. EVERY horse there breaks. It's well know in the local area. So so so many horses get injured there. And so many dodgy horses are bought by inexperienced owners. I've never been stabled there but there's so many rumours. Plenty of horses have been PTS too.
I’m guessing the field maintainence is not their strong point then! Unless they get injured elsewhere on the yard but the surface in the big outdoor looks a good one.
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VIP Member
Really love Lucy’s content and her and Ember just click don’t they?

where has Han been on Megan’s vlogs? Or is she working elsewhere now? I really like them both but haven’t really followed them properly recently. I got bored of equestrians over winter but maybe I will get back into it again.
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Active member
Opinions on RuthIrishEq and Canterring? Can’t believe neither have been discussed here yet…
Not a fan of either.
Ruth has an opinion on everything. Canterring ive never followed, cause the fact she doesn’t tie her hair up really put me off. Yep petty I know 😂
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It’s a bit ridiculous because the 12yo girl hasn’t taken her to any events or put her in the situations that used to cause issues. Emily always did a fantastic job with Lola. There’s just no way they can have legitimately made the judgment they are claiming in such a short space of time (judging by their Facebook they’ve only had her a few weeks). I think it’s a line because they knew it would attract attention from Emily’s followers. I don’t know the dealer so this is all assumptions but the whole ad doesn’t really sit that well with me tbh
This is how people end up with the wrong horse and how horses get passed around 👍 Emily who has had her for years on end, took her out to multiple places/events/shows as well as having lessons with a variety of amazing instructors clearly knows her better to say I think she would be better excelling in dressage over a dealer who has put a 12 year old on her and taken her round a course or two?!
Also I’m sure on her video when she did say she was selling Lola she didn’t ever say she couldn’t do eventing just that it didn’t seem to be her preference? (Need to rewatch the video tbh!)
Has Emily addressed it at all? I don’t follow her on instagram only YouTube.
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Annoys me how people say "well why didn't the rider do/say anything" as if that excuses Mark Todd's actions?! MT was in the wrong whether the rider asked him to do that, if she just went along with it or if she was too intimidated to speak up (the latter being the most likely in the opinion). And it says a lot about these riders own horsemanship by posting in support of MT's actions 🧐
Maybe the rider should have been hit with the branch then 🙈🤔
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Well-known member
I like that she's so honest and I really gel with her stories and such. I think if she sent Affie to Meg for some schooling and then had some lessons with Meg on how to ride Affie she'd be away. I don't think she's particularly doing anything wrong at the moment so this isn't meant as a dig at her, just that I believe knowing how good Meg is with the quirky ones, and even had Han jumping Bear (who I wouldn't even dare sit on due to my nerves) I think they have the potential to team up and have success with Han and Affie. I'm really rooting for them.
I agree - I think Han would benefit so much from utilising Meg. Saying that, she has done so well with her already. She even said in her stories yesterday that she wasn’t expecting Affie to be quite so quirky and feels she has overhorsed herself. Babies are so difficult at the best of times (I bought a rising 5 year old 3 years ago and know how up and down having babies can be). She’s doing great, I just think she would’ve been better matched to a 6/7 year old. But I am also rooting for them!
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Active member
Now I have a question because I like asking questions lol. Have you ever bought a product shown/talked highly about by an influencer (even if they're not promoting it)? Did you rate it or hate it?
I bought a reinrite used by some Irish influencers I follow and I really trusted their word for it (REALLY as it cost £159 or somewhere abouts). It's turned my horse around and the two influencers that shared it weren't promoting it/had no association with it. They seemed like they geniuinely loved it which sold it to me and now I'm in love. Isn't it a love/hate relationship with influencers, brands and products? I am more inclined to use something if I scroll back months and see they're using a product and haven't mentioned it until they start then talking about it and swearing by it because you then know their genuine feelings..
For me, it depends what it is. I will absolutely use a discount code 100% - who doesn't want some money off?! And I wouldn't mind buying something I genuinely thought I needed if it was brought to my attention from an "influencer" but I would always check elsewhere to see if I can get the same product for cheaper and a lot of the time... You find exactly that! I like smaller accounts but I don't like how as they grow their accounts they jump on EVERY company that offers to send them things and then suddenly, this company that no one has ever heard of is apparently the best thing in whole world. It's fake af and that will always put me off buying things that they are trying to "influence" me with. But I understand that there are a lot of people out there that lack common sense who will instantly go "oh she has that, I'll buy that too" but I just wish people were more honest, if it is shite - say no, don't say omg yes this is amazing and then throw it in our faces for the next month. The things people do jsut for more numbers. Quite sad.
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VIP Member
Ohhh, who?! 👀

Horse whisperers and Rhi. What are your thoughts? She got some messages saying they’re great and picked up on issues. I think it’s a load of rubbish personally but I’ve never dealt with one 😆
I’ve used one. All she knew was my first name wouldn’t have been able to social media stalk me beforehand. She was very good. She said things that she couldn’t have found out.
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