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Donnacha O Callaghan reading the sports news is painful to listen to. My 7 year old could do a better job. He stumbles over every word. Would you not read it in advance and be prepared 🙄😔
I often think that he got a few too many knocks to the head when he played rugby. He is presenting the morning show at the moment with D&C and he’s ALWAYS stumbling over his words. He comes across as a lovely chap. But Jesus it’s painful to listen to him sometimes.
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What happened didn’t know he left, I cant stand him couldn’t bare to listen him especially not first thing in the morning same goes for Doireann :rolleyes:
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Yup they definitely look so uncomfortable and can tell weren’t expecting it or wanting it ! Even if I didn’t hear anything about Reddit , what he does in the video is disgusting
Hmmmm no he is another one that I just cannot abide.

There has been some very sad allegations and accusations against their family company. Very sad story. Don’t want to de rail this thread, it’s all still online if you Google it.
Just had a read there. The irony of the name of the company. I thought it was disgusting too when Terry Prone sent that email on behalf of the Bon Secours sisters saying there weren't any dead babies in Tuam.
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This whole thread, combined with what happened to that poor woman in the UK, is just horrifying. The amount of women who have posted on here about the terrible things that happened to them. My social media today has been filled with posts and stats, listing all the ways women try to stay safe, but bad shit still happens to them. Harassment at all levels. From what is deemed 'harmless' catcalling, telling a woman to smile (FUCK OFF), to asking if a woman was drunk when she was raped. What was she thinking, going to that party, going off into a room with that guy. What did she think would happen? It's hardly the man's fault. She was asking for it.

How about the crazy idea, that the woman should she have the power of consent. Just because she was drunk does not mean she was not raped. Just because she went off with guy, doesn't mean she had to give a blow job.

I was raped when I was 16. I was drunk. Went back to my boyfriends house. We had never had sex, or even come close. He was 4 years older. I vaguely remember him on top of me, but that is all. The next morning I went home. Never told anyone. Broke up with the boyfriend after. I always thought it was my fault. I was drunk. What did I expect? It wasn't his fault, he's a man, couldn't control himself. I didn't have sex again until I was 21..

I have a daughter. I teach her it's ok to say no. That she doesn't have to hug anyone she doesn't want to.
I have a son. I teach him that 'no' means 'no'. When he's older, I'll tell him if a person is too drunk to give consent, then that is rape.

We have to do better. It's not good enough what women endure. And to read 'but she could be lying. What about his career'. "why wouldn't you go to the police?" I'd say nearly every woman that gets assaulted believes it's her fault. We all know that the legal system is fucked as regards these cases. We know that people will question us, doubt us. You don't want to talk about something so personal with strangers. For the tiny percentage of women that might be lying about such things, there are huge numbers that don't report their assault. I will always believe someone.
I stand with you and thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for teaching your kids boundaries. It’s not something I was taught as a kid. If someone wanted me to kiss them or hug them my parents would force me.
Teaching kids boundaries from a young age is soooo important so that they grow up knowing how to trust themselves, knowing it’s ok to say yes but also knowing it’s ok to say no ❤
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He has so many celeb friends, Niall Goran, Bressie, Laura Whitmore etc Wonder how they reacted to the news?
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I was steered in the direction of Linda a few years ago now by a mutual friend. Don’t want to talk about why because it risks exposing who I am, but I said I’d check her out and get back in touch.
I followed her twitter but never reached out. She instantly struck me as a disingenuous person who only wanted to help those with issues that suited her agenda so I definitely agree with the narcissist sentiment. How can you say you want to make Ireland an inclusive society but be so intolerant of those who’s beliefs differ from yours? I don’t wish misery on anyone but it’s poetic justice that she’s been cancelled.
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If it’s all a load of bull then why go to ground and say nothing 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like it’s not out of the bounds of possibility that this person may be making things up (not saying she is at all), but Eoghan’s silence and the fact he quit his job is just adding to the fact that there’s more to this than meets the eye. He’s avoiding something
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So in awe of all the amazing women who have shared their stories on this thread, whether for the first time or the 100th time you are all so brave❤ Actually disgusting that this is the world we have to grow up in as women! regarding Eoghan I definitely believe Eleanor (pseudonym) and agree with everyone on this thread but am dreading the backlash from “meninists” as I have already seen a few comments on Twitter saying “never trust a man who calls himself a feminist” etc 😞 agree with poster a few pages ago saying he was shouting the loudest to cover up his past actions
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Having met Tommy on a couple of occasions at events when he played international rugby I can tell you he's a really sound fella. Most of his team mates were up their own arses but he stood out as the one who was genuinely friendly,that could be why he's getting lots of TV work.
I don't think anyone is saying he isn't sound or a nice chap. More that just because a successful sports person is well-regarded and has a bit of a following they put them into significant enough places on TV/radio. At the same time people who have worked their way up, know the industry and the technology cannot get a look in. The message that sends out is that if you have a good profile (e.g. successful sports career or an Insta following) you can by-pass the hard work that young people do coming straight out of school (internships, making the tea, doing a broadcasting course in a local College). Anna Geary is another former sports player who is on everything but I can't be sure why.
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In fairness Doireann is very unlikeable. I think I would find it hard to hide my distain for her as well.
My cousin used to do a lot of work for RTE a few years ago and met her through Eoghan who he was very close too. He said she's just as unlikeable as she comes across on TV. Dunno how she got so far or Eoghan either. Both unlikeable. Need a young version of Bryan Dobson. So likeable.

It was my cousins 40th last Winter and Whitmore legit text him where her invite was. It was just close family. Like we've no one left whos likeable anymore cause its just about the money now. Like Tommy Bowe presenting is a piss take.
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I just saw a woman i follow stand down from a position in the VA... something bad must have happened.
There's a long story here but the gist is this girl Linda who is involved in the victims alliance spoke to Ciara Kelly anonymously a while back about her experience of being raped and apparently on a subsequent show Ciara revealed her identity. Linda was upset by this and went public on Twitter giving out about Ciara then I missed a bit and all of a sudden Ciara was sueing Linda??? I'm unsure of the details there. Linda publicly apologised and Ciara's husband was giving her abuse on Twitter then this Newsworthy site dragged up old tweets from Linda that were racist and anti Traveller.

Open to correction on any of the above but that's my understanding so far of what's going on!
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Chatty Member
I knew this would be the reply. Yes I feel bad for them I think I made that clear but my point that I think you missed was try remain unbiased and think of the alternative which we rarely ever do in cases like these....

Just to be crystal clear I am by no means saying I don't feel bad for those that get dismissed /ignored /no justice. I do I feel incredibly bad for them. But in my experience it seems easier as it is more accepted /talked about, whatever you wanna say. They have support groups and for the most part (I'm generalising) they don't loose their jobs, family and have to move whereas if your in the other position you do.
Far more victims never receive justice than anyone is wrongly accused and just because a conviction doesn’t take place it does not mean someone is innocent. Far too many sexual assault cases end without a conviction & far too few ever make it to court.
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Chatty Member
Does every woman get subjected to this. Its disgusting. Had an older male who used to give me drink for "help" had compartmentalised it for years and blocked it out. Only recently has the gravity of it hit me.
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Louise Mc Sharry will be on air now at 9. I would say it's killing her not to be able to talk about it
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So is it the desire of RTE to act like Eoghan Mc Dermott never even existed now? Why do I feel like he’s just going to disappear into thin air and never have to answer to any of this, and nobody will ever mention him again?
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That post just reeks of desperation. Definitely EOD or one of his buddies although the silence from anyone in media world is deafening which in itself speaks volumes. I would imagine his behaviour is an open secret and people are delighted to see him finally getting called out on it.
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