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Active member
I cannot STAND how often they say each others names. They would be grand otherwise, its daft inane stuff they broadcast but good god, the names. Maybe I need to be reminded because I'm losing brain cells listening to them that their names are Chris & Ciara.
Now that you've said it is all I will ever hear.
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Would they not be able to report that a broadcaster was under investigation etc., similar to when scumbag McGregor was being questioned? I genuinely have no idea how this works.
Given the nature of this allegation, they may as well hand him a gun than report something like that. Don't forget he's an RTE employee and they have a duty of care to him and so far this is conjecture on social media and a legal nightmare for everyone involved. The advice will have been to pull him off the air immediately and let legal process take place.
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I've seen a lot on Twitter about her being 17 and him 27 at the time, but I just re-read the solicitors letter and she admits to being 'above' the age of consent. So there's nothing definite to say that she was only 17 at the time? I do agree a 17 yr old with a 27yr old doesn't sit right but I just wonder if people are taking her age as 17 and running with it....
To me the letter is playing very fast and loose to try make things look more favourable for him. I think if they could have categorically said "she lied about being 17, she was actually x age when they were in a relationship" they would have, but they didn't. Instead they leaned into "she was over the age of consent", which is 17.
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Chatty Member
I see ‘opinion on everything, expert at nothing ‘ Stefanie ‘will do anything to build my following’ presiner is on RTÉ radio 1 this morning talking about cancel culture.. the irony
I cannot stand that gobshite. She boils my piss!
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Why is it assumed that the politician is gay? Do women just automatically get a pass because they are women? Women can be as much predators as men. Gay or straight
Agree with you about assuming it’s a gay person but it does appear to be a male politician, as opposed to a woman, as the article refers to them as “he”.
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I actually can’t stand listening to her, her voice goes through me especially when she “thinks” she is funny. I really enjoyed Donnacha...or bring back Nicky Byrne
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VIP Member
I was abused 35 years ago, I still haven’t found the strength to speak out . How dare you victim blame & how dare you assume a year is an acceptable time frame to speak up. Idiot
Wow! Sorry for asking a question. How am I victim blaming! I asked a question? I did not victim blame, nor have I ever! I’m also not assuming anything, maybe read it again and you’ll see who’s the idiot! Very mature of you!
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That may be - but I still feel sorry for her. I hope she and any affected women are doing ok
Why would you feel sorry for her? She’s choosing to stay with him, I don’t know how she can bear being with him.
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Well-known member
Disgusted at this woman. People on twitter keep posting about a “pile on”
When there are a lot of people directly affected by her and indirectly they will want to voice their anger on the issue. Unfortunately for her there are a lot of people 🤷‍♀️

This is a very interesting thread and makes a lot of sense. She seems to have aligned herself with the VA & SDs (IMO) just to massage her own ego and have an echo chamber of people who would never call her out. Narcissist it to the highest degree. It also appears she has lost her job

Sorry if we’re not allowed post links
Linda Hayden always made me uneasy. I admired some of the work she was doing but the totally unforgiving nature towards anyone who disagreed with or challenged her just made me so uncomfortable. One wrong word to Linda and the hounds were set. It's ironic that she led many pile ons in her time yet some of her minions are still trying to make her out to be a victim because her true nature has been shown. She was a grown woman in her 30's posting that vile shit. She deserves to be 'cancelled'... it's exactly what she'd be calling for if it had been revealed about anyone else. I really hope the victims she was dealing with aren't put off pursuing their cases off the back of this. This has to be torturous for them considering all they've gone through already.
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Active member
Thank you :) Is this only recently? Doesn’t he have a partner? I could never stand him so full of himself and the male version of a complete dose. No way he’d have left what I’d imagine was a very high paying job at 2fm, as someone called him in a comments section “the king of the snowflakes”:ROFLMAO: suits him perfectly.
Yes partner is a doctor. The claims I read are from 10 years ago. He was 28 and the girl was 16 😳

Never was a fan of him when I was back home and heard him on radio think it was drive time at that stage.
He's a pain in the arse to listen to up his own hole type person. Wasn't he "leaving" the breakfast show a while back too
He was so into feminism etc. If the claims are true, do you think he forgot what had happened /didn't realise it was abuse/ didn't think it would ever come out?

His sister Roe Mc Derrmott is a massive feminist too.
Bet Doireann is secretly delighted 😳
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The list is gone as are any tweets about it , one person in particular on that list , he has a guitar and a ginger beard and one a big award (sorry don’t know the rules about posting names )
I remember seeing hundreds of tweets about him and they are all gone , shows the pull some of these people have . A lot of Irish musicians and comedians were named on it.
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VIP Member
By questioning a victim you doubts a victim and you blame a victim so yes this makes you an idiot !
I asked a question? I did not blame a victim, doubt a victim, or question a victim. Get a life if your on this looking for arguments. People have their opinion of this site. I didn’t give my opinion, I asked a question.
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Chatty Member
Let me tell you what I have to live with.
I was 14 when a man in his mid 40's groomed me. I'd have considered myself very intelligent.
I was bullied at the time, so had no friends, no one to confide in. I was played like a violin to believe that someone genuinely cared for me.

I didn't want to do any of the sex stuff, which I know know was abuse, but I did it because I was so afraid of what would happen if I didn't.
He never threatened me, he didn't have to. I knew enough to be afraid.
It did come out what was happening, he was jailed, but once it came out I put it in a box in my head.
The box was always there.
With every dysfunctional relationship that followed, the box was there.

I finally, 10 years later, got counselling.
No one had told me I was abused, until then.
All I could think was it was my own fault.
Because I kept returning, so I must have liked it.
I didn't, but sure, as you have clearly said in your post, why go back after the first time???

Within the last 20 years I've made several attempts on my life.
I bear physical scars from where I've harmed myself, because I needed to see actual physical damage to be able to say to myself "now you can cry, now you have a "reason" To feel so disgusting, so ugly, so broken, because now your skin is.

I will never ever hold a full time job again.
I am not able for it mentally.
I'm medicated for the last 10 years.
I had dreams
I had wishes.
I had hopes.

Yes overall my life is good now, but it is not the life I dreamed of.

I will never do the job I dreamed of, help the people I wanted to help.
I will never be a functioning member of society.

He got 3 years.

I got life.

I am now in my mid 30's
I dunno what to say sandyclaws, thats horrible. You are incredibly strong.
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VIP Member
It’s been said many times here and in the deleted thread, there are reasons why anyone in that scenario wouldn’t make a statement. Once he makes a statement, the media could report on it. Plus given solicitors are involved, he clearly did go the legal route.

We also don’t know she was 17. Surely at this point it’s worth stepping back from making allegations like this?
As I said in my other post today, no we don't know anything, but for how much they're doing legal gymnastics to get around things on a technicality I think it would have been stated in the letter that she was over 18 if she was in fact over 18, but they didn't do that. They used the phrase "over the age of consent" which leaves a lot to read between the lines. It's up to you what you take from that. It's also been over 24 hours now of intense discussion on twitter of her only being 17, I think his lawyers would be after coming out to clarify that by now if that wasn't the case. But that's just my opinion, not an allegation.
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Chatty Member
It's just crazy! And for them all to just not mention it on air, talk about the elephant in the room. Love to be a fly in the wall in the Rte canteen
If he did do it though, I presume the girl is going down the public shaming route rather than going to court? I don't know much about the legal system but surely all this talk online would prevent him from having a fair trial?
It’s possible she had a moment where she felt she could finally open up and share her story, often things like a process someone should follow gets forgotten about.

I never got Doireanns appeal at all, she’s also not one bit funny.
She is painful to listen to
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VIP Member
This was 100% written by a man and I highly suspect Eoghan or a friend of him stupidly wrote it, the language used would only be written by a man, eg “girl says”, no woman would refer to another as “girl”, secondly “so that’s bollox” and “sounds like shite” , also male phrases.


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If you type in “Linda Hayden“ into the search bar on Twitter, there’s plenty more screenshots of awful tweets she posted in the past 🤦‍♀️
Read some of the tweets. She is a clown for posting all those things. If your going to be superwoke on Twitter then my god you need to make sure there are no skeletons in your closet. Either start a professional account or use one of the thousands of apps to delete your old tweets. I clear my twitter every few months. Not that I have anything to hide but tweets lose their context after years and its hard to say how a future employer would interpret something.
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Chatty Member
I really hope he pursues this further. Like I understand he might want to draw a line under it all but ffs, it's accusations like this that destroy peoples lives and have genuine victims facing doubt and disbelief.
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