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I heard a brief moment of the show yesterday morning and Doreen obviously had to discuss the Piers Morgan story and she played the piece of Susannah speaking about him leaving, she couldn’t move on from it quick enough. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of some of the RTE WhatsApp groups...
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I used to have big boobs, and was forever getting comments and unwanted attention from men. I hate being noticed, and used to go round with baggy tops on. I used to have to avoid one particular fella at work who always commented on me. So one day, I had enough and told him to shut up or I would report him to hr. It shut him up.
But I ended up having a breast reduction because I hated them so much. Now I'm covered in scars, and I miss them. They suited my frame. But I put myself through a major operation because of pricks who think they have a right to comment on my body.
Good for you calling him out on his gross behaviour! It's not easy to do that, especially in a work environment. I think we are conditioned to "not rock the boat" so we tend to stay quiet and just get on with things. I worked in a bar for a couple of years when I was going through college and the shit I had to put up with was unbelievable. My breaking point was when a punter grabbed my ass and I lost it, gave him a piece of my mind and told him if he so much as breathed in my direction again I'd report him to the guards for sexual assault. I got in trouble with my (male) boss for "causing a scene" arguing with a customer. Needless to say, I found myself another job and quit that place as soon as I could. The offending customer apologised on the spot and again the following day when he was sober. He knew I would be working my usual shift and came to apologise again. I never had any trouble from him again the few times I saw him before I left that job so I hope he learned a valuable lesson and doesn't behave like that anymore.

I'm sorry to hear you regret your decision to have surgery :( That's a tough situation to be in. All I can say is please know that you are more than the sum and the sizes of your body parts and I hope you can find a way to accept and love your body now. You deserve to x
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Im sorry this is too much with this young man killing hoimself last week. And yes i will say I do know eoghans family and the situation or some of the situation anyway and maybe this is not mine to share but the amount of devestation is so much with this news of this man killing himself over an allegation. yes this girl is allowed to make a proper complaint if she wants and let Garda do the work to but this is why social media is dangerous because it is not a court just people saying many things with no favts only what other people say. I don’t know everything but it is a big big mess like I said and I have spent this some time last week and today again reading a lot of this thread that is why i had to write and there are very sad stories and brave stories and some very nasty comments too with many wrong facts from what I know. The account or the tweets anyway were deleted because this girl behind the twitter admitted her lawers and eoghan lawers she lied about her age and was older than she said at this time she talk about. That is to say she said she was underage when she was notand and shared with the whole country a serious crime maybe the most serious crime that is not true. And now anyone who shared her post could now get sued because of that which is hundreds of people from what im told but she will have no responsability for them getting sued if that is what happens because you are supposed to check your own facts on social media. Another mess is she. Admitted again to lawers she shared another rape allegation from a troll account that i see mentioned above just only now totally fake that got reshared fromn her twitter and on here too on tatle life earlier on a scrrenshot on this thread I saw this morning. That troll posted many allegations about many people oin the public eye both men and women too of course I won't name names but they are still there on that account i believe all very nasty and fake so anyone who shared that post from her account when she reposted could now get sued aswell/ A lot of legal trouble she's made for a lot of people. the girl said she never never spoke with eoghan after there last meeting but I'm told there are many msgs that they kept in touch for a long time afyer all this and all the msgs friendly and normal msgs. I know eoghans dad who is just a very lovely kind man and she said in her twitter she wouldn’t go to the Garda because he was a Garda and was corrupt and would make trouble for her. He is just a teacher all of his life and so upset at all this and this accusation. I don’t know if that’s defamation on him but the family are crushed and worried eoghan might hurt himself or worse too like this man did last week. Another problem made by the post she said eoghan said he was friends with niall horan the singer and talked about him like bragging and showing off to her because he is famous which got him (niall included in many tweets and his name involved on social media except they (eoghan and niall) had never met at all at that stage and there is proof of that aswell so now niall horan has had his name pulled in and mentioned on social media. Maybe that is anothe rlegal problem for her i don;t know. So that is why none of reported in the papers because if they had printed what she wrote they would all be in big legal trouble like many of the people on twitter are and that is why tweets gone. Social media is a disaster. I remember does everyone that Mary harney the minister got nealy half a million euros because a paper or radio said she was an alcoholic. Maybe the lawers will make lots of money but everybody else on both sides will lose. The lawers eoghans side offered mediation to all sit down because eoghan thinks it was consensual and now of courdse she say s she doesn't think it was. So they opfferee and she has said no. So she hasnt make a complaint maybe she doesn't want to or maybe she is scared now how big it has gotten and admitted many details not true she won’t meet and try to mediation just hoping to delete tweets and go away but so many lives ruined? If it was my son i don’t know what I would do. Of course you'd hope to sort out but it si in limbo. And of course maybe her experience was not good either and that is sad but maybe he thought one thing and she thought another thing and the fact she now admotted many parts not true to lawers makes it hard for anyone to come to the tqble in peace. Nobody is a winner it’s all very sad. I hope maybe they will talk and be able to sort it out before something terrible happens like last week. Sorry for the long post I just read a lot of the posts here again this morning and many of them made me very sad from brave women and many made me sad because I know some of the truth and the family and they are suffering and trying to sort out and help their son. I am prayinh we dont have another headline like todays again soon. God bless this girl and eoghan and the families.
God lord.... PUNCTUATE 😭
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Oooh how the mighly have fallen🙈🙈The post on Reddit is SO detailed it does seem credible..however IF none of this is true its shocking how his name is being tarnished...
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This is a joke though, no!? Judging by Roz’s bad acting!
It wasn't a joke.
Dont want to out myself at all but she was dating my cousin before and we've stayed in touch. She's a absolute lady. Eoghans done shit like this to a shit load of people 😤😤😤😤
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She is nearly due, I can’t imagine after the last 4 months of things being arseways that they would put someone in that will be on Mat leave soon. Plus, she’s on about €150k doing the very old and already reported on zeleb gossip during the daytime. I can’t see it happening. It would mean a step down & i can’t see her going for something so rough on the body just before having her first baby

Carl is in 2fm nearly 10 years. He does the weekend breakfast. He comes across as a very nice, respectable guy & someone who has earned his place for such a slot

Definitely agree with this. I’m all for feminism and women having the same opportunities as men. However, Eoghan was the only male on between mon-fri. I don’t think that is fair or equal
Is Lottie really earning that much, Jesus she was driving a banger of a Yaris til this year, I would have thought she was on less than half of that!
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I just read the girls side of the story from a twitter link. She gives a lot of detail (where he was living, tattoos) etc and seems like they were in some sort of relationship at the time. I had thought it was a random indicent in a bar or something
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That might be your experience but I have worked with so many young women and men that have gone to the gaurds and were shown nothing but encouragement and support from their first statement through the whole process to court. Specialised investigators, meeting them in comfortable locations etc.
If you feel hard done by from your previous experience you can go back now and disclose your abuse, I’d be hopeful you’d have a different experience.
That might be your experience but I have worked with so many young women and men that have gone to the gaurds and were shown nothing but encouragement and support from their first statement through the whole process to court. Specialised investigators, meeting them in comfortable locations etc.
If you feel hard done by from your previous experience you can go back now and disclose your abuse, I’d be hopeful you’d have a different experience.
Amazing that not one woman on this thread has had that experience.
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comment on life

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I know exactly who you mean and he’s a noted creep. Years and years ago he did some show where he lived in Irish towns and worked in local businesses like hotels and swimming pools.... he did it in Tralee Aquadome and its well known fact that more than one of the underage lifeguards were pulled into the showers with him. He’s disgusting
I remember seeing this guy in a nightclub in Cork years ago. He made his way into the DJ box so everyone in the club could see that he was there (plexi glass elevated platform type setup). The DJ was my boyfriend at the time and later that night he told me he was grossed out by said comedian. He kept making comments to him like "man you must get so much p*s*y doing this job". Prior to that I had liked his comedy. Was like a switch flicked then and there and i was just like - ew! Absolute trump vibes. Sad to hear that he may be more than just inappropriate comments ☹
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I agree. It's too coincidental.

The name I mean!
For sure.... I can actually hear Eoghan saying that, he thought his job
made him a far more superior being, possibly what he felt gave him the right to behave like a creep even while in the workplace as we've all witnessed in the Katherine Thomas clips.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think gript is hugely credible, I wouldn’t be giving them clicks from what I’ve seen on Twitter. I don’t disagree with the sentiment on Linda here just heads up that they’re far-right and connected with Youth Defence, from what I’ve gathered.
Gript are not far right, they are just not far left, which in Ireland seems to be enough to be deemed far right.
They report the news that state sponsored RTÉ won't report.
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I find Stephen very hard to listen to. He just seems to try too hard. Definitely need a few fellas though to mix it up a bit
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True. I'm itching to know what's true and what's not from that post. The age claim seems like a big one to make if it's not true. If she was above the age of consent but has claimed she wasn't thats probably a huge roadblock to her now making a formal complaint given it was so widely circulated. Would explain the tweets disappearing. Deeper down the rabbit hole....
I've such an itch too but I would say that poster spurred load of shite tbh
I highly doubt the victim would lie in the original accusation. Oral r*** is oral rape, it doesn't matter if you are 16 or 60, its still horrible so I don't see why she would go to the trouble to make him look worse, if you get me.
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He has been accused of sexual assault on one woman and she claims there are many more victims. Lots of info on twitter
Thank you :) Is this only recently? Doesn’t he have a partner? I could never stand him so full of himself and the male version of a complete dose. No way he’d have left what I’d imagine was a very high paying job at 2fm, as someone called him in a comments section “the king of the snowflakes”:ROFLMAO: suits him perfectly.
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