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How old is Hattie and why is she waking for a feed in the middle of the night? Surely that’s a big sign that she isn’t being fed enough in the day?
I’m getting really fed up of people posting continuously with their kids involved (Hinch and Solomon) if Emma kept her kids out of the gram, I’m sure she wouldn’t have anything to post about.
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Chatty Member
I used have clothes that I would only send my kids nursery in and if they got covered in paint and it didn’t come out so what? I would still send my kids in wearing them. I really don’t see what her issue is?
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately now that schools are now allowed to refuse it seems like parents don’t have the same urgency. This year we have 8 children in nappies not toilet trained- ridiculous!

There was no reason at all he shouldn’t have been tried (more than one day) over the summer holidays, we had the perfect weather to just strip him off and have a potty/toilet nearby. I wonder what the nursery say to her? At this rate H will be toilet trained before J!
8? That’s ludicrous!!
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I genuinely can’t believe he’s 3 months off turning 4 and she is seemingly unbothered by him still being in nappies. I’d definitely have been worrying by now if my child wasn’t potty trained at almost 4. I’ve taught in a school where the parents had to come in to do nappy changes as the head teacher (wrongly or rightly) refused to allow the child to start without either being trained or parents doing the toileting because he didn’t feel it was the responsibility of his staff to be potty training a neurotypical child in a reception class. Could you imagine how that would go down with Emma’s work?!
Yep that’s quite a common rule. I wonder why she hasn’t? I wonder why he hasn’t wanted to try himself after seeing his parents, friends, caregivers going to the loo. My boy questioned the toilet, had a go on his little toilet potty and never looked back. So I do wonder if he’s ever shown interest in why everyone else shits on a toilet but he doesn’t.

Nice to see the reins have gone.
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1.30am, that’s ridiculous. Unless really unwell that is very concerning and not normal. Even with sleep regression, teething, illness, mine have gone back to sleep an hour or two hours later. My son was a dreadful sleeper and still is aged 4 but I’ve never had that!!!
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Chatty Member
I sent her a message to say Asda baby clothes go up to 18-24months because she said
Hattie is "Definitely a little girl now"
Said the baby clothes are too small.
She said she doesn't want Hattie in baby clothes, she's not a baby.
I would still put my 3 year old in baby dungarees if I could squish him in them 😂
You might get blocked now if she reads here and works out who you are.
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She wants to lose a stone and a half by Christmas. Isn't that quite a high expectation?
8 weeks. 2 and a half pounds a week when she's not got that much left to lose anyway?
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I will miss catching up with the boring one 😆 but I don’t see why she just doesn’t stop this account?! She says she doesn’t want strangers knowing her private family life now…yet she still has 39k followers 🤣 I bet 38,987 of those followers are strangers 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Depends how many year groups she teaches but it’s probably right. There will be one for each year group (so 7 in the year if it’s got a sixth form) and she will need to do it if she teaches in that year. I only teach sixth form (so two year groups) and we still have 4 a year, 2 for each year group 😭
I feel if she genuinely has such a workload that she is bringing this much home she needs to start quoting the 1265 at them and leaving work at work. If they want all these assessments marking then they should be providing more time for it to be done in school. Yes we all know teachers are ‘expected’ to work but you also have to find a work life balance and it is most definitely impacting her home life. What does she do with her PPA to keep bringing this much home each week?

I now refuse to work after 6pm and at weekends, it’s meant my mental health is much better since I set boundaries- and the work still gets done as I’ve learned to prioritise more.
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Absolutely, my daughter (not much younger than James) says things when she’s upset, but things we’ve taught her like “I feel very sad when you x, y, z” she would never in a million years do that. He’s learned that from an adult, so it’s either her, John, or the nursery setting (super unlikely).
I do also feel like so many of these issues she has with him could be pre-empted and avoided. For him to kick off like that about his dinner, she clearly hadn’t spoken to him about what he was having beforehand and given him any kind of choice. We don’t let my daughter rule the roost in any sense but I have an idea of what she does and doesn’t like, and it’s like toddler rule number 1 to give them choices wherever possible. What would’ve been wrong with asking him what kind of sausages he wanted?
This exactly!
I always give my kids options and if it's already decided, I tell them before hand what to expect!
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Chatty Member
Solidarity with tattlers on strike, I'm a railway worker so very well versed in striking 😂 it absolutely sucks to lose a days (sometimes multiple days) wages but we have to fight for our rights and decent pay or we all just get walked on.
What hurts about colleagues not joining in is that they will benefit from the things we all lost money fighting for.

hope Emma does the right thing
Absolutely. If she’s in the non striking union, I do hope considering she has a large following she’ll do a grid post showing her support. If she’s in the NEU, I really hope she’s striking. This is for her own kids and her colleagues as well as her as a teacher!
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She never replies to comments does she? There’s some lovely messages from followers there about her dad.
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I haven’t got kids and not sure I want them…but what if I decide to have them and end up as unhappy as Emma? ☹
I think it depends on the type of person you are. I wouldn’t go by Emma, she’s shrouded in post natal depression that was never treated and she’s an incredibly selfish woman. I didn’t plan to have my son, and took me a few months to bond with him, which is quite normal I believe. She longed for her children and doesn’t seem to have bonded in fact she comes across as resentful. She dieted through her pregnancy, they ruin her sleep and she has to spend money on them
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