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She's probably having a whole day to herself, engrossed in a book while laying in a bath of chocolate 🤣
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Why are they not allowed to have fun? She’s so regimented and weird. She acts like she’s on the breadline when it comes to the kids but buys herself whatever she wants.

I wouldn’t dream of buying myself something over my kids, especially at Christmas. Because it makes me happy to see them excited and happy!

She has a face like a smacked arse and she’s so tight. I don’t understand what anyone could like about her.
I can now only presume they are riddled with debt (although her spending says otherwise). Where are the stupid £1 shop cheap tacky presents they can play with? Flashing lights, smells, endless batteries. Instead they’ve got a fucking mouse in a box and some bloody books.
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She mentions sensible colours in her stories for both Hattie and James’ clothes. I don’t understand what a sensible colour is? Especially as the leggings she had pictured were fucking bright fuchsia with flowers (nice but, sensible? Lol I don’t get it)
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VIP Member
“A fun day has been had by all”.

Who the fuck speaks like this?
A bellend who likes to think she’s much more intelligent than she is 😂 it sounds sarcastic, like the type of thing you’d post if it had actually been a chaotic hellish day 😂
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If James’s sleep is so bad, how is he going to cope with school next year?
my son started preschool full time this year and it’s really gotten him into a routine of bedtime at 6:30 and asleep by 6:45/7 after a story and sleep till 6:30am (except this week as he’s been poorly and it’s been every hour from midnight awake)

As well as not being potty trained! I have a few reception teacher friends and they are so fed up of children who aren’t trained.
She still let's him nap though 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then complains when he's up at 4am or takes hours to go to bed. 🙄
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Well-known member
If he was 10 or older it would be different, as he’d understand the work involved in feeding your family, but he’s 4 or 5, he has no idea of such things and nor should he.

I actually cannot believe she won’t bake her son a birthday cake because she hasn’t had a bath! Seriously!
No it’s James’ fault because he wouldn’t eat last year! 🙄
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Really sad. I have a friend just like Emma and it's like she can never make the most of something.
If he had a lovely day and went on lots of rides then I can't see how vile his behaviour can have been? I want to know what Emma thinks vile looks like!
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So he didn’t cope with there being no presents under the tree when they got home, so the best way to remedy that is to show him his presents on his “birthday” but not let him open them until he gets home from a zoo trip he doesn’t want to go on?! That’s just cruel.
She’s not let him open any presents on his birthday?? I wish she wasn’t private so we can all see but then again I’m grateful to not have her vile parenting on show to everyone!
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Chatty Member
Of course she got the £40 jumper for herself. I have never known anyone to 'treat' themselves as much as she does!
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VIP Member
You would too though wouldn’t you to stay with her

They’re not, she’s a twat. John will be on pretty good money. My ex did a very similar job and was on bloody good money when he was 20 and fresh out of college.
Maybe old John boy has an expensive hookers and cocaine habit.
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He will regress before starting school and she will go mad, we’ll probably complain she’s tired. My son has been potty training since 3, 6 months on and he’s regressed.
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