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Bullshit did James say “mummy’s not that old is she? She’s not 38”. Literally utter bollocks that a just turned 4 year old had that level of understanding of a pair of balloons, or indeed that 38 was “old”.
She’s not claimed he said that has she? God she’s insufferable. I asked my six year old nephew how old I was the other day, he said 12. I’m 35. They have no concept of adults age! Why does she constantly big up his speech and knowledge? Most people that follow her probably have kids so know what they can and can’t do generally 🙄
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I reckon you’re right, seeing as how she has posted now that his main present is a second hand £20 train set…. Nothing wrong with second hand however she spends more than £20 on herself for bath bombs every month.
Probably got a season ticket- paid for by club card points so she doesn’t have to actually spend any money on them.
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Is it bad I hope the outfits don’t fit Hattie this time next year just to piss her off 😂
I don’t know why she’s obsessed buying things so far in advance! My 5 year old was in the same size clothes for over 18 months this past year! Only now is she going into 5-6 and she turned 5 in July! I don’t know what size she will be in next Xmas! She moans (well she did when I could watch her) she has no money to spend on big Xmas gifts for the kids, if she didn’t spend so much on things for the future she would have spare money now! So bizarre this woman, she literally needs help.
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My 4 year old has been a spoilt little shit and was asking people for more presents after they already gave him loads 🤣😳 I was so embarrassed!! He also screamed and cried to open one early, then screamed and cried when there wasn't a dinosaur inside it 🙃🫠 did I have a melt down? No. Did he? Yes! I was firm with him, told him firmly and straight that his behaviour wasnt acceptable....then I ignored his bad behaviour (that he doesn't have much control over because he's 4) praised his GOOD BEHAVIOUR and he eventually settled down again. She's so highly strung she literally creates problems before they have even got to the day! I'd hate to be her friend, let alone family 😵
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Why is she obsessed with them having “themed” clothes? But then buys them from the year before?

I have too much going on in my life to even think about Easter clothes and if I did buy them now if inevitably forget where I put them come Easter.

Also I’m chronically unorganised and manage to pick up whatever I need the week before the event. See - Halloween.
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Chatty Member
She also said she can’t bring herself to meal plan. I think she’s severely depressed
Severely depressed people don't post about it 24/7.
She's just a miserable person.
She always has been.
She's a selfish ass who never should have had children because all she cares about is herself.
That's why she's miserable or "depressed"
There's never enough time for herself.
That's her problem.
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Chatty Member
Anyone been booted yet? It will take forever to unfollow 38k people. Why not just start a new account? Or quit insta, she has a personal fb for friends & family, I just don't get it.
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Have they had kids in an attempt to save their marriage l wonder? Very telling how she doesn't want to be a wife or a mother. Something is going on there. I've said it before, she's blaming the wrong things!
I just think she keeps trying to fix all these things by doing the wrong things.
She thought getting married would fix it... Then losing weight... Then having kids.
And nothing has fixed it.

Based on the things she's said about her childhood and the way her parents were, especially regarding food... Is what's caused all her issues.
But she doesn't seem to see that as she parents the exact same way. Restricting their foods, strict around play and mess ect
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Chatty Member
Every single thing about her life is ended with a negative comment. Imagine having to chat with her on a daily basis must be so draining
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for anyone whose blocked…..
She absolutely doesn’t deserve those kids!! She’s been a mum for only 4 years yet has moaned about those kids literally every single day. Parenting can be hard yes but most of us find joy daily in our children! She resents them daily, it’s clear to see!! She either needs to admit she needs help or someone close needs to step in. Those kids will be the ones who suffer from her clear hatred at being a parent! I hope they grow up strong and independent and can stay away from her as soon as they hit adulthood!
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Well given that she makes James sound like a child from a Charles dickens book I think it’s safe to say he doesn’t actually talk or talk very much at all. No child at 4 speaks like that and let’s not forget he’s only just 4 as well. Bloody ridiculous. Also how can she claim she hasn’t eaten properly? Thought she was on slimming world? Why can’t she do scrambled egg, an omelette, a jacket pot? All on plan and easy. She is so intent on being miserable.
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Chatty Member
I bet he was so excited and that combined with her not being able to parent him was probably always going to be a recipe for disaster. Can just imagine her nagging him, telling him off and angrily whispering in his ear to be a 'good boy' all day 😬
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So I scrolled back through her page to when she was TTC looking for this post (didn’t find it), but what jumped out at me is how much happier she was two or three years ago. It’s really obvious how much of an effect having two young children, losing her dad, and possibly the lockdowns have had on her. I think a social media break would do her good to be honest. It can be the worst thing when you’re feeling unhappy with your life, and making you compare yourself to others. As a side note, I saw a picture of her, John and John Torrode, and I don’t think I’ve seen a picture of three people looking more uncomfortable!
I partly agree that that all had an affect on her but on the other hand I partly disagree. I don't know if it's because I've followed her for years before James. That I've seen her constant miserable stories ect before she was even pregnant. Usually aimed at John though before that.
Her whole weightloss was full of excuses and miserable posts.
Mostly again, blamed on John for wanting meals out/days out ect.

There were certainly more smiling photos back then though. I will agree with that.
But she's always been miserable.
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I kinda don't believe her story. It's too convenient that an ex teacher with young children was behind her in a queue. It's just another way to justify her shitty parenting.
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Chatty Member
She’s been banging on about her lack of sleep for ages you would think she would have absolutely tried different approaches by now …. But nope! Still the same routine so she can still moan.

I get sleep training methods aren’t for everyone but there’s plenty of things she could change/try and she just doesn’t and guessing she’s waiting for a miracle and she will just start sleeping. But if when you wake you mum is going to come to you and take you downstairs watch tv or what ever she bloody does then ofc she’s going to keep waking up.
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Interestingly, we were told at work today (I am a teacher) that we need to lock down all our social media and our online presence, as the government safeguarding documents (Keeping Children Safe in Education) have been updated to say so. We should be unobtainable by parents, mostly in order to protect ourselves. It really made me think about Emma and her Instagram account, she opens herself up so much; her comments about school, her own children and her mental state could cause a parental complaint (the backhanded comment about the no show parents at parents eve tonight, and her not enjoying being “Mrs k”, for example).
She needs to shut her account down and focus on her closer network in order to keep herself safe…
A lot of us questioned if that was why she went private in the first place.
As she'd been into school on her day off and then suddenly decided she's going private and will be deleting people.
Which she's only deleted a few.
So makes me think she said that to make the parents think she's deleting loads of people so she doesn't look bad, but has only removed the known parents she has following her.
She's definitely had parents on there as she's had them commenting on her posts before
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Before I found tattle, James was probably only a few months old and she was moaning about missing being at work.
I sent her a friendly DM about cherishing her newborn, saying the kids will still be in school when she goes back etc and to reach out to the GP/HV about PN depression and she replied. ‘Well yes I know that but it doesn’t change how I feel about the job I adore’ 🙃 I was like well ok then.. considering the struggles to Become a mum she faced; she seems to resent her kids.
And there it is, she just doesn't want to get better, she wants to wallow and moan because she enjoys it and thinks it makes her look like a super mum or some bullshit
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Nothing this women does anymore surprises me. I can’t imagine leaving mine in pre-school an extra hour so I could have a bath. Why doesn’t she have a bath after they’ve gone to sleep like most normal parents? The amount of times I’ve tiptoed from the bathroom past my sons room so I could have a bath.

if H is waking up for a long period of the night, what is her day like at nursery? Does she have a long nap there? Why does she think it’s a good idea to bring her downstairs? I remember lying on my sons floor when he went through bad sleep once we moved house, soon started sleeping properly again
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