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Chatty Member
What a sad Christmas those children have. Some rusty second hand toys (nothing wrong with second hand) but they have no ‘fun’ things. All these ‘traditions’ I wonder if this replicates what her Mum and Dad used to do?
Her Christmas just makes me sad 😞 where’s the over the top fun things (even if they’re cheap kids love them!) two toys and some pyjamas which aren’t allowed to be Xmas ones
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VIP Member
I’m calling BS on that sentence, simply because I can’t bring myself to imagine that that is what those poor children are hearing daily enough to repeat. It’s so bloody sad. I dread to think what the school reports say…
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She's always saying that he says sorry "off his own back"
So she must be going at him, telling him that he's being horrible or a 'bad boy' . Because 3 year olds don't apologise 'off their own back' or really remember/acknowledge that meltdowns ect are anything to apologise for unless told so.
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Her stories, even her tone of writing is so much more positive when she's at her Mums/with her family!
She'd massively benefit moving closer to them
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Active member
Yep, children definitely can’t survive on her meagre portions. No wonder they’re waking in the night needing more!! I spent most of the Christmas holidays in the kitchen preparing meals and snack plates for the kids! She certainly isn’t teaching them to have a healthy attitude towards food. When she was pregnant with both, it used to make my toes curl when she would go on and list how little she was eating and following slimming world to the tee.

I also can’t believe how much she has spent on a frickin diffuser and then goes and spends 45minutes in the bath. She has such an unhealthy attitude towards her family. She doesn’t seem to have any friends either. She never has meet ups and time out with her girlfriends. It’s all me me me with her.
Once I became pregnant I dropped SlimmingWorld as soon as I found out, I didn’t want to be like her and restrict myself so much. James probably doesn’t want her food as it doesn’t taste nice
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VIP Member
The passive aggressive post about John being at that event. Purely to try make him feel bad. What a vindictive bitter woman!

has no one messaged her to say the energy drinks at 7am are probably what is making her feel like shit? Have a hot drink, eat a proper breakfast and get some fresh air. She cannot be this stupid.
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VIP Member
Still calling her nearly 4 year old, a toddler though 🙄 and her walking over 1 year old, a baby 🙄
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Chatty Member
Omg what a nasty spiteful cow slagging John off for ‘trying to be helpful’ and not pre treating the clothes!
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VIP Member
She honestly does need a good seeing too… I can imagine she’s strictly missionary, birthdays and xmases, lights off. She’s probably never slipped a finger up a bum in her life 😂

God forbid that the children eat a bloody chocolate coin! She needs to get her priorities right, yes it is a pain when there’s dirty clothes straight after a load of washing has started BUT there’s more to life, move on and enjoy the Christmas season - I’m so tempted to message her and tell her to have a good shag and sort her grinch self out
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Buying the whole English dept cards is beyond bizarre! I'm a teacher and we just give a happy birthday on passing or in the works whatsapp- also she's scrimping on toys and clothes for the children because they can't afford it- but those cards clearly aren't your 99p card factory jobbies! She's so boring-
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VIP Member
Well she's being honest why she had kids. She thought it would sort her life out. Not for maternal reasons but to help herself.
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Fucking hell she is a major Debbie Downer 24/7. Wonder does she moan constantly like that to her husband? I don't know how he's still with her listening to that everyday. She's never happy.
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VIP Member
I can't help but think about what she must say to the kids though. Based on the things James says about being bad and not loving her and whatever else.
I just can't help but think that's all the things she says to them when they're not "behaving" and it makes me so sad that she's possibly saying all these things to the kids.
And based on the things she writes online about them, it wouldn't surprise me either.
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VIP Member
She’s like to twist the narrative doesn’t she! She did call James vile…. She just doesn’t like being called out for her shitty behaviour! Why she had children is genuinely beyond me. She’s the most selfish person I’ve ever seen!!
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VIP Member
A lot of us questioned if that was why she went private in the first place.
As she'd been into school on her day off and then suddenly decided she's going private and will be deleting people.
Which she's only deleted a few.
So makes me think she said that to make the parents think she's deleting loads of people so she doesn't look bad, but has only removed the known parents she has following her.
She's definitely had parents on there as she's had them commenting on her posts before
Urgh, why would you want parents following you on social media? That would seriously freak me out. My SM is water tight and every so often, I do a Google search etc of myself to check I’m invisible to the outside world. I don’t want anyone I teach, or their families, knowing anything about my life outside of school. she’s putting herself in a dangerous situation disclosing so much about her mind set, the pictures of her body she has shown, her own children and exposed, where she lives, potentially her children’s nursery. It’s dangerous and silly behaviour.

Just to add, she’s been feeling ‘lost’ since August… that’s a long time and it was going on way before that August post. She needs to seek help, sort her life out and figure out what needs to happen. That’s a long time to be feeling so unhappy.


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VIP Member
100% something has been said. Or she’s spent some real time reading here and it’s finally sunk in. There’s just been too much of a u-turn for it to be ‘natural’.

Still contrived bullshit. Still over sharing weird lies about her kids. Also good luck deleting 39k followers or whatever she insists she’s doing.
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