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She’s like a teenage girl. Posting shit like that for attention then changing it when she doesn’t get any/reads here. Grow up! You’re a mother of 2 and a teacher what are you playing at?

Fascinates me that her students, colleagues, parents of students etc can all see her weird Instagram and she carries on. I’d be mortified.
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honestly Emma reminds me of my own upbringing - they love and care for me and I had a happy, safe childhood but sometimes they have a strange way of showing it (aka very much ‘tough love’)

We’ve never been cuddly/affectionate as a family. small inconveniences are a big deal. very overprotective. unrealistic expectations of my behaviour as a child. diet culture and calorie counting - we never had snacks in the house. would get personally offended when they would make a nice tea and I, a mere 2 year old, didn’t want it. I remember being given the silent treatment for several days after an argument and I still am reminded of the one time I behaved badly on holiday in public in 1993. Everything was catastrophised (eg if you go out drinking you’ll get arrested, end up in hospital and then we’ll have to clean up your mess and you’ll never get a decent job) and everything was seen as personal attack on them and their parenting, to the point where I know I can never, ever talk about this and how it affected me with them. They’d be in total denial. I’m even scared to post this because what if they somehow read it?? I’m a grown ass adult in my 30s for goodness sake and I’m still so scared of what my parents think, it feels pathetic 😅

I can confirm that whilst I love them and have a much better relationship with them now, it breeds resentment, deep rooted anxiety, an obsession with people pleasing and unhealthy boundaries in adulthood. But when I realised that other people’s families weren’t like that, I went off the rails as a teenager/in my 20s and became very good at lying 🙃

I think it’s why Emma’s stories annoy me so much, she needs to engage in just the slightest bit of reflection and realise that in the long term, this is going to really damage her relationship with her children. But then she will just blame J&H for being ungrateful and act like she’s a saint.
You've literally just described my childhood. My parents once left me for the day in Majorca because we were on an excursion and I forgot my pocket money! I'm the same now with people pleasding. Sending love ❤ and sorry everyone, back to Emma!
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Chatty Member
yeah my kid is a similar age and absolutely wouldn’t speak like this. “Don’t like you mummy” after he’s been told off, yeah. But not a full diatribe like this.
Also not over something trivial as the wrong sausages.
He’s got it from a parent.
I came here to ask if kids say stuff like this. I’m not a parent but it seems totally bizarre for a 3 year old to come out with this, never mind that it’s over sausages?? Also, why bother saying they’re chicken sausages. To a 3 year old surely a sausage is a sausage 🤣
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She really really doesn’t deserve to have those kids!! He’s 3. A big day out like that which has been planned down to the minute is overwhelming for most kids! Let them be free! She really puts a lot of pressure on those kids-mainly James to be the “perfect” child. Utterly heartbreaking.
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Chatty Member
“It’s time”. Time for what? Time to look at grass? Time to put on the ugliest shoes in existence? Time to be less of a miserable cow? Explain a bit more please, Emma.
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Chatty Member
I doubt she will block many, she will still want people to use her JD seasonings code 😂

I do wonder if John or someone have said something to her.
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I see the whinging is starting again. I know you read here Emma, Hattie is one and is probably going through sleep regression. It’s normal. Just keep her in her room or Co sleep in a double bed and keep the lights low. No point crying, what’s that going to do a part from make Hattie upset because her mam is crying.
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I agree but she always does. if I was her I’d be maybe seeking some medical advice. It isn’t normal to be exhausted and fatigued all the time like she is, even with two kids and working full time. I can’t remember the last time I had a full nights sleep but I don’t feel or look drained all of the time.
I guess this is what happens when you restrict your body to next to no goodness, not enjoying food or getting sufficient nutrients. She’s clearly depressed, and needs help. Although she’s always been miserable so 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Guys her internal wires are sizzling so she is going to have a long bath and practise some self care 😂
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Screen shot for anyone blocked!
If she was 100% genuine she would create a completely new account, she loves the big follower count on her account too much to do that. She’s completely rattled by what people have called her out for and the way she treats her kids.
i do hope she gets the help she so clearly needs and loves and cherishes her children more.
Okay 1. She’s the negative they need protecting from and 2. No one is ‘finding comfort’ in following her, the miserable cow
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She’s so thick, I honestly don’t understand how she got a degree, let alone is allowed to teach children 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Lazy parenting is the worst- if a child has difficulties due to medical needs absolutely send them school not toilet trained but if it’s a case of you couldn’t be bothered (as in Emma’s case) then school would rightly be annoyed too.

It’s his birthday today and she has done nothing but moan. If H isn’t sleeping and is waking for over 6 hours a night then I would most definitely be getting her seen, that isn’t normal behaviour for how frequently it happens. Maybe she is hungry? Maybe it’s the fact she gets taken downstairs and tv on along with lights?

Wait until tomorrow when it’s ‘full day at work on no sleep’ and whinge whinge whinge.
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She's created such a rod for her own back.
He's used to getting his own way and going where ever and whenever he wants.
So it doesn't surprise me if she's had a crap day because he'll have wanted to dictate the whole day as thats what he's used to.
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Well she’s certainly full of joy this morning, stropping because she couldn’t go to johns work event when she’d of just sat there sour faced without a single drink in her hand for the whole evening
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Why does she have to make sure James
She's 18 months

This is the thing though, this is why Hattie was waking up and staying awake because she was hungry. Now she's decided to give her milk, she's going back to sleep!
Which actually is quite sad that it was a simple fix in essence. Feed the child and she sleeps…
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Why is she giving Hattie a bottle still in the night? I thought Hattie was well over 1 now? Feed her more food and feed her later!!
It seemed like last night was the first time she tried some milk.
And it actually made her go back to sleep.
I think that just proves she's waking up because she's hungry.
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Chatty Member
“I just can’t afford to clean my carpet efficiently to keep my house less germ ridden”
“Oh, hair appointment that is more than a days rental for a rug doctor for sure, yeah I’ll take that one”
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