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VIP Member
Without any solid agreements or plans, this is nothing more than Brexit.20.

An election campaign they'll convince us will only work if we vote them in government again.

The formula is almost identical, blame a bunch of foreigners for bringing the country down and promise to fix things by keeping them out. And it works every time.
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So everyone arriving is fleeing persecution is that what you’re saying? There are no economic migrants arriving illegally? there are no people smugglers or black economy, the government is making it up for effect....
See that's exactly my point, you simply confuse the issue:
  • You posted a link in which Michelle Donelan said the majority of people arriving by small boat are 'economic migrants' and they should use the safe and legal routes.
  • You asked if she's lying
  • I said yes, she's lying - I said that because the majority of people arriving by small boat are not economic migrants and there is no 'safe and legal route' that they can use
  • You then ask me about 'economic freeloaders' and the safe route 'that I keep mentioning'
I don't know who you mean by 'economic freeloaders' or what safe route you are referring to so I can't offer an answer to your question. I fear if I try to do so that we'll end up back at the your interchangeable definitions of asylum seekers, migrants (economic and others), refugees etc.
Try reading what I wrote again and this time stop to think about what the words actually mean rather than just give a knee-jerk response based on what you think or want me to have said. I've highighted the key words in your post and mine. Hopefully that will help.

As usual you've attached a link to something that is demonstrably untrue (in this case the Michelle Donelan interview) as evidence for something that you believe without understanding that it makes you look as silly as she does. I think the fundamental problem is that while you are heavily exercised by the question of asylum seekers being housed in hotels and some vague and largely undefined notion of 'economic freeloaders', you have a tenuous (at best) understanding of the wider issues of asylum and immigration.

While you profess to be happy to support the 'genuine' asylum seekers, you appear to have a distorted and again largely undefined view about who they are and by your own admission no idea how to do that. You are therefore inclined to support the kind of 'scorched earth' policies favoured by this government that will harm all asylum seekers ('genuine' or otherwise). As I observed previously it is an example of a typical Tory attitude that they are happy for everyone in a group to suffer (as long as they themselves are not in the group) if it means that the minority of 'fraudulent' or 'undeserving' people in that group don't 'get away with something'.
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Don’t citizens have a right to express their ideas and concerns over what happens in their own country … especially as it’s not all refugees that come…
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VIP Member
What about the people losing their jobs while the 160,000 claims are processed ? No thought for their families 😕
Why are the government asking why they travelled through other countries to the UK if its perfectly legal to do so is asked in the 20-day questionnaire asylum seekers must fill out under 'fast-track' plan?
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VIP Member
Remarkable that Afghans in Afghanistan deserve our help but the 8,633 Afghans that crossed the Channel in a small boat don't.
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VIP Member
I thought this was a discussion forum 🤷🏼‍♀️
Feel free to put me on ignore.
Lets face it they’ll be thousands unable to get accommodation whether they’re skilled or not, even students will find it impossible with private landlords under HO contracts for years.
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VIP Member
Allowing 12,000 immigrants to claim asylum here without proper checks and interviews is going to be a disaster. It won’t effect those like Rishi or Suella but the everyday people.
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VIP Member
Mavis there’s overseas nurses being put out of their accommodation so the HO can house young male asylum seekers, so it’s having a
Knock on believe it or not .
It’s sad for these people but NI housing lists are 50 yrs long I don’t know what they expect with limited resources and infrastructure, that’s how the rest of us have to live .
Reading that article about life in NI I feel nothing but a seething anger, but not for the reasons that I guess I’m supposed to. It is be regretted she feels “frightened” but there is no indication as to why she feels frightened. No mention of her ever being attacked, threatened, or even looked at incorrectly. No she simply “feels” frightened. At what point do you say ‘Look you are a grown woman with a kid. Do we control our feelings or do they control us. Basically are you an adult or are you a child?”. Also it “feels” like a prison. Maybe it does but it doesn’t change the fact that it isn’t a prison and she can leave at any point in time to walk in the fresh air, or even meet people. Even a cursory Google search of asylum seeker services in Belfast produces numerous organisations the first listed is here.

But please feel free to look for yourself. As for “malnourished“ well I would feel sympathy if that was due to a lack of available food, but this clearly isn’t, this is because they find the food “unpalatable“. Well boo fucking hoo. I find broccoli unpalatable but I would eat a whole plate of the stuff if I was hungry enough. Perhaps we should fix them up with a membership to the Gourmet Society?

Guess what life ain’t perfect most of the time and at what point to we move from legitimate gripes to pathetic whining? She is miles away from her abusive husband and safe.
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They don’t seem to have an awful lot on them when the courts or the legal processes are agreeing with them 🤔 also god forbid the lawyer works for the best outcome for their client

I have talked about NRM referrals before - they’re far rarer these days because they delay the claim being processed and there’s already a massive backlog and people are waiting years and years
Albanian clients seem to be the exception atm, at least judging by the stats on waiting times for claims as I’ve discussed before, but it’s because the majority are claiming to have been trafficked. The few experiences I have had with NRM referred clients, it was very obvious that they likely had PTSD and required support

All in all, it feels like the government is trying to push the blame of their failures on lawyers. Sooner or later this sort of action is going to end in a disaster - though, as mentioned before, it seems that some people/firms had already been attacked
Funny that they come for "lefty activist" lawyers and not the judges who are ruling in their favour in accordance to the law. These cases aren't being presented to a jury but I guess attacking judges would be too much like criticising their own.

The judicial system is accepted and effective until it holds the government to account. Veerryyyy interesting.

While we're on the topic of taxpayers' money being wasted on legal battles, let's remind ourselves that our wealthy former prime minister who's earned millions in a matter of weeks is asking us to foot the £200,000 bill to defend his Downing Street parties.
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VIP Member
I wish I knew what on earth to do with all the asylum seekers though.

The UK is in a recession and social services, housing, and the NHS are bursting at the seams. I want to be fair and to welcome all asylum seekers who are in genuine need to come to the country.
But I am also aware that one of the issues around Brexit, especially in the East, was around imigration, especially the number of Eastern Europeans who were coming into East Anglia for work, especially in the hospitality and farm sectors, workers were believed to accept lower wages, thereby undercutting the national wage and there wasn't enough additional funds made available to support local NHS trusts and schools, etc Therefore, it did cause resentment, and it was difficult. Existing funds and budgets that were already stretched, were stretched even further!

And...because of the openness of the North Sea, with myriads of tiny ports up and down the coast, I would imagine, there is actually loads of unregistered immigration going on across the north sea, its not just the English Channel where boats can cross easily, There are loads of small boats coming and going. into loads of small leisure harbours and marinas! I cant imagine there are enough coast guards and customs officials to check all of them.

I thought one of the biggest issues currently however was that we haven't actually sorted out the legalities with Europe etc of how to re patriate anyone back to safe countries eg Albania. This did exist, before but not now.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I highly doubt anything tangible will come from today but one good thing is we have now admitted the problem. Extremely doubtful Britain will ever recover now though, that stage has long passed. All we can ever do is stem the flow and deport.
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There’s nothing to reason this person repeatedly accuses me of racism and xenophobia of course I’m going to defend myself, if they don’t like or understand my posts they can scroll on or ignore but they resort to name calling when they’ll called out, as for the other one he only appears to make digs and disappears , attacking other members is against tattle rules incase anyone forgot.
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VIP Member
What does an ordinary person do though? An ordinary person who is maybe languishing on an NHS waiting list struggling to put food on the table, they're looking at their government for leadership and help and being told one of the big reasons for that is immigration. The only thing I see is people protesting outside hotel
Mavis there’s overseas nurses being put out of their accommodation so the HO can house young male asylum seekers, so it’s having a
Knock on believe it or not .
It’s sad for these people but NI housing lists are 50 yrs long I don’t know what they expect with limited resources and infrastructure, that’s how the rest of us have to live .
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
We are such a compassionate and caring land of people (rich people who's lives aren't affected) that we welcome unlimited economic migration whilst placing British people beneath anyone who landed illegally in the country minutes ago and vilify those brits for complaining when basic services have become unaccessible to them due to this situation.
Where will the hard workers go if we are full?
They will replace the criminals we boot out 🥴
How do you propose we make that distinction? Genuine question!
Give me a 300,000 yearly salary and I'll tell you 😂
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VIP Member
And they’re quick to demonise the Afghans and Ukrainians yet we’re racist 🙄
Germany and Poland has a far bigger far right support base than the UK. Yet those same suspects that continually bang on about the UK always seem to forget this.

Remember when black people were fleeing the Ukraine conflict, only for Polish Border guards to say 'no blacks allowed' to those arriving at the Polish border. That would never happen in the UK.
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Last time I was on this thread it was pointed out that there are no legal routes for some to enter, I do believe the boat crossings should be stopped but how do people go about entering if that route is stopped? I found Suellas language loaded yesterday and a dog whistle basically which has created even more division. Always like to find solutions but what is the solution to this, Britain is kinda fecked.
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