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VIP Member
The UK cant house the people already in this country without trying to house thousands of immigrants. Its about time this country started to put their own people first instead of everybody else. People cant heat their homes, feed their families, put nappies on the babies and he's giving £500 mill to France!
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Immigration in some forms clearly works. Look at the development of countries like the US, Canada, and Australia over the past century and immigrants and their descendants are clearly the backbone of this.

But there is a major difference between legally letting in certain skilled immigrants with highly sought after skills and no criminal history who want to integrate vs. illegals flooding a border like what's going on in the American south or refugees in Europe over the past two decades. People who have extremist values and have truckloads of kids while living off of welfare and don't work are not the people you want in your country. People whose criminal history you can't trace often don't make good citizens. It's literally common sense but it's not PC to say this in the crazy world we live in.
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Gloria Rostron

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This working from home nonsense is not helping. City centres are seeing less footfall and the businesses that once thrived on the business of commuters are struggling. I am talking about the sandwich shops, the gift shops and homeware shops people would call in on their lunch breaks. Footfall is vital for a thriving economy.
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Nah, mate. I just like facts.

From your posts you clearly are not concerned about the impact a continued open door policy has on anyone else.

Your chief concern is about helping as many 'desperate souls' into the UK and stuff the outcome of that. You also seem unphased that a fair number:

A) Are clearly economic migrants.
B) Coming here for criminal intent/committing crime
C) Playing the system

Well as I've said, thankfully the majority don't agree with continuing things as they are. Bleating on here and social media isn't going to change that.

I also recall someone on here (not saying you) once said that helping and taking in large numbers of asylum seekers trumps and takes priority over those who are unemployed, struggling to survive, put food on the table and pay the bills.

Well I think that stinks to be honest.

It clearly shows that some do not give a stuff about the struggles of fellow people in their own country as long as a few tens of thousands who have entered illegally are alright, looked after and paid for by the rest of us.
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Chatty Member
The Tories could stop every single boat from today. Make net migration zero.
Then what? You think you'll be able to get on the property ladder? Get a doctors appointment? You really think anything will be better?
People love to blame the brown people for problems. But let’s face it - the country has been progressively more fucked since brexit. This is a country built on immigration. We are absolutely screwed without the brown people workforce - and I say that only because most people don’t seem to have a problem with white immigrants. That’s how dumb they are. If they’re the right colour, it’s okay.
Your financial concerns (not yours personally, the people moaning about it) are nothing to do with immigrants - it’s because of a government that is only interested in making you poorer and poorer whilst they reap the benefits
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VIP Member
The UK cant house the people already in this country without trying to house thousands of immigrants. Its about time this country started to put their own people first instead of everybody else. People cant heat their homes, feed their families, put nappies on the babies and he's giving £500 mill to France!
Nearly every hotel in my local town has been turned into a place for them, it’s all men. A few have been arrested for SA on local school girls as one of the hotels is opposite a school. Some were seen walking the streets with baseball bats. They are allowing this into our local towns and cities but wont help us with basic cost of living crisis issues! But here France, here’s £500 mill!!!!!
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Except that's been shown not to be true numerous times.

The UK received 74,751 asylum applications – from 89,398 people and their dependents – in 2022, according to Government figures, the highest annual figure since 2002.

This number places the UK as the fifth highest country in terms of asylum applications in Europe in 2022, according to figures by Eurostat, behind Germany, France, Spain and Austria.

Figures show Germany received almost two-and-a-half times the 89,398 asylum claims the UK got last year – a total of 217,735 from first time asylum applicants.
France received 137,505, Spain 116,140 and Austria 106,375 in the same time period. European figures also take dependents into account.


When comparing the number of applications based on population size in 2021, the most recent data available from the University of Oxford’s Migration Observatory shows the UK received 8.4 per 10,000 people, ranking 19th overall in Europe, against Germany’s 22.9, which ranked eighth.

Topping the table was
which received 152.6 applications per 10,000 people in 2021, based on its estimated population of 896,000. It was followed by Austria (43.3), Malta (29.4), Greece (26.6), Slovenia (25.1), Liechtenstein (24.3) and Iceland (23.6).

The corresponding figures for France, Spain and Italy were 17.8 (11th), 13.8 (16th) and nine (18th).


The backlog is more than 10 times greater than the people granted asylum or protection to. Seems as though the backlog is causing more issues than actual refugees.


The time it takes for asylum applications to be processed and reach a decision differs in each country, with the UK backlog of cases growing to about 166,000 last year.

Figures from 2021 show the UK granted asylum or another form of protection to about 13,000 people (excluding appeals), the sixth highest in Europe, according to data from the Migration Observatory.

Germany topped the table, granting asylum-related protection to about 60,000 people, followed by France with nearly 34,000, Italy with more than 21,800, Spain with about 20,400 and Greece with 16,570.
Who cares.

I'm not concerned what other countries do, that is their business. If they wish to accept hundreds of thousands (or more) that is their business and for their voters to hold the respective Governments to account when things will eventually go pear shaped.

I'm concerned with what happens here and the future problems it will cause if the situation is allowed to continue as it is.

I don't think the majority of Germans were happy at Angela Merkel throwing the doors open and the problems it has created.

The AfD in Germany saw a surge in popularity after that happened.

The most recent data I can find is from 2021 and Germany is consistently named as having the highest level of net migration and the most foreign born citizens.

Some information says Russia, some says Switzerland. Can't find any that says UK.
You also don't look at it from land mass viewpoint.

The UK is the third most densely populated country in the EU area, third only to Belgium (#2) and the Netherlands (#1).

The Netherlands has 1,052 per square mile. Belgium 942 per square mile, the UK 662 and Germany 583. France has 301 per square mile.

Germany is a bigger land mass than the UK is.

The Netherlands population is 16.6 million. Belgium 10.6 million and we have 62 million (that are known).

The Netherlands accepted just 1,200 asylum applications in 2021, Belgium 24.970. The UK was 48,540.

(Figures from Eurostat and

But as I've said before, you are clearly not concerned about the issues an indefinite free for all is now starting to cause, the increasing problems it will cause in the future, nor the problems it creates for everyone else here.

Quite frankly i'm glad you are in the minority with that point of view. Regardless of what is said on here, by rabid types on social media, or the tax avoiding Gary Lineker, the majority of people out there want action taken to sort this situation out. This is not only Tories, but a sizeable number people of Labour and Lib Dem persuasions too, who have the common sense to realise things can't carry on as they currently stand.
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Just for the record I'm not anti-immigration in any way. On the last thread I said it should be unlimited which went down like a cup of cold sick.
I just feel sad for people that come here hoping for a better life, just to end up cold on the streets.

That is often the case.
It went down like a cup of cold sick because it is such an utterly STUPID thing to believe in.

If such a policy was in place worldwide, you would see some countries become underpopulated, whilst others become vastly overpopulated.

Public services in those overpopulated countries would crumble under the strain, unemploynent would increase, housing would be short supply, not to mention the huge security risk from those coming from areas with heavy ISIS influence.

By your reasoning, the 100 million people worldwide whom are currently eligible to come to the UK, would be welcomed with open arms by you. With ZERO concerns about any of the above issues it would cause. All because you believe it is the right thing, without any concern for everyone else it would impact.

Utterly batshit.

As for your second point. It is not the UK's responsibility to house everyone who rocks up here.

Some local authorities have waiting lists for social housing that is years long.

Why should someone just turn up in the UK and be allowed to jump the queue over everyone else? It isn't fair, nor right for those already in the queue, who keep being pushed further and further back.

Even if there are numerous empty properties in the country, those already on the waiting list should be given priority.
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VIP Member
There was talk on twitter yesterday that the plan is to apply the law retrospectively which is a sprinkle of controversy over an already controversial proposal
Why is it controversial, because you say so?

At the end of the day this cannot continue for ever more.

As it is has been said, 100 million people are currently eligible apply for Asylum with the current rules.

Whilst some on this thread are more than happy for the country to be swamped by such a number of 'desperate souls' ; The fact of the matter is the country does not have the money nor resources to take in the entire world's 'hard luck cases'. There is an absolute limit to the numbers that can be helped. Unfortunately some still can't seem to grasp that. Expecting the good hard pressed taxpayer to stump up ever more for the mumerous costs involved with their wet dreams of taking in the entire world and no borders.

Also when - for example- Asylum is granted to 50,000 people, the number is actually far more.

When family members eventually join them, that 50,000 can soon become 200,000+.

I also don't agree with that. Asylum was granted for that one person, not for their their entire family to come over and join them.
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VIP Member
For me this isn't a race issue, there aren't the resources available to look after people adequately.
Why bring more people here to live in misery, even if they're housed the risk of exploitation is huge.
The government did need to do something urgently to get a handle on the problems facing people. But as usual its not enough and is much too late.
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VIP Member
Again, there isn't a single way to help. Can't doesn't mean won't. I do what I can within my means, you do.... oh, that's right. Add to their distress by calling for them to have less access to resources. Good for you.
What do I do? Well for a start I spent 20 years with Northumbria Police investigating numerous crimes committed by and against all the community, including immigrants, trying my level best to ensure that all members of the community were as safe as possible, the guilty punished and the innocent supported. This by definition has included Jamaican Yardies, Chinese Snakeheads, Albanian Mafia, Nigerian fraud gangs, far right skinhead thugs and Antifa wankstains. Not to mention white middle class financial fraudsters.

I now work in the financial sector where I run a team which arranges mortgages for customers of all backgrounds so they can realise their dreams of owning property. Very different but in my view both valuable services to the community and I can honestly say I’ve made innumerable lives better. Not aware of having ever taken resources away from anyone, unless you mean contributing to remove the liberty of duly convicted and guilty as sin criminals, and seizing their I’ll gotten gains, for which I make exactly zero apologies.
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VIP Member
So you don't want an asylum seekers in the UK, you don't want the UK to spend money on dealing with the issue, what is your cost free solution?
There is no cost free solution. A more acceptable solution would be to stop sending them all to already deprived, already overstretched areas. I work on the homeless team at a local authority, dealing with asylum seekers in temporary accommodation. What Emzykins has described completely mirrors what's happening in my area. Nearly all of our hotels have been turned over to asylum seekers. Our services are completely overrun. Waiting times on our public counter are now 3 hours± due to the time spent on translation calls. Services and schemes like the Household Support Fund are being pulled 2 months before the end of the qualifying period because money needs to be redirected elsewhere. My caseload has increased fivefold in the last 2 years.

Deprived, low socio‐economic areas always bear the brunt. We are always dumped on by whatever government happens to be in power. The leafy constituencies always claim that they don't have the infrastructure to support asylum seekers. And we do of course?! Bloody build the infrastructure then. But we all know that's never going to happen. I think during the Syrian crisis, 80٪ of UK councils didn't take in a single asylum seeker. It's a joke.
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VIP Member
I don’t support economic free loaders and something has to change I’ve never said people in genuine need don’t deserve it ,I’m waiting to see what solution you come up with so the government can distinguish those in genuine need, but again you write a pointless essay just going over the same thing time and time again, I’ve already said we know the literal meaning of things it’s the solution we need.
---'Our small boats plan will push boundaries of international law', admit senior ToriesView attachment 2010473
About bloody time...

This situation could not be allowed to continue indefinitely. The numbers are increasing year on year, for which it is becoming unsustainable and out of control.

This should have been sorted out years ago when arrivals via Lorries was the big issue.
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VIP Member
Something needs to be done, people are taking the piss by coming here illegally when they are coming from stable countries which makes it harder for the people who are fleeing war and persecution. And I don’t blame people for getting fed up. It’s a shit show.
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