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Will be like Kevin in Home Alone, Cardboard Cutout ppl and mannequins posing for pics with cheese taped to thier hands
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Super Cute

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💯 Snarks!

I grew up in a family of narcs so this behaviour is all too familiar. Anything the kids achieve will be because of her (or so she'll say); their special days will become all about her (I hope her daughters have the good sense to elope should they choose to marry - Sage's future partner will be in for one heck of a ride); any of their hobbies will become her hobbies - and she'll be so much better at them than they could ever hope to be. It's all a big competition and it's bloody exhausting. You have to move far, far away for your own sanity.

Her desire to put herself and her desires (not needs) above all else is nauseating. I admit that I'm a bit over the top and overcook a lot of things, but part of my Sunday routine is to plan for the week ahead - what we're wearing, menu planning and preparation (which normally involves making meals ahead of time and freezing them into portion-sized containers). Washing, ironing, folding all gets done during the week, making it easy to stay on top of it. Shopping is normally done at 9pm one week night, when the supermarket is nearly empty (and never without a list). I'm not perfect, but having a routine helps with any curveballs that might occur during the week.
This is exactly ME Messy!! You my sister from another Mister 🤔 I line up my outfits in the wardrobe so I don’t have to think what I’m going to wear each day! I thought I was a bit anal but my 26yo daughter now does this so she feels organised and ready to tackle the week (she’s in her second year of practising law so has a fairly hectic schedule).

I’m not sure if my mother was a narc as I had a great childhood but she changed as we got older and it was all about her. Her memories of her own childhood suddenly changed to what we had been told by herself, cousins, aunties and her mother previously. She began citing traumatic incidents and playing victim whereas we had always been told of a happy, carefree childhood.

When I had my first baby she came to visit (lived interstate) and spent the whole time sleeping or drinking port from 4pm each afternoon. No support at all. Said she needed a holiday herself and as she had to look after us kids on her own whilst my dad was in Vietnam (fighting in a war) I should be able to handle one baby in my own. This was the first of many blow ups and estrangements.

I finally broke away and ceased contact with her and my siblings when there was a violent attack on myself and my daughter during a visit to my dad on his deathbed. No contact for 3 years now and I’ve never been happier 🥰

Sorry for the personal vent…when EL posts shit like “she’s the key ingredient to her family and exactly what they need” it always triggers memories of that awful last day my daughter got to spend with her pop 😔
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The thing I don’t get about her or her followers is the aspirational part. People follow Bec Judd and Rosalia Russian for the enviable parts of their life: being relatable is not what they’re aiming for, and the people who follow them likely do so for a glimpse into a lifestyle they might not have or for high end inspiration they can then look to replicate at high street prices. That who vibe makes sense.

But not matter how much cash EL splashes around, I just can’t imagine anyone looking at her and going “gosh I wish I had her life/home/wardrobe, I’ll follow along for an insight into what I don’t have and appreciate the aesthetics of what she puts together.” Like, NOBODY is following her for that. And it’s insane to me that she’s not realised who her niche market is and to not alienate them with her try hard antics.

The other thing I can’t make sense of is the Bali or New York things. As you’ve all said, cost of living is rising, many people are likely looking to spend less on luxuries. For some a rise in living costs is not remotely an issue and they’ll absolutely carry on living as they have been, and booking international holidays. I’m in a very very fortunate position of not being particularly impacted with changes in week to week costs and am planning a trip to Europe at the moment, and know a number of families in a similar super fortunate circumstance. None of whom would want to go on a strange Bali experience staying with strangers in bunk beds and swearing all over the white outfits? Like the two demographics just don’t mix? It makes no sense.
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I wonder if it bothers her that the fangirls (tribe) are of a certain type? She certainly likes to parade around Albert Park like she’s somebody and no one there gives her the time of day. Her tribe are a

I just can’t believe people drove from the suburbs to this ‘event’. What makes you so desperate for second hand clothes
In a word, yes.

My reasoning: EL is a typical narc. Huge ego on her. Her tribe fill the emotional void in her life and provide her with the adulation she so desperately craves. In her head, she is THE ultimate Melbourne celebrity. But none of the Melbourne set want to know her. She's that acquaintance who you kind of know, and then when you spend more than 5 minutes with you realise why you're not actually friends. So she tells herself that the fabulous people are her friends, knowing full well that they're not, but pretends that she's too busy to have a social life because she's running an empire 🤭 Then, when she needs a pick me up and deigns to associate with the tribe (who she revved into a frenzy originally by presenting herself as this rough, relatable diamond) it fills her bucket for all of 5 minutes before she is painfully reminded of the fact that she is just like them. Completely ordinary and totally average. She needs them, yet she resents them.
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I was so excited when I saw this photo in the Daily Mail of all the arrivals ahead of the Logies ... I thought this must be our girl, but sadly after reading here it's clearly not as she's busy at equestrian training :LOL:

View attachment 1353700

"Listen up Ray - I would be a dead ringer for Alf's long-lost daughter. They could create a new storyline to get rid of that Roo and I could take her place. How about it?"
Emmy....wait for it....Roo 😂 Emmyroo Stewart from Emmyroo Loves. What an opportunity Channel 7!
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Director of Mugs

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Horse riding does sound fun! I can just imagine.

That's the way it's gonna be, little darlin'
We'll be riding on the horses, yeah
Way up in the sky, little darlin'
And if you fall I'll pick you up, pick you up

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mariah cachia

Chatty Member
Going back a few stories but that pile of washing she said was there since Saturday made me rage.
She makes life so hard for her self and awful for her kids.
Instead of an indulgent day horse riding and at the baths, she could have spent the day preparing for the week, have meals ready so she’s not in such a “rush” and “busy”
She has the luxury of time which most of us working parents do not and she still can’t get her shit together for the sake of her children.
Sorry for the early morning rant - husband away for a month and trying to get my 3 kids out the door before going to work. Emmylou - that is what being mad dog busy looks like you narc
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Claimed to be 90kg on 22 February, after 12kg weight loss. The most loss she’s spoken about was 16kg, so theoretically could be mid 80s if she’s maintained? Could be deceptive because she’s so short 🤔
She also claimed to be a paramedic......
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She actually has no touch on reality.
She lives in this strange little ELL world, with little to no idea what is going on outside the fence of her pig sty.
I reckon thats why she spiraled so badly during Covid, she usually ignores the drama in the world and she couldn't ignore a global pandemic.
Little to no social etiquette, I think she's of average to low intelligence and has got where she has because she's got a loud mouth and built a following off her body shape and size that she literally hates.
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On what planet is a black basketball 'beautiful'. Awesome, cool etc...sure...whatever. WHY IS EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL!

Me again and a late night thought. I really do wonder the long term impact on Emmylou's kids. It's probably normal for them now, but it's really not normal to have mum engage with the phone you are holding, as if you aren't even there. As an adult, I understand what's happening - but what does V think? Who does she think mum is talking to? Is this warping her perception/understanding of communication? To be in a room with your children, and talking AT them as they hold your phone. No kid on this planet wants to do that. Honestly, how dare she place that expectation on her kids. Let him go play, learn, read. Standing there watching her talking about her freaking MUNDANE life. You are truly awful Emmylou. No one cares about your day. You are not adding value to anyone's life by this incessant faux reality tv show you think you are the star of. What does she bring???? Discount codes for 1000 skincare brands?

I can't wait for the day Australia introduces laws to protect the kids of these influencers.
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Okay ladies I had some time to kill, there's no line out the front so it must be nice and toasty in there with all 197 guests (three just walked out, no shopping in hand).
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Limpy Love

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The uncontrollable hysterics are masking the fact that LL is shattered by the attendance tonight.

The fact that she actually thought that 200 desperate women from greater Melb would turn up at her freezing warehouse on a Friday night to buy her second hand shit, is what is laughable.

She may have sold some of her crap but those racks and tables look pretty full to me.
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Emmylou, here I am with yet more free advice for you (formerly 1001 Others, now reincarnated!)

The reason why last night was a flop is because a lot - if not most - people don't have a spare $100 to spend on secondhand stuff at the moment. Life is expensive, and that $100 would go a long way towards household costs.

Run another event - this time, via silent auction. Create a new Instagram page and take the time to list each and every item on a separate post, with a reference for interested parties to quote, when they DM you with their best and final offer. Make the auction run for a good couple of weeks, and promote it via your main page. You might not get as much as you hope for some items, but you'll still be shifting them along and getting some $ in.

OR ...

Section off one part of your warehouse and make it a recycled boutique. Check your insurance and lease agreement to ensure you're allowed to use the warehouse in this capacity. Stuff will take longer to sell but if you're intent on getting the highest price possible for the items then this might be the best way to go. Just make sure someone is on site at the warehouse when you say they will be, to greet prospective buyers.
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Just because you’re a total bitch to Sage Emmy and we all know you read here don’t start your stories with BUSY MORNING AT “THE LOVES” YOU ARE NOT A LOVE AARON DIDN’T MARRY YOU HE SAW THE LIGHT AND LEFT. I pray to God he can also help the kids because you truly are a cunt this morning just cements it

Sorry tattlers but this was just too much
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Super Cute

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So she’s going to drive all the way to Mornington for a 4hr horsey ride/bath and then all the way home and cook up a couple of pasta meals. It is likely that The Children will get dropped off Sunday night and she needs to get shit sorted for the school week. Iron/wash school clothes, lunch prep (they’ll be having cheese and cabanara sangas), routines (dinner, bath, teeth, story, bed) - who am I kidding there are no routines in EL World 🙄

This will then trigger another breakdown “just so farken wrecked after a massive weekend of runnen round and bein a single Mumma in this new old family dynamic of ours and husslin just so ma babies can have a house to live in if I suddenly die finally take off and never return and food is my farken love language but nobody farken appreciates it except all you bewdiful gorjus customers tribe” cry Fest.
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It gives me great pleasure that she sold nothing, disgusting behaviour by her and Leah laughing while discussing how much food was consumed and how it had been mauled that should be a wake up call for her tribe she was literally making fun of you.
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Chatty Member
Here you go, friends! Hopefully clear enough to read!

$1500 non refundable deposit!! And says 7 days breakfast, lunch and dinner included. Considering day 1 you arrive (only dinner included) and day 7 you leave (only breakfast available) - I wouldn’t say it’s entirely accurate..


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