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I’m a bit over Emmy, partly because her Instagram stories are often followed by a Palestinian photo journalist that LBD posted about and seeing his god-awful stories straight after the crap that Emmy posts makes me dislike her even more.
But I can’t give up on the Fezzas cos you bitches are the best so I’ll sit in the corner for a while and hope that Emmy gets a well deserved and public dose of shit-hitting-the-fan ™️
It’s hard isn’t it.

I’m over her shit with all that food on the weekend was just putrid and wasteful. My friends and I discussed all the families doing it tough and all the small things we do as individuals who are not loaded to help people in need. Small acts of kindness go a long way to people who really need a little hand.
But not Emmylou, she is such a selfish, greedy pig & she makes me sick.
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I like the design of the wall hangers. But hate it behind the TV. It's too distracting. It looks like something you would have in an outdoor area.

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View attachment 2574319
Did she have to add more nails to the wall, how do they hang. She reminds me of a 12 year old redecorating their bedroom, trying to become a grown up. I won’t even try to understand or relate, she’s just throwing away money at this point. Got something to prove to us Emmy?
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Why the fuck post the story and tag the brand you're doing a "paid partnership" with, and the dogs are rooting in the background? What part of that seemed like a good idea, and not to just re do the video?
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I don’t know how it all this ‘finance administration’ stuff works but it seems ludicrous that a business person (I use that term loosely) can’t pay creditors but can spend ‘their own money’ on anything they want eg a new dog chain from White November, new dresses etc. Should just be allowed basic living costs.

Maybe all these things are a paid partnership??

Curious as to whether or not there was a strategy behind Bubs booking Granny’s plane ticket….if Emmy funded it was this done to hide the spend from the regulators? 🕵🏻
I think it's because she's illiterate and had to get sluttlysue to do it. Like she got Alove to come over and book flights a while back, because he was better at that type of stuff. You can not be anything hands on in health care with those nails! I'm so full of hate for this blob. I have narrowly avoided bankruptcy before by working my toot off and definitely no spending!!! Food, fuel, mortgage were the only things I spent on, basics too! Not this stuff she does, the going out, the kids sporting activities, the new clothes, jewellery!!! I can't get my head round where the money comes from. I even park 1km from work and walk in to avoid paying for parking and bring leftovers for lunch! Make my own coffee at home. I just can't fathom where her money comes from!!!
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1. Silverback lou
2. Condescending cunt lou. "Hope you enjoyed your first game" like you're such a fucking lifelong fan. Also clearly those girls were courtside while this grub had to walk down to them.
I think this is a perfect example of a worrying trend with Amy. Eliza and Liberty are friendly people who are networking at a social event for their own purpose. Just because somebody has basic conversation skills does not make them a friend or a fan. The simple fact she can’t read situations and take them with a grain of Olsson salt is exactly how she got diddled in Vegas.
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She is trying to copy everything Brad's airbnb has except in a filthy old hovel. Its never going to look right. Such a waste of $!
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And she's just ruined Jones & Co for me. I have a few of their planters. Those shells just look dumb behind the tv. They need to be measured. She spends all this money and does a half arse job at it. She's hopeless. She's definitely not good at interior design. Don't be putting that on your ever expanding CV Amylou
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Do you think she posted this late?? Wasn’t the big cookup going to be last night when she was getting podaydo’s at Georgie’s yesterday??

If I was Aaron I just would have walked out. She’s so inconsiderate. Let the kids see what a bitch she is not having anything for the poor guy to eat. What if one of the kids decided to go vegan - would she send them to live with Aaron so she wouldn’t have to deal?? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Talk about decorating… i guess the smiley stickers on the window pane is a vibe and mumma frickin loves it!

it truely is a hovel. No amount of freebie “art”, new couch, spotlight curtains can cover up the junk, cluttter and dirt in that house.
Anything she does is simply just rolling a shit in glitter, even then she fails 🤣
When her dogs are rooting I’m sure the camera operator (someone with her iPhone) giggles and it sounds female.
Yeah I think it's a female too, if it were a male she'd be dressed like a gansta baller or a hoochie
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Now that studio 10 is canned, I truly hope she gives up on her dream of being a tv star. It’s time EmmaLou.
#107. Studio 10 has been given the axe, at least EmmyLou always has snacks.
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