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VIP Member
Tim must cringe 🤣 I can’t say how I know cos I don’t wanna out myself hahaha but he is VERY clever, his uni grades were extremely impressive. So what he thinks to Emma making stupid videos like that for a living I don’t know 😂😂😂
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from someone with zero fitness knowledge, it looks like recent over exercising is in an attempt to see results like those she got with her old PT, which obviously wasn't healthily done. imo she's trying to counteract the increase in calories with an increase in activity, which just goes against her new PT's goal of levelling the amount of energy she's consuming.

i personally don't understand how she felt comfortable publicising her 'fitness journey' to an impressionable audience if she knew she was only eating 1200 kcal??
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Hi long time lurker here
Just reading the comments about the exercise video was really interesting. I rediscovered Emma through them (I never used to watch her as her makeup suggestions were too expensive for me but I knew of her through soph) and used to rewatch that video a lot when doing home workouts during lockdown. It was nice to see an account of someone who had actually lost weight but seemed as if she had done it for the right reasons (even though I now know this is a facade)
Since gyms have reopened I have started one of natacha oceane guide and she is generally the one I watch for inspiration (I like that her body seems to change in different videos etc and it made me view exercise is a new light of setting goals opposed to looking thin)

Anyway, reading that she was on 1200 is so upsetting as I have (and I know a lot of others have) been through that period. If anyone needs to here this, 1200 is not enough and you are worthy of calories. A perfect figure is a lie and it is not worth being tired and ran down in order to try and achieve it.
I gravitated towards her as I am currently a student so have loads of time to fill in a day and am currently in the same position of household chores being like actual work (as in I'll include it in my 9-5 and be overall proud of myself for doing the bare minimum haha)

From learning of her privileged upbringing its just hard to resonate with her now and it almost feels like she shouldn't be an influencer and she has no real qualities that should be in charge of influencing people.

Just some thoughts I've had whilst reading the thread.
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I tried to watch the vlog, 5 minutes in she says she's aware she's spent a lot of time apologising for stuff that she shouldn't apologise for lately so she won't anymore. Actually Emma, apologising for treating your subscribers (your bread and butter and the reason you have a platform) with complete contempt whilst you stew apples and take whole days off for hair appointments is something you should be doing. I'm out for this vlog, what am entitled brat she is sometimes.
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Im a bit confused because she started off that clip mentioning the message by saying herself that she’s been inconsistent? And then proceeds to complain that someone told her she was inconsistent? I don’t understand. she also needs to realise her privilege that she can take days off for mental health when most can’t. She never seems to address that when she talks about how hard she works. Compared to the average person, she certainly doesn’t work that hard.
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I saw this story and was quite shocked. When is she going to realise doing her make up like this ages her so badly. The creasing around her forehead/under her eyes would be less noticeable if the make up wasn’t so heavy.

I’m not here to tear down or police how other women choose to present themselves but I reckon if she switched up her routine and used something lighter in coverage it would do her the world of good because her skin without make up on is lovely IMO.


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Honestly I used to really enjoy watching Emma but I feel like since joining Tattle I’ve really wisened up to influencers as a whole. I used to feel so shit about myself and my life because of their content but now I realise that they’re just lucky and incredibly privileged and most of their life (on social media) is a lie anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️

The fact these people can spend stupids amount of money on something they get a few uses out of and just skip days of ‘work’ makes me so mad. They really don’t understand how lucky they are.
I have found that since I discovered Tattle my outlook on influencers has definitely changed. I was always wary of their recommendations because I never truly believed they were honest. Coming on here has highlighted so much more to me - their entitled lifestyles, the throwaway attitude and waste of clothes/products, their lack of understanding about what their audience has been going through for the past year and just generally how insincere they are.

I still watch certain people but I don't get so caught up in what they have to say, their recommendations or things they suggest anymore. I also feel much happier in myself and with the things I have.
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Also, she got worked up about putting weight on, which is understandable, I’ve been there. However, it was 1.1 pounds which is 500g...that’s literally nothing? I was so understanding of her talk about putting on weight, because I go through similar issues with scales and measurements, but surely that’s such a small amount to get upset about? It just shows that her journey with her body and health is not as far along as she is claiming!
😱😱 your weight literally fluctuates by around 2lb every day! That’s so worrying that she’s obsessing over 1lb
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Its not cool people messaging her, and I think that's a bit crappy to send direct hate... BUT, I don't disagree with the criticism she was sent. From some of her comments in her recent vlog though, I'm guessing she doesn't read her Tattle because I don't think she would have reiterated how much of a "perfectionist" she thinks she is (sidenote: she isn't).
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I know it's just speculation right now but I do feel for her if they have broken up. Their relationship has always reminded me a lot of my ex and I. We were together for 11 years from the age 15, with time spent long distance while we were at uni, then a few years living together. We weren't similar people but we loved each other's company, enjoyed all the same TV programmes etc and just had a laugh all the time, but we broke up last year as, from my side, it just felt like something was missing. I feel terrible saying this as I still feel a lot of guilt for hurting someone so much, but I do feel like like the relationship went on longer than it should have because we were just so comfortable with each other and didn't know anything else. I see so many similarities to Emma and Tim with the way they interact in her vlogs.

So if they have broken up, I reckon it'll be the loss of close friendship that will hit her hardest. The main difference is that I quite enjoy my own company and I like living alone, but Emma seems to be a really sociable person and relies on that interaction. As much as her stretching the lockdown rules all this time has seriously pissed me off, I'm glad she does seem to have a close network of friends, and that's something I'm really envious of. They do seem like a great fit friendship-wise, but I don't know if a romantic connection really came across in her vlogs.
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The car issue is ridiculous! For starters, if it was in her neighbours way just get some bloody jump leads, start it and move it. Batteries are pretty easy to sort out on most cars, I am lucky as I have always been pretty good with these things and I bought my last battery from eBay after looking up what I needed and fitted it myself, took 5 mins, not that easy on all cars especially some of the more modern ones admittedly but most are pretty easy to sort if it’s just a battery issue, and even if it’s not, you can always jump start them generally to at least get running and get it somewhere to get checked! You can buy portable jump starters on Amazon for like £30 so you don’t even need leads! Just in case! And if her dad is such a petrol head why couldn’t he come and help her instead of her poor neighbours being stuck with her car in the way because she couldn’t be arsed to sort it! Also, as you said, AA or RAC do cover which will help you at home so if she bothered to look into that she could def have cover so they could have come and sorted her out! She is so lazy it’s not even funny!
Privileged, that’s what Emma is, and it’s become more apparent throughout the pandemic
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Agree with the consensus regarding the breakup and how she handled it.

Just came here to say how amazing she looked on Monday (I think) when she said "I've just done a little makeup, like 4 products". Her face was glowy and fresh and looked her age not middle aged! I wish she would do that sort of stripped back makeup more.
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Listens to a podcast of herself. While doing make up, unshowered. 🤢

I will 100% not make it through this vlog. And not just cuz line of duty is on in 10 minutes.

Hang on did she gym and not shower twice in a row then film a clothing haul??
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Chatty Member
I think Emma is one of those people that looks like they aren’t actually meant to be small. IMO her head looks too big for her body there?
She is most likely exhausting herself with the constant thoughts of diet/exercise which is why she always feels burnt out
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It’s such a shame because Emma used to be one of my absolute favourite youtubers. I found her content relatable and I enjoyed her fashion videos. I 100% understand that her interests and her body can change but there’s literally nothing on her channel for me anymore and it’s kinda sad. It’s literally her stuffing unhelpful gym and triggering body image content down our throats video after video and Instagram story after Instagram story (n) I wish she would realise how unhealthy her attitude is and how damaging the message is that she puts out to her audience
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I understand it must be hard to film this when it’s a new wound and there is blurred lines but when you open the door to sharing your life and your partner is a part of your life and they become part of your videos you do have to address it, obviously when you are ready but the concern wasn’t from a malicious place I don’t think from anyone in the comments or here just you could see the shift from her regular tone of vlog. I do hope she’s ok and finds her feet from this massive change in her life it is sad I can’t imagine it myself after being with my partner a similar time as her.
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Dear Reader

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Perhaps Tim's facing some issues with his personal life and she obviously wouldn't feel comfortable sharing it. Like maybe something sad has happened, e.g. a family member passing away. That would explain why he wouldn't be up for being on camera and why she's getting a bit defensive about the questions.
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Dear Reader

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She's lazy in all other aspects of her life, but I think it's clear that she does put a lot of work into her exercise (healthily done or not). The issue is that she completely ruins this for herself. The fact that she is seemingly so unmotivated in most areas of her life completely invalidates all the hard work she actually puts in with her exercise.

She can only exercise like she does because she basically does nothing else. What's inspirational about that? If you gave any able-bodied person unlimited time, a healthy bank account, and no other worries or responsibilities, they'd also be able to carry out the one thing they decide to obsess over to a high standard.

If she acknowledged her privilege, became self-aware, and did a healthy amount of work alongside her exercise it would actually make her content a lot more impressive and aspirational. I'd definitely be up for learning how to balance all of that.
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Chatty Member
Oh can she FUCK OFF talking about P.E...... we all hated it at school unless we were athletic cos we were all going through puberty and confidence issues... there's nothing more to it. You either loved it or hated it, but you didn't become obsessed over it 8 years later..... fucking weirdo

I love sport. I work out a lot. I played tennis nationally. I swam competitively. I bloody hated school PE. NO ONE wants to be outside in those tiny skirts, in the rain and snow and the wind, playing hockey or netball in January. Noone. Those are the most boring sports imaginable, the UK is too cold to put teenagers outside in. I used to fake my period 3 weeks a month to get out of it. If we were doing something indoors, fine. But what kind of sociopath makes kids do half a day of school, go get wet and sweaty, and then give them 3 minutes to get to maths? Poor teenage girls who are already self concious have to go to three more classes and sit next to mean teenage boys all smelly cos noone goes and gets a proper shower when you have to use communcal showers with 30 other girls going through puberty. It's cruel.
Sport is great. PE is the 7th circle of hell.
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Watching the vlog and at the bit where she says she's a perfectionist with her work so that's why she often doesn't post. Honey, you don't post and when you do, it's not good. If this is you being a perfectionist and doing the best you can, then please consider a different job.
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