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Well-known member
I had to go check out that reel to see what you were all talking about, lol. I don't know if it's just because I'm tired but it really irritated me, it comes off as her finding every day jobs hilarious for some reason? Imagine not even knowing what a receptionist was in your 20s
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Chatty Member
I honestly despise all these cringe reels that fully grown adults keep doing

ETA: can’t believe I spend my working day taking on major responsibilities while people like Emma spend it perfecting a chair spin to a microwave sound effect.
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Chatty Member
TW - weight loss/ calories

As much as i find her insta stories hard to watch I just saw she’s taking over her coaches insta stories and I clicked on their account and had a look and I found it sooo damaging. They have images of girls with their daily calorie intake and some of them were 1200-1500 cals a day. I don’t know anything about nutrition so correct me if I’m wrong but that seems so drastic?

I just don’t see how it’s healthy to display that on an account with 13k+ followers...

Sorry if I’m way off there haha

I am a nutritionist. I would NEVER recommend a diet for client of less than 1500 calories.

The safest way to lose weight is to drop 250 calories a day. This is slower but should still result in 0.5lb a week.
A reasonably active (regular walking but office job and maybe does light exercise a couple of times a week), average height female has a calorie requirement of 1600-1800 calories. You need 1200 calories to just run the basic functions of your body. A few hundred to take into account physical activity. More if you're more active or larger. slightly less if you're smaller and sedentary.

When I have a client who is larger, we might drop 500 calories a week, but that's on requirements of 2000 plus, people who have a lot to lose and need to lose quickly for their health.

When I have a client who is reasonably fit, we'll look at their aims. If they are working out a lot, we feed them to sustain that- and we INCREASE the calories. If the're working out a couple of times a week and are looking for more of a "toned" look, we'll cut 50-100 each week, checking regualrly that they're feeling ok. If their performance is suffering or they're getting sick a lot or lots of headaches, we'll put it up again. And then lower it more slowly.

If you work out your calorie requirements are super low (e.g. shorter or lighter than average) and you get a requirement on something like 1400 and you still want to lose weight, I'd encourage you to increase your activity. Not eat less.
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Uhhh so I can’t go into Tesco with my husband to do our essential food shop but she’s in there doing a fucking Easter egg hunt?
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VIP Member
The short natural nails she's apologising for look so much better than the long talons. I always think the really long ones must get so grubby. I had nail extensions once and I couldn't change the bedding, take my contact lenses out or fasten clothes properly :oops: Each to their own and if she can function with them then fair enough, maybe she's got it all down to a fine art.

Also, don't they have to disclose if something was gifted if they show it in a video? She mentions that she's worked with Braun but there's no ad/ gifted disclosure for the product in the description. She's also been sponsored by Bondai sands previously, and presumably gifted those products, and doesn't disclose that anywhere at all. This makes me wonder if any of the other favorites were gifted as well, especially the Charlotte Tilbury and Fenty products.
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VIP Member
I've removed myself from Instagram, it isn't another teacher one is it!?
lol! Nope she is spinning on a chair whilst playing microwave noises pretending to “defrost” herself after having PMS for a week 😐 I have no words 😐
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Active member
even aside from the questionable ethics of an easter egg hunt in a pandemic, as content it was just... shit?? maybe she just missed the mark on making it tongue in cheek or whatever, but i just dont get who this is for exactly, wasn't like the eggs were hidden anywhere she literally just went to a tesco and bought some eggs... woo great

also without wanting to sound like a stalker only i know the area pretty well but that tesco she went to is a good 20 miles (40 minute drive roughly) from where she lives which makes it even more ridiculous, like i hope they paid her really well or something
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VIP Member
I just flicked through this vlog because I'm bored with them and I don't need to see Emma complaining about her lifestyle. It looks like half of the footage is of her eyebrows. Whyyyy is brow lamination a thing? No offence if anyone here likes it, but I've never seen brow lamination look good on anyone.

Zero social distancing under that umbrella as well 👌🏻
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Chatty Member
❤❤ thank you for this!

TW: calories.....

My mum has always lived by ‘you can lose weight without exercising’. Hence she always lost weight by eating 1000 calories a day (sometimes less)! I did 1000-1200 in my early 30s and it made me so ill and just fuckin miserable. I am trying to lose weight now in my 40s but won't go back to those old ways again. I'd rather lose it slowly and it be sustainable.

Here's the thing. People often think they need to exercise to lose weight, and overestimate how much exertion it is. This means they often avoid it because it seems like miserable hard work, they exercise too much to burn as many calories as possible but forget to eat more to fuel that workout, or most likely, they do a medium amount of exercise and overestimate how many calories that burns and eat to "make up for it."
i.e. "I went for a run, I've earned a Mars bar".
Exercising doesn't burn that many calories. It ranges drastically depending on your height, weight, the activity and the intensity. A 30 minute run for the average person will only burn 200 calories but you often feel hungry after and the mars bar is 230 calories.

If you have a few extra pounds to lose but you're not actually gaining any more, and eat just a bit too much, it's much easier to pick ONE big thing to cut out of your diet. Don't rehash it, don't think you have to completely convert to something your mate told you about. There's usually something really obvious you can change.
If you pick up a McDonalds Big Mac for lunch at work every day, get a cheeseburger instead. That's 200 calories less. Make those changes until you get to the calories you SHOULD be eating, then find one more.
It's easier to not eat the big mac/nightly chocolate bar/4 biscuits with your afternoon cuppa than it is to burn those extra calories off through exercise.

Ideally, you'd eat a diet with lots of fruit and veg, healthy grain and beans and lean proteins, you can actually eat a lot, have some "treat" foods, and exercise a few times a week. But that sounds super boring and people look for other answers- like a special diet or fancy gym.The diet indutry and lots of influencers make it so much harder than it needs to be. They mess with our brains to make us feel bad so we buy things. Overcoming it is hard, but knowing it takes time, and having people support you (a running group, a whatsapp chat with mates, good family joining in) are your best chances of sustainable weight loss.
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New member
Long time lurked here.... But just have to say how freakin lazy she is!! That weekly vlog was just a load of baking montages ... She could have made that a whole separate video 'how to bake mini party food' yes it wouldn't have been to everyone's taste in terms of content but that's better than a load of montages.
Furthermore her bedroom is always in a state with piles of things on the bed. I don't get it!!!!
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Well-known member
What about the fact she said she's working hard so she can take the summer off? Working hard means starting work at midday after working out all morning and then giving up for the week on a Wednesday/Thursday??
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VIP Member
Am I the one who doesn’t understand fashion, or is this outfit just not right? The patterns aren’t just clashing, they just don’t match. I don’t understand how she can list fashion as one of her ‘things’ when she’s just shit at it...

Also I’m not surprised she hasn’t posted again. Despite her cry in her recent vlog about that perfectly justified comment, she proved once more that she is an inconsistent as ever. I don’t understand how she can put channel growth as part of her goals for 2021 but do nothing for it?
View attachment 543901
That outfit is terrible! Also she definitely isn’t a size 8, she’s not fat at all but she’s just not a size 8
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VIP Member
Oh boohoo she's been waiting for 3 months to go to a spin class even though she has a spin bike at home. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Some people haven't seen family members in over a year. She's so entitled its unreal.
her audience has been waiting 18 months for those travel vlogs ...
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Active member
Is she actually joking? How long is she going to keep up the narrative that she never takes days off and she needs to get better at doing it. We see what you get up to in your weekly vlogs? In every vlog for months she said something about not feeling up for working today, or stopping work early to go on a walk. Does she not realise that?
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I haven’t watched the video but I’m imagining it goes “God I’ve worked up a sweat baking! That brings me on to the sponsor of this video...”
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Tbh I still really enjoy a lot of her content but the latest vlog where she gets upset about it being one year of lockdown just irked me more than it should have. "I'm so over it guys." I've said on here before I know everyone is handling the pandemic differently but she seems to be having a super hard time with it just because she can't go to the gym. At least that's the impression that I get. She's seen more friends than I have during this thing and I'd love her content creator lifestyle vs a desk job so it just struck me as a bratty tantrum. Maybe she's just never had to go without or sacrifice anything before in her life in which case, she's so lucky. I'm not sure I wanna follow anymore.
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VIP Member
Just commenting to follow this thread ✨

I used to really like her but she just makes me feel awful about myself now, just can’t find the motivation she has for fitness and it makes me feel so shit about myself and my body. I’m not big by any means just she makes me feel like I’m not doing enough.

I’m 23 and I feel like this, imagine how her younger and more impressionable viewers must feel?
I totally agree. I’m 29 and I still feel the same way. I have to remind myself that she doesn’t work full time hours, doesn’t have a workplace to be, doesn’t seem to have anyone to hold her to account. It’s still hard though, which is why I am starting to drift from her content.
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