Emma Tustin and Thomas Hughes #2

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Do you know what the sad reality is, if Arthur was in school he wouldn’t have had to suffer all the time like that, someone would have noticed more, he would have been able to tell someone, I believe he would have still been alive, atleast he would have been able to eat, drink something, not made to stand for hours, actually been allowed to be a child and be happy 😔 that haunts me so much
Totally agree 😔 I think this definitely reiterates how important it is that the schools don’t shut again due to covid. There are poor wee children relying on going to school to get out of situations such as this 😭
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Poor little Arthur. This case has truly traumatised me. I cant get Arthur's beautiful little face and sweet smile out of my mind. I have cried for the last 5 days straight, I can"t sleep or eat. To think how anyone could be so cruel is hard to comprehend. My daughter is 5 months older than Arthur was and my son a year younger. This morning when his little face appeared on TV my son asked if it was this way as it was poor Arthur that had to live the terror amd suffer daily. It eats me up how he must have felt in his little mind. I cant even feel anger at this stage, just an overwhelming sadness. RIP little one, I wish the world had been kinder to you. You deserved so much more xx

Sorry but I just to vent x

Poor little Arthur. This case has truly traumatised me. I cant get Arthur's beautiful little face and sweet smile out of my mind. I have cried for the last 5 days straight, I can"t sleep or eat. To think how anyone could be so cruel is hard to comprehend. My daughter is 5 months older than Arthur was and my son a year younger. This morning when his little face appeared on TV my son asked if it was this way as it was poor Arthur that had to live the terror amd suffer daily. It eats me up how he must have felt in his little mind. I cant even feel anger at this stage, just an overwhelming sadness. RIP little one, I wish the world had been kinder to you. You deserved so much more xx

Sorry but I just to vent x

Sorry I meant to say I feel quilt that I feel this was as it was poor little Arthur that had to live it and suffer daily. Breaks my heart.
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There will be a Serious Case Review and I hope someone or many will be held accountable for their actions in not protecting Arthur. But I think it will be a case of who can pass the blame the fastest.

so many chances to save that little boys life. I can’t get it out of my head. I have snuggled my children that much closer recently.
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I wonder when he last saw his Mum in prison and if she had noticed a deterioration in her beautiful Arthur 😥. She mentioned the last time she spoke to him he asked her to keep him some sweets and she said she would if he ate his dinner. She never got to see him again. I have never felt so physically sick and sad in my life. The only comfort I find is that he was so loved and happy before that disgusting excuse for a human ET entered his life .
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I feel so heartbroken for this little boy. I keep looking at my little boy thinking how can anyone do that to a child. I just want to cuddle mine so tight but then I keep thinking of all the children who are his age and have no parents or love in their life. The world is truly heartbreaking.

I hope that the other inmates receive all the details of what she did to him and makes her life a living hell

It makes me feel sick that he seemed like such a happy boy before he moved in with her
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This story kills me. I'v had to unfollow the thread as its everywhere. Everywhere I look, I see their faces and everyone I talk too, will bring it up in conversation. It is horrific and traumatising and it's so deep in my thoughts that I dream about Arthur! His little face as well, he has such a familiar face. I only hope that the government pull their finger out their bums and invest money into the system otherwise Arthur will be another child killed by his so called loved ones.
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I seen on an article on the daily Mail this morning that on one of the occasions it was referred to the police they even provided photographs of his bruises. The police said they would refer to their Sargent and they never heard anything back. It just doesn’t make sense to me that the police would not follow up on this and also that his grandmother would not push to follow it up either 😔
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I seen on an article on the daily Mail this morning that on one of the occasions it was referred to the police they even provided photographs of his bruises. The police said they would refer to their Sargent and they never heard anything back. It just doesn’t make sense to me that the police would not follow up on this and also that his grandmother would not push to follow it up either 😔
I am sadly not surprised.

I once attempted to report something to the police (I was right about reporting it, the same thing happened again and was much worse the second time) and they fobbed me off.
Said it was "a domestic argument", they couldn't see an offence being committed etc etc.
I then tried to escalate it, but nobody was interested. They rather responded to my complaint instead of following it up.
So I understand that his grandmother didn't get anywhere, as I didn't either.
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Another update from Daniel:

I agree with this sentiment, but we have not gone back on any arrangement. My family isn’t in the press or on TV, telling lies about when Thomas picked Arthur up the last time he saw his maternal grandmother. It’s just odd things to lie about. My mother picked up Arthur that day as it’s also my brother Blake’s birthday. We were going out for a family meal and Thomas wasn’t back from work yet. There’s literally no reason for anybody to lie about that.

We all agree child killers deserve life imprisonment. No arguments here. We thought “Arthur’s Law” would be more suited to a law giving extended family more rights when concerned about a child welfare.

We as a family want to be able to give Arthur the send off he deserves and then be left alone to grieve. How can that happen when people are lying constantly?

I’ll step away from social media soon. The messages of support are amazing and have definitely helped.
Then another interview or article appears that is littered with falsehoods. And then the cycle of abuse begins again.

It’s tiring and for my own health, I’ll step away.


Did anyone watch the interview with Olivia's mum on Daybreak this morning? What was said?

I noticed it on someone's TV while I as taking my children to school (I'm nosey 🙈) but I've not had time to watch on catch up.
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Olivia's mum was extremely articulate and very dignified.
I thought so too. Despite being in prison herself, she should have full rights to where Arthur should lay to rest. Did the family courts ever have her PR taken from her? As this could very well be the reason why they haven't released his body for his send off.
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DH is not coming across as well as he thinks he is...

Olivia's mum was extremely articulate and very dignified.
100%. What a nightmare few years she's had, first with her out-of-control daughter and then having her beloved grandson handed over to a monster who stopped contact.
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I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
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Olivia's mum was extremely articulate and very dignified.
Yes I watched a clip. Absolutely heartbroken when she said he lost the sparkle in his eyes and she's a nurse so would have been well informed on how to go about safeguarding her grandson.
Hughes knew damn well that Olivia's mum was onto him especially after he said you're a danger to me daddy you're going to kill me, that's why he cut contact. How awful to know that you're going back to that pair of utter demons. I'm absolutely convinced that Hughes resented Arthur deep down to switch from loving father to active torturer so quickly.
The family did what they could and they were still failed because ET kept a tidy house. They should know better, abusers play on stereotype and people's biases, it's on the authorities to see beyond that.

I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
It's every bleeping time. No one ever wants to admit that there are people in these agencies who are just tit or that "X" needs to change.
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Poor little Arthur. This case has truly traumatised me. I cant get Arthur's beautiful little face and sweet smile out of my mind. I have cried for the last 5 days straight, I can"t sleep or eat. To think how anyone could be so cruel is hard to comprehend. My daughter is 5 months older than Arthur was and my son a year younger. This morning when his little face appeared on TV my son asked if it was this way as it was poor Arthur that had to live the terror amd suffer daily. It eats me up how he must have felt in his little mind. I cant even feel anger at this stage, just an overwhelming sadness. RIP little one, I wish the world had been kinder to you. You deserved so much more xx

Sorry but I just to vent x
I think it has traumatised so many. To be that cruel to a child…my son is the same age as Arthur was and to think he thought no one loves him and no one would feed him is more than I can bare. I can’t believe something so evil would exist in the world 😔

How I wish little Arthur could have been sent to live with his maternal grandmother 😢
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Ah tha k you for such
As someone who follows a lot of murder trials (currently 24 with another due to start today) I would say reporting is very patchy at the moment.

I've got a few ongoing trials on my list, that I know are sitting every day, as I can see them on the court listings, yet there has been nothing reported. I was following a case that suddenly stopped and I have no idea why. It was reported on initially and then nothing, although that could be for legal reasons. Some you get great reporting every day live from court. Some you only get live reporting on day one (outlining the csse) and then intermittently when something interesting happens - for example a defendant giving evidence. Some you don't get to hear about until sentencing. Some not at all, although that is rare. But there's a case local to me (East London) with an Asian victim stabbed to death. Several defendants involved. I know it sat for weeks at The Old Bailey, I know they have all been sentenced, because I saw it on the court listings, yet absolutely nothing, not even in the local paper and yet it was a big splash at the time of the killing.

It is extremely frustrating to say the least.

Birmingham Live is usually pretty decent for updates, although I have a case on my list at the moment in the area, where there was live reporting on the first day then nothing (woman killed by her partner) I strongly suspect the live reporting is determined by clicks so, if they're getting a lot of traffic to the site, they'll continue reporting every day on the case. If not, they'll stop. The more appalling or salacious the case is, the more coverage it will get sadly. Without wishing to be accused of "race baiting", I think it's pretty much accepted that victims from ethnic minorities sometimes get less coverage. I also think it could be down to staff shortages with Covid - they can't afford to let someone sit in court every day as they need them in the office covering someone who is not there.

In the case you have mentioned, I quickly checked the court listings and can't see that it is sitting today 🤷🏻‍♀️

My best advice would be to keep checking the court listings and do a Google search every day of the victim's name. I trawl through my list around 5pm and then again before bed usually. I got a hit on a new trial that started yesterday last night just before I was about to go to sleep, which then led to a Facebook trawl for another half an hour with a plan to return to that today! It is like a full time job sometimes 😂
Ah thank you, very informative and helpful reply! Really appreciate it. Its just when I found this story and saw it would be on same website as Arthur's I figured I'd start reading into it in the hope I'd see justice done.
It looks like this trial will go the way you suggested, with only intermittent updates and not proper, in court, live updates. There's no image of the perpetrators. It's unusual I thought.

I looked at the court listings on Monday and said their names in the afternoon. So interesting it's back off the Court listings.
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Another update from Daniel:

I agree with this sentiment, but we have not gone back on any arrangement. My family isn’t in the press or on TV, telling lies about when Thomas picked Arthur up the last time he saw his maternal grandmother. It’s just odd things to lie about. My mother picked up Arthur that day as it’s also my brother Blake’s birthday. We were going out for a family meal and Thomas wasn’t back from work yet. There’s literally no reason for anybody to lie about that.

We all agree child killers deserve life imprisonment. No arguments here. We thought “Arthur’s Law” would be more suited to a law giving extended family more rights when concerned about a child welfare.

We as a family want to be able to give Arthur the send off he deserves and then be left alone to grieve. How can that happen when people are lying constantly?

I’ll step away from social media soon. The messages of support are amazing and have definitely helped.
Then another interview or article appears that is littered with falsehoods. And then the cycle of abuse begins again.

It’s tiring and for my own health, I’ll step away.


Did anyone watch the interview with Olivia's mum on Daybreak this morning? What was said?

I noticed it on someone's TV while I as taking my children to school (I'm nosey 🙈) but I've not had time to watch on catch up.
I don’t think Daniel is coming across very well
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I’m so glad I found this thread; this case has absolutely devastated me and I can’t stop thinking about Arthur and crying about what happened to him. My son is the same age as him and I just can’t imagine how anyone would want to hurt him. I can’t stop thinking about how much little Arthur suffered and how distressed he must have been.
I saw on the other thread someone mentioned a charity called Secret Santa and I was s to say thank you! I have donated a present in Arthur’s name as well.
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I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
i honestly cant see anything changing as heartbreaking as it sounds
nothing changed after victoria climbie, or baby P and now this
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