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I have never been so distressed by anything in my life. I just cannot understand how two adults could be so cruel to such a beautiful boy. It's beyond my comprehension..I am grieving for him like I grieved for my own father. It breaks my heart to think he thought he was unloved. What I find really distressing is the hairdresser on more than two occasions was happy to take Tustins money while the poor boy stood there for hours on end. Why didn't she say something, do something. There's no excuse. The hairdresser's husband apparently snuck the child a glass of water and he could barely hold it and was afraid to drink it. Poor Arthur was dead hours later! It's just sick and heartbreaking. So many people should be held accountable for not helping him. I hope those two evil humans are tortured to within an inch of their lives every day while they are in prison, even that's too good for them!
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
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It wouldn't have been so bad if the Hughes family had released a formal, well worded statement clarifying speculation around the funeral disputes. Angry outbursts on Facebook just seem inappropriate and crass.
I can accept that the wider Hughes family cared very much for Arthur. And did what they could to report Arthur's mistreatment to the Authorities. And I can accept that they were there when he passed away so he wasn't alone. I can accept that they felt that as TH had parental responsibility they wanted to see him be found innocent of the charges and let him decide Arthur's burial.

But now we have two parents, one has been convicted of manslaughter of Arthur, and many of us believe he should have been convicted of his murder. The other parent played no part in that. So she should get to decide the burial arrangements of Arthur. Not the Hughes family, not even her family. His mother should be the only one to decide where to lay her murdered son to rest.
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Nora Fenn

Chatty Member
I haven’t been able to read the whole thread as this story has reduced me to an emotional wreck. So much so me and my husband came to the decision last night that we’re going to enter the adoption process. We already have 4 kids but if we can give even one child a home and allow them to grow up knowing they’re loved then I feel like we owe it to Arthur.

Sweet dreams darling boy, no more pain and suffering xxx
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Arthur can finally be at peace. After being alone in life, and alone in death he can now receive the reverence he deserves.

Arthur's killer father Thomas Hughes agrees to release body


"Mr Richmond added: 'I have spoke to him and said this can't go on. He has instructed me to say that Arthur's remains, after a service with his family, must go to his mother's family for her to have a funeral and she must have control of his ashes. He does hope he can give Olivia a tiny scrap of peace.'

Errr.....what? How come TH is calling the shots and saying his family will hold a service first? He killed the poor child, this has fuck all to do with him and his family. He nor his family should have any say in Arthur's funeral arrangements.
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Yep, the press are relishing calling ET the ‘step monster’ etc. we don’t want them being characterized please!! It was bad enough with Harold Shipman ‘Dr Death’ etc.
Why are these terms like 'stepmum' used so loosely? They weren't married, she wasn't involved. She simply didn't even as a mum. Do not give her such a worthy name. My husband is a stepdad and is amazing. She's just a monster
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I saw a video of an ex-prisoner last night who was saying that TH would be terrified and on alert for now. Every time the cell opens he will be filled with dread at what could be waiting for him. He said after a few weeks he might become complacent and that's when he's really in trouble. We can only hope! I hope they both feel very small and scared. I hope they have every meal messed with and are constantly hungry and all the other prisoners take great pleasure in eating their food in front of them. I hope they are pinned down and have copious amounts of salt poured down their throats. I hope they have pain and torture inflicted upon them each and every day and they struggle to do menial tasks due to their hunger and injuries.
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Why is this thread still open? He should be left to rest in peace without continued gossip.
No need for you to be on this thread if that is how you feel. Others dont find it as easy to move on from such a groteque and avoidable tragedy. People continuing to discuss this (given the trial has only just ended) in no way affects the boys peace so please dont try to shame or guilt people for thier discussions just because you no longer feel comfortable.
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
I don't think I've commented on these threads but I have on Star's and I can 100% confirm you are not alone. Hearing Arthur shout and cry that no one loved him and no one was going to feed him will never, ever leave me. Nor will seeing him limping and too weak to fold his blanket on the morning of his death. I just want to pick him up out of the screen, give him a big cuddle and bring him home with me to a warm comfy bed and as much yummy food as he wanted and never let anyone raise a hand to him again. I can only imagine his friends' families feeling the same too. I have sobbed at the most random time over him. My 2 children are 4 and 6. Both little blondies and like you with your grandson, they remind me of Arthur. As Emmadale said, my youngest's birthday is days before Arthur died so I remember the time well, preparing gifts and a cake, all while Arthur suffered. While having dinner last night my 6-year-old was thanking me for a lovely meal 🥰 and my partner said flippantly how lucky they are to have a mum like me and my thoughts went instantly back to Arthur being starved and off I went in tears again. My kids are getting away with all sorts because I can't bear to tell them off or have them upset. We were looking back on our lockdown memories the other day - we were "lucky" in that none of our families suffered any serious illness/financial loss etc through the pandemic and we "enjoyed" lockdown with lots of family time in the garden etc and to be honest, those happy memories are now tainted by the thought of Arthur and any other children who suffered while being kept at home. I don't know how to get over this, I don't think I will get over it, and at the same time, I feel silly that I am so upset when I didn't know him - I feel like I don't have the right to be upset? I see people comparing Arthur to Baby P and James Bulger, both of those poor boys were killed when I was still a child so it almost wasn't on my radar, if that makes sense? I feel like this is the first time I have really followed such a harrowing case as an adult and it is REALLY affecting me. I think my partner thinks I need to pull myself together as well but I just can't.
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Wether people like it or not. Social need to take the blame here too. I've seen them act very heavy handed to mothers who have had mental health or difficulties with an ex partner yet anyone can see from the outside they adore their children. Perhaps these women are easy targets? God knows but I've seen loving mothers have their children removed for alot less. Real cases are ignored, probably because they spend so much time and resources on families who don't need them. Any suspicious bruise on a child should increase visits and at the very least spoken to the child alone! I don't see how Arthur wouldn't have been a big flag on their radar with him being witness to a severe DV incident and his main carer going to jail. That is child protection shit and the social workers involved in this case deserve their heads to ROLL. Probably too busy nit picking at a loving but slightly struggling mother instead.
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I was going to put this on the star thread but it moves to fast and I worried it would get lost.

Could we start a thread for people to share anonymously if they have concerns for a child and where they could ask for advice? No names ect for children just asking for advice.

I haven't caught up on this thread but I know a few of us on Stars thread have shared concerns we have for children we know. The thread could also contain a list of numbers NSPCC ect and help lines for those who are concerned.

Just an idea, but as I said I shared concerns on Stars thread about a child and it made me realise my concerns were real and I have now taken the next step in reporting them.

Sometimes its easier to ask about on an anonymous forum than it is to ask people who know you and might also know the child/family.
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Thanks for everyone’s reassurance that I am not alone. Like another poster, I also feel like I have no right to feel this distraught. I simply cannot shake it off and can’t imagine not constantly thinking about Arthur.
As a family, we were all lucky that no one suffered financially during lockdown. I was the only one still (frontline) working, but on days off I enjoyed the lovely weather, catching up on stuff, chatting with neighbours and our wonderful family zoom chats. Now I think I will always think of lockdown as the time when Arthur was being tortured.
I went to pick my grandson up from school today as I really needed to see him. His trust in us and his total innocence just highlighted how terrible this crime against Arthur was. And to think he tried to get help and wasn’t heard.
I have also been thinking of his poor grandma and how things need to change so that grandparents have a voice. If that evil woman hated Arthur so much, why didn’t they send him to live with his Nan?
I’m assuming she HAD to return him due to the father (I use that term loosely) having full custody, and I can only imagine how hard that was. But in all honesty, I think I would have run away with him and s*d the law.
To think he is still lying in a cold mortuary haunts me. The only thing that consoles me is that he is out of pain and that no one can hurt him anymore.That’s the only thing I can cling onto.
Sorry for waffling on but I just needed to ‘talk’ to likeminded people 🥰
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Do you know what the sad reality is, if Arthur was in school he wouldn’t have had to suffer all the time like that, someone would have noticed more, he would have been able to tell someone, I believe he would have still been alive, atleast he would have been able to eat, drink something, not made to stand for hours, actually been allowed to be a child and be happy 😔 that haunts me so much
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"Mr Richmond added: 'I have spoke to him and said this can't go on. He has instructed me to say that Arthur's remains, after a service with his family, must go to his mother's family for her to have a funeral and she must have control of his ashes. He does hope he can give Olivia a tiny scrap of peace.'

Errr.....what? How come TH is calling the shots and saying his family will hold a service first? He killed the poor child, this has fuck all to do with him and his family. He nor his family should have any say in Arthur's funeral arrangements.
He should have been made to give up all rights to his body when he was arrested. He clearly didn’t want him in life, so why should he have been allowed to decide what happens to him in death 🤷🏼‍♀️
Poor Arthur has lain cold and alone for 18 months. That clearly shows he has no remorse 🤬
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The whole hairdresser incident I find the most disturbing of all. Of all the people who had the opportunity to save Arthur it was her and her husband. The abuse was so obvious right in front of them they just needed to call the police and an ambulance and he would have been saved but instead they did abolsutely nothing. It is unbearable to think about. What on earth is wrong with people. I can only assume the hairdresser was of the same type of mentality as ET
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a friend of mine is a social worker (in elderly adult) set out to be a childrens social worker due to being adopted herself and obviously having a sense of helping others. As a student in the childrens team she watched her mentor get abused and petrol bombs put through her mentors letter box after removing a child and decided she couldn’t put her own family through that for simply doing her job hence going into adult social care.
Will not get into the likes of pay etc and whether social workers did an adequate job in this instance. but that is the reality of why Childrens social care cannot recruit and retain staff across the country
Its actually irrelevant though. The fact is that was their job and they didnt do it properly in this case. Its not exactly rocket science. She needed to speak to Arthur alone. She needed to ask probing questions not 'tick box' questions pitched like a game. She needed to ask to see his bedroom. She needed to actually check for bruises. When she saw the photos a few days later and was 'shocked' she needed to follow up. I dont care that people think the job is a load of crap with crap pay etc, so is mine. But when you have accepted a responsibility then you carry out your duties - that is the choice you have made, noone else. That poor boy depended on her to do her job right and she failed him. She should hang her head in shame.
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I think it is especially cruel that they didn't give him the Christmas presents his grandmother brought round for him.

She was forbidden to see him (from October 2019 I believe) but she left presents for him at the door step but after he had died those presents were found under a bed, still wrapped.

It almost seemed like they wanted him to believe that the rest of the family didnt care about him anymore either. Bastards.
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