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Isn’t it bizarre that gaz and Aaron are going through the same thing with the tramps they’ve had kids with. Both gold diggers and both terrible mums! Usually society sides with the mums but I’m glad of forums like this who expose rats like Jodie/emma for who they really are regardless of how they portray themselves on social media. Gaz and Aaron aren’t perfect by any means but I’m all for them finding happiness away from those two tramps
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I’m sorry but if you find yourself asking Gaz from Geordie shore for relationship advice, you know you’ve gone very very wrong somewhere in life 😂
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Chatty Member
Laughing at him joining Aaron’s live and the viewers jumped from 1,500 to 12,000 within seconds, everyone must have shit themselves and thought he was going to spill the dirt on his split 😂😂 he looks happy tho - emma will be seething he’s living his best live and talking about going out to the match on sat
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I’ve got children who are autistic and I found the pushing for Chester to be diagnosed as autistic really tasteless. He’s constantly going different noisy places. It’s really offensive to those of us who have neurodivergent kids.

I thought Gaz in his GS days was a total prick but he’s grown on me. He comes across pretty personable unlike Chester’s mummy.
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To be honest I don't care who gets the house, he only had money from GS from shagging girls and drinking so it's not like it was family inheritance or hard earned money etc. He openly admitted being penniless when he joined the cast. They're both chancers, her more than him, and neither have worked a real job, tbh neither deserve the big fancy home!
He may of started from nothing but he then went on to own a clothing company plus he buys and renovates houses so he owns multiple properties, he’s said a lot of times how he’s invested his money. Shagging girls on GS or not he’s clearly got his head screwed on and used his money wisely whereas she’s lived off him, that’s the only reason she stuck round
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Make It Stop

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“Mommy when I go to school they treat me like all the other kids and I don’t like that. I want to be put on a pedestal, and for everyone to orbit around me as the sun shines out of my arse. Why do I have to follow the rules?” asked Chester Beadle Mc Vey one day when he didn’t go his own way.

Emma his neurotic overbearing mother was frantic with worry, how dare the world not bow down to her demonic blue eyed child. Gaz could not understand his head was literally gone, Chesta was the best child that ever existed and should always get his own way.

Together they hatched a plan, to ignore boundaries, bad behaviour and over indulgence and instead google suitable disorders that may explain why Chester needed to rule the roost.

Then off to Harley street Emma went pushing her golden goose in his pram that was rolled out especially for the occasion and purchased a diagnosis so that her and Gaz could continue being shit parents and Chesta would have a get of jail card for life.

The end.
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The Daily mail comments are infuriating!! All saying he left her because she's ill and he'll have cheated. Little do they know the main illness is mental illness!! All calling him narcissistic too, so she'll have an easy sell when it comes to portraying him that way.
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Finally. Didn't she almost try and deny it a while back too but in a round about way? Someone asked and she got all defensive.
Fair play to Gaz, I know he's a bit of a twat but he's a good dad and I'm glad he hasn't just stayed for the kids sake.
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Gary’s stepped up as a dad, completely changed his lifestyle to the point he’s a boring bastard, got isolated from friends and family, is basically a full time single dad to Prim and she’s out here making out like he’s the worst in the world. She’s got it fucking easy all she has to do all day is sit round pining for her son whilst he’s at school 🤣 hope Gaz fucks her off and takes Prim and the house
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Why can I see her doing a talia oatway and showing the kids when gary has them to make it look she has them more
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They were idiotic getting back together after she found out she was pregnant. Staying together for kids isn’t a good idea in the long run. Hopefully all off them are happier with tension lifted. Sometimes separation is the best for all involved.
Not according to newbise ! Please be miserable for the rest of your life living together and unhappy because you have children! To be honest that's the dumbest thing I have heard in a while! I hope newbsie wasn't being serious because it's people like that I really start to question their stupidity! As for Gary I hope I hope he is happy, he seems to have his priorities rite and good for him ! He has lost 4 years of his life because he's been in jail and as for people saying he should get back with charlotte? I find that incredibly weird/strange as last time I looked she was in a relationship with a child! She's not going to split up with her partner cause Gary's single...some people need to get a grip! The mind boggles!
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Make It Stop

VIP Member
They are to show hidden disabilities.

also does anyone know why she’s in hospital? I don’t watch her stories all the time so not sure if I’ve missed why she’s there or she’s just not said?
Chester's only hidden disability is his crackpot of a Mother.
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