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Oh so she got the Hotel Chocolat one then and didn't save £60/70 by getting the cheaper (but almost identical) Aldi version? What a fool! 😂
To be fair, the aldi one is always out of stock. I look all the time! However I haven’t had WLS and only drink one hot chocolate a week so no way am I buying the more expensive one, I’d rather wait.
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Still wondering if Tony actually knows what dogging is, or if he was disappointed because he thought they were going to hide in a field with binoculars and try to spot actual dogs. Can see it now, her crawling about on her stomach in Camo and those silver boots.
Bet he though he was off to pet some dogs. I still stand by ey haven’t ever had sex, I just don’t see how they could of!
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For someone so intent on saving money - why is her to be read pile of books so big?! I’ve counted around 40 books there so if she averaged paying £5 a book there’s £200 sat there being wasted. I LOVE reading but I’ll only let myself buy books when I know my to be read pile has been depleted. Emma’s constantly buying new books so that pile will never go down. It’s all a bout just wanting more and more new stuff to get the shopping buzz for Emma.

(In a related note, I spotted The Guestlist by Lucy Foley on Emma’s pile - I read it recently and loved it. Can highly recommend it!)
Such a good point! Reading a book is just an excuse to sit there in her filthy blankets I think
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So guys. I've had a gastric bypass. I was on this thread before I went for it and seeing a Emma's failures made me question my decision, but I went for it anyway. I had some savings and saved my butt off for the rest of the money. I have an addiction to food and have dieted pretty much my whole life, which in fact made my relationship with food even worse, I definitely have binge eating disorder. My health was suffering and I needed desperate help. I found an amazing, helpful, passionate surgeon and team and decided to go for it. I had amazing appointments with a psychotherapist and dietician, as well as the nurses and surgeon. I read and read about life after surgery. On October 24th this year I went for it and I'm now 5 stone down already. I haven't eaten chocolate, drank alcohol, had anything sweet, eaten crisps, or anything for 3 months. One day with the help of my team I hope to be able to introduce some normal aspects of eating but for now I am kicking this journey's butt. I watch in shock and horror at Emma's behaviour and attitude to this surgery. Why go through all the trauma of having this done to throw it all away by drinking hot chocolate and eating shit? I had my first dumping the other day, from what? Cherry lips sweets? Chinese? Dominos? No, it was unsweetened hazelnut milk I had in my protein shake, it was horrible. Why does she risk this day in, day out. You lose most of your weight in the first 6 months so quite frankly, she's fxxxed!
Sorry, quite a ramble there!
Amazing well done you!!
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this is 100% a 20-22 size body!

Haha!! We mention her lack of friends and them boom. Hello gruff 🙄🙄
why does she pull that deranged face?? Does she think it’s ‘cute’ she looks constipated 🤣

Haha!! We mention her lack of friends and them boom. Hello gruff 🙄🙄
why does she pull that deranged face?? Does she think it’s ‘cute’ she looks constipated 🤣
She probably thinks she can eat junk like her friend, littleowl, and be thin as a rake. Doubt that littleowl actually eats the food she photographs though.
I was just thinking the same, she seems to get hot chocs every day and is constantly in bakeries taking pics of food but the size of her...she can not be eating anything she’s like a spelk xxx
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Who needs a “sofa fort” when they’re perfectly capable of getting up to get something as/when they want/need it. Emma, you’re not disabled, you’re physically able to get off your lazy arse and move, how bloody ridiculous! No one needs two drinks, snacks, games, two lip balms, a book, a laptop, hand cream and a bank card just to sit on a sofa.

After my operation in November I put together a box of essentials for beside my bed consisting of tablets, peppermint cordial, a book, lip balm, apples etc as I couldn’t move for a day or two. I wouldn’t dream of doing it for a normal day in the house.

Me and my husband are having a bit of a lazy afternoon to watch a film (as we’re child free for the first time in a few weeks) and we’ve both got a drink beside us and that it. We’ll have lunch soon that we’ll get up to get and eat at the table. Then later if one of us wants something else we’ll get up and get it like normal people! I’ll also add that we’ve both been up since 6am sorting out the toddler, clearing out and organising cupboards, taking the outdoor Christmas lights down, fully cleaning downstairs and my husband’s been out for a run.

Also, why bother faffing about with vitamins for a video when you could take them straight out the box and put them in your mouth - no filming required. No wonder you forget to take them when there’s such a rigmarole to do it!
I had massive knee surgery three years ago. I was literally off my feet and on hefty medication for the first week. I set myself up on the sofa each day with water, books, snacks, pain meds and charging stuff so that I could camp out. My husband left sandwiches in the fridge and when I did my bathroom visit (which took about twenty minutes to get upstairs and back down again (I wanted to be downstairs with more people around and he was working from home so I had company) I would collect them on my way past back to my sofa. He brought me coffee in the morning and in the afternoon and the kids when they were home from school would bring me things. It was boring after 3 days and the novelty wore off fast. I was delighted when the post op check said I could start moving around on crutches and do stuff again. She’s lazy as hell and has serious issues.
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I hope she isn’t going to share her zoom call, and violate her “friends” privacy. My friends would be well pissed off if I did that.
I bet she’s been added to someone’s group zoom call for Christmas and it’s not really anyone that’s her BFF... 😈
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I’d subscribe to her only fans, £10 a month but all I wanna see is Emma on the scales, Emma with a tape measure around her gunt, Emma wearing a size 20 dress that actually fits her, Emma with a hair cut, Emma with a hair brush, Emma with cleaned nails, Emma applying moisturiser to her face, Emma out of bed. Is it a request type situation?
YES to the tape measure
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What about the ever so successful Christmas shop (formally of Holt) items being sold in the front garden for pennies #bossbabe #livethelifeyouwant #businessgoals
And wasn’t she was selling some of the stock on her Facebook market place for less than the Christmas shop website??? I think it was after the link to her market place was posted here she then put things outside her house to sell and said she was donating the money to charity (probably went to her hot chocolate fund!)
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To be fair, the aldi one is always out of stock. I look all the time! However I haven’t had WLS and only drink one hot chocolate a week so no way am I buying the more expensive one, I’d rather wait.
I was very lucky and my partner got me the hotel chocolat one for Christmas, and it is DIVINE, but I never would've been able to justify buying one for myself!! But I also don't drink 5 a day or had WLS😂 Why does she have to 'treat' herself every single day?? Its no longer a treat!

Small potato. Do you think Emma was copying you with her interests? Although they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery Emma does seem to get fixated on one or two people. KK was another one and now LO.
For a minute I thought you meant KK Slider. The animal crossing character 😂😂😂
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You would think that she would have sought to use this year to her advantage, where possible.

She could have done what I'm doing and pretty much isolated and not gone out to restaurants. This would have massively helped her weight loss. To get out of of the house, she could have gone for those 1 hour daily walks that were recommended to her by her doctor - again, this would have helped her weight loss (and it's fab for mental health!).

She could have produced money-saving contents that would have actually helped her followers, e.g. she could have ordered groceries online and done a series comparing the value and service of the different online supermarkets.
The takeaways would still have found their way to her door 😂 I totally agree with you though. What better opportunity post-WLS was there than this really? She had time to sit down and really figure out how she could sort herself out. Could’ve got into some awesome new routines & really turned herself around. All this time later she’s still sat at home eating doner kebabs with her thumb stomach.
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Dare I admit I don't like hot chocolate, squirty cream, sprinkles or marshmallows? I did have a gingerbread latte before Christmas but am now back to normal instant coffee.
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Thought you were obsessed with yourself now Emma babes? Why "anxious" about a massage?
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Let’s not forget this ‘before and after’ post when we couldn’t figure out which photo was which! :ROFLMAO:

Just having a hunt through Emma’s old posts and found this one where she talks about “suffering from Treat Yo Self-itis”. This is the same woman who set up a #TreatYoSelf challenge only a few months later because she never puts herself first and felt she deserved to treat herself to nice things more. Oh the irony!
I still don't know which photo is which? 🤔

Came here to moan about her mental health posts “take my pills” er, you should be doing that anyway 🤦‍♀️ honestly no wonder she feels herself “sliding” if she doesn’t take her medicine correctly.
Why admit to the public that you forget to take your pills? 🤦🏻‍♀️

I don’t understand how or why she can’t remember to take medication properly?!

I’m (thankfully) not on any medication at the moment but I had dangerously low levels of vitamin D earlier this year so now have to take crazy levels of it daily to keep me boosted. I take it every single day as it’s right beside where I get ready (with an emergency stash beside my toothbrush too for days when I don’t put makeup on) so I can’t miss it. However there have been two occasions when my son was ill and then again when my husband was ill when life just got hectic and I forgot for a couple days. Within two days I felt awful and couldn’t explain why, then I realised it was because my Vitamin D was dropping again so made a real effort not to forget going forward.

Emma takes vitamins because her body can’t take enough in through food (but if there vitamins in hot chocolate she’s have no bother getting enough!) and anti depressants - so really important stuff. How does she bloody forget?! She can remember to build a sofa fort, treat herself to an insane amount of shite off the internet and of course the twenty daily hot chocolates - but life saving tablets? Not worth remembering.
Ah, but you forget...she doesn't always brush her teeth 🤢 so keeping them beside her toothbrush wouldn't work!

I think poo tiles is one of my favourites. I also feel since her ‘cancer’ diagnosis she has really outdone trolling herself 😂 she’s kept me entertained this year that’s for sure.
Did she actually paint her bathroom that colour? 😯 Omg! 🙈😂
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