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He has been away from that for a while now, god knows what a planning engineer does, certainly would not bring in the money that they spend frequently, guess you make your own judgements as to how he can waltz all over the place 😂
Don’t mind me
Working for the subway with 6 holidays to Dubai a year.
Ok bbz xo
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I don't think her most recent pictures have been taken in CC's house. All his doors are a stained wood and the door she is posing in front of in recent pics is white and a completely different style. Most people don't have two different styles of internal door in their house.
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I know a guy who used to date Emily years ago and he said she's very boring, not much personality.
I can imagine that. Some of the other influencers have a bit of banter or a laugh at themselves but she’s very serious. There’s no humour or hint of her personality. Just that terrible uni accent... that I’m convinced is put on.
I actually didn’t care or give too much thought into it until the Covid rule breaking and the pure tone deaf holidays. Like, people are dying.
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Wtaf is this?! 😂 Chick u look a hot mess saaan 😩
Cannot stop laughing at that dreadful ensemble 😂😂😂, what does he actually think he looks like 😂😂 he thinks he's down with the cool kids 😂, god knows what she sees in him he doesn't nothing for her profile
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Emily looks like she has difficulty talking with those veneers in and the lip filler's not helping. Telling us to be conscious of the environment when she's been on more flights in the last year than I've had hot dinners. Do as I say...not as I do, give me a break!
Howling at that 😂 exactly! Aye picking up three bits of rubbish when you're at the beach is really gonna offset your monthly flights to Dubai.
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I see people are roasting a Scottish influencer for putting up a really inappropriate post, supposedly about the death of poor Sarah Everard but just using it as an excuse to have a photo shoot. Does anyone know who put it up?
Social Mama also put up a selfie as the first pic along with the info pics. When pulled up about it she done a story about her her selfies get more’s on her thread.
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Chicks house was barely £100k never mind the watch 😂😂😂 hes livin that fake Insta life 😎

I don’t know why you would get a kick out of slaughtering Abbie. She’s a normal down to earth girl what you see is what you get, she doesn’t show off doesn’t lead a fake Instagram life. She says she can’t afford things treats herself if she gets a good pay one month. Her bf works offshore & they just lead a normal life & also don’t portray the perfect relationship.
There’s more fake’s to be talking about than them tbh like Chick and his fake watches 😂😂 cringe when emily gets his watch in on her stories. surely he’s told her they aren’t real it’s a pure red neck showing them like hellloo we all know chick can’t afford a hundred grand watch stop embarrassing yourselfs
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hi a mean hello

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Hello! Just jumping into this thread, I go back and forth with Tattle and havent been on in ages. I was happy to see Emily Shak finally got a thread as the others kept on getting deleted. Credit to Emily, I respect how she has kept tight lipped on the whole Paul/divorce situation. She could have let rip, instead she has maintained dignity and got on with the job. If anything, its worked out well for her. Stunning girl but has very slowly morphed into a version of Emily. Its sad to see, but not unusual. Anyone else notice the common theme around Glasgow insta/influencers? They are all throwing out the same content day in day out. I find it so boring. They have invented this new accent which is a mix between Glasgow uni and Edinburgh? What is that??
And worth a mention, because there is a link. Steffani Deans, who is an ex of Chic and not friends with Emily, throws out almost identical content. Her bio with her name and the flags are the exact same as Emily’s. They do like for like photos and i find it bizarre! The “no parking” photo was the most recent. Steffani posted first i think to give her, her dues, but something going on there 😆
\ well said known them all my days as well as Emily. chik will breading bull dogs just like the rest of them do chic s just as controlling as pg. ive seen Kate the girl is more country side than a north end lassy. its actually sad to think of being gave gifts just for pgs gain why not just make a honest woman of Kate 25 years old but has no taste until pg got some real gear and some fakes in pg s ready to morph into shak in that home that was called shaks shak 😂🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤢
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Thanks. Yeah I would say her family must have an inkling what he does as people have said in previous posts that his family are well known. Don't know how these girls are so brash to post with their designer bags when it all comes from that money, I would be mortified. Also, agree it is very strange how he is morphing her into his ex, do you think it is him or her? Hard to know. She is definitely a wannabe blogger now and she is a pretty girl/has nice style, but be yourself.

Looks like Emily's pal Megan got a boob job too.

That is weird that Nicola went to Dubai still, who is she seeing now? I remember Ross Worswick and some hotel millionaire but not many others.

Wonder did anything ever happen with Chick or we just didn't hear. Really does say it all. You would think Shak's family would tell her to maybe try a different type considering the last one burnt her mum's car.

It is bad she did that to her husband but also hard to have sympathy. Is his Instagram for real? I know a lot of posts are tongue and cheek, but is he really mad religious and love his mates that much? Always seems like a bit of a joke
That's what I don't understand. If this is where your income is from, why advertise it? Are these accounts not of interest to the police? Every movement is logged as well as all the obscene spending. It reminds me of the movie American Gangster where the fancy coat is the downfall.
But that's the narcissism. It's not enough to just have it. Everyone needs to know. People need to celebrate you.
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She does seem like a nice girl but why would she get mixed up with an east end Del Boy?..I wouldn’t be associated with him if you paid me..the fact that he torched his ex mother in laws car should be a big enough red flag 🚩 guy is an absolute wrong en! 🤔
North end Del Boy 😂 probably the money & designer clothes he can provide her with to kick start her IG career 😂😂
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She looks drastically different in that last picture she put up, those boobs just don't sit right on her frame. I feel like she's at that tipping point where if she stopped now with all the cosmetic work she is still a stunning looking girl but a few more treatments and she'll ruin herself.
Totally agree she needs to dissolve the lips, I dont get the appeal at all with people having them ruining their faces. It is the upper lip I cant deal with. She a stunning girl she doesn't need it.

Must say I love the dark hair on her
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Her mans tan looks ridiculous in her last pics with him 😂. Gross. Yeh she’s been whining for weeks on her YouTube and crying etc saying she’s insecure then goes gets her tits done on the sly and lies about it. Absolute wee cow tbh, prob suited to that waster shes with.
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It wasn’t his nightclub it’s was his gangster uncles. Charlotte Crosby’s also had a dig I’m guessing at the blow up dolls from geordie shore.
The blow up dolls from gshore have been around some guys from Glasgow who are all dealers constantly during there trip 🤣 influencers aren’t above anyone go for the same shadey “bad” guys
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she looks more like Emily than Emily does these days
I just had a look and my god that picture of her in the bath robe could be Emily. I am mortified for her, why aren’t her pals having a word?? Screams of insecurity and feeling inadequate in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️
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