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I can’t see a difference in her, but if there is, maybe she’s just put on weight.

After all, she’s been doing loads of ads recently and as she says, “a girl gotta eat” so she must have been doing some hella eating with all those ads.
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They’ve had life handed to them on a silver platter though haven’t they. Expensive birthday and Christmas gifts, plus over the top birthday celebrations, expensive days out, expensive holidays, not having to tidy up after themselves... they are beyond privileged.
I think they are ruined.. not privileged. Just because she can provide all that, doesn't mean she should. I personally think if she spent proper time with them, disciplined them etc they wouldn't be so bratty and wild. I think she is a lazy parent who lets them do what they want for an easy life and throws money at them to over compensate and make them happy. I have no doubt that she is constantly on her phone as its her 'job'. All the hands on parenting is for the camera imo. They wouldn't be so badly behaved if she was around them constantly giving her time.
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A store? Is that going to be like a huge pantry?
And a utility room? And a kitchen of that size? It's like playing the Sims isnt it and building rooms for rooms sake? It's all so unnecessary!
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Peggy Lee

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I watched about 3 of her videos way back when I used to follow Mrs Meldrum I know shameful to admit this now ! Speaking if the vile rebecca Meldrum I bet she is jumping for joy that Emily us getting talked about no love lost between these 2 drama queens !
Anyhow back to Emily one of the videos I watched was her ringing her mum to confront her what a shameless drama queen she should live in the real world ! I worked with social services and visited homes and worked on some children’s services they haunt me even now to see the way some children live and the physical and emotional neglect they suffer it became unbearable fir me and I changed course because I just could not cope it affected me and made me ill there is a world of pain and deprivation that I thought I understood but actually seeing the things I saw has never left me I can’t bear people like her who portray this pretty picture and have to manufacture drama to seem relatable she is such a kind caring person that she makes money by encouraging other mothers to want her lifestyle to buy the toys and do the things she dies however many if those watching can’t afford this and get into debt all her money goes to improve her life and her children’s she could like many if her ilk use her influence to encourage people to think about others , to donate to food banks , yes I am sure she will occasionally make a story about donating but in her position she could do some real good , along with the other self serving , fame hungry narcissist greedy selfish influencers
Hinch is another horrible example uses anxiety to draw vulnerable people to her encouraging buying unnecessary cleaning products and dangerous chemicals Hauls which encourage people many who can’t afford to do it to waste money on plastic trash you may detect that I have no time for these people they are salespersons and they are without morals because they exploit their own children to do this their needs to be a legal intervention because these poor kids are being damaged by these selfish parents the saccone Jolys are another example embarrassing and humiliating their children for views I don’t know as a society how we can accept this , and those that point out this behaviour and exploitation are called Trolls !! 🤷‍♀️
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Personally I would have kept Caleb’s room as the guest room and left the en-suite if they have family over visiting. Family having their own bathroom while visiting would be a plus.

Just a mass of rooms... she will need 2 cleaners!!
Yeah I would have put Jackson in the smallest back room, caleb in the other back room, Fraser in what is Jackson’s room, Emily and Matt then have the master bedroom and the guests have the now caleb’s room with the en suite, surely that makes more sense?😂
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Ruby’s mum

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Worker Bee said:
I'm glad that this thread is starting to take off, I don't know how she managed to get off scot free for so long. She is so calculating and money oriented it's unbelievable. The Meldrums got a hard time for their video showing Lee's gender disappointment when they were expecting Poppy yet when Emily was practically sobbing when she found out that Jackson was a boy, it went pretty much unacknowledged on here. My absolute favourite Emily moment though has to be when she got a DNA test to find out if she and her sister had the same father as they don't look similar (shock horror!). She then called her poor mother to let her know that they had the same father. :LOL:

She got away with it for so long because she is better at it than most. She is professional and it shows, she has a marketing degree and she uses it. She deliberately paints herself as vanilla, avoids anything overly controversial in her content, always happy smiley nicey nicey, nothing offensive here. She is good at what she does and as influenzas go she does work hard. Having said all that I think she is greedy, calculating and deceitful, she makes money off unsuspecting people who dont see through the lies and would sell her granny for a fiver (as she has just proved with the Covid chat) She is now going to begin the transformation from mummy vlogger, as the kids are older and less cute, to home interiors vlogger. Watch those ads roll in 🙄
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When I went on google maps at the field behind their house(I'ma right nosey cow).. there was a construction site sign attached to a tree on the field! I would laugh if it got built on so bad😆
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Chatty Member
What I don't get is, if it's a 5 bed then parents get the biggest room, then 3 rooms for the children and a spare/guest room. Why would they give the room with an en-suite to a child with the plan to completely remove the en-suite..? Surely it would make more sense just keep that as the guest room so that guests have their own bathroom and don't have to share with 3 young boys!
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VIP Member
I'm glad that this thread is starting to take off, I don't know how she managed to get off scot free for so long. She is so calculating and money oriented it's unbelievable. The Meldrums got a hard time for their video showing Lee's gender disappointment when they were expecting Poppy yet when Emily was practically sobbing when she found out that Jackson was a boy, it went pretty much unacknowledged on here. My absolute favourite Emily moment though has to be when she got a DNA test to find out if she and her sister had the same father as they don't look similar (shock horror!). She then called her poor mother to let her know that they had the same father. :LOL:
My god she's an absolute arsehole. Does she just live to humiliate her family 😳

I didn't like how much she milked her granny having corona either! Talk about click bait! A brief conversation about it at the end... hardly deserved to be a headline title. She's an absolute fraud.
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Sorry if this offends you Norris, but I can put my hands up high & say quite proudly my children are not spoilt little brats. If that’s your type of parenting, letting them getting away with everything, throwing balls to glass, back chatting, not letting you in a conservatory for you to just laugh, I pity you.

Then she’s got her begging bowl out for people to subscribe. I would sooner put conditioner in my eyes.
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Jeeze letting the kids on the trampoline at 7am 😱! Bet the neighbours love her 🙄
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Ok, I'm struggling to hate watch. Eye rolled and switched off when she started talking about the puppy pads, buying them because they are £2 instead of £4 kid bed pads. Shut up being patronising. She has just bought a million pound house and is about to rip it all out and re-do it, a £1000 trampoline and shes claiming to be bothered about saving £2. She is just so fake. Also, imagine telling millions of people your 4 year old wet the bed. Give him privacy ffs.
If she actually looked into it, you can get washable ones which are much cheaper and better for the environment without throwing plastic backed pads in the bin!

She'll read it here and pass it off as a mum hack soon enough though no doubt!
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VIP Member
They’ve had life handed to them on a silver platter though haven’t they. Expensive birthday and Christmas gifts, plus over the top birthday celebrations, expensive days out, expensive holidays, not having to tidy up after themselves... they are beyond privileged.
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I personally would use the room with the massive fireplace as a main sitting room , and taking out that fire place would be a crime - it is such a beautiful feature !
I can imagine how cosy and warm it would look with the right furniture and colour scheme 😍
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I’ve had to unfollow her. Every day it’s about bragging. She has forgotten her audience and the fact we’re in a pandemic where people can’t move house due to furlough and job cuts. Goodbye t**t
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Peggy Lee

VIP Member
Well always thought she was fake as , these too good to be true doting mummies with their perfect homes, partners and kids , playing a role clearly fame hungry not surprising she turned her hand to influencing she gets paid for being noticed , bragging and presenting a fake persona , like Hinch and others when will those who follow these people realise that they are funding her lifestyle she is not their friends , not vaguely interested in them except as customers they spend money copying these actresses or trying to recreate their perfect life does it occur to them that it’s a show real fake life with Ads 🤷‍♀️
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She actually is! I’ve never been a fan of her, I’ve always “hate followed” her on insta because I’m a nosey cow and she just annoys me🤣 I’ve recently gone back through her YouTube and had a nosey at some old videos to see what she was like in the beginning and she was just as big a con then as she is now! Spouting her “girl gotta eat nonsense” and claiming she won’t push ads for stuff she doesn’t like, she tells so many lies!😂😂
I watched the last bit where she's doing her humble brag about being proud and all that 🙄 she knew exactly what she was doing!!! She worked in marketing? Has a degree in it? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 this little old me bullshit too, they were well off with his salons before she started the Youtube rubbish. Properties in Essex have never been cheap. People don't give up well paid jobs lightly. Trying to make us feel like she actually puts in hard days graft by setting up some ligting and making a vlog?! 🤣 piss off Emily you wet lettuce. If it was THAT hard and the benefits were so little, you wouldn't do it!! It's not a hobby to help, it's alllllllll about the money you liar.

Oooh that turned into a bit of a rant 😆 but it's too easy to see through this crap. She always films her "news" i.e the content in relation to the vlog clickbait title last, to ensure people watch it till the end 😏 but it's just a hobby you got lucky with hun 🙄
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I haven’t watched her since I unfollowed last year but you guys made me curious 😂... not only is she really worried about her 90-year-old grandma, she’s had blocked drains, a gas leak... she has SO much to do re Christmas decor it’s overwhelming 🙄... she hates when she gets behind on videos, hates being so rushed, only has till noon to do it all 🙄... that’s just called LIFE Emily. Yesterday’s stories, aff link for ice cream truck. Today’s, fishing for sympathy, it’s all so calculated with her.
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