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Folks we have an update - it’s not that Em is “too much” for some of us anymore, it’s just all down to our internalised misogny that we find her annoying and morally questionable. *They* did it to Eve too *mic drop*. Em is *literally* just like Taylor Swift.

now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to self reflect and close my eyes because they hurt from rolling into my head so much.
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Such mixed feelings about today’s totally unnecessary post. Great she’s feeling great but it just comes over as smug. Also, her immense happiness has to be measured with her recognising her huge huge privilege, but it’s not, as always. Imagine you are a single mum, in a shit house with no money worried about how you’re going to afford maternity leave. Or maybe you’re in an ok place but your partner is straight back to work and you’re struggling to recover from birth, or your partner is a dick, you have no support. I could go on and on and on and on. She has ZERO clue. I don’t see how her post is helpful to anyone, no one needs to know but she can’t help oversharing
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Chatty Member
I am also in the camp that strutting along a public road in lingerie, designed to be worn to be sexually alluring, is not empowering (to me). I’m disappointed that they are getting so strongly behind this and not aiming for the body neutrality position of having so much more to offer than what you look like. Whatever way you cut it, Nelly (and both Alex and Em) are able-bodied, straight-sized women who have not been marginalised.
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Chatty Member
I usually like a lot of what she’s trying to say but I’ve had to unfollow her now. She seems unable to cope with any differing opinion and instead of either conceding and admitting maybe she was wrong, or coming back with a thought out counter argument, she just posts lots of passive aggressive stories “think of the children” etc.
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I’ve had to unfollow her.

It’s the problem with these influencers who have never worked a proper job. Their entire personality becomes girlfriend/fiancé/wife/mum to be/mother. They never have the opportunity to be them at work & mum at home, because the boundaries are so blurred ie making money from every single element of your personal life.
I remember thinking it sounded pretty sad when she said in an interview that after school, she basically upped and left the U.K. to go live in Dublin with her now husband. She’d met him in her teens, maybe around age 16?

so instead of pursuing her own interests or own career… she goes and lives at his beck and call.

they moved to London around 2015 (presumably for his career since that roughly corresponds when he got a job in London). That’s when she started her blood which got exposure from media interviews she did. Interviews that she only got because of who her father was.

so we have a woman who has lived at home her whole life until she decided to go move in with her boyfriend and since her job was, by her admission, a €5 per hour gig, she must’ve been relying on her boyfriends income.

she then ups her life again - to support him in his career, living with him again. She starts a lifestyle blog - not based on pursuing any interest or hobby but rather just as a medium to share her opinions. And this gig is supported by her father’s fame.

so for a girl who comes out with statements like “every woman is a feminist to the extent that they don’t want to sit at home, make a lasagne for their husband then open their legs on demand.”

that certainly seems like a fairly derogatory way of describing a lifestyle which she herself has pretty much adopted? She’s always been dependent on men in some form. She has never pursued any passions or credible career on her own merit. She’s never pursued an education of any sort, even though she has a ton of opinions on everything. She’s never really travelled or volunteered or lived apart from her boyfriend to my knowledge. She’s never been indepdent, or carved out her own friendships groups or life. It’s always centred around hubby by the looks of things.

so yeh, despite her protestations that the daily Mail made her look silly for talking about her wedding… that kinda was her personality for a while. It was all about wedding, and being a wife. And now it’s all about being pregnant and being a mother. For someone who claims to be progressive and forward thinking and open minded.. for someone who puts out the impression that she is forward thinking and subversive…. She’s certainly chosen an extremely traditionally route in life. One that feeds into and supports misogynist social frameworks. But dare point that out to her and you’ll be called troll, naturally.
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it’s unhinged and it’s school bully vibes. It’s what we all spoke about on here - Em comes across like a total bully.

tracking someone down because they badmouthed you is bullying behaviour. It speaks to me of someone who, if they can’t dupe and charm you into liking them, then they’ll intimidate and name-call you into submission. Classic Clarkson behaviour in other words.

it’s pathetic - she’s so insecure she can’t stand people disagreeing with her. Her ego is that fragile. Grow up Em, or go out and do something productive with your time that might require you to pull your head out of your own backside for five minutes.

so much for all that holier-than-thou guff she sprouted about rising above “trolls” because clearly we are all so “sad”. More disingenuous posting from the queen of self delusion.
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I listened to the podcast ep about Tattle last week. Alex spent most of it calling posters evil cunts and didn’t get called out on it despite the therapist saying people on here need help and forgiveness as we’re obviously unhappy with our own lives.

I do find certain threads unnecessarily unkind and there’s always someone ready to say ‘get off Tattle it’s supposed to be horrible’ if you call it out or have a difference of opinion.

I’m gonna stick my head above the parapet and say that I do still quite like Em, hell, I even like her father. Hearing her get upset about her wedding day after reading our comments made me feel guilty. But gossip always been part of human nature. They both admit to having had similar thoughts about people. We aren’t trolls because we’re anonymous, we share our views with likeminded people in a place that shouldn’t harm the subjects, because it’s not on their platform.
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Perfectly said

Fwiw. I like Jeremy, especially with what he has done for British farming.

But both Em and Katya (spelling) come across as spoilt and clueless
hes just as unlikeable as her IMO.

He wrote an article for the times in 2017 plugging her book (but of course, her insta audience and book sales are aallll down to her of course…) called School’s out of touch —kids must learn to wire a plug and embrace nepotism”
Yes, really.

he writes about how poor em didn’t like boarding. I guess it must be hard receiving a world class private education worth hundreds of thousand.

clarkson also says “I employ quite a few young people these days and, I’m sorry, but an upper second from Exeter is always going to be trumped by a spot of nepotism. If I know your mum and dad, you stand a pretty good chance. If I don’t, you’re just another name on a mile-high stack of CVs.”

Lovely. So if you work hard and excel academically, Jezza is still gona employ his mates’ offspring. But no doubt this nepotism he happily adovocates doesn’t extend to Emily. Definitely not. 100% her book deals were the result of pure hard work and talent, right em?!

he might as well have come out and explicitly said himself, I pulled strings for my mediocre and academically lacklustre daughter.

it’s all so morbidly hilarious except, the people nepotism tends to harm the most; women, ethnic minorities; the socially and economically disadvantaged - are the exact people Em so arrogantly grabs the banner from and waives the flag for, on their behalf, drowning out their already quiet voices to fill with her own loud arrogant opinions, all while financially profiting from it.

the clarksons are vile, hypocritical people. And she’s proud of her hypocrisy too.

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why am I not even vaguely surprised that Em's bestie Alex Light didn't mention Jeremy's comments - when usually, that kind of misogynistic article would have her racing to film a critical reel. the opinions her shared were truly vile - far worse than some of the stuff both Em and Alex have latched onto previously and made a huge drama out of, yet on this occasion, Em posted a very planned out statement, basically just saying she didn't agree with her dad's misogynistic opinions - very careful to describe his comments, but not him, as a misogynist and a bully - and then a few hours later, Alex shares a story all about Em, and criticising anyone who had the audacity to contact Em about comments made by her own father, because his opinions are not her responsibility, and she doesn't deserve to be bullied as the result of the Sun choosing to publish her dad's vile article - ensuring she totally twist the narrative to imply Em is the victim and anyone appalled at her dad saying he hates Meghan more than a serial killer, and dreams that she will be forced to walk naked down the street while the public hurl verbal abuse at her and pelt her with excrement is just a bully, and poor vulnerable pregnant Em doesn't deserve to receive "hate", be questioned or be expected to address the vile comments made by daddy Clarkson - turning it into an issue about "women shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of men" and that the onus isn't on Em to call her dad out on his misogynistic opinions. interesting, because both Em and Alex have made it their mission to do exactly that - except for situations that would potentially risk the benefits Em has as Jeremy's daughter, in terms of contacts, fame by association, success due solely to nepotism and wealth! obvs it's not worth risking her inheritance to criticise her father's disgusting attitude towards women!

Alex has decided that it's totally inappropriate to expect Em to respond, or even hold her father to account for his comments, because her and her dad are two individuals with different views abs values, and Em does not deserve or have her "feelings hurt" based on her dad's behaviour. she has put actual effort into ensuring Em is portrayed as the victim, claiming she is being "bullied" and receiving "hate", twisting the whole situation to turn it into the usual #womensupportingwomen spiel, to call out those justifiably questioning Em on her father's blatant misogyny! such a predictable reaction! if anything, she should be calling out her dad - not just because his opinions are disgusting and supposedly the direct opposite of her own beliefs, but also because he clearly thinks so little of women that he didn't for a second consider the impact his article could have on his daughter, who had literally just written a post about her disgust at the way Meghan is treated in the media! it's all so hypocritical and incredibly manipulative to use the "Em is pregnant and vulnerable and doesn't deserve hate, you mean cruel nasty bullies" narrative to discourage people from sending messages, when realistically, the majority of the DMs she is receiving won't be rude or nasty! they will be mainly be genuine and - given the context - totally justified questions. plus she is definitely deleting comments from her recent post about H&M, because i don't believe for one second that people aren't making the connection and leaving comments about Jeremy's article - yet the comments are all very positive and "we totally agree with you, Em!" 🤦🏻‍♀️

and sure, Em may feel overwhelmed, but that's an issue she needs to address with her father - not twist the blame and accuse her followers of "bullying". 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Emily seems to be having a tough time in the media at the moment. She’s never marketed herself as Jeremy’s daughter and so it seems unfair to be continually referred to as such. The comments on the article are vile. ☹
I was telling my husband about her the other day and said, I really respect that she doesn’t use her dad, she’s just herself. Even the “not” wedding they had last year she’d kept his face out. She’s had such a tough year and is going to have surgery again, it feels like an unfair witch-hunt when I find her page and what she stands for really empowering and aligns with how I feel about a lot of things. The people that comment on news articles are a different breed I swear. I feel like a lot of commenters are just projecting their own insecurities and bitterness at the world.
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Why on earth would Jeremy Clarkson say something like this knowing his daughter is very VERY pregnant and would undoubtedly receive a LOT of pressure from it?
For the same reason he lost his Top Gear job for punching a producer for not organising him his lunch. He’s a terrible person.
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Her thread was very positive until quite recently so I suspect it is Tattle. Admittedly some threads get super vicious but this has mostly been constructive. How many times do we need to say it before influencers listen… ✨ Tattle ✨ isn’t ✨ for ✨ you ✨
So everyone that posts on Tattle is unwell, needs help, is some lonely sad loser that hasn't got a life ? What a lazy ill-informed assumption! And way easier to think that then to actually acknowledge alot of the constructive comments that have been made here about her recent behaviour have been made by eloquent and clearly well educated people.

She's clearly been triggered by what she has read here, but as her therapist friend said many times she needs to work on herself..perhaps address the fact she speaks out on things she has no experience of and should not be profiting off !
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Is she wearing black shoes? Looks like it in the videos of them dancing? If she is, what the actual fuck?
yeh? And has her hair scraped back in a weird ponytail that looks like the kind I put my hair in the day before I’m due to wash it.

overall not fan of it.. it feels like she’s trying too hard to be a quirky bride. She’s not like a regular bride she’s a cool bride, see she’s got black platforms (a la Nicola peltz) and wearing a casual pony

i wonder if Em’ll have a crisis now wedding planning will be over, since she made wedding planning a part of her personality for like the last year
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I like the FGF. It’s like learning a different mindset to be happy for other people no matter how big or small their thing is, rather than always being in competition or being jealous of achievements.
I do prefer peoples’ own photos of videos and can see why people would not like her dancing, I often read the comment and skip her dancing.
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The main issue 'influencers' have is that they can never call out tattle by name as it will bring a whole host of new people coming to take a look and having their eyes opened. By just shouting 'troll' and creating the narrative that you're being bullied and life is made miserable by people's opinions gives them something to talk about and also garner sympathy. It's really frustrating
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I do like Danae, more so her reels and posts debunking how influencers pose to change their bodies. But in reality, she’s exactly the same as Emily in that she’s thin, white and privileged.
slightly off topic but…

the world of influencing is dominated by privileged, (predominately white) wealthy people. For a myriad of reasons I suspect, but the fact the media is dominated by the same demographic is one factor. Societal snobbery is another. We prefer to listen to middle class people with home county accents as the standard for voices of authority and intelligence.

there are a few exceptions perhaps; the likes of Mrs Hinch. Mrs Hinch is from a fairly working class/lower middle class background. And she definitely has experience in body/weight issues. I’m not a fan by any stretch but she is a rarer example of someone who has become a successful influencer and has had a working class background. But the serious body positivity stuff etc. isn’t an issue she really (to my knowledge) has waded in to much or led from the front. She mostly sticks to her interiors and fairly superficial stuff. And my personal belief is that it’s because 1. She just doesn’t have the confidence to do it as someone who has genuinely struggled with it and 2. Her voice (and others like hers) are drowned out by the likes of Em, Alex, Danae. And perhaps 3. Are we, as a society - prepared to seriously listen to Mrs Hinch and others like her? Are we prepared to take regional accents seriously? Are we prepared to critically assess someone’s credentials as opposed to how well they present themselves? The ugly truth is I think as a whole - we aren’t. But maybe we should be.

The more confident, self assured, middle class who have grown up watching their peers receive accolades publicly and their voices being amplified in the way the working class/ethnic minorities haven’t, don’t struggle the same way and they benefit from the knowledge they’ll be taken seriously. Em can open her insta account and talk about serous issues because she comes from a privileged background and it’s always been that way for her.

which is just one reason why the likes of Em irritates me so much. She drowns out the voices of other people; people with lived experiences, people who are better informed, but less well connected. Less listened to. Less confident.
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I'm probably going to word this all wrong but here goes..if she's soo desperate to be seen in her own right and make her own way in life not off the back of being JC daughter why is she still holding onto the name now she's married ? Perfect opportunity to go forth with her life no longer with the Clarkson label ?

people will always have opinions, it’s immature and entitled to expect everyone to swallow a contradictory or negative opinion. Reading between the lines, she came onto tattle and read it. That’s on her. I’m not going to pretend I like her dress on a forum that isn’t for her. Likewise, I’m not a dickhead that’s going to leave a message under her photos saying I don’t like her dress.
I don't think the grungey wedding day look was everyone's taste but obviously it was hers. She's surely not that naive that she imagined everyone was going to like the messy pony tail and black shoes get up?
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Millennial Pink

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I'm still so mad at that photo. The thought process behind it- 'oh hey bebz, can you get a photo of me with my bag of vom for the gram, never mind me using the toilet or wiping my mouth or whatevs'. I dunno if it's just my personal aversion to anything vomit, but it comes across as unhinged!

Thread title suggestion: Em Clarkson #2 Posing with my bag of sick, get me rich and famous quick!
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