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Did she actually say why she was moving out of the London apartment, feel like I watched the video but missed the reason? I find it strange she owned her own home outright but then rented in London as just dead money. I know her excuse was that she was paying so much on train tickets but surely it would work out cheaper to drive and then park in London or park somewhere relatively cheap like Watford and then tube into the City. Did she sell the Kettering house? The way she lives her life is baffling
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I’d never seen Portia before, can’t believe how much she looks like Emily. That Rayanne girl is stunning though, I guess she does look a bit like Portia/Emily
Portia is beautiful and incredibly talented (singing)
I guess it’s the dark eyes that remind me of Portia!

Emily feels a bit like a budget version 🥴 no real individuality and certainly no talent
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Chatty Member
I don’t think I’ve ever met an intelligent person who goes around announcing that they’re an intelligent person!😂

A lot of talk about US visas over on the Louise Cooney page. Apparently you can run into trouble with your visa if you spend more than 6 months outside the US. That might be why James went back? But if you’re on a certain visa you have to fly to a country that’s not on the banned list, which seems to be what James did. Or he just wanted to get away from Emily!

I get that he probably had to go back for a visa issue but I think I’d be really assessing my life choices With everything going on. He wants to be in LA versus needing to be there for work. That’s fine, but maybe he shouldn’t be dating a young girl in her early 20’s living in the UK if that’s where his life is?

But yeah, I can’t see him coming back to the UK anytime soon.
He’s a resident I’m pretty sure? Don’t know if you still have a visa as a resident, I’m pretty sure you don’t have a visa as a resident so don’t think it would be that and I’ve never heard about the coming back in after 6 months thing
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The fact she admitted she is insecure 🤣🤣 no shit?

Why is she wearing small tops and shorts? W h y?
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If she wants wotsits on the regular I'm a size 2 supermodel.

How TF does she get these gigs, they aren't on brand for her at all.
Management, and her following, she regularly does stuff too look like she’s got an active following
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It makes no sense that she’s moving back in with her parents, she has so much stuff that she’s gonna have to cram into one room?

Also her voice sounds so strange in her new video
I think she’s possibly having stuff put into storage? She said something in the video about things having to go to different places but she could’ve just meant the loft or garage of her family home tbh

Also don’t get why she said she needed to throw the drawers in the bin? I say there are plenty of people who would appreciate them especially in the current world wide situation
Do you have a time stamp for this? Skimmed through the video because I couldn’t actually watch it but must’ve missed a part she said about binning drawers
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First post in this thread, watched Emily for years and omg she looks so ill in her new vlog, especially when she was making food in the kitchen the top of her arms, hips and bum 🙁 seems it's came on pretty fast just over the last few months? Hope she's got support around her
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Chatty Member
Is it not tradition to have your oldest sister as your maid of honour? Back when my brother and sister in law got married (10 years ago) my sister in law wanted me and her youngest sister as her bridesmaids but her mum made her ask her middle sister to be maid of honour even though they werent close at the time.
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It has just occurred to me that I think I am blocked from seeing Emily's stories. People always post in here about her stories and I go onto insta to look for myself and she never has any up. The one posted on here just an hour ago, I can't see. I don't think I have ever even commented on her insta. I've left a few unfavourable comments on her youtube but that's it. How strange.
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Personally I don't find it weird, it's an area he knows well so it makes sense to me. If my partner lived somewhere with an ex and we knew we wanted to move to that city, I'd move to whichever area he knew best to recommend regardless of who he'd lived there with before. So many youtubers live in East London as well
I get you, but east london isnt even their nearest part of london and i got there regularly round stratford and greenwich and it doesnt strike me as there scene/vibe
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The obsession with clothing sizes in society is so warped. If a piece of clothing fits you, it fits you. If It doesn't, it doesn't. There's more to clothes than how they fit across your waist and what number is on the label. Emily has no concept of this at all.

I agree with people here that she just sends everything back anyway so I guess it doesn't matter if it fits her, very wasteful from an environmental point of view though! But her obsession with her body, clothing size and food is not good and I really worry about her projecting those issues on her young audience.

The views on the haul are not good. Her moving vlogs have done well enough. She's so dim that she can't see that people are over her clothes and makeup hauls, people want genuine connection from influencers now and much prefer following their lives. But Emily is so obsessed with only showing a curated life. And it is so weird how she has never mentioned the fact that her sister had a baby last year. She obviously doesn't have to, and really shouldn't, share details about the child but the fact that she has never mentioned it at all is so strange.

I haven't been bothered to watch that video where she talked about why she's not moving in with James (lol as if he's even ask her!), but has she addressed the fact that he is in LA now at all? And has she ever said anything about Cornwall? I see she did up her room at home but we weren't treated to them same "transformation" videos as that crazy room in James' house - I don't think she wanted people to ask questions about the room in Cornwall.
Her older sister has asked never to be mentioned amd emily does due diligence there. If she is a teacher i can understand why, having such different lives must make things interesting - wonder if they are close? But, again we'll never know. Sophie clearly wants to be just like emily and i would guess become an influencer too. Yikes. Like freddy and coco (who i ised to think was her daughter!)

Regarding her size and height obsession, - being tall she possibly struggles with feeling 'big' as society is also instructing women (directly and indirectly) to be tiny and small in order to be deemed attractive. Emily is taller than average, i believe the average man's height is 5'8 (?) And has a strong built - a good build. She has great shoulders and isn't fragile looking like say, fashion mumbler (only seen her in thumbnails) or amelia liana who are both very tiny and petite builds, tiny shoulders, necks and very slim legs etc. Emily has a stronger bulid (looks good imo) but being tall and her build might make her (unnecessarily) secure. Maybe she feels bloated sometimes and that makes her feel big??
She isn't overweight at all. But there we go.

Emily gave a shout out (was it?) To the odious lydiaEmillen on her stories. Something along then lines of how inspiring this amazing beautitious creature woman was yadda yadda, leading me to assume she wants to follow in her content footsteps and move onto 'luxury influencing' i have mentioned this previously but at first i thought Lydia was Emily's mother. Back when Emily was 17, and seemingly on an endless gap year while her parents were fine with their directionless daughter having not a single a level and, living with 2 guys in the big smoke filling her days vlogging various wieiad consisting of 1 frozen banana almond milk smoothies. "Really filling guys - try it!" Then I saw Lydia in a thumbnail, though oh her mum is also a vlogger. Still can't stand lyds, and hope that Emily goes in a different direction, as does Lydia i'm sure she doesn't want to be pushed aside and replaced jusssst yet.

Question for any Really long term viewers - how did she meet Jake?

Thanks of anyone read all of that!

Gabriella Lindley lol

Nope. Not Ana, it was Gabby 🤣
Emily is who i think Gabby would do almost anything to swap bodies with!
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Yeah she definitely fills up on cucumber. I bet she filmed that video over multiple days. One meal a day and filling up on cucumber.
Absolutely! I can trough with the best of them and would have struggled to eat that lot in 1 day!
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