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Hi Em! Ya weirdo. Who on earth aged Donatella Versace like she is calls their mums dog their own. Actually grow up darling. We all have our faults, some of us can own up to them instead of manically whittering on about a dog. My mum would seek help for me if I was like Em, honestly. Mama Shel loves it and seems like an enabler. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Em.

Proving she clearly reads these threads 🤣
Watch she doesn't doxx you to your employers 😂😂
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Finding it laughable she is advertising Gatwick Express, when it’s very clear she rarely uses public transport in London!! Why are you paying this tit to advertise for you Gatwick Express?!

Also the standard Southern trains service is cheaper and takes literally a few more mins, but remember Em Shelly Shel only advertises things she loves and would use anyway and that she knows are good for her audience.

such a liar!!
I was thinking the same thing. She Ubers everywhere!!
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Her latest IG post where shes posing with pancakes to sell foot cream - whys there multiple bottles of jo malone perfume behind her by the kitchen sink?! I thought it might be hand wash at first but it’s definitely the perfume bottles lol. ridiculous
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Can’t believe she’s still pushing that virgin cruises vlog!! Has she not seen the news?! People literally dying on cruise ships FFS.
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Why is she so dumb?? No covid cases in Scotland reported yesterday.
Total UK deaths are ok the way down. London has the lowest R rate. Concern is the the northwest at the moment. But overall we are beating this virus.

Em is young and loves in London. Why is she hiding in the grubby flat acting like covid will catch her outside her front door?? When London is statistically the safest place in the UK right now?? Is Mama Shel proud of raising a moron. I honestly need to know why Em is so fucking stupid.

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Haha Em is on this cruise ship trying to tell us it’s amazing and luxury. Outside the influencer bubble here’s what most people are thinking!

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Chatty Member
So she plugs her Amazon wish list all over twitter “plz don’t buy me anything tho, use it for in inspo” lol fuck off. People STUPIDLY buy her stuff and then she affiliate links the stuff she’s been bought by strangers to make money from them. God, she is truly awful isn’t she! 🤮
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Oh dear. How embarrassing. She says she gets 1000s of messages but actually its probably about 2 given that only 40 people can be arsed to watch her live. And three of them are probably her mum, her brother and Matt. And one was you Lechat!!!!!
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I am not surprised her views were so low on her live. I have never believed her when she says she gets "hundreds" of messages. Queue her taking a screenshot of all the "kind" messages.
Also, why is she doing a workout live? Em isn't qualified as a PT and absolutely should not be doing this. Her form is not great. If she wants to do it, she should get certified but I guess that is not gifted so she would have to pay for the course herself 🙃 .
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I can’t really imagine her engaging in an intelligent anything because she is as dumb as a rock. I wonder how she will react to her mate Josie being dragged (rightfully) at the moment! Stand by her mate or run a mile because of fear of association.
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Report away to the ASA, she’s already been given a warning.

Will she fuck off with her morning thoughts, it’s the same old shit regurgitated 7 days a week. Her thoughts are pretty damn boring and also pretty fucking stupid. Does she not realise that the curve has been flattened drastically so why is she still banging on about not knowing that CV-19 is over. Also if she is so scared about it why go and meet a puppy, why go for walks and runs and get Starbucks. None of that is essential. She really is a fucking cretin.
I can’t fathom why she’s saying “I missed the part where we were told everything is safe again”. It’s not going to be safe until there’s a vaccine, which may be never. But as you say the curve has been flattened, infections are falling. Why would we not open up shops again? It’s like dumb influencers who are used to staying in their grubby flats getting freebies delivered can’t understand the need to get people back to work again. Funny that.

I mean she gets in a fucking car to drive to see a she felt safe enough to do that and being in a car comes with inherent risks! As person in her twenties, being In the car is statistically more of a risk than catching Covid. But this thick idiot can’t fathom it.
Notice she’s not read a book since last week either, looks like that died a death.

And also self proclaimed LFC fan Em only posted one tweet about Klopp after LFC won the league after 30 years, surely if she was a fan she would have had more to say? But as we know, it’s more lies from the woman who will say and do anything for engagement.
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Yep all the NHS shit she’s tweeting is doing my head in. She’s only doing it for engagement so people tell her how great she is. I’m sure NHS staff just want to go home and rest and see their families after a shift not get some knock off lipstick that’s been on Ems shelf for a year. How is that going to ‘help‘ anyone??

the influencer industry is going to be fucked up soon. As reported on BBC retailer Next is forecasting low sales as no one buys clothes to stay home. Are influencers going to try and flog us lounge wear for the coming months?! Because with out holidays and weddings etc people arent going to be spending money on clothes. People losing their job are not going to be buying clothes. I think Em is lucky though as her mum must be wealth. Her brother doesn’t really work and no way can Ems platforms sustain them all. Like most influencers she’s just a spoilt little rich girl who can leech off her mum if things go sour. That’s what pisses me off.

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The money must be drying up from brand deals so now she has to shill her own sh*t. Why on earth would anyone want the ebook from her? Even if it was free no-one wouldn't want it. You can tell none of the other bloggers/influencers want it either, except the equally desperate ones (cough cough Brogan). No doubt she will be calling herself a 'best selling author' soon 😂 😂 😂
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Posting stories about eating toast before bed and how she had three pieces cause she knows people will wonder if she had more than one. Shut up, you vapid imbecile. Her content is just absolute shit.
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So today she made a chocolate cake and will prob say she ate it all. How does she have so many supplies for baking every single day? I can't believe she is basically asking for groceries on her Amazon wish list. Sickening considering there are so many families that rely on foodbanks and can get fuck all now. She is such a beg.

I see that her repeatedly tagging pasta evangelists also worked. Scumbag. She should donate that to a food bank. She is the most disgusting piece of shit. And yes the amazon thing will mean she makes money when people buy from amazon. Vile skank.
She also posted about receiving food yesterday and she said: "I will donate it, obv." No, she won't. She is awful and quarantine is just proving that even more.
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What on Earth are the “circumstances” lol. shes not said anything that disputes the dog belongs to her mother then??
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She is def regretting staying in London and not going home for lockdown lol
She should have gone home and stayed with her mum. I would have if I were her. She has no events in London so no reason to be there tbh.

same here couldn’t believe she was flaunting a delivery of food when many vulnerable people are struggling and it was fucking gifted!! Could she not have donated the box or at least paid for it??
Scummy bitch. She is going to look a right dick as people will take issue with two healthy twenty somethings getting food delivered when they could go to the supermarket. Unbelievable

she really does have binge eating problems. I can’t believe no one ever comments on her stories about all the cake and bread she eats.
She is either a liar about eating it all or she binges. I think she will get worse over quarantining. It seems very disordered.
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