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VIP Member
She describes this as her “hen do” outfit despite the fact she’s not getting married?? She then says its coachella vibes and like a free people dress without the price tag. im laughing. She doesn’t have a clue. It looks awful on her, ageing and definitely nothing like free people which sells garments made of nice fabrics not flammable nylon.

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Well-known member
Yep and she seems to be going out for food almost every day. She is an idiot.

I actually don't know whether to believe she eats all of it or if she's trolling us. She also says her boyfriend eats it all with her yet he has diabetes?
I don’t think she can keep up or remember the lies she tells...

and anyone that ONLY goes on about making brownies/cakes/whatever crap and eat it all in one go EVERY day has a serious problem... this girl needs help she’s deranged...
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Chatty Member
Maybe if money is tight don’t buy takeaways 4 nights out of 7. Don’t go and buy whole loaves of breads from artisan bakeries and binge eat them in a day. Maybe don’t Uber delivery 4 grocery items. Is she seriously expecting people To feel sorry for her?!? There are families living on the breadline, people who literally are living on beans and toast and have to decide to feed their children or themselves. She needs to fuck off. She gets so much gifted that i don’t even understand how she has the audacity to complain she doesn’t get government support! How many people get free food just sent to their home. How many people get free toiletries constantly? Or expensive garden furniture. She can fuck off claiming she needs support.
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Chatty Member
So sick of influencers posting stuff like this just because their cleaner is no longer coming. Welcome to the real world, Em.
Does anyone believe this disgusting slob cleans?!? The state of that oven and what her flat normally looks like when she is gifted free cleaning is disgusting. I don’t believe that she knows what cleaning is.
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Chatty Member
What is funny is, she will never mention this thread as if will draw people to it and they'll see what she is really like.

I will never forgive her for doxxing me on Twitter years ago as she didn't like a comment I made on another forum, she searched for my IP address. If she reads this, she will know exactly who I am.
I’m sorry she’s an absolute cunt for doing that. Her nicey nicey women support women stuff is bullshit and as fake as her attempt to talk about moderation when she binge eats.

I’ve seen her tweets where she @‘s someones employer because she doesn’t like a comment they’ve left on a post. Only an absolute bitch would go out of their way to get someone in trouble with their employer. You just don’t do that.

Em needs to put her big girl pants on. You post bullshit all over social media, people will have opinions and make comments. If you don’t like it either go private or take it up with them. Don’t try and get them fired.

Because she’s such a vindictive cow I will always be on the lookout for another opportunity to shop her to the ASA as I’m sure she’s on a last warning after I reported her last time.
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Why does she talk like she has a blocked nose

Can’t bare her Vids on YouTube I got gifted this and this got a facial for free then got gifted afternoon team afterwards - hate the way she says something is cheap when it’s so expensive
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Active member
jesus christ, please shut up about the banana bread. Clearly she thought the original tweet was so iconic it deserved its own pinterest quote!

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VIP Member
What the hell? Whisky, cinnamon, the RAF???????
How does the whisky sit with all the gifted health brunches and kobox classes. What is going on?!
Why is she sitting on the kitchen counter in a frock necking spirits in the middle of the day. So many questions about what she is all about.
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New member
Does she have to mention EVERYDAY she wants to go home?? It’s so dull. The reason she can’t go back to her precious Yorkshire is that she’s too scared to drive by herself..... get a grip. Drive or stop going on about it.

Flogging a kettle and toaster this morning. Usual manic orange gurn face alongside 🥴


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VIP Member
yep Em deleted it after reading here that shes a dumb idiot! The cheek of influencers moaning that the government is trying to restart the economy when they’ve don’t nothing but shill and flog is quite hypocritical as well.

Also 55 people died yesterday in the UK. Not hundreds, Josie you thick bish.
Bit rich coming from Em going on about "influencers" still having to make money. Well, hon, the rest of us have to make money too and the only way to keep that going is to reopen the economy. Not all of us want to shill cheap shite online as a "job." - Bet she will tweet in a few days or week about how being an influencer is a real job.
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A gifted osteopath?! I'd have a good mind to report the osteopath. Fucks sake, this isn't like trying out a new fake tan or a gym class. This is serious stuff that people should only do if they actually need to. I wonder if the osteopath approached her or vice versa. How very unprofessional. She has never ever complained about back pain. She really will take anything free.
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VIP Member
Did anyone see the tweet about her boyfriend sharing some chocolate despite his low sugar score? i feel like she’s always bringing up his diabetes .. is he managing it poorly or something? With all the takeaways, bread and sweets and cakes they eat I’m not surprised he’s got problems managing it to be fair. Just a weird thing to brag about too, like taking your boyfriend chocolate when he needs it. She also put a story on and he was complaining she ate all that focaccia bread and left him with the ends and her giggling. She’s so weird. Like what’s funny about being an absolute glutton?

shes also flogging some furry bralet.... yeah because professional women in their twenties are sitting around in bralets all day. What planet is she on.
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Active member
This girl absolutely cracks me up. Bottlegreen is 100% NOT a small brand, its owned by SHS who own loads of brands including WKD lol. Shall we also buy WKD to suppirt small business Em? 🤷🏼‍♀️
The other day she was advertising Batiste dry shampoo with the small business tag 🤣🤣🤣
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