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‘Thanked the universe for our beautiful life’

Who does she think she’s kidding? She was begging for cash a few days ago because she couldn’t feed her kid. Who believes she’s having this wonderful time? Utterly deluded
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Like any of us with BPD needed any more stigma, she’s just fuelling it. Note to all - having BPD doesn’t make you behave in this way.
I have no words.
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Jordan’s just been on live saying she messaged him about 45 mins ago saying she had od’d then she blocked him. He was playing voice notes of her kicking off. There was a girl in there who said she was currently speaking to her and she’s fine so god knows. Hope the baby is okay
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Yesterday she was full of beans and the boyfriend was gonna pay someone to find Cydney and shave her hair off (at least)
She’s a con artist thru and thru and she’s treating viewers like the men she used to take money off in the UK
I’m sure she was still on live about 6pm here getting tacos - said she’s gonna work her OF every day when he had gone as he “went funny with her” when she was working but he was going back
Right so I’ve just seen a TikTok where someone screen recorded her ordering food- gives her own hotel room
Number and shows the hotel name on a brochure- so no one has done that but herself
She also calls her child a ****** 😭😭😭😭
How can he afford to pay someone to go shave a person's head but can't help pay his girlfriends outgoings, he sounds a good one 🥴
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Chatty Member
You are spot on! When I used to watch her years ago on twitch or rumble she would do the most depraved sexual acts that are sickening with creepy guys for money she would laugh about it sometimes make them bleed it was sick! It was also said she was doing sexual acts with her dogs at that time for money 🤮 she never confirmed nor denied. That house was a house of horrors men turning up at all hours and she had all this weird sexual equipment in her bedroom that looked more like torture equipment she's sick in her head
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not sympathising or anything with her, she's an utterly abhorrent woman and that poor boy stands no change at any form of normality whilst he remains her...

However... I don't think we can ever comprehend what she's been through. Councils don't pay out 1.6m for nothing and that amount is HUGE in terms of pay outs. What was on Judge Rinder was probably only a teaspoon in the sea of depravity she has seen. I don't think Ellis even knows how to love, show affection or empathy - she tries for the camera but it comes across as even worse behaviour. I have absolutely no issue with her gallivanting around the world, selling her tuna canoe, sniffing anything and everything she can get her hands on but I just wish she would see that she is just repeating the trauma cycle. Yes C is in 'paradise' as she sees it through her drug addled peepers but in real terms he is in hell.

I sadly don't think it'll be long before there is a very unfortunate outcome to this situation - either that little lad is going to be trying to wake his overdosed mother without success or he is going to become so very ill and she won't get the help he so desperately needs as she cannot see the true version of her situation right now.
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Katie 0099

Chatty Member
Funny she’s saying her sons not ill but them complaining his been sick 🤢 for weeks , she can take her self the hospital, so she says but, but can’t be assed to take her sick kid, make it make sense, she will definitely slip up on her lies
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He hasn't got autism. It's full blown trauma and second hand drug effects
I was going to say the same. His delayed development will be due to trauma and neglect. I can almost guarantee if he was placed in the care of a nurturing and loving carer, who could actually meet his needs and didn’t pump him full of secondhand drugs, he would begin speaking and learning new words very quickly
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It’s all just bullshit with her, anything to beg money. She won’t have left the bf at all, it was only the other day they were talking about secret plans they had hatched. Everything is just a ploy to try pull on the heartstrings of people in order to get money out of them. Thus likely being one of the plans.

her stories never add up, but people that only see her videos and not her lives will not see that. She’s a compulsive liar end of!
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I think there are lots of parents bringing children up in non standard ways- travelling, living in camper vans or between continents ( Ben Fogles done some great shows) and I admire their tenacity and I’m 100% sure they are getting great opportunities
The main difference I see here is she has no back up plan, other than to beg online- I think she realised she’ll never make the money Rebecca Goodwin did on OF - instead of using the compo money to provide a sustainable way of living, she pissed it away on shite

Basically she’s mismanaged her life and now she’s putting her own child at risk through it- she doesn’t seem to understand that being around all the conflict and drama is harmful. And that ignoring the racism and ableism

Her response is “well he sees elephants so obvs he’s having a great life” which shows how immature she is, 32 going on 13
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And this is why she ran! Because she knew ss would take him because of her behaviour. She needs to hand him over to the uk authorities that boy would have such a better life than what he has now. I honestly don’t care what happens to her.
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‘I’ve not had my hair cut in 3 years I’m not vain and I’ve got a kid to look after’
You was live having your hair cut whilst a stranger looked after your child in Thailand…. Does she forget what she tells us?
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Where’s the proof the police have been her hotels and all the shit she’s saying , I don’t his doing anything to her I think it’s other way from. I think she loves the attention, the latest voice recording is disturbing and disgusting, and her child is sat there listening to all that ,
That’s the most disturbing thing for me- that little boy is hearing all this played out and will be scared

She’s clearly lost it and you can call it reactive all you want, or blame it on bpd (sometimes she does) but the end result is a small child listening to his only care giver screaming and ranting, she’s virtually frothing at the mouth
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The way Jordan’s just spoken to someone on that live is disgusting. Those two are a match made in heaven, I pray I get to watch their downfall after watching them talk down to and think they’re better than literally everyone when they are literally the dregs of society. They wouldn’t get away with half the stuff they do if they were in a different country.
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It genuinely makes me feel a bit sick that because she keeps moving nobody can intervene and help her son. He’ll just slip through the cracks. God knows if his birth was even registered wherever he was born. A bit worrying that something really awful could happen to him and nobody would know. He’s already got bad teeth, potential bow legs and has seen his mum take drugs/scream at her boyfriend.
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We have many children come into hospital on antibiotics that refuse them and are getting worse.

They get cannulated and put onto IV antibiotics

You do what you need to do as a parent to get antibiotics into the child.

But that’s parents that truly care and have at least one maternal bone in their body.

She has none. Maybe one fine hair on her head that cares (because she’s fed him this far) so I will give her that but that’s it. There no nurturing, no cuddling, no loving, no caring for his basic health needs.

Not immunised and going from country to country, jumping in random pools etc
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Attention seeking wankstain. Sorry, but this isn't Jordans fault if we're to take things as they seem. She's a complete arse for putting her child through this. The percentage of people who truly want to die or cause severe harm to themselves who would broadcast it to anybody, let alone the entire Internet, is literally tiny. She isn't one of those people. She's just a cunt.
All of this, you would never want to harm yourself and then think actually I want to broadcast it to the world. This is speaking from personal experience and it boils my piss!!!!
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She’s on live right now, poor baby has been coughing so so much. He sounds really chesty, and you can hear him struggling to breathe when breastfeeding 😔 she says he has a cold. He’s been like this for months and she won’t take him to a doctor, I really have a bad feeling about this cough he has 😢
And now she’s smoking in the same room as him!! With a cough like that! Honestly unbelievable
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Those clips jordan has posted on telegram are absolutely vile!!!! She is one sick woman. Child running about and she's cutting the legs of herself while she's screaming she doesn't give a fuck about him.
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Katie 0099

Chatty Member
Did any see the video her and the little boy were both sitting down to eat the little one had rice but he’s just didn’t look right his eyes weren’t focusing she was trying to shove food into his mouth :(
She was trying to feed him cake and he wasn’t interested, I think she just gets her boob out as that’s the only way he won’t make the horrible screaming noise. That kid is so frustrated he can’t talk has nothing to do all day and gets pushed from pillar to post
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