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I wouldn’t believe a single word that comes out of her mouth about needing money for this n that
She’s got a drug problem imo and she’s being a typical addict, just lying to get what she wants for her fix
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Chatty Member
God bless her heart 🙄 she’s had a busy day…

Done some webcam work
Been in the hospital for 3 hours with her kid
Applied for loads of English teaching jobs

notice how well spoken she is trying to be

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I've said about so many other 'creators' before, it's all a poverty porn fix for these idiots who enable the nut jobs. Jeremy Kyle is gone and now they get their kicks watching and enabling people's lives falling apart on tiktok. They claim to care but they don't, not deep down.
This is exactly it
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There’s a TT page that I came across this afternoon. It’s called ‘mum on the run 2’ basically a pair of idiots on the run from SS apparently. Don’t seem a full picnic. But on one of their videos you can hear Ellis on the phone to the woman 🤣 says it all.
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Has anyone seen that boy smiling and laughing and talking? Everytime I've seen him hes quiet, In his own little bubble,
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Active member
This scruff needs to bring the little one back to the fucking uk! She needs to stop thinking of herself and face the bloody music over here with whatever is going to be thrown at her! She is so selfish she makes me sick!!!
What she been feeding him for his teeth to be rotted 😳 is even 2 yet?
He’s either latched onto her manky tits or eating pure junk! He’s so pale and looks to have not much energy and no proper nutrients and she wonders why he’s sick!
The woman makes me ill with rage!
Probably all the drugs he is consuming by being breastfed by a dirty crack head
100% facts!
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Regardless of what that baby just saw. Her mother infront of him is vile 🤢 all ive heard is fuck this fuck that fuck this bitch pedalo *unt. When peagreen actuallys talks his first word will be something awful.
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“This cold is doing my head in” no hun it’s the cocaine you’ve been taking funded by your TikTok huns
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She has been mentally unwell since before leaving UK. I don't think she ever received any kind of help because of her childhood. Just here's some money it's all better now. Wasn't she always screaming people were following her and showing innocent peoples cars ? And wasn't there a video with her abusing a young girl when she was over helping in Thailand the 1st time. I do think she's a danger to that wee boy.
She probably has been offered help but her hatred of engaging with authority or officials means she probably didn’t bother engaging. She was old enough to know how to seek proper help. She’s chosen not to. Yep she was!
of course she’s a danger to him. She has been from the moment he was conceived. She’s a horrible person who deserves nothing in life and beyond help tbh
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Did anyone see the woman who did a post on her earlier saying even if Ellis is raging mental and neglectful he’s safer with her than in the British care system lol. I can’t comment as never been involved with the care system, but this kid doesn’t stand a chance in my opinion, she’s fully deranged and just taking this poor soul along for the ride.

I genuinely fear for him.
Unfortunately public services are so cut to ribbons these days that many social workers have eye watering case loads and are under huge pressure, and no doubt you do get the occasional bad apple same as any profession - but I’d always trust them to think about the best interests of that little boy over Ellis.

A lot of her supporters who bad mouth social services/care system seem to have had their own run-ins with the system themselves because of their own kids…
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Someone asked why she keeps leaking her own address if she was getting stalked and her response was “because nobody has the right to stalk me”. That’s like if you found out someone had taken photos of your child online in a nappy or swimming costume and was doing something awful with them but continued to post them because nobody has the right to be a pweirdo! She is not safeguarding that child. No matter how many times she says she is. She’s travelling in countries well known for child sex slavery and trafficking. I’m a 28 year old woman and still wouldn’t go to those places alone. Its clear to see that she does (deep down) feel a sense of responsibility for the child however she clearly never had any decent role models in her childhood. Very evident mental illness. Agree with possible bipolar, manic/psychotic episodes and traumatic and drug fuelled childhood. If I could I would take the boy in myself. It’s so fucking sad
But when she says things like she wishes she could have an abortion and send it in the post to someone and calling someone’s kids sp*stics I have no sympathy. Is there anything we can actually do to help the child? He’s wearing nothing but a nappy around countless random men. Can she be extradited back to the uk?
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Anyone ever had the thought that she may be suffering from psychosis? I’ve seen a lot of videos recently regarding the symptoms and how it presents and the paranoid delusions that come with it. To believe she is being stalked by a group of women to the point she has left the uk seems like she may have an ongoing psychotic episode. She did/does take drugs doesn’t she. And had an abusive childhood. I think she needs medical attention to be honest. But also I’m not justifying her behaviour. I’ve followed her on and off for a while. But her being able to explain the “stalking” in such detail could be due to psychotic delusions feeling so real to the individual. She seems so erratic it is like she is on drugs. But this could also be serious mental health issues that cause her erratic and paranoid behaviour. Any thoughts?
Also- the whole debacle of her having the “millions” that was awarded to her held by solicitors, this could be due to her being a danger to herself having access to so much money if she has a raging drug habit and potential very serious mental health issues! I may be barking up the wrong tree. I just feel so sorry for that boy. How old is he? I’d be so scared and concerned if my boy was like that. Then again my 5 year old is and has always been like an energiser bunny on steroids
This is the thing no one really knows.
when she went traveling to Cambodia and there was news articles there was a thread (which can be found via google) there’s a lot of comments in that (and I believe she too comments in the tread) claiming she has bipolar. Her old Facebook also suggests there’s some mental health issues, probably why she really lost the two eldest. But she has always had a coke habit, she has driving offences too. However there was a few TikToks she made which I’m sure she said she had no mental health issues, and it was all everyone else’s fault etc. My theory is that she probably is bipolar, won’t take medication and that’s probably one of the reasons she ran away.
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