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she doesn’t have a TV in her place, and it shows.cane across like she’s really struggling to entertain him. Been in the pool all morning out and about but he’s bored in the hotel room, doesn’t want to sit for food. I don’t even know if he has toys and there doesn’t seem to be anything for him to do. I wonder what her next move will be. She said the pool doesn’t have a shallow end so I don’t think it’s a kid friendky place.

It’s relatively easy to keep little ones happy and quiet with very little when they’re babies, but as they become toddlers they need more stimulation and entertainment as part of their routine - she can’t just keep him happy with a rattle in the corner anymore, she needs to be an engaged parent. It’s only going to get harder.
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Is there no way we could raise concerns to the British embassy in Thailand or wherever she is? X
No. Plus her child isn’t British technically anyway. I would try not to get too involved tbh as sad as it is there’s nothing anyone can do. Ellis will get what’s coming to her
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you’ve obviously never taken it then, I took it for 10 years it’s very easy to tell when you’re an ex-user, it is definitely coke. Clearly one of her fans to be defending her
I've taken. it before yes but not a fan! why you being mean to me? I just didn't think of it firstly that's all x
what's her Instagram interested in seeing more of what I saw earlier!!!
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I am so tired of seeing people on tiktok, not just Ellis, blaming their supposed bpd for their shitty behaviour. Guarantee most of them don't even have an official diagnosis. It's either a working diagnosis or a self made one because its NOT easy to receive an official, concrete diagnosis of bpd. As people will know, it takes a long process of assessments, treatment, regular appointments with the same doctor/mental health professional etc. I'm two years deep and STILL only have a working diagnosis. Every unhinged girl on tiktok seems to have it right now and I'm not buying it.
Sending 💜💜💜 as with many others I’ve now been diagnosed with autism & adhd too. It’s a horrific mental battle and the feelings are very real, most of us hate the label and what it brings. I don’t wish the uncontrollable thoughts & feelings on my worst enemy. BPD isn’t “cool” nor is it “trendy” it’s a mental death sentence if you could ever have one. That’s the reason I came off TikTok, people glorifying it the likes of Elizabeth edgeley & katya, filming in psych wards, wasting emergency services time , suicide baiting ebery
Sending 💜💜💜 as with many others I’ve now been diagnosed with autism & adhd too. It’s a horrific mental battle and the feelings are very real, most of us hate the label and what it brings. I don’t wish the uncontrollable thoughts & feelings on my worst enemy. BPD isn’t “cool” nor is it “trendy” it’s a mental death sentence if you could ever have one. That’s the reason I came off TikTok, people glorifying it the likes of Elizabeth edgeley & katya, filming in psych wards, wasting emergency services time , suicide baiting ebery
*suicide baiting every minute. It’s not a flex the majority of us suffer in silence.
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She’s taken him to a massive trampoline park a few hours after he was discharged from hospital when only yesterday he was on IV drips? And she’s getting annoyed with him having tantrums? Wtf do you expect he’s just got out of hospital he doesn’t want to run around, he still looks so poorly and lethargic yet she’s trying to make him run around and winding him up throwing balls at him because he’s having a tantrum? Kids have more tantrums when they aren’t feeling well, or tired, or hungry etc. ever thought about that ellis?

She only went to that trampoline park because somebody said she never takes her kid out, which she never does otherwise we would see it for sure 🙄 she spent the whole time on her phone recording her going down slides etc, pay some attention to your child ffs
She only went there to post all over tik tok, otherwise who else would take their kid to a trampoline park the minute he leaves hospital when he’s very obviously still unwell?
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That is a neglected little boy. I have NEVER seen a toddler with legs like that. Kids get bumps and bruises but that is NOT normal. Also that fucking wig
Yep I have a 3 year old but that looks horrific, wee mite probably has no nutrients to help
how do you get a bruise wrapped round ur leg
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She said she's done with men, then 10 seconds later said she's meeting a man tomorrow with her son. What the actual fuck
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Chatty Member
How come she always begs for things like rent, medicine costs, food etc in one video then in the next shes wanting more money to rehome other people 🤔.
Sort your son out and give him a stable home rather then pulling him through all different environments!!
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If true Indonesia incl Bali have super strict laws. She won’t be able to do her sex work there nor will she be able to stay with any men as they’re not married. And you can only stay for 30 days at a time twice on a tourist visa.
Also they have got some of the strictest laws regarding cannabis- she’ll not last a month
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Tht poor little boy, even with a filter you can see all the bruises on his little face.

I wish someone would do something to actually help him. By heart hurts at the thought of what he sees and hears.

How old is he?
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There is something about her latest videos which is off, I can’t put my finger on it but she’s speaking slower and slightly odd, like people on heavy meds ime

Also I think she’s just not mentioning Jordan so people buy that it’s her and her £28 against the world
no Doubt on something or other.

her latest vids are essentially long begging monologues with tales of woe about the adult site she works on banning her…and she can’t access her bank because her details are all on a phone she pawned (I think?) and of course the comments are ‘how much do u need hun xx’
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this whole new situation is confusing so someone reporting her in Thailand and Thailand social services are visiting her? then shes talking about going to prison possibly in a 3rd world country
if she really didnt want these problems she shouldn't post her whole life online
It’s 100% a lie to get more money out of the gullible FoRcEd AdOpTiOn morons who support her
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I give it two days before she's back begging 😂 she's an attention seeker, isn't she? How any man would look at her and think "yeah, I'll have a baby with that" is anyone's guess.
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I was gunna say why can’t she just use the rent she gets from her supposed 6 properties she owns. She doesn’t need copious amounts of funds to evict someone because the charges can be made back to the tenant, if she’s done things illegally (ie no landlords license, epc gas check) then she can be fined a hellava lot of money which sounds like that’s the reason. I just somehow don’t believe now she has any investments in property at all. Failed herself and her kid. Sad little life jane (Ellis)
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Chatty Member
The sooner her kid is away from her the better!! Here's hoping the authorities are notified.
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She's well and truly lost the plot that girl. Jordan and his mum needs to report her for what shes doing to them and blackmailing..
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