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The videos and lists that are circulating at the moment of all the young sports people ( seemingly a LOT I don't know if this amount is normal but not normally noticed cos noone is normally scouring the Internet for them) who have collapsed, had strokes , cardiac problems, or died of unknown causes.... has anyone seen anyone fact check/ analyse or rebutt that? I've looked up a few of the names and the articles I've seen haven't mentioned whether they were vaccinated and most say families have given no further details . I've seen individual reports that have been shown to be wrong or old , not recent but I don't know about these latest lists and videos.
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VIP Member
You could be describing someone I know very well. Same age children, none of them vaccinated, no longer in school - left the country to build a Shaman retreat. Kids are given cannabis oil if they are ill (and they are - often - never saw them without snotty noses and awful coughs). The older one was given weed to smoke when it wasn’t well. All this comes from the bloke and his wife just goes along with it, pretending she’s of the same ilk. Someone reported them to the police before they left the U.K. Blamed it on his brother - who is just a normal lad - it was probably one of his neighbours who had seen the ‘ceremonies’ taking place in their home when the kids were around. Fucking crazy.
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Chatty Member
God Beebs is so confusing…. So when your kids are well, they’re well. When your kids are poorly, they’re also well…..
I thought the same as you. She's very confusing as her kids live their lives and aren't in institutions that make them sick at autumn time and yet her kids are 'detoxing'. What could they possibly be detoxing beeba when they're living their best lives?
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Chatty Member
View attachment 844865

Ellie when you read this remember your opinion doesn't matter. You haven't "done your research" because you don't know what research is. You don't know what an experiment is, you don't know what a trial is. You prey on fear uncertainty and doubt but you don't bring anything to any table. You're damaged goods and everyone abandons you eventually.

Please don't ask us to remember what you've said in the last year we have enough here that shows anything you have said is likely made up in that vapid little empty head of yours.

She's losing it completely now. She's looking for someone who can sell her a tin foil hat!

View attachment 844884
[QUOTE="Itsmeeee3, post: 6933161, member:
Which of her posts got deleted?
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I’ve been out of the loop for a little while cause i just couldnt be arsed to read or look at her shite but just had a browse and the gaslighting off the back of her latest posts when someone questions what she is saying is so clear to me…so why aren’t they seeing it?
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Well-known member
Ellie is seething that her loyal sheep are calling her out for saying that COVID doesnt even exist. Many of them saying while they are anti vax and anti mask they know for a fact it does exist and she is spitting chavvy feathers. Most amusing. Its almost as if she doesn't know as much as medical professionals....

Nosey is the page still gone? This would be a fab time to swipe those questioning her up!
Couldn’t the ‘originalelliegreyy’ page be used? Is that one of the Tattlers? It has posted for a while
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Well-known member
It looks like someone has been trying to access it. I’ve had to change the passwords. Maybe they took it down for security until I did.
Ellie trying to hack into it!! And yeah it wasn’t there when I first checked this morning & I saw that Exposing Nothing had one of his accounts taken down so I wasn’t sure if Insta were clamping down.
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Well-known member
It seems like Insta is actually clamping down now on some of these idiots, I take it everyone still reports Lieys page if you’re not blocked?

Its all gone pretty quiet on the troofer front I can’t think why 🤷🏻‍♂️

Having said that I think it was Lino George who led me to this next knob …..

Some lorry driver from Plymouth who seems to think he has inside intel on the BBC & the government have tried bumping him off 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ll be honest I didn’t waste 3 hours of my life listening to his story as I’m done with these idiots now I just find it funny he gets about 10 comments & a few views but seems to think he’s something pretty special in the conspiracy world and wants to go on national TV to tell his story 🤦🏻‍♂️

Also his video of his speech he done at the Birmingham protest was just cringe he got really angry at moments & expected the crowd to cheer him in them moments & they didn’t 🤣
I can imagine he’s a real treat for the ears. Deffo swerving him! Looks like a tool.
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VIP Member
Exposing_nothing posted recently asking why Africa didn't have tens of millions of deaths. His outdated white man's view of the African continent is astounding. Suggesting many of the countries have no access to food, water or healthcare. I'm surprised he didn't post a photograph of crusty old men with pith helmets and handlebar moustaches followed by some locals carrying a freshly shot lion on two long poles. There are many reasons why Africa didn't suffer as badly as people expected.
1 a very young population
2 very quick public health action
3 lots of compliance, although fuckwit and his followers believe not complying helped
4 good community health systems used to dealing with ebola and other diseases

I thought the days of people thinking Africa was one country of people in mud huts waiting for a white saviour were long gone. If Ash had done his research he would know all about Africa but he hasn't so he doesn't. All his followers are happy thinking the people of Africa just ignored covid and it went away.
Geography 1/100 Ash. You must try much harder.


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Chatty Member
The envelope thing blatantly just for Instagram 🙄those kids will be lucky if they get a day with their mum not on her phone let alone the rest
Don't most people do this stuff with their kids throughout the year anyway? Isn't that called spending time and having fun with your kids? Like parents are supposed to do?
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Chatty Member
She’s talking shit about footballers at the moment. She needs to shit her stupid fucking mouth. This is nothing new.
I agree, she needs to shit her stupid mouth 😉

I saw a couple of people saying things to the contrary of her post in the brief time her account was public earlier (& from the dog’s account- the only one of mine that isn’t blocked). I wonder if those comments are still there now?……

That one didn't stay up long. (That's what she said)
Ah. Whole post gone? Why am I not surprised.


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VIP Member
What a fucking cunt. Soft in the head.

Well, today I was on an interview panel. We were interviewing clinical trial managers for multiple sites globally.

So, once the decision was made, can I claim that I’m responsible for the sign off on a position, which will mean global recognition for the sponsors. I could claim that, couldn’t I? Could I fuck.
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