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Els Bells

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So my dear old mum died last week in hospital. Beeba you old hag there wasn't a single smiling assassin in a white coat anywhere. Just 3 consultants discussing how to make her last days comfortable. No empty wards, no tik tok and no hushed discussions on the depopulation agenda. My wife is a nurse and she tells me how mad it is but if you're not NHS then it comes as a shock when you see it first hand. Plenty of tea, toast and care for all of us in a side room they had somehow found for mum. The final indignation was we didn't have to argue to have covid removed from her death certificate, because it wasn't there. It just says stroke and heart disease which, funnily enough is what killed her. The poem below is for my mum.


Lots of people have great mums, but I think mine was better.
Like when you searched a dozen shops for a black and red striped sweater.
A present for my 10th birthday, a huge smile on your face.
I probably looked a right nobhead, but you said I looked “ace”

Remember mum, those chemicals you got from your friend Stan?
To make a weakened gunpowder I think that was my plan.
No Google then to help me out, so quantities uncertain.
And I blistered all the paintwork and set fire to a curtain.

You looked at me and shook your head and I thought “this is bad”
You shook your head again and said “I’ll pacify your dad”
Even then when dad came in he just said “oh my god”
“well you can rub the paintwork down you silly little sod”

Calls received at 4 am are often not good news.
I scramble in the darkness for my trousers and my shoes.
I grab my keys, tie my laces and gently stir my wife.
“its mum” I said “the hospital, they think its end of life”

Remember mum in Anglesey we were laughing on the floor.
Because our youngest brother trapped his bottom in the door.
You couldn’t help yourself and laughed, but didn’t let him see.
Just picked him up and kissed him and put him on your knee.

The doctor called us to his room and we knew bad news would follow.
No sugar coating for this pill and the pill was hard to swallow
No talk of depopulation, or doctors financial gain
Just 3 consultants talking to minimise mum’s pain.

“its ok nana, its just the nurse come to check again”
“shes got a small injection to help you with the pain”
My niece is sat beside her, shifting in her chair
Talking gently to her and stroking Nanas hair

Remember us at Christmas mum, perfection was your aim
But as we all got older you said it didn’t feel the same.
Then “13 bloody grandkids” , dad said “what a pain”
But really you both loved it as it was Christmas all again.

A gentle nock, the door opens “its only me again”
“ive got a small injection to help you with your pain”
My niece looks up to her and says “I think my nanas gone”
She slowly nods and quietly leaves and the nurses work is done.

A million happy memories mum, a thousand things to say
We were all beside you as you slowly slipped away
I close my eyes and see that sweater, and the smile upon your face
I probably looked a nobhead mum, but you said I looked “ace”
What a beautiful tribute to your mum. Much love to you and yours. May she rest in peace x
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So the trauma of being a stripper fifteen years ago makes your back hurt fifteen years later???? I see…

Mind you, if she knew it was all about the trauma why bother seeing anyone? Just fix the trauma and she’ll be bouncing around like Tigger again. Simple!
Stupid bitch!
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It's been a long day so I'm likely just over-tired, but this has just made me cry. It is refreshing to see a politician stand up for what they believe in rather than pandering to everyone and not rocking the boat to protect votes.
And me. I had a leaky eye as well.

Well said that woman! 👏🏻

Stupid cunt. How do you have debts for bills you don’t have to pay?? I fucking ate her with a passion! 🤬

It won’t let me say h a t e !!

Oh just Fuck Off Beeeba, you’re not funny, you loser!
Love that beeeeeeba’s got fuck all better to do than piss about doing shit like this. Another one with about as much relevance as a packet of Dr Whites. Speaking of which, isn’t it about time that she took one of her tampons and wiped it over her face? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ if she asks me nicely, I’ll give her a right hook, that would have the same result.
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Jaclyn Dumme is on stage in my vague vicinity with icke junior and the o looney undertaker. Someone I know is filming it live. She is now talking about people giving in to the vaccine so they can have their week in benidorm. Their rank snobbery completely boils my piss.
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Miming to “We are the world” today. What a tosser! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

Christ almighty, I have a few days awol and come back to a whole new Liey career! She’s now Doris Stokes. Fucking hell.

We’ve been having a lovely time doing stuff with grandbabies, albeit each one of us came down with a sickness bug for a day - we just juggled the kids around!

Have to tell you this: Now remember I’m in the north of England……..

Took the lot of them into a supermarket the other day. Needed Halloween outfits (I was overruled on just dressing the little buggers in bin liners). The frenchies are used to masks, they’ve worn them for ages. So in we went, all at the Halloween aisle.

Woman with a few kids passed by, made eye contact with me and glared at me. 🤦‍♀️ Two minutes later, came back:

“Excuse me”
“You do know that if someone stole your kids you wouldn’t be able to describe them cos they’ve got masks on”
Now, these grandbabies mean the world to me, I can describe them in fine detail, their faces, voices, eyes, everything about each one, is etched into my soul.
I said “I think I probably could”
“Listen, you do know there’s loads of child trafficking ‘goin about’ (sic) don’t you?”
“Really? Well thank you for telling me”
And off she popped.

Now, had she been suited and booted with perhaps a police ID badge around her neck, I might have entered into a conversation. But no, she was a 6 fingered knuckle dragged with about 3 teeth in her head and her kids were of very dubious parentage.

Finally, my mother has tested positive for Covid. She’s over at my brother’s. So I manage to keep her safe for the best part of 18 months, he gets her at his and voila.
Doris Stokes! 🤣🤣🤣 Hope your mum is better soon. ❤


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Has Martin May finally given up and deleted his socials for real? I've been blocked on couple of his alternates for using the laughing reaction to his 'energy dances'. Going offline and getting called a bellend in person instead might do him some good 🤣
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I bet Ellie is on the edge of her seat as we speak, furiously ‘researching’ her socks off trying to find ‘evidence’ to the contrary of the real-world data collated by actual research scientists from a large population group over a number of years.

I couldn’t help but notice this gem as I scrolled through Ellie’s Dad’s Facebook (as I’m sure we all did the other day!). Aside from the fact that he comes across as a deeply unpleasant, contrarian know-it-all, there are many stark similarities between him & his daughter. That’s some leap from ‘world’s most dangerous vaccine’ to the most recent data suggesting it reduces cervical cancer by 90%.

If she was indoctrinated into believing all of this anti-establishment nonsense from a young age, it’s hardly surprising she’s so blinkered.

She’s basically Gareth Icke in female form.

View attachment 846701
This is a real eye-opener.

Daddy Buckle's Facebook is just relentless that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

elLIE has been raised on this bullshit since the day she was born.

Plus his career has been as a private investigator, so he's always been suspicious of everyone and everything.

Now it all makes a lot more sense.

She's trying to please daddy.

Click here for the direct link to Daddy Buckle's Facebook account:

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Chatty Member
She and her ex's gf sent the reply together? Which one, the one about how her son doesn't want to live with her? Bit of a weird thing to do.
She sure does say some nasty shit about someone she gets on with so well. I don't get on with my ex at all but would still never write shit abiut them on the Internet.
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and the other reason I remember her was there wasn’t a week that went by where the two of them, her and ex husband where on the selling sites either looking for a new landlord or a new car, or car swap. Every week posting huge lists of ‘wanted’ items and selling prams or wanting pram swaps. It was constant. Constant. And she always ended up arguing in the comments. Every item she’d say interested and then thered be a big sob story why she can’t collect but she wants it and she’d mess people around. It’s hard to explain but it was deranged behaviour
I’ve seen those posts - biiiig lists of things they want or cars to sell.
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Unflushed turd returns shared this in his stories earlier.
Have these sadistic morons seriously got nothing better to do than search ‘suddenly died’ on the internet, then spend ages scrolling through obituaries for the tiniest most tenuous link to the Covid vaccine?

(I already know the answer & I hate them all).



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SO, the first time I became aware of her was 7 years ago when a man called Kieron Knowlden went missing in a nearby town to me and the town she lived in. Kieron was well known & they were a well known family and his story got HUGE coverage particularly on social media. There were huge threads on Facebook particularly. It wasn’t long after his disappearance that she piped up in the threads and became a constant name. She was called Ellie morphett then. She claimed she was a psychic and was giving huge posts of graphic detail of what had happened to him, she got the family on side she convinced them of this story that he had been abducted by a gang and was being kept in a barn at nearby country park. She hindered the investigation. She manipulated everything and ended up in the heart of the situation depsite being a stranger to them. She was visiting sites getting people out searching random places all manor of hours. I was watching this unfold and just knew she was either barking Mad or an evil narcissist. Or both. After a few weeks he was found. Poor guy had fallen in the river after a few too many bevvys right behind the club he had left. Then she vanished.
She’s popped up over the years particularly on the local selling pages asking for admin work part time. Specifically stating she has no qualifications but she is a hard worker.

my husband also went to school with Sam her ex husband and when they got together he said people talked about her being ‘abusive’ - stopping him seeing friends family, working him like a dog etc…
I wonder what she thought she’d get out of it. Did she ask them for money?
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