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Chatty Member
Well I have to say, I've received blood products since the vaccine programme started and at no point was I informed of their vaccine status, nor asked mine. I doubt that is something that would even be asked at the time of donation. However, if this lot want to refuse blood from vaccinated people, that is their prerogative and I hope they stand by it! 🙄 They all better hope them and their troofer families don't develop severe illness, suffer horrendous traumatic injuries or have complicated pregnancies/deliveries as with the Vaccine uptake at the levels we have, and most donors likely also being people that had themselves vaccinated given their understanding of helping others and social responsibility, the blood pool available from the unvaccinated is likely to be slim! I cannot imagine many of them being there donating themselves, so why would they expect others with their shared 'beliefs' to be doing it, plus you know, shedding from those working at donation centres 🥴.

Darwinism will be about to be apparent though as while they bleat on about natural immune systems, natural selection should hopefully pick the intelligent which rules them doubt they will be refusing ICU and ventilators for everything (Inc road traffic incidents, following major surgeries, sepsis, etc.) as ventilators kill and doctors and nurses cannot be trusted, they'll have to refuse all blood products at the risk of receiving from someone vaccinated as they will be unlikely to actually ever get that much info so better just refuse to be safe! They are stopping sun protection and refusing screening, self-diagnosing and treating cancer with pregnancy where necessary. If they feel so strongly maybe they should just reject ALL NHS and publicly funded education and stick to it. NHS will treat them 'without judgement' as will their kids be taught, but if they truly believe in everything they want to shout about, maybe it is time for them to make the ultimate stance and make sure they do not use public services at all given everyone is out to get them!

I completely agree but nah they need doctor’s and hospitals when they are sick all of a sudden, because they are cowards and get scared. Look at the guy from Right Said Fred. Needed days of treatment which he happily stayed for but straight back at it when he got out of hospital.

It’s actually quite scary at what some do though especially in America when they are too far gone to go to trust hospital.ivermectin is still being pushed as now is nebulising hydrogen peroxide ( read on Twitter a thread by exasperated doctors) fucking bonkers that people think they know better than medical clinicians with years of experience and actual experience of treating covid this last 18 months. What damage could they potentially be doing to themselves with random shit off the internet. NHS staff don’t care about big pharma it means nothing when treating patients on ward level. They just need the drugs that are proven to help. I work in the NHS I know it and staff aren’t perfect but I’d trust them a million times more than what I’m reading!
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Chatty Member

I have it on very good authority that Ellie’s 2 oldest children do no live with her.
M lives with his dad and apparently S has now moved there.
This was a decision made by the courts due to her exposure of them on social media.

Also their step mum is pro vax and works at the hospital.
It’s deffo not surprising. I can’t imagine a judge not removing them from her the way she behaves
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VIP Member
It’s in Surrey. I think that fucking idiot Mick was behind the camera. They make my blood boil.

Christ knows why I keep posting umpteen screen shots - I think I’ve become unbalanced. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's cute that they think they nonsensical papers actually mean anything and will get them anywhere other than potentially in a court room to be issued restraining orders.
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Chatty Member
Don’t worry I let her know what I thought which she then reported me. I’m going to wait until she puts a fresh post up & post it again in my main account but maybe a bit better so I don’t get reported again. These people make me so angry with this sort of thing it is disgusting 😡
Same as @FatFelix i was reading it thinking, ‘what is there to report it’s v polite’, then I read the last sentence and it absolutely made my day 🤣
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VIP Member
When you report something as false information on Insta is it better to click health or politics? Which (if any) is taken more seriously? Sometimes I feel like either could apply, so I want to choose the one that’s more likely to get reviewed?
I always press health. Even if it’s just Biba with her tits out - always health. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
No they went round because the MP who’s office he went to has reported him for harassment so they were just paying him a visit.
He says in the post though that he has no intention of leaving the MP alone though; so I’ve reported him for bullying and harassment.

Also, if you truly believed your child was in mortal danger at school, why would you leave them at school? I know many troofers are home educating (or attempting to 🙄), but exposing nowt appears to happily leave his son at school, in danger, even though he isn’t working 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
Riiiiiiiiight. Anyone believes that this isn’t just a tag for criminal activity and thinks it’s lockdown deserves everything they get imo
I call bullshit here too. I'm sure that's a sketch for one of Wanky Waltons tattoos too as he's only allowed blunt crayons..
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Chatty Member
Some of the replies on Julie Cs post as well, and they are LOVING IT. Absolutely loving the thought that their weird little fantasies are coming true. They’re all gonna be so pissed off to wake up this morning and find that things are back to normal 🤣
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VIP Member
Im all for letting kids ride out coughs and colds without medication but Biba first mentioned her girls detoxing about a fortnight ago. If Lola has had a hacking cough since then I'd be starting to think hmm maybe she needs a bit more than fresh air and the sea.
She’s such a knowledgeable cunt, isn’t she? No disease is caught, it’s developed ……… oh, is that right Dr Beeeeeeba. So Leprosy then? That just develops does it? One morning, you just wake up a leper? Herpes? Impetigo? Lymes? Stop talking shit Beeba. You know 5/8 of fuck all.
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Chatty Member
Why do they want the world to burn? I don't get it. If there was a blackout, where none had Internet access or communication tools for any significant length of time it'll not be fun. I don't know why some of them are so fucking excited for disaster!!

The last comment in the attached screenshot is just so weird


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VIP Member
So we are still seeing people banging on about Ivermectin. Perhaps we should be grateful that they think the virus is real. I found this on a Pharmaceutical website.

The drug’s manufacturer, pharma giant MSD, also warned that its analysis of ivermectin identified “no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against Covid-19 from pre-clinical studies”, “no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with Covid-19 disease” and “a concerning lack of safety data” in most studies.
So Big Pharma (remember them, they would stab you in the eyes so they could sell you sunglasses and a white stick) have warned it doesn’t work. A Big Pharma company with a cheap to produce drug and a potential market of billions of people aren’t pushing it.

Could it be that;
• They don’t see any profit in selling a drug to a ready market of billions of people?

• They’re stockpiling it for the “Poorly Horse” pandemic of early 2022 (you saw it here first)


Honestly I feel like im flogging a dead horse sometimes (who might not have died if someone hadn’t taken all their horse medicine)
answers written on the side of a brick thrown heartily at your least favourite Troofers head…….….
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VIP Member
I've said it before if ivermectin worked then Big Pharma (who make it!) would be all over it like Olly G on a bag of discarded chips...
Exactly. They reckon because it is a cheap drug they wouldn't would probably be as profitable for them to produce a known drug en masse, charging developed countries more for it as 'raw material' supplies prices surge than it is for the R&D costs that big pharma will have incurred producing the new vaccines (which multiple companies now have and due to the pandemic they would struggle to control market prices for). It's not in big pharma's interest to keep a pandemic going either as it is resulting in other conditions being underdiagnosed and underdressed, so other drug sales being affected. It is killing the elderly and vulnerable who are often on huge amounts of meds, and some with immune system affecting conditions may be on extremely expensive medicines and infusions, so withholding a cheap med from these patient groups just doesn't make sense.

Obviously we then have a UK-style public health system versus private healthcare, if a drug that was cheap to the NHS was that effective, it would be investigated and given to almost everyone to prevent hospital, and especially ICU stays. The costs involved with some of the prolonged COVID stays will be eye watering. If a GP could have prescribed a cheap drug at first notification of a positive PCR it would have been part of the guidelines. If Boris & Co. reckoned they could have given the working class a cheap drug and have them immediately return to the low paid jobs their buddies need done in order for them to continue making large profits, they would have. If there were signs that Ivermectin worked, NHS staff, etc. would have been given it to be sure that there were no prolonged periods of isolation for close contacts, etc. They wouldn't have needed to stop travel as they could have required everyone have a dose before they step on a plane. So it wasn't about it being a cheap drug or vaccine profits, and it's not even about the bloody passports as it would have been cheaper for governments to simply pay Facebook for their IG, FB and WhatsApp user data, to pay Amazon and Google for info from all the smart speakers, Google is good at keeping track of your phone and what you are doing/where you are, and even with location turned off, they could probably pay phone companies to give an idea of where your phone has been based on basic phone signals. I'm pretty sure that lot share more information with the social media giants every day than I do!
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VIP Member
So, it’s day one of Wanky’s Wonderful Lockdown.

Imagine :

Phone ringing in Bristol City Council’s refuse collection department.

“Good morning, refuse, how may I help you?”
“Aron Walton here, my bins haven’t been emptied”
“Well, no, they’re not being emptied.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Well, Jonny, our chief bin operative, he told us that his team leader follows your shenanigans, and their team has gone into lockdown”
“What do you mean, fucking lockdown?”
“Actually, that’s what we said to Jonny, but he’s having none of it, he says they’re off for two weeks. Carrying on about flattening some curves and gathering on a bandstand in Bristol”
“Listen, my fucking bin is overflowing with twattoo guns, ink, needles, Macdonald wrappers, you tell Jonny that the lockdown doesn’t apply to bin men. Tell that cunt to get down to Holey Skin and get my bastard bin emptied”
“Sorry sir, no can do. He’s got the backing of his union. We won’t see that lazy bastard until mid October. You’ll have to go to the tip”
“You fucking bastards!!!!”
“You started it”.


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It annoys me that the anti vaxxers go to these protests then they are the firsts ones to moan when we went into lockdown time and time again. Maybe if people took their heads out of their arses and actually listened to scientists and actual health professionals they will realise that the vaccine ain’t as dangerous as they are making out. Yes all vaccines have risks etc, so does paracetamol, we don’t know what’s in paracetamol but we still take it. We don’t know what’s in most things but we still take it even though there’s risks. Yes people have had really bad reactions but it’s VERY RARE. I am sure there were people who had reactions to the high school vaccines we had when we were 13/14 and no one made a fuss about that did they? They had no protests for them! No one was telling their mates don’t get them vaccines you have in high school because Susie’s been hospitalised!! No! These anti vaxxers are so far up their own arse they think they are something special 😂🤯
everything in life comes with risks. Im vaxxed as are most of my family and friends and isn’t it funny not one person i know personally has had any adverse reaction to it and no one I know has said they know someone else personally affected by it?! I also have some friends not vaxxed yet which is their choice but they are not ramming it down peoples throats they are just getting on with their lives like normal people do. Are they not tired protesting over fuck all yet?! They must lead very miserable and drained lives spouting negativity all day every day. Yawn
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