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The last time I commented on his page, I received the attached shortly after. What delightful individuals they all are.

I should point out that I actually never resort to name calling in the comments, which might surprise you, as I always call him a cunt here. But that *is* why I’m here- I need to vent to people who understand!

No, in the comments, I prefer to use factual information & a half decent vocabulary to undermine him, because I don’t like to come across as stupid as him/his followers. I think this idiot was riled because I had the audacity to mock his hero/warrior status.

View attachment 819208
They are absolutely ridiculous. They make me howl with their “You’d never say this to someone’s face”. Wrong. I absolutely would. Wankers.
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I just watched her latest like, why does she care what others do. I feel like she wanting to stay in this perpetual self inflicted oppression so she got summat to talk about. I was on a train today that went through both those stations today too and i saw very few without masks. The only trains I see where I'm the only one is local services. The national services and London the majority wear masks.

She's gassing to keep living like she is now, thinking she's leading the 99% into war against tyranny. When actually must of us are just getting on with shit.

If only they'd do some research eh lol. They're so quick to reshare anything that fits their narrative its actually ridiculous. One I saw on telegram today claiming they're vaccinating without consent in schools. I called him out as the OP later in the tweet had said their kid hadn't been vaccinated (coz they'd opted out) but in telegram they're all taking this screen shot without connect as gospel. Some call it out but then the mob descends and they're all 'I'm just sharing stuff, do your own research'

I saw one post that named a school in Newcastle and said all 4000 pupils were vaccinated. There's only 1900 pupils on roll. Do your research...took me 20 seconds to find out...
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Chatty Member
Yeah it is so travellers coming into the country can quarantine at home rather than a hotel.which is quite a good idea I thought.
But the bit about her having a friend in Singapore (or anywhere else) is bullshit
Yeah “sent to me” course it was Ellie. Course it was.

To clarify. Ellie is reading this thread. Morning Ellie. Shouldn’t you be working


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I love that these dickwads think that they’re going to be able to refuse blood products from vaccinated donors. As far as I know, of all the things donors are screened for- their (Covid) vaccination status isn’t one of them.
So essentially, they’ll refuse a transfusion on the basis of……….nothing. Imagine if your life actually depended on it.

Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well I have to say, I've received blood products since the vaccine programme started and at no point was I informed of their vaccine status, nor asked mine. I doubt that is something that would even be asked at the time of donation. However, if this lot want to refuse blood from vaccinated people, that is their prerogative and I hope they stand by it! 🙄 They all better hope them and their troofer families don't develop severe illness, suffer horrendous traumatic injuries or have complicated pregnancies/deliveries as with the Vaccine uptake at the levels we have, and most donors likely also being people that had themselves vaccinated given their understanding of helping others and social responsibility, the blood pool available from the unvaccinated is likely to be slim! I cannot imagine many of them being there donating themselves, so why would they expect others with their shared 'beliefs' to be doing it, plus you know, shedding from those working at donation centres 🥴.

Darwinism will be about to be apparent though as while they bleat on about natural immune systems, natural selection should hopefully pick the intelligent which rules them doubt they will be refusing ICU and ventilators for everything (Inc road traffic incidents, following major surgeries, sepsis, etc.) as ventilators kill and doctors and nurses cannot be trusted, they'll have to refuse all blood products at the risk of receiving from someone vaccinated as they will be unlikely to actually ever get that much info so better just refuse to be safe! They are stopping sun protection and refusing screening, self-diagnosing and treating cancer with pregnancy where necessary. If they feel so strongly maybe they should just reject ALL NHS and publicly funded education and stick to it. NHS will treat them 'without judgement' as will their kids be taught, but if they truly believe in everything they want to shout about, maybe it is time for them to make the ultimate stance and make sure they do not use public services at all given everyone is out to get them!

When your phone only shows the first line of a news story and you fear the worst and think fuck the troofers will have a field day with this....then you expand the headline and breathe sigh of relief! 🤣🤣
Margaret is also 91 years old, and it's great she's had her booster now and hopefully she'll have a well winter, but you know that even at 91 and statistics had that news been different, they'd have managed to twist that...last year they wouldn't have given a damn if she had been an unfortunate statistic of COVID and wouldn't have been worth protecting to them, and they shouldn't be locked down for old people, because her age would have meant it 'was expected', but that doesn't apply with vaxx of course.
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I don't know what the programme is, but I have it on in the background this morning. BBC1 and it seems to be a programme about Trading Standards or something like that (still on just now at 10.30). They have just spoken about a case where they took someone selling thermogram machines to court and won as they never had and likely never will have NHS approval, they reckon they may miss cancers and give false reassurance (false negatives), and Trading Standards won and the person was not to sell any more machines for use on humans...wonder where EG's person's thermography machine came from and whether after a ruling like that next time Trading Standards shouldn't even be going after just the seller (didn't look like they went after the person who bought one wanting to 'help' originally), but now the people actually using and profiting from them if they are making false claims, helped along by dangerous 'influencers'.

ETA: wonder if this was the case the were referencing...
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Alas, no. Just posted the video of himself moaning about it.
Apparently, he did film the whole thing though, because he mentions having done so & it ‘not looking good’ for the school.
I’d say going around filming yourself handing out these Notices of Liability with the intent to intimidate school staff/doctor's surgeries/vaccination centres etc doesn’t look good for him ultimately. If he wasn’t unemployable before, he certainly is now.
As an ex school governor I had to deal with a lot of idiots but none as stupid as exposing_nothing. He literally made himself looking a prick.
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He posted a video last night of some parents who’d taken their daughter to a vaccination centre under the guise of getting the vaccine, but they were in fact there to serve one those stupid NOLs on an unsuspecting nurse. They filmed it of course.
So, parents who allow their children to be vaccinated are (according to him) evil or whatever. Yet it’s ok to use your child as a pawn to trick your way into a vaccination centre and bombard an unsuspecting nurse with an onslaught of whatever this is (I can’t watch it). Wonder how the child really felt…?
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Julie colquhoun has shared a still from a video supposedly showing a 13 year old girl *actually* dying after receiving the vaccine. All her followers are commenting ‘can you send me the video?’

Why are they so disgusting? Why would they want to see it? They are the weirdest bunch of people I have ever encountered, they are like vultures 🤮
Hideous fucking wierdo’s the lot of them. Julie is pissed off people aren’t taking her up on her business scam so is getting more and more wound up and sounding completely unhinged as the days progress. Not one person has said where it supposedly happened or when though. They’ve got no clue and neither has the brainwashed bint, but happy to post it and cause more fear and divide! As she admitted, she only posts things that may even be only 50% true though cos why not! Fucking wretched vile woman that she is.
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I saw this comment earlier and it looks like it’s now been hidden. Maybe a few tattler want to give exposing stupid some crap for censoring comments. In his post about Charlotte Hawkins.View attachment 805519
It's cute that they cannot even keep up with their own claims. Seemingly everyone knows someone who had a blood clot immediately after a vaccine...but now this is months later so how do they explain that? At one point anti-vaxxers were encouraging people to try get hold of blood thinning medication in preparation for potentially having covid to avoid covid related blood clots, but couldn't be covid related in this case? And if they remember correctly, the rare clotting issues were associated with AZ, yet here they are claiming she had Pfizer. Like do your research guys and remember what you are arguing day to day.
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Not sure why we would have a lock down in 2 weeks when hospitals aren’t as overwhelmed and other restrictive measures could be used first.oh but I work in the NHS I’m supposed to be in the know about the covid fakery etc aren’t I?

Hospitals are very busy it’s winter but my hospital in the north has the least number of covid patients we’ve had for months considering the high cases. The vaccines are working and now the booster is around hopefully it will continue to work for those that needed.

Elderly people will of course die their bodies are failing as they age it doesn’t mean it’s the vaccine doing it 🙄
I wish my wife had received all the "extra" payments these idiots think NHS staff have been getting for reducing the world's population. I could retire...
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Chatty Member
Can anyone translate this please? It’s early and it just seems like gibberish.

View attachment 806032
I looked up the paper she thinks is a 'gotcha'. It's an experiment conducted on cell cultures, not humans. I read in a journal that many of the drugs people claim are wonder cures won't work in humans as the one required either can't be replicated in, or would kill a human.

So yeah, that paper does show that IN CELL CULTURES its effective but that's not the same lol

Come on Julie, at least try to read the sources you share
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I’ve got an idea, as you wouldn’t want to blow your cover with Liey if you screenshot or pass me any names that say they’re interested in buying what Lieys trying to sell I will message them with the link to where they can get it cheaper?
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