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Well-known member
According to crazy Julie they’re coming after our pets. Why? I cannot tell you (and I don’t think she can either), but it’s all part of the master plan so lock up your cats and dogs 🤷‍♀️

Oh. And don’t forget. Even if only 50% of what she tells you ends up being true then she still only deals in facts and solid evidence.
She can’t understand why vets are making people wear masks. Errr because if your little tiddles gets hit by a car Julie and all the vets are off sick with covid, who the fuck do you think is going to perform emergency surgery on little tiddles sweetheart! 🙄
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A bit woe is me this evening
Newsflash Ellie, you are far from ‘normal’ you weird bullshitting little cunt.
Christ she has to make the most everyday things so fucking profound, I bet she can’t even take a dump without finding some deep and spiritual significance around it.
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Chatty Member
Julie's latest series of stories shows she's just lost it. She's getting sent stuff that's She's taking as gospel without any sources or scientific evidence. None of these truthers can decide on which conspiracy is the real one coz they can't all be fucking true.

She claims the vaccine reduces white blood cell count by 50% for the 1st one then a further 25% for the second one. Her claim is white blood cells are regenerated then at the 8 week point when you get your second vaccine.. Well, looking at this is easily refuted. Additionally, later on she suggests that boosters remove your immunity and you'll be relying on boosters for the rest of your life. Well, that's ridiculous as if 80%of adults all had 0 immunity how would that look in society, wouldn't I be sick/ dead by now?

A quote from the Blood website
"How fast does your body make blood?
Your body makes about 2 million new red cells every second, so it only takes a number of weeks to build up stores of them again.

What about your white cells and platelets? A number of other messenger proteins also stimulate the production of these cells in the bone marrow, and over the next few days levels return to normal."

She also confused about blood, plasma and that unvaccinated blood is now what 'they' want cuz vaccinated blood is rubbish. FFS it's madness. If "they" want to kill you the last 18 months isn't the way they'd ago about it.

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Wanker, wanker, wanker. This one really does boil my fucking piss. I mean WHAT is he marching for? What for? What is upsetting the poor little, teeth sucking, scruffy born cunt?

And the little spotty gobshite with his phone, looks like he could do with a fucking good wash and a few Holland’s pies.
In our hundreds. Says it all really. What's the population of the UK? 🤔
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The way they gush over old Monotone Mark Sexton is embarrassing,

2 more that can be added to the list;

“Mark as an ex-copper demonstrates a surprisingly ignorant appreciation for criminology/evidence law.”

“Mark is a dopey cunt.”


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Attached is my face when I read that this motley crew of misfits were ‘Armed to the teeth with scientific & medical evidence’.

Anna De Buisseret: Affectionately titled ‘Senior Lawyer’ by Exposing_stupid, when in fact, she is no longer practicing & had no expertise in the highly specialised field of medical law & vaccine regulation anyway (source: Reuters). Rumour has it, she’s no stranger to Haloperidol either…….

Monotone Mark Sexton: The world’s most boring conspiracy theorist. His theory that the vaccine is a ‘bioweapon’ has been heavily debunked, but still he persists. I thought he ‘wasn’t moving’ from Parliament Square until arrests were made, but evidently he has indeed moved.

Some undertaker guy: Yeah. He’s been a bit busier than normal. There’s been a pandemic. Also mate- you’re an UNDERTAKER, not a pathologist. It’s not your job to determine the cause of death. Next……

Dolores Cahill. Oh, Dolly. How the mighty have fallen. Whilst it’s true she was once a respected academic, it’s an appeal to false authority now, because of her numerous unsubstantiated claims about Covid 19. She’s been dropped by the political party she was affiliated with & her employment from University College Dublin terminated because of her insane public conduct. I believe there’s a warrant out for her arrest in the UK too.

Dr Samuel White: Really? Another appeal to false authority. Suspended by the GMC, this douchelord now provides functional medicinal consultations at £350 a pop. Oh & he’s got a Go Fraud Me to cover his ‘legal fees’. Of course he has.

Dr Samuel White’s solicitor. Not sure why he’s there. Probably specialises in employment law if he’s representing Douchelord. Needs to stay in his lane.

Didn’t catch the name of the lady doctor bint. Meh.

‘Immediate halt to the vaccine rollout’ though. Bwahahahaha 😂🤣🤪

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Speaking of vaccines, whatever happened to the hysteria around ‘shedding’? Has that one been kicked into the long grass? Only, I have MS and always offered the flu vaccination. I had it today. I’m wondering if I can find some anti vaxxers and go and fucking shed all over the bastards. 🤣

Aw, a great meeting of minds. Fuck me.


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Chatty Member
She’s right that they’re desperate for plasma donations, that’s because there’s a world wide shortage due to covid halting donations and millions of people like me who require regular infusions have been depleting supplies. Without my four weekly day in the chair I’d be in a lot of trouble. Their being desperate for plasma has nothing to do with any sinister bloody plan. I was sure she said once (or twice!) that she only speaks in straight facts??? 🤷🏼‍♀️
She is absolutely bonkers. I don’t think she knows the meaning of the word ‘fact’. The smug look she does when she thinks she knows something that all the simpletons haven’t picked up on makes me want to punch her in the face and I’m really not a violent person at all 🤣
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VIP Member
According to crazy Julie they’re coming after our pets. Why? I cannot tell you (and I don’t think she can either), but it’s all part of the master plan so lock up your cats and dogs 🤷‍♀️

Oh. And don’t forget. Even if only 50% of what she tells you ends up being true then she still only deals in facts and solid evidence.
If someone comes after my dogs, they’ll soon bring the little fuckers back. The oldest is 10 and he’s the daftest bastard dog I’ve ever known. The puppy is a little cunt and as of 7am this morning, I sport a cracking bruise on my arse where he bit it. 😅😅😅😅😅😅
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I love seeing anyone critiquing that cocky little twat,he hates it 😂😂
It’s also great seeing them all fall out & continuously move the goalposts as more & more of their conspiracy’s don’t come true.
And even know we already knew it that account that said about what does marching with a megaphone actually do is spot on why can’t they work out that they’re actually achieving nothing & just wasting their time. What happened about the papers they served ITN? And the compliant they were going to put in against the police at another protest?😂

It really has just been one big piss up for them I wonder how many people will turn up to them now the temperatures start to decrease & more & more of their conspiracy’s don’t materialise 😂😂
I’ve just questioned him under one of my aliases 🤣


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Do we think it’s time for a Lieys medical conditions post?

Can everyone post screenshots of her various medical conditions here and I’ll post them up x
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Martin May is one very strange person his videos are pure cringe 🤣🤣
Did you see the vid where he was ranting and raving about an app for petrol much like track and trace. Turns out the article he got this info from was from the satirical site NewsThump 😂 What a div
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Having a look at Ellies insta today….it’s been a while. That cancer shit is inflammatory isn’t it 🙄…..once again targeting the desperate and vulnerable….. I mean that’s low isn’t it…new lows! She’ll either post absolute bullshit that has no meaning what so ever … or something shocking like the cancer post. She’s really trying to push her influencer image to become almost memeable. There’s soooo sooo many people out there who do it better Ellie. If I wanted to follow a natural living influencer or a mental health account I certainly wouldn’t follow you. A narcissistic transparent grifting fraud.
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The irony here of Remeece, the ‘Poundland’ rapper, being offered a pound by a kid from the school he was hanging around yesterday.
Bless. Is it possible he thought he was a really shit busker?

P.s Remeece. You’ve really got to stop hanging around in the bushes outside schools. Makes you look like a pweirdo.

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Or he was offering a pound for him to fuck off?
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Oh, just tell her to fuck off. She thinks Liey is as much of a cunt as we do, she just can’t say so because she knows Liey will read it and at some point, the children could see it. Stupid fuckers, all of them.

Unfortunately, for all concerned, once you stick something on an online platform, and the likelihood it will be there forever and has the potential to be found, and can come back to haunt you. Just like Liey is now discovering.
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