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It’s really bloody awful what she said, her mum died so she can move? Sod Katie then! As for never leaving her mum but it’s okay for Connor to leave his? I’d hate for my kids to end up with someone like her! As said before, she’s a total narc, lacks empathy and very entitled.
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She is so unlikeable. I can’t even put it into words. She is just a vile vile petty nasty person, that one mean girl in school who no one likes and no one wants to be friends with. No matter how hard she tries, puts on her ✨AnGeLlSsS✨ persona, she will always just give mean girl vibe. No one above 18y.o can be fooled by her. She gives me the vibe of jealous greedy spoiled brat.
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This new vlog has me screaming. She is just drivelling on to herself about being a Costal Cowgirl in Texas.
She really is on another planet. A mum of two waffling on about entering her Costal Cowgirl. She needs some friends.
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Absolutely not! I think she’s only continuing it because it’s a friendly face, and she’s lonely. There is no way she’d feel the need to upheave her life to that far away from friends and family if she was mentally stable. She needs to switch therapists.

Also I forgot to mention in my recap, both Elle & Con said they miss Europe, and how easy it was to travel to and from European countries. They should’ve just moved to France/Spain/Portugal!

They are never ever happy or satisfied. Now they miss europe.. If they were in europe theyd want the big us dream life. Living for the social media has totally fucked them up.
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I've got a copy of Elle's dad's book (84p 😂 )

He prefaces the book to say that he was an investment banker; a beautiful supportive wife; five daughters; a large house in London and a get away cottage in the New Forest. He ended up in prison in Pennsylvania in solitary confinement.

Straight from school, he worked at the Nat West in Trowbridge.

Giles was indicted in 2002 and was fighting his case while living in the UK. The NatWest three lived in Houston, basically under house arrest for around 18 months when Elle was 11. His family could only spend short periods of time in Houston - his exact words are 'to snatch a few days or couple of weeks together- then they would go back to their lives in the UK!!!'. So, Elle DID NOT LIVE IN HOUSTON - HER DAD DID!!! Lying little toe rag! She rarely visited! Giles said the flights were expensive and money was then, tight

Giles was really upset about handing his favourite clothes over to the prison guards - especially his American Eagle shirt......he doesn't say anything about leaving his beloved family. It sounds like Elle takes after her father for being shallow

OOh, he mentions his family - that they sent him money from the UK
That’s hilarious- muggy Elle stitched up by her dads book 😂 😂
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It annoys me so much how she constantly goes on about all the hard things that she’s been through or whenever she talks about America she says just a reminder that your dreams don’t end when you go through bad things like the only bad thing that she’s gone through is losing her mum, which is obviously awful but 99% of people in the world have lost somebody close to them. Anything else that’s happened in her life that’s bad is the stuff she’s bought on herself for being a racist. She constantly goes on like she’s been so hard done by when she’s 1000x more privileged than most
It’s complete bollocks. Her dad commit fraud, got sent down and her parents split up, but her life carried on pretty much the same, mother still lived in a big house in a nice Village, Elle still went to private school. She’s so entiand spoiled, she’s rotten to her core. She’s fake , those tweets were the real Elle Darby. This is a girl who wrote wishing her cat dead, hating on people due to their race/size/sexuality. Vile.
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My view is that if you can get away with and have the luxury of not needing to put your kids under the supervision of strangers before they can talk, then don't. Fair enough with Saint but why on earth does Romeo need to be in daycare when he has two stay at home parents?!
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Everything about this move is painful. She's a walking disaster !

She's already basically said once their 1 year lease is up there not staying where they are now. So poor Saint will make new friends, then lose them when she moves them. It's very clear she hasn't got a clue what she's doing. I'll stick around to watch her fail tho
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So she's got childcare so her and con can have romantic dates and she can commence the baby planning and baby number 3 💫💫💫💫💫💕💕💕
She will be devouring Connor as we speak with the same enthusiasm she has for a packet of chocolate digestives! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣
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I remember reading a few people on here saying that she’s never happy and always chasing the next thing, and I totally agree. Especially after seeing that Q&A on instagram. She said she is comparing her life, emotions and feelings in America to how she felt in the UK. Kind of trying to convince herself that she’s happy. I feel like she is constantly like “am I happy now? Has this made me happy? How about now?” And when she still feels the same as before or unfulfilled with each thing she just jumps onto something else. It’ll be baby 3 next. She’s got to always be doing something, chasing some sort of feeling of fulfilment or happiness
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I don’t even think the kids are happy there. In one of her recent vlogs whilst she’s taking saint interrupted her and said mummy I miss **** and said what sounded like a nickname for someone. The next clip is her saying saint is really missing his cousins and his face lights up when he face times them. The boys clearly feel lonely too. Friends are so important for young children and they have no one but other adults so far.
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I hate to say it but for as long as I've watched Elle, there has seemed to be a real disconnect between Elle and Katie. Katie clearly adores Elle, but Elle acts guarded and almost uncomfortable around Katie. Like she's never fully committed to just being her sister and enjoying her company.
It looks like when they're together, Elle is always on eggshells or something.
When she filmed her goodbye with Katie before she left for the U.S, it was so awkward with Elle coming across embarrassed when Katie was jokingly asking her to stay and it looked like Elle just wanted to quickly get away.
I don't know if it's because Elle just can't let go and be herself on camera or if there is a divide between them which Katie can't see because she's such a pure person. I hope I'm wrong and Elle is more loving towards Katie off-camera but who knows?
TBF and from what I have heard ( local gossip/friends) they are close. I find the whole move to America really odd for this reason. Conman no, I totally see him loving it over there but Elle, she’s a home bird. I think she got caught up in the gym life stuff and adored the attention in the early days and talked about moving to the US to open a gym, but in reality she really she is a country bumpkin, she likes being home, likes being with her family and friends and likes all the seasons of the UK. She likes tea and biscuits and a garden centre. she loved Lucy’s house but even then, why try and copy it ( from the house drawing she showed) she’s not got modern taste, Elle loves white company, cottage, French farm house vibes. I genuinely don’t understand the need to show off and be braggy all the time. Yes some of it is all for SM but to live your whole life like that must be exhausting. Who is she impressing? 17year old Fiat 500s ? Crazy.
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I can’t believe they’re going away and leaving the dogs again. Surely if you knew you had a trip planned in 9 days time you’d just leave the dogs for an extra 2 weeks in the kennels they’re comfortable in? Especially given they’d already been there 5/6 weeks?

Seems wild to me to put them through all this upheaval & travelling stress then just as they’re probably starting to settle disappear and abandon them with people they don’t know at all in a country they don’t know 😳. Quite arguably a lot worse than leaving them at bath country pets in the first place least they knew there well☹
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I hope the Herbie and Heckie Thread isn't coming back my sweet angles. I am no dog lover, but those pooches should have been rehomed. Everyone in her life just plays a part in The Elle Show, with staring act Katie about to enter.
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also, why weren't they waiting in the terminal for her. When I lived in australia, i had my brother come to see me, I paid to park and waited for about an hour so i could see him walk out of the baggage reclaim ( he was about 23 at the time and he doesn't have any additional needs). they should've been waiting for her not the other way around.
Yes!! And if it was to do with the kids then just one of them should have gone. Katie is vulnerable and was probably tired and emotional. They should have been there.
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To be fair it is clear the dogs love Connor, Ellie not so much. In her video, around the 10.30 mark she puts her arms out thinking they’re going to jump up on her and they run right past her. Even when they get to the house Connor is playing with them and they’re excited whereas elles is just stood there with the camera and they’re zooming past her with no interest
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I truly think they are using that house as a stomping ground whilst they travel around America for 1-2 years then they will come back to the UK for Saint to start school and live REAL life again. Its obvious they aren't staying in the US long term i don't know why they don't just say it.
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Really wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was just for content as an attempt at a career revival but it hasn’t really worked as she hoped. Maybe a bit of a holiday at the same time. But I don’t think the plan was ever to really move there permanently which makes the amount of money spent so far absolutely insane. If they have no other properties here she’s going to struggle getting back on the ladder. She can do all the American seasons and then back to the UK emotional family reunion. She’s all about the views and money and can imagine her planning it all in her head. None of it is for anyone’s benefit but hers
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