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I think the power dynamic is changing in the marriage as well , Connor is trying to do things on his own , she will realise he doesn’t need her like he seemed to in the uk
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She’s asking for Mexico suggestions because she wants a freebie! But yes, poor doggos 😢
Poor dogs. She's so selfish. 52 states to explore and she wants to hop on a plane and leave the dogs. Why not do a road trip and take the dogs? I can't deal with her anymore.
Also, seems so sus that Lucy has bought another house..... is this why Jordan wasn't that arsed dropping them off at the airport and just said 'have a nice time'? Part of me thinks that house will be waiting for Elle at the end of her trip and they've all been in on it somehow.
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Chatty Member
She didn't even see Katie off at the airport? Just a weird, awkward goodbye at their house. They could have said goodbye as a family at the airport surely. Also, agree, there didn't seem to be much emotion from Elle.
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I find it weird how Connor’s instagram is all about him and the kids and Elle only sometimes somewhere. Even now on the Mother’s Day he posted a video where 99% is himself and the kids. I don’t know maybe this is just influencer’s thing because Elle does the same but idk it’s more understandable when girls posts selfies etc but with a guy it’s just giving weird vibes.
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It annoys me so much how she constantly goes on about all the hard things that she’s been through or whenever she talks about America she says just a reminder that your dreams don’t end when you go through bad things like the only bad thing that she’s gone through is losing her mum, which is obviously awful but 99% of people in the world have lost somebody close to them. Anything else that’s happened in her life that’s bad is the stuff she’s bought on herself for being a racist. She constantly goes on like she’s been so hard done by when she’s 1000x more privileged than most
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How she can afford Disneyland after blowing around(?) 100k on this move is beyond me. She’s just doing it for views as her views are drastically dropping.

I must admit, it’s hilarious that her ‘We’re moving to the USA!’ vlog racked up significantly lower views than her ‘Come shopping with me in B&M!’ vlog that was posted the same week 🤣

As many have said, Romeo will be 1. He won’t remember this trip, but then I’m surprised the poor doggos even remember who their owners are at this point.

Truthfully, I reckon Elle and Connor are both bored of Texas. They don’t have jobs, and she doesn’t have friends. I think they’ve booked Disneyland to have a change of scenery!
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I see she's pushing out the riveting content 🙄🙄🙄.... I'd rather see paint dry. As someone else said, all she's done is eat fast food from the moment she touched down in the US! Not seen her eat anything remotely healthy.
It's such a bore and I struggle to see who it would appeal to anyway?!
The whole move is not real life! They aren't doing anything remotely normal that a family who's just relocated would do. It honestly just feels like one big holiday. She's just getting chauffeured around to the shops and eating her way through the local fast food and going on day trips!
I just think the rental will be used as a base for their adventures for the next year. So yes, I think those dogs will be left quite a lot unless they do big road trips and take them with them.
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The dogs have been there all of what 10 days or thereabouts and they are leaving them already? It’s not like they are in the US for a few weeks so they have to try and squeeze in a trip to Disney. They could do that in a few months time, it’s completely unnecessary to do that right now when the dogs are still settling in. It took my dogs a good few weeks to fully settle into our new house.

I definitely got the sense from Elle in particular that she enjoyed it when they didn’t have the dogs to think about before the dogs arrived in the US. Barely ever mentioned missing them, enjoying the freedom of doing trips and days out without the dogs to factor in and now the dogs have arrived she wants to continue to do that so they’ll just leave them at the drop of a hat.

The dogs were always just a piece of content for Elle when they were puppies and now she’s got them for life and it seems like they are an inconvenience to her tbh. I think Con is more genuine with them than she is and that comes across in how they react to both of them.

Like others have said Disney is all for content, it’s like she’s worried people are going to get bored so she’s thinking what will keep people interested and of course it’s another chance for her to show off and gloat about how amazing her life is and how it’s all a dream
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Bobby Orange

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Her fans are wild. Jasmine is worried that if someone asks where the dogs are and why she's left them again so soon that Elle might leave social media. And we don't want that! wtf. Unhinged.
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Chatty Member
Also let’s face it, the Disney trip is for her and Connor - saint too. Not for Romeo. He won’t have a bloody clue and be stuck in the buggy all day. I wonder if they’ve managed to get the family friends who live an hr away to have the dogs… i just can’t believe she’s happy to leave them again and so soon after what they’ve been through! She screams mother and dog owner of the year and how devoted to her dependents she is but she couldn’t be further from that if she tried. She does not have an ounce of empathy towards those dogs. How many times has she said it feels like home now theyre with them but straight away off on holiday with many more planned too. But they’ll never rehome them as she has an image to keep up. So sad.
It’s all for content. She’s obsessed with forcing this comeback that she’s getting into a lot of debt to make it happen. She doesn’t know what’s her real life and what’s her ‘content’ life is. She’s LIVING to make herself a career again and missing out on her kids childhood and making her dogs suffer at the cost. She’s a clown. She will look back 15 years time and regret MASSIVELY that she didn’t put her phone down and enjoy these little boys more!
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God wasn’t that reunion vlog a hard watch. My heart broke for Katy when she was reunited with her sister. She is happy for them but she’s been hiding emotion about how devastated she is and the sobbing proves that. Elle didn’t shed a tear and was more concerned about capturing content which is not even worth talking about it’s so disgusting. Making money from that raw and pure emotion is inhumane.
Katy is such a beautiful soul and absolutely hilarious too. I hope she’s ok.

Couldn’t believe at the start of the video how Elle was talking about Kathy coming over and how it’ll be so good for her (Elle) and how she needs this so much. No mention of how Katy will benefit from it or how excited she is to see her. All about herself…again. 🤢
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Did anyone else get the impression that Connor was getting sick of her moods in the latest dollar store video..she made a remark about him thinking he was Thor when they were in the car…he just went quiet then looked really pissed off before dryly continuing the conversation again…get really off vibes from them when they’re not entertaining the kids.
Their relationship is definitely not as perfect as she’d like people to think. For years it’s looked like he can’t stand her. I think if they didn’t have the kids, they’d have broken up. But Connor loves being a dad so much I don’t think he would leave her now
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Connors instagram is giving single dad
he always gives that vibe. The last time he featured Elle was the end of March and she’s only on his grid recently because it’s her post that he’s tagged in.

I had to laugh at the Costco trip photos where he’s standing with the full trolley of expensive appliances and mattress like he bought it for his family when it was his sugar mama taking the pic who paid for all the stuff as well as paid for the big car he’s driving around in.
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