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I'll be sharing my screenshots of Elle's dating profile/other encounters with true Elle Haters privately since that's the only reason why I gossip, because I hate her
I am indeed a true hater, and I need receipts please. 🤣I'll trade you info about her meetup, which I attended then DMed everyone on GG with details because there weren't enough attendees to remain anonymous. You can see me in her video. 💓
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Nobody needs that many dresses. She literally just hauled $1000 worth of dresses.

I live in NYC (as many of you beautiful lurkers), two years younger than Elle, go out a lot (well, not now). I make a very decent 6 digit income and hold a title which most 'not-so-young' professionals like me and Elle should hold 8 years into our career. Also I consider myself quite fashionable.

Social support wise - my parents are doing OK and my fiance is more like Chris material. So basically i'm Elle but better.

Still, I can only justify buying one Reformation dress every year and consider that pretty generous budget already.

Also, I hate the materials for most Reformation dresses. Ethical and environmental friendly? Perhaps. Comfort? Hell no.
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1) Happy Hour with Elle (Livestream 1)... 13k views.
2) Sangria Sunday with Elle (LS 2)... 9.7k views.
3) Happy Hour with Elle (LS 3)... 9.2k views.
4) Happy Hour Exciting Announcement (LS 4)... 11k views (bc of announcement).
5) Grand Margarita Happy Hour with Elle (LS 5)... 6.2k views.
6) Making Seashell Hoop Earrings (LS 6)... 5k views.

Her views are going down every week unless she does an exciting announcement. What a drip. Wonder how low this one will go.

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Hey, long time lurker here 👋

Just wanted to comment how odd it is that Elle likes to appear so put together and yet her love life is so volatile. Her brand is cool urban professional that has great taste in fashion, jewelry, books, decor, etc; So it's incredibly jarring whenever she admits to a sudden breakup. I have my suspicions for why each relationship has ended, that is more nuanced than Elle being the common denominator.
  • Chris -- seems like the avoidant type. Didn't strike me as a very warm person, which Elle had alluded to preferring a "warm" person in a later video post-Chris, sounds like her emotional needs weren't being met and she needed more cuddles.
  • Joe -- never looked comfortable in front of the camera and thought he could mold himself into the kind of guy Elle wanted since he was into her... but all the pressure to keep her happy at his expense led to their abrupt breakup because he felt trapped and knew he couldn't give her the ring she wanted, but she was too caught up in her perfect world to really notice how Joe felt
  • Rick -- this was a sloppy choice on Elle's part because to me this guy is not attractive in the least... way too pompous and full of himself, but she was desperate now that she's past 30 and still unwed. The fact that he can use big words and was a law professor was probably his few redeeming traits, which goes to show how status and image obsessed she is.
Like others have mentioned I actually liked her older girlboss videos and the Joe-era vlogmas videos. Part of what made her unique was that she was a young working professional in the city that didn't put out sponsored videos, but now she can't make a single video without pushing her own brand onto viewers. It's incredibly irritating and she's lost her spark. Now she just looks like a sell out. I think she's capable of regaining some of that spark if she would just cool it with nouvelle pearl. That and get a real job because that's what got her subscribers in the first place, but if she wants to pivot to making jewelry and selling it to only her subscribers, then it just seems like she's using her audience without giving anything back because her recent content has been so boring, my god. She's seriously delusional if she thinks we're so enamored by her that we would be content with WIEIAD and nordstrom/sephora hauls and still buy her pearls and cheap-looking gemstone jewelry. Where's that interesting and new content she promised in the rick-breakup video????

A fed up subscriber
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I just looked at her social blade account and noticed that on Thursday she had negative viewership of +17,000. So I looked up why that happens and she either made a video private or YouTube did an audit of her viewership and took away purchased views. I think we have seen enough evidence of her desperation to know she is buying subscribers and views. She also now all of sudden is doing giveaways (a bracelet, a lash kit, apparently another piece of jewelry she is making in the next live) clearly trying to bring in more people so she can afford another Nordstrom rack haul.

Screen Shot 2020-05-16 at 11.13.25 AM.png

Also I'm sure Elle will go wild with dating once lockdown restrictions ease and I'm sure she will try to pack in as many dates as possible into each day until she finds someone. Once she hits 32, every pore on her will reek of desperation (even more than now, if possible). The train continues on and I can't look away.

I am fully expecting her to be booked up once lockdown is over. She has been without a man for, what, 5 months now? She's gotta get out there and lock down a man so she can prove her self worth.
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Maybe a year ago I would've thought Elle could've gotten better and worked on herself. But now, it is clear she uses everyone she can for whatever she can take. she's too stubborn to go to therapy and work on her issues. A normal person would've re evaluated their life after being dumped by someone they thought was going to propose (Joe) and again after being dumped by a loser fiance! Not Elle!

The fact that she can't self reflect and can't even learn from her own mistakes shows she's just blind , her goal is to get married and that drive is clouding everything she does. Guys at the grocery store better be careful I'm sure Elle is trolling for someone anywhere she can find them.

She clearly has no issues about lying and misleading people and to me that means she's a shitty person. I don't want bad things to happen to anyone no one deserves shit to happen to them. But, when she plays the victim and takes zero accountability for her actions it is hard to feel bad when shit hits the fan
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However, I don't think she puts the 'in-house counsel' title on LinkedIn to scam potential employers. I think she did that just for us GGs :)

Most companies are quite stringent in back-ground check before they hire anyone. I don't think she'll pass. I also don't think she's stupid enough to believe she can pass.

She's just putting it out there for us and for potential dates!
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Out of curiosity ... if you know the building can you tell us the monthly rental she is paying? Can you search that Airbnb and try and book a month for fall and see the price that comes up?
So that's not her building – her building is kind of in SLU and this address is in Belltown. I'll look for her Airbnb listing in a sec

Edit: her lease is up in June it looks like. This apartment looks like corporate housing for summer interns so she's probably being kicked out because these companies usually have contracts with companies. Lmao homeless in Seattle. The Airbnb is $135 per night with a 25% off discount if you rent for the whole month
This obviously doesn't include service fees and cleaning fees. I remember that added up to about $5000

It looks like if you go directly through then it's $3943 a month, but they are giving a discount in September when it's available because fall/winter is. When apartment is cheapest

If you're curious go to ZeusLiving and search for 1 bedroom, pet friendly, pool. If you find the unit with the black and silver stripped building in the window view you've found the one


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There is no way that Elle breaks up with any of her boyfriends. She is codependent and can't be without a man.

That said, you are all saying she's on dating apps. So can anyone find one of her profiles? I'm dying to see it.
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I don’t know if this is applicable to the field of law, but I’m a mechanical engineer by education and license, however I currently work in finance, not at all in mechanical engineering anymore, not for years. BUT I still consider and call myself a mechanical engineer, and I still hold the state licensure.

I DON’T go around bragging about my “busy mech engineery lifestyle” (Elle: “busy, lawyerly lifestyle”) or claim to be employed as a mechanical engineer at my company (Elle: “I’m in-house counsel at a securities regulator”). But I do continue to call myself a mechanical engineer, as do all my colleagues who now work outside the ME field.

Does it not work that way in law?
Actually, now that I think about it “lawyer” is really a job role, not a degree, right? So technically she could continue to call herself a “JD” (not sure if she is one) and that would be correct, but not “lawyer” since she ISN’T A LAWYER. I think? Like someone with a PhD is still Dr. XYZ, but not a “lawyer” if working at Starbucks currently. Someone who knows, please weigh in.

She'll probably end up with an older dude who is a socially awkward loser and any other non-desperate woman wouldn't give him the time of day. No truly ELIGIBLE bachelor will put up with her twisted psyche for long.
Rick T. Miller
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The way Rick shakes his head as he’s speaking like a bobble-head and his frat/surfer boy inflection are so unattractive.

Remember in that one vlog in which Rick and Elle were at brunch,and they were snuggled up next to each other in the booth and she asked in her squeaky baby voice if he liked the food, then as he answered he whipped his head around so much that he crashed into hers? He’s such a clown.
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She really is the true definition of shallow. No substance or depth at all, and puts it ALL out there for the world to watch. Lol
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The guy on that document named as the actual in-house counsel person has a public linkedIn so anyone can see this but this is his job description from that job. So there is obviously a distinct difference between in-house counsel and an investigator despite however she wants to spin it in her head to pretend she was in-house counsel herself.
View attachment 131270

Also I'm very curious why she's lying so blatantly when she can't even get an in-house or lawyer job anyway considering she hasn't even taken the bar in Washington and isn't qualified to ever. Theres something seriously wrong with her that she goes to such extremes with her lies.
This girl is DELUSIONAL. I work in Recruiting and HR. As someone who has been in this field for over 10 years, if I were to interview her, I'd know within the first 2-3 questions that she is a bold-faced liar and doesn't have the requisite experience to be in-house counsel or provide any type of U.S.-based or state-specific legal advice (especially in employment law) and I'd end the call. You can't fake having the legal expertise to provide a broad range of legal counsel required for a tech company. I've hired a few In-House and General Counsel execs in my tenure and this FRAUD hasn't a leg to stand on.
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i was just coming on here to comment on the cankles! don’t know why she insists on the block heels which is quite literally one of worst style of shoes for her. Also the light wash skinny jeans, makes her look much larger than “size 2” 🤣
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I’m surprised that with all the hours prancing around Nordstrom in heels she doesn’t have even slightly toned calves.

Also, I dunno if this is a Canadian thing, but here in the Midwest, it’s habit for most people to look behind them when they open a door, just to see if they should hold the door for someone potentially behind them. I know this is NOT the case in the foreign country I lived in for 10 years (so many times I stood there holding my baby with one hand, the door with the other, and trying to push my stroller though with my foot while men, women, and children rushed through the door like rats without even glancing at me). So maybe it’s not a thing in Canada either? But from a midwesterner’s perspective, it’s rude. But OH, SO TOTALLY ELLE.

From “NORDSTROMAS” published Dec 17, 2015.

I am only a casual watcher of Elle when you guys point out something funny or cringeworthy but this is horrid. She has absolutely zero social graces. I'm a born and raised NYer living in Europe and we NYers are mean people (lol, I kid) and I ALWAYS look behind me. My parents drilled manners into me like it was their day job. This is so rude. That poor guy behind her.
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Elle is really out here on her ~cooking blog~ pretending like she invented broccoli rabe. "If you’ve never had it, you’re not alone as I’ve introduced it to many friends over the years. [...] Since it’s so underrated, you’ll be very likely to see it in grocery stores and online even when many other staples are sold out."

Bitch, Alison Roman has been causing broccoli rabe shortages with her recipes for like, years at this point.
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I still don't understand the whole Seattle thing. I know there was speculation that she only went there because there was the possibility of a guy, but that seems insane even for Elle. It's all just so she knew she couldn't go back to Vancouver, so just picked the closest/most similar city and it happened to be Seattle. Her life is like a slow motion car crash at this point.
I think she definitely knew she couldn't go back to Vancouver because she ran out of men and burned her bridges so she had to find a new place to live and Seattle was the most like Vancouver. She even said in this live that she liked Seattle bc it's like Vancouver. If you love Vancouver so much then go back?? That's where your "friends" are, where your work experience is, you can have free health insurance with a job, etc. There's clearly a reason why she's not going back.
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@svdwoodsen - I agree! I would have preferred a "what i eat in a day" compared to the new video. Dip nails are nothing new and many people have done tutorials/reviews before. But even the last "what i eat in a day" was terribly disappointing as it was about half an hour long and most of it was spent showing how she made bread... Some of her older ones (the ones during the Joe era, at least), were genuinely interesting though.
And sadly even though you're 100% right about how Elle is nothing outstanding in a large metropolitan area, I think Elle thinks otherwise based on her behavior. I remember back on GG people mentioned how there was one video where she complained and got so annoyed that her Uber driver was late delivering her food because HE GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT.

I think she's going to have a really hard time maintaining a serious relationship if she continues lying abut her life. As @Heretosnoop has said, Elle is actively on dating apps and telling men that she is a lawyer, jewelry designer, etc and that she moved for a change of scenery (aka tries to avoid telling about her past and the broken engagement). She's not a practicing lawyer and never really was, she just restrings together pearls and can't really be called a jewelry designer, etc. If men find out later about all of this + about the broken engagement, they are likely to bolt. It's not the fact that these things are what they are, it's the fact that she LIED about them. Relationships are built on trust.

Edit: And if I found out that someone I was dating tried to scam people during a pandemic where legit local business owners were struggling to feed their family and she did it just because she was greedy, I would be very wary too. If someone did that and lied a lot, I would be worried that that person would lie to me and do something unscrupulous behind my back as well. I think that's why Dean blocked her and cut her out.
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@202leda: thank you for your take, Leda! Sorry to hear about what happened in your situation and I can see if the screenshots are private convos or something more identifying for both parties (which imho, like someone had mentioned previously, really shouldn't be shared unless there's a very good reason), why someone would be very concerned about sharing them. A screenshot of a dating profile seems rather harmless to me, given it's literally seen and read by hundreds and thousands of strangers regularly, but I can appreciate the fact that there may be more details and facts that we're unaware of.

Blackberry and cheese just makes me think of someone who lives in the boonies and thinks that's what the "hip" people in LA or NYC eat, but is sadly very misinformed. Also can this girl cook anything without cheese??? :ROFLMAO:
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