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In her jewelry-making stream, at 1:22:45 she finally answers an interesting question — because she wants to prove us wrong. Literally this is the only time she answers a question directly, when she has a rebuttal.

She states that her business is “incorporated in the State of Washington”. This was after FIVE months of fleeing Florida, and a direct result of us calling her out on her craft hobby as still incorporated in FL while she claimed to be a “local Seattle small business” for financial gain during a global pandemic.

This shows that she stalks GuruGossiper (where the FL incorporation receipts are posted), and probably followed us here. She thinks she “bested” us by incorporating in WA, but really it just shows how much attention and weight she gives to the opinion of some anonymous internet commentators.
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Hi Everyone!

Long time member of GG and hadn't posted a comment in awhile. Regarding Elle filming another "What I Eat In A Day" … I just can't watch another one of those.
The last one I watched was her "What I Eat In A Day - Alison Roman Recipes" and was disgusted when at 14:04 she licks the spoon used to add the creme fraiche on her meal then after licking it proceeded to use it and put it in the jar to scoop out the chile condiment to add that to her meal as well. This was pre-pandemic and therefore she was having people over at that time when social distancing wasn't in effect. If she was hosting I'm sure she was cooking as well and possibly using the condiments from that jar to create some of the meals. But then this is Elle we're talking about who allowed her cat to walk on kitchen counters when she was cooking in Vancouver and also who put her jeans in the freezer believing that freezing denim kills bacteria. She's just so disgusting!
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Ladies FYI, if you put your cursor above someone's name, a pop-up comes out and you can hit ignore. Their posts stop showing up, even when someone else responds and quotes them (not that any of you amazing ladies would be bothered to engage in the first place ;)).

Also whose gonna take one for the team and watch the livestream tomorrow and report back? We would forever be in your debt cause we all know that's no easy task. :LOL:
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Her livestream will be even more dismal than usual because of Mother's Day tomorrow. But don't worry, those bots will come in handy 😂
And you know who might lurk in and try to capture Eleanor Elle's attention.
Speaking of which, it's so refreshing to have the ignore button on this forum (and the fact that I can finally login as opposed to GG)! That way I don't have to be bothered with scrolling past that person's post. And I absolutely love the fact that that person is going to spend hours refreshing this forum only for no one to care.
But on a serious note, please stay safe, ladies (and the men here). I think this person may seriously be unhinged and may try to hack into accounts and may do things that are best left untold...
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Plus one before Chris that was a “terrible breakup” mentioned in her TMI tag video (question 3). Very telling how she answers that question.

The way she pronounces things is so ridiculous. Plade (plaid)? Grissmas (Christmas)? And her stupid upspeak. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
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1) Happy Hour with Elle (Livestream 1)... 13k views.
2) Sangria Sunday with Elle (LS 2)... 9.7k views.
3) Happy Hour with Elle (LS 3)... 9.2k views.
4) Happy Hour Exciting Announcement (LS 4)... 11k views (bc of announcement).
5) Grand Margarita Happy Hour with Elle (LS 5)... 6.2k views.
6) Making Seashell Hoop Earrings (LS 6)... 5k views.

Her views are going down every week unless she does an exciting announcement. What a drip. Wonder how low this one will go.

I noticed that too! Eleanor, no one wants to watch you talk for an hour about dull topics...except maybe insomniacs.

Livestreams are just not appropriate for her if she clearly cannot hold herself together and is holding back tears. This is one of my key issues with Elle: her "victim" mentality. People who ALWAYS think they are the victim no matter what are often toxic people. These people will hurt others and push others away, but still think they are the victim when the other person rightfully pulls back.
Example: During the Joe breakup, Elle acts as if she was just abruptly abandoned by Joe and as if she did no wrong. *Joe was the one who just packed and left* *Joe didn't express his unhappiness* *Joe didn't communicate ways to improve* *etc etc*
While I'm certainly not saying Joe didn't have any fault, it is clear that Elle had faults of her own that she just simply does not acknowledge.

This is also probably why Elle thinks she is the victim when she pulls shit like the "seattle local sourcing/business" episode and rightfully get backlash. She will do as she pleases and anyone who opposes her is just another "bully". People like her are actually scary.
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Elle must be upset that she has less luxury goods, less partnerships with companies and brands, and less subscribers than them both. Also about to be homeless in Seattle and single. It's funny because with Ginette's help, Elle could've grown her channel a lot more/better but she just doesn't seem to have the right fashion sense, priorities, and stable mental state to be able to do it. :ROFLMAO:
I also think she lacks authenticity to grow her channel, which is something you can't fake like everything else she fakes. I feel like I've said this on GG multiple times but her lack of channel growth speaks volumes imo! People see through her smug, fake attitude. Even before this whole shit show that is her life now she came off pompous and not engaging with her audience. Now that she's turned her channel into an informercial to scam her subscribers bc she hasn't worked an actual job in a year and blew $$$ chasing dick and a wedding ring around the states, it's even more apparent. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and we've seen so much evidence of this throughout the years.
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She's style she's grace, with an entirely new face. :oops:

The commentary is so pedestrian. English must not be their first language or they're just a bit slow.
Yeah, this person seems more confused than Elle's teeth before her "root canal." 👀I'll see your ESL assessment and raise you a "they're a boomer"
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Wow, she added the 'in-house counsel' title to her LinkedIn!

Pretty bold move. People usually don't lie on LinkedIn. Because everyone in your professional connection, who DO know what exactly you do, are on LinkedIn and you can't just lie to their face. Huge reputation risk.

And bc I'm a bitch and like to point this out (often) and since we haven't mentioned it since moving to this forum! That oxford summer program, is actually an Ohio State University program that happens to be taught at oxford to introduce JD students to British law. it is considered a study abroad so she would have paid fees to OSU. And it is elective credit for those in a JD program

Yet she still shows it at Oxford in her linked in.
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From a lot of the old vlogs with Chris and Joe, Elle loved to brag about having Nexus while traveling to the US. I don't remeber which vlog it was but she outright said "it doesn't seem as fun now that everyone else seems to have it" and then complained that the regular line was shorter. It is like she feels the need to turn everything into something that makes her "better" or feel superior to everyone. Most people who have nexus just travel between Canada and the US for work or what not. Maybe because I've only ever travelled to Canada while driving but I've never felt that border crossings really required it because I'd never cross during rush hour or anything.

Anything to make her feel unique and special Elle will cling to and brag about.
I have Nexus and Global Entry and imho, it's very useful if you travel A LOT because when you have multiple airplanes arriving at once, customs clearance can get super busy, but definitely not something to brag about. My experience with it is as long as you submit the application, go for a short "interview" which is pretty much like 5 minutes of casual conversation with someone from the border protection agency, pay a fee, and you're good to go until you need to renew it. I don't think Elle even travels that much so it doesn't make much sense for her (I only got Nexus after flying between US/Canada 5+ times every year and Global Entry after I was flying internationally at least once every month for work and was told by my boss to get it because he was tired of waiting for me at the airport since he had it :ROFLMAO:). Leave it to Smelle to brag about something that's literally meant to be utilitarian and twist it into a faux "prestige" thing.
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Regarding the dating scene in Vancouver, I mentioned on GG that I'm surprised none of the "Dolls" had any luck hooking Elle with someone as they all seem to have the mate/life Elle would ideally want:

One of them married a handsome Marine (2018 October “Girlboss” Vlog where Elle gave a wedding present of Irish dancers); another is an interior designer who nabbed an older guy (whose IG is splashed with pictures of their exotic vacations and lunches out on their boat); one seems to live the life of an heiress who (pre-COVID) made frequent trips to the Vancouver Club, the symphony and museum openings with her super cute athletic boyfriend. They all likely met their respective partners in the same socialite/professional/yuppie social circle as Elle, so I wonder what the deal is?

Although maybe they tried to connect her with someone and it just didn't work out?

(And yes, I acknowledge that they may be more casual friends/acquaintances than close friends, but still... Just a thought.)
If you had an unstable, needy, has no problem stealing men from friends, two nostril, crater lips, poser, psychopath friend would you risk setting them up with your male friends or your significant others friends? You are who you surround yourself with and I would honestly be fucking embarrassed to be associated with that scamming POS. Would YOU personally introduce her to any male family members or colleagues knowing her end goal is to use their wallet and shove them in the ugly room?

I have a friend who should see a therapist because of underlying insecurity issues but still has a career and personal life with hobbies and I wouldn't introduce her to anyone until I knew she was ready.

Elle is not ready and from the looks of her behavior will never be ready. Dolls aren't really her friends, they keep her around because she's an unstable bomb they can laugh at

By the way Annie, if you have any successful lawyer bothers or coworkers maybe you should shoot her an email and offer her a meet up with them if you think she's a catch. That way she can scam people in Texas into thinking she's a local small business effected by the oandemic
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Longtime lurker here ... I‘ve watched Elle off and on for years and at first I enjoyed her content - it was a bit different and it was refreshing to see someone with a professional job, especially a lawyer because I’m a lawyer too (well, a real one, with 23 years experience) and I was interested to see how a lawyer in Canada lived. Then, after a while, things didn’t add up (1) the long lunch breaks when she hasn’t been working that long - I can do that now but I have my own clients and I don’t report to anyone in terms of my day to day work but junior/mid-level lawyers wouldn’t dream of having extended lunch breaks, except for special occasions. And even though I’ve earned the right to do it as a senior lawyer, I tend not to because it‘s a bad example to the juniors
(2) the mountain of shopping ... how does she afford it all? I’m on a VERY good salary but I can’t afford all those clothes and bags and shoes and $500 bedlinen
(3) her claim of being a Professor - it may be different terminology in Canada, but in Australia a “Professor” is a very senior academic.
I don’t even know why I watch anymore. It’s such a train wreck. Maybe that’s why.
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She said she wanted to get a dress with lemon Capri-style print but it was sold out, but will buy it once it comes back in stock. She already has one!
Probably cause it looks like a good knockoff of the lemon prints D&G did a few years back? And a nod to her "Italian heritage." :ROFLMAO:
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I still think Rick dumped her. Yeah she was a lot more upbeat in her break up video compared to the one where Joe dumped her, but her whole "being sick" and what not I think was her being really upset. Maybe she was really ill, I'm not sure I trust her for much of anything. I mean she did a what I eat in a day video like the day after she had a stomach virus, so I feel like it had to be more than just being unwell. She wants a wedding and a baby and the title of Mrs.

I think any sadness she had at the end of that relationship was solely bc she wasn't going to get her wedding. Since she reads gossip sites she has to know we all hate Rick. She could've easily spun us a yarn about him being controlling, not wanting her to work, and wait on him hand and foot, making her give him money that he blew on gambling or strippers or whatever. Instead of capitalizing on that and all the views she would get she just tried to hide it. And I think it is bc she just wants Mr next. She will do whatever to be a Mrs and while lying or telling us the truth about him would've been good YouTube she knew that would prevent her from snagging another guy quickly.

If she really wanted to grow her YouTube viewers and potential to make more money she'd do that. But bc her ambitions are soley directed towards having a man , YouTube as a job isn't her focus it is just her excuse to look like she still works (along her her jewelry and her measly one calls for paralegals she teaches, one class will make you just about nothing money wise) she just wants the illusion of work to help her snag a guy.
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Checked out her livestream to see what she's up to, and happened to be there when Elle said that she signed a lease for an unfurnished apartment and that she will be moving some of her furniture in from storage.
@Heretosnoop called it about Elle having to move out! looks like Elle will be settling down in Seattle for the foreseeable future...
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@svdwoodsen - I know! And I still personally think it was Rick who dumped Elle. She was so close to becoming "Mrs." and she did put invest a lot for that relationship. That and I just don't see Elle suddenly gaining clarity and deciding to call it off, unless Ginette was somehow super involved and pushy. All of this desperation will simply not go well for the next relationship.

@poopsiedoopsie - I think they reconnected (over DM's after 10 yrs of not talking!), started dating, got engaged, Elle then moved to Florida, and then separated all within the span of under a year. How insane is that??

And now apparently she's on dating apps less than 3 months after her broken engagement and she's telling people she's a lawyer, jewelry designer etc. She's jobless right now and never was a practicing lawyer. She also just restrings together beads and apparently we are supposed to be in awe of her jewelry designing skills. That and she apparently is trying to hide the fact that she had a broken engagement and claimed she moved just for a fresh change of scenery.
I've already said it and I'll say it again - Elle is a compulsive liar and I don't think she will ever establish a healthy, happy, fulfilling relationship with anyone if she doesn't change. Once the guy finds out about all of this, it's game over. She doesn't care about building trust in a relationship. My guess is she wants to trap a guy into marriage and get a kid out of him so she can have some sort of best friend. She doesn't care if the guy will be compatible or whether she will be able to provide a stable family for the kid. Knowing how not having her dad around affected her, you would think she would care. Nope, Eleonore Elle's selfishness and vileness knows no boundaries.
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